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EventLog.OverflowAction Właściwość


Pobiera skonfigurowane zachowanie do przechowywania nowych wpisów, gdy dziennik zdarzeń osiągnie maksymalny rozmiar pliku dziennika.

 property System::Diagnostics::OverflowAction OverflowAction { System::Diagnostics::OverflowAction get(); };
public System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction OverflowAction { get; }
public System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction OverflowAction { get; }
member this.OverflowAction : System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction
member this.OverflowAction : System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction
Public ReadOnly Property OverflowAction As OverflowAction

Wartość właściwości

Wartość określająca OverflowAction skonfigurowane zachowanie do przechowywania nowych wpisów, gdy dziennik zdarzeń osiągnie maksymalny rozmiar dziennika. Wartość domyślna to OverwriteOlder.



Poniższy przykład wylicza dzienniki zdarzeń zdefiniowane na komputerze lokalnym i wyświetla szczegóły konfiguracji dla każdego dziennika zdarzeń.

void DisplayEventLogProperties()
   // Iterate through the current set of event log files,
   // displaying the property settings for each file.
   array<EventLog^>^eventLogs = EventLog::GetEventLogs();
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = eventLogs->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      EventLog^ e = safe_cast<EventLog^>(myEnum->Current);
      Int64 sizeKB = 0;
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}:", e->LogDisplayName );
      Console::WriteLine( "  Log name = \t\t {0}", e->Log );
      Console::WriteLine( "  Number of event log entries = {0}", e->Entries->Count );
      // Determine if there is a file for this event log.
      RegistryKey ^ regEventLog = Registry::LocalMachine->OpenSubKey( String::Format( "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\{0}", e->Log ) );
      if ( regEventLog )
         Object^ temp = regEventLog->GetValue( "File" );
         if ( temp != nullptr )
            Console::WriteLine( "  Log file path = \t {0}", temp );
            FileInfo^ file = gcnew FileInfo( temp->ToString() );
            // Get the current size of the event log file.
            if ( file->Exists )
               sizeKB = file->Length / 1024;
               if ( (file->Length % 1024) != 0 )
               Console::WriteLine( "  Current size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB );
            Console::WriteLine( "  Log file path = \t <not set>" );
      // Display the maximum size and overflow settings.
      sizeKB = e->MaximumKilobytes;
      Console::WriteLine( "  Maximum size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB );
      Console::WriteLine( "  Overflow setting = \t {0}", e->OverflowAction );
      switch ( e->OverflowAction )
         case OverflowAction::OverwriteOlder:
            Console::WriteLine( "\t Entries are retained a minimum of {0} days.", e->MinimumRetentionDays );

         case OverflowAction::DoNotOverwrite:
            Console::WriteLine( "\t Older entries are not overwritten." );

         case OverflowAction::OverwriteAsNeeded:
            Console::WriteLine( "\t If number of entries equals max size limit, a new event log entry overwrites the oldest entry." );

static void DisplayEventLogProperties()
    // Iterate through the current set of event log files,
    // displaying the property settings for each file.

    EventLog[] eventLogs = EventLog.GetEventLogs();
    foreach (EventLog e in eventLogs)
        Int64 sizeKB = 0;

        Console.WriteLine("{0}:", e.LogDisplayName);
        Console.WriteLine("  Log name = \t\t {0}", e.Log);

        Console.WriteLine("  Number of event log entries = {0}", e.Entries.Count.ToString());

        // Determine if there is an event log file for this event log.
        RegistryKey regEventLog = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\" + e.Log);
        if (regEventLog != null)
            Object temp = regEventLog.GetValue("File");
            if (temp != null)
                Console.WriteLine("  Log file path = \t {0}", temp.ToString());
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(temp.ToString());

                // Get the current size of the event log file.
                if (file.Exists)
                    sizeKB = file.Length / 1024;
                    if ((file.Length % 1024) != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Current size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("  Log file path = \t <not set>");

        // Display the maximum size and overflow settings.

        sizeKB = e.MaximumKilobytes;
        Console.WriteLine("  Maximum size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("  Overflow setting = \t {0}", e.OverflowAction.ToString());

        switch (e.OverflowAction)
            case OverflowAction.OverwriteOlder:
                Console.WriteLine("\t Entries are retained a minimum of {0} days.",
            case OverflowAction.DoNotOverwrite:
                Console.WriteLine("\t Older entries are not overwritten.");
            case OverflowAction.OverwriteAsNeeded:
                Console.WriteLine("\t If number of entries equals max size limit, a new event log entry overwrites the oldest entry.");
Shared Sub DisplayEventLogProperties()

   ' Iterate through the current set of event log files,
   ' displaying the property settings for each file.
   Dim eventLogs As EventLog() = EventLog.GetEventLogs()
   Dim e As EventLog
   For Each e In  eventLogs
      Dim sizeKB As Int64 = 0
      Console.WriteLine("{0}:", e.LogDisplayName)
      Console.WriteLine("  Log name = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                          + ControlChars.Tab + " {0}", e.Log)

      Console.WriteLine("  Number of event log entries = {0}", e.Entries.Count.ToString())
      ' Determine if there is an event log file for this event log.
      Dim regEventLog As RegistryKey
      regEventLog = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
             ("System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\" + e.Log))

      If Not (regEventLog Is Nothing) Then

         Dim temp As Object = regEventLog.GetValue("File")
         If Not (temp Is Nothing) Then

            Console.WriteLine("  Log file path = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                                  + " {0}", temp.ToString())
            Dim file As New FileInfo(temp.ToString())
            ' Get the current size of the event log file.
            If file.Exists Then
               sizeKB = file.Length / 1024
               If file.Length Mod 1024 <> 0 Then
                  sizeKB += 1
               End If
               Console.WriteLine("  Current size = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                          + " {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString())
            End If
            Console.WriteLine("  Log file path = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                             + " <not set>")
         End If
      End If
      ' Display the maximum size and overflow settings.
      sizeKB = e.MaximumKilobytes
      Console.WriteLine("  Maximum size = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                         + " {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString())
      Console.WriteLine("  Overflow setting = " + ControlChars.Tab _
                         + " {0}", e.OverflowAction.ToString())
      Select Case e.OverflowAction
         Case OverflowAction.OverwriteOlder
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + _
                 " Entries are retained a minimum of {0} days.", _
         Case OverflowAction.DoNotOverwrite
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + _
                 " Older entries are not overwritten.")
         Case OverflowAction.OverwriteAsNeeded
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + _
                 " If number of entries equals max size limit, a new event log entry overwrites the oldest entry.")
         Case Else
      End Select

   Next e

End Sub


Dzienniki zdarzeń rosną w miarę zapisywania nowych zdarzeń. Każdy dziennik zdarzeń ma skonfigurowany maksymalny limit rozmiaru; MaximumKilobytes właściwość definiuje maksymalną liczbę kilobajtów dozwolonych dla rozmiaru pliku dziennika zdarzeń.

OverflowAction Użyj wartości właściwości, aby sprawdzić skonfigurowane zachowanie przepełnienia dla dziennika zdarzeń o maksymalnym rozmiarze. ModifyOverflowPolicy Użyj metody , aby zmienić zachowanie przepełnienia dziennika zdarzeń.


Zachowanie przepełnienia ma zastosowanie tylko wtedy, gdy dziennik zdarzeń osiągnie maksymalny rozmiar pliku. Zachowanie przepełnienia nie ma wpływu na zapisywanie nowego wpisu w dzienniku, który może pomieścić dodatkowe wpisy dziennika zdarzeń.


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