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Console.WindowTop Właściwość


Pobiera lub ustawia górną pozycję obszaru okna konsoli względem buforu ekranu.

 static property int WindowTop { int get(); void set(int value); };
public static int WindowTop { get; [System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] set; }
public static int WindowTop { get; set; }
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")>]
member this.WindowTop : int with get, set
member this.WindowTop : int with get, set
Public Shared Property WindowTop As Integer

Wartość właściwości


Najwyżej górna pozycja okna konsoli mierzona w wierszach.



W operacji zestawu wartość, która ma być przypisana, jest mniejsza niż zero.


W wyniku przypisania WindowTop parametr plus WindowHeight przekroczy BufferHeightwartość .

Błąd podczas odczytywania lub zapisywania informacji.

Operacja ustawiania jest wywoływana w systemie operacyjnym innym niż Windows.


W poniższym przykładzie przedstawiono WindowLeftwłaściwości , , WindowWidthBufferWidthWindowTopWindowHeightBufferHeighti CursorVisible oraz SetWindowPositionmetody , SetBufferSizei .ReadKey Przykład rysuje wzorzec siatki w buforze ekranu na podstawie szerokości buforu ekranu. Następnie przykład przenosi okno konsoli w odpowiedzi na to, które klawisze konsoli STRZAŁKA W GÓRĘ, STRZAŁKA W DÓŁ, STRZAŁKA W LEWO lub STRZAŁKA W PRAWO są naciskane. Wzorzec siatki pomaga zobaczyć ruch okna konsoli względem buforu ekranu.

// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
//                               Console.WindowTop properties.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::IO;

int saveBufferWidth;
int saveBufferHeight;
int saveWindowHeight;
int saveWindowWidth;
bool saveCursorVisible;

int main()
   String^ m1 = "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n"
   "2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n"
   "3) Press the Escape key to quit.";
   String^ g1 = "+----";
   String^ g2 = "|    ";
   String^ grid1;
   String^ grid2;
   StringBuilder^ sbG1 = gcnew StringBuilder;
   StringBuilder^ sbG2 = gcnew StringBuilder;
   ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
   int y;
      saveBufferWidth = Console::BufferWidth;
      saveBufferHeight = Console::BufferHeight;
      saveWindowHeight = Console::WindowHeight;
      saveWindowWidth = Console::WindowWidth;
      saveCursorVisible = Console::CursorVisible;
      Console::WriteLine( m1 );
      Console::ReadKey( true );
      // Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
      Console::SetWindowSize( 1, 1 );
      Console::SetBufferSize( 80, 80 );
      Console::SetWindowSize( 40, 20 );
      // Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
      // this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
      for ( y = 0; y < Console::BufferWidth / g1->Length; y++ )
         sbG1->Append( g1 );
         sbG2->Append( g2 );

      sbG1->Append( g1, 0, Console::BufferWidth % g1->Length );
      sbG2->Append( g2, 0, Console::BufferWidth % g2->Length );
      grid1 = sbG1->ToString();
      grid2 = sbG2->ToString();
      Console::CursorVisible = false;
      for ( y = 0; y < Console::BufferHeight - 1; y++ )
         if ( y % 3 == 0 )
                  Console::Write( grid1 );
                  Console::Write( grid2 );

      Console::SetWindowPosition( 0, 0 );
         cki = Console::ReadKey( true );
         switch ( cki.Key )
            case ConsoleKey::LeftArrow:
               if ( Console::WindowLeft > 0 )
                              Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft - 1, Console::WindowTop );

            case ConsoleKey::UpArrow:
               if ( Console::WindowTop > 0 )
                              Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft, Console::WindowTop - 1 );

            case ConsoleKey::RightArrow:
               if ( Console::WindowLeft < (Console::BufferWidth - Console::WindowWidth) )
                              Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft + 1, Console::WindowTop );

            case ConsoleKey::DownArrow:
               if ( Console::WindowTop < (Console::BufferHeight - Console::WindowHeight) )
                              Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft, Console::WindowTop + 1 );
      while ( cki.Key != ConsoleKey::Escape );
   catch ( IOException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
      Console::SetWindowSize( 1, 1 );
      Console::SetBufferSize( saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight );
      Console::SetWindowSize( saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight );
      Console::CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible;

} // end Main

This example produces results similar to the following:

1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
3) Press the Escape key to quit.


|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |

// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
//                               Console.WindowTop properties.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
class Sample
    public static int saveBufferWidth;
    public static int saveBufferHeight;
    public static int saveWindowHeight;
    public static int saveWindowWidth;
    public static bool saveCursorVisible;
    public static void Main()
    string m1 = "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n" +
                "2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n" +
                "3) Press the Escape key to quit.";
    string g1 = "+----";
    string g2 = "|    ";
    string grid1;
    string grid2;
    StringBuilder sbG1 = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sbG2 = new StringBuilder();
    ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
    int y;
    saveBufferWidth  = Console.BufferWidth;
    saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight;
    saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
    saveWindowWidth  = Console.WindowWidth;
    saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible;

// Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
    Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1);
    Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80);
    Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20);

// Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
// this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
    for (y = 0; y < Console.BufferWidth/g1.Length; y++)
    sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth%g1.Length);
    sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth%g2.Length);
    grid1 = sbG1.ToString();
    grid2 = sbG2.ToString();

    Console.CursorVisible = false;
    for (y = 0; y < Console.BufferHeight-1; y++)
        if (y%3 == 0)

    Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0);
        cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
        switch (cki.Key)
            case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                if (Console.WindowLeft > 0)
                            Console.WindowLeft-1, Console.WindowTop);
            case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                if (Console.WindowTop > 0)
                            Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop-1);
            case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                if (Console.WindowLeft < (Console.BufferWidth-Console.WindowWidth))
                            Console.WindowLeft+1, Console.WindowTop);
            case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                if (Console.WindowTop < (Console.BufferHeight-Console.WindowHeight))
                            Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop+1);
    while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);  // end do-while
    } // end try
    catch (IOException e)
        Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1);
        Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight);
        Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight);
        Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible;
    } // end Main
} // end Sample
This example produces results similar to the following:

1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
3) Press the Escape key to quit.


|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |

' This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
'                               Console.WindowTop properties.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

Class Sample
   Public Shared saveBufferWidth As Integer
   Public Shared saveBufferHeight As Integer
   Public Shared saveWindowHeight As Integer
   Public Shared saveWindowWidth As Integer
   Public Shared saveCursorVisible As Boolean
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim m1 As String = _
          "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window." & vbCrlf & _
          "2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished..."   & vbCrlf & _
          "3) Press the Escape key to quit."
      Dim g1 As String = "+----"
      Dim g2 As String = "|    "
      Dim grid1 As String
      Dim grid2 As String
      Dim sbG1 As New StringBuilder()
      Dim sbG2 As New StringBuilder()
      Dim cki As ConsoleKeyInfo
      Dim y As Integer
         saveBufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth
         saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight
         saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight
         saveWindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth
         saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible
         ' Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
         Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
         Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80)
         Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20)
         ' Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
         ' this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
         For y = 0 To (Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length) - 1
         Next y
         sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth Mod g1.Length)
         sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth Mod g2.Length)
         grid1 = sbG1.ToString()
         grid2 = sbG2.ToString()
         Console.CursorVisible = False
         For y = 0 To (Console.BufferHeight - 2)
            If y Mod 3 = 0 Then
            End If
         Next y 
         Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0)
            cki = Console.ReadKey(True)
            Select Case cki.Key
               Case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow
                  If Console.WindowLeft > 0 Then
                     Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft - 1, Console.WindowTop)
                  End If
               Case ConsoleKey.UpArrow
                  If Console.WindowTop > 0 Then
                     Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop - 1)
                  End If
               Case ConsoleKey.RightArrow
                  If Console.WindowLeft < Console.BufferWidth - Console.WindowWidth Then
                     Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft + 1, Console.WindowTop)
                  End If
               Case ConsoleKey.DownArrow
                  If Console.WindowTop < Console.BufferHeight - Console.WindowHeight Then
                     Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop + 1)
                  End If
            End Select
         Loop While cki.Key <> ConsoleKey.Escape
      ' end do-while
      ' end try
      Catch e As IOException
         Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
         Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight)
         Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight)
         Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces results similar to the following:
'1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
'2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
'3) Press the Escape key to quit.
'|    |    |    |
'|    |    |    |
'|    |    |    |
'|    |    |    |
// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
//                               Console.WindowTop properties.
open System
open System.Text
open System.IO

let main argv =
    let m1 = 
        "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n" + 
        "2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n" + 
        "3) Press the Escape key to quit."
    let g1 = "+----";
    let g2 = "|    ";
    let sbG1 = StringBuilder()
    let sbG2 = StringBuilder()

    let saveBufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth
    let saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight
    let saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight
    let saveWindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth
    let saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible

            Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore

            // Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
            Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
            Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80)
            Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20)

            // Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
            // this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
            // for y = 0 to (Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length - 1)
            for _ in 1..(Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length) do
                (sbG1.Append(g1)) |> ignore
                (sbG2.Append(g2)) |> ignore

            sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth % g1.Length) |> ignore
            sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth % g2.Length) |> ignore
            let grid1 = sbG1.ToString()
            let grid2 = sbG2.ToString()

            Console.CursorVisible <- false
            for y in 0..(Console.BufferHeight - 1) do
                if (y % 3 = 0) then

            Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0)

            let interactiveKeySequence = 
                Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (Console.ReadKey(true)).Key)
                |> Seq.takeWhile (fun key -> key <> ConsoleKey.Escape)

            for key in interactiveKeySequence do
                match key with
                | ConsoleKey.LeftArrow ->
                    if Console.WindowLeft > 0
                    then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft - 1, Console.WindowTop)
                | ConsoleKey.UpArrow ->
                    if Console.WindowTop > 0
                    then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop - 1)
                | ConsoleKey.RightArrow ->
                    if Console.WindowLeft < (Console.BufferWidth - Console.WindowWidth)
                    then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft + 1, Console.WindowTop)
                | ConsoleKey.DownArrow ->
                    if Console.WindowTop < (Console.BufferHeight - Console.WindowHeight)
                    then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop + 1)
                | _ -> 
        | :? IOException as ex -> printf "%s" ex.Message; 1
        Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
        Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight)
        Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight)
        Console.CursorVisible <- saveCursorVisible


Konsola reprezentuje prostokątne okno w większym prostokątnym obszarze buforu. Zarówno okno, jak i bufor są mierzone pionowo według ich liczby wierszy i poziomo według ich liczby kolumn. Wymiary obszaru buforu są definiowane przez BufferHeight właściwości i BufferWidth . Wymiary obszaru konsoli są definiowane przez WindowHeight właściwości i WindowWidth . Właściwość WindowTop określa, który wiersz obszaru bufora jest wyświetlany w pierwszej kolumnie okna konsoli. Wartość WindowTop właściwości może mieścić się w zakresie od 0 do BufferHeight - WindowHeight. Próba ustawienia jej na wartość spoza tego zakresu zgłasza błąd ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Próba ustawienia wartości WindowTop właściwości podczas przekierowywania danych wyjściowych IOException zgłasza wyjątek. Aby zapobiec wyjątkowi, można ustawić wartość tej właściwości tylko wtedy, gdy IsOutputRedirected właściwość zwróci wartość false.
