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LinkedListNode<T> Klasa


Reprezentuje węzeł w elemecie LinkedList<T>. Klasa ta nie może być dziedziczona.

generic <typename T>
public ref class LinkedListNode sealed
public sealed class LinkedListNode<T>
public sealed class LinkedListNode<T>
type LinkedListNode<'T> = class
type LinkedListNode<'T> = class
Public NotInheritable Class LinkedListNode(Of T)

Parametry typu


Określa typ elementu połączonej listy.



Poniższy przykład kodu tworzy element LinkedListNode<T>, dodaje go do LinkedList<T>elementu i śledzi wartości jego właściwości w miarę LinkedList<T> zmian.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

public ref class GenericCollection  {

   static void Main()  {

      // Create a new LinkedListNode of type String and displays its properties.
      LinkedListNode<String^>^ lln = gcnew LinkedListNode<String^>( "orange" );
      Console::WriteLine( "After creating the node ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );

      // Create a new LinkedList.
      LinkedList<String^>^ ll = gcnew LinkedList<String^>();

      // Add the "orange" node and display its properties.
      ll->AddLast( lln );
      Console::WriteLine( "After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );

      // Add nodes before and after the "orange" node and display the "orange" node's properties.
      ll->AddFirst( "red" );
      ll->AddLast( "yellow" );
      Console::WriteLine( "After adding red and yellow ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );


   static void DisplayProperties( LinkedListNode<String^>^ lln )  {
      if ( lln->List == nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "   Node is not linked." );
         Console::WriteLine( "   Node belongs to a linked list with {0} elements.", lln->List->Count );

      if ( lln->Previous == nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "   Previous node is null." );
         Console::WriteLine( "   Value of previous node: {0}", lln->Previous->Value );

      Console::WriteLine( "   Value of current node:  {0}", lln->Value );

      if ( lln->Next == nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "   Next node is null." );
         Console::WriteLine( "   Value of next node:     {0}", lln->Next->Value );



int main()


This code produces the following output.

After creating the node ....
   Node is not linked.
   Previous node is null.
   Value of current node:  orange
   Next node is null.

After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ....
   Node belongs to a linked list with 1 elements.
   Previous node is null.
   Value of current node:  orange
   Next node is null.

After adding red and yellow ....
   Node belongs to a linked list with 3 elements.
   Value of previous node: red
   Value of current node:  orange
   Value of next node:     yellow

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GenericCollection  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create a new LinkedListNode of type String and displays its properties.
      LinkedListNode<String> lln = new LinkedListNode<String>( "orange" );
      Console.WriteLine( "After creating the node ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );

      // Create a new LinkedList.
      LinkedList<String> ll = new LinkedList<String>();

      // Add the "orange" node and display its properties.
      ll.AddLast( lln );
      Console.WriteLine( "After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );

      // Add nodes before and after the "orange" node and display the "orange" node's properties.
      ll.AddFirst( "red" );
      ll.AddLast( "yellow" );
      Console.WriteLine( "After adding red and yellow ...." );
      DisplayProperties( lln );

   public static void DisplayProperties( LinkedListNode<String> lln )  {
      if ( lln.List == null )
         Console.WriteLine( "   Node is not linked." );
         Console.WriteLine( "   Node belongs to a linked list with {0} elements.", lln.List.Count );

      if ( lln.Previous == null )
         Console.WriteLine( "   Previous node is null." );
         Console.WriteLine( "   Value of previous node: {0}", lln.Previous.Value );

      Console.WriteLine( "   Value of current node:  {0}", lln.Value );

      if ( lln.Next == null )
         Console.WriteLine( "   Next node is null." );
         Console.WriteLine( "   Value of next node:     {0}", lln.Next.Value );



This code produces the following output.

After creating the node ....
   Node is not linked.
   Previous node is null.
   Value of current node:  orange
   Next node is null.

After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ....
   Node belongs to a linked list with 1 elements.
   Previous node is null.
   Value of current node:  orange
   Next node is null.

After adding red and yellow ....
   Node belongs to a linked list with 3 elements.
   Value of previous node: red
   Value of current node:  orange
   Value of next node:     yellow

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class GenericCollection

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a new LinkedListNode of type String and displays its properties.
        Dim lln As New LinkedListNode(Of String)("orange")
        Console.WriteLine("After creating the node ....")

        ' Create a new LinkedList.
        Dim ll As New LinkedList(Of String)

        ' Add the "orange" node and display its properties.
        Console.WriteLine("After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ....")

        ' Add nodes before and after the "orange" node and display the "orange" node's properties.
        Console.WriteLine("After adding red and yellow ....")

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub DisplayProperties(lln As LinkedListNode(Of String))

        If lln.List Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("   Node is not linked.")
            Console.WriteLine("   Node belongs to a linked list with {0} elements.", lln.List.Count)
        End If 

        If lln.Previous Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("   Previous node is null.")
            Console.WriteLine("   Value of previous node: {0}", lln.Previous.Value)
        End If 

        Console.WriteLine("   Value of current node:  {0}", lln.Value)
        If lln.Next Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("   Next node is null.")
            Console.WriteLine("   Value of next node:     {0}", lln.Next.Value)
        End If 


    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'After creating the node ....
'   Node is not linked.
'   Previous node is null.
'   Value of current node:  orange
'   Next node is null.
'After adding the node to the empty LinkedList ....
'   Node belongs to a linked list with 1 elements.
'   Previous node is null.
'   Value of current node:  orange
'   Next node is null.
'After adding red and yellow ....
'   Node belongs to a linked list with 3 elements.
'   Value of previous node: red
'   Value of current node:  orange
'   Value of next node:     yellow


Każdy element kolekcji LinkedList<T> to LinkedListNode<T>. Element LinkedListNode<T> zawiera wartość, odwołanie do elementu, do LinkedList<T> którego należy, odwołanie do następnego węzła i odwołanie do poprzedniego węzła.



Inicjuje LinkedListNode<T> nowe wystąpienie klasy zawierające określoną wartość.



LinkedList<T> Pobiera element, do którego LinkedListNode<T> należy.


Pobiera następny węzeł w elemecie LinkedList<T>.


Pobiera poprzedni węzeł w elemecie LinkedList<T>.


Pobiera wartość zawartą w węźle.


Pobiera odwołanie do wartości przechowywanej przez węzeł.



Określa, czy dany obiekt jest taki sam, jak bieżący obiekt.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Służy jako domyślna funkcja skrótu.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Type Pobiera bieżące wystąpienie.

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Tworzy płytkią kopię bieżącego Objectelementu .

(Odziedziczone po Object)

Zwraca ciąg reprezentujący bieżący obiekt.

(Odziedziczone po Object)
