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Dns.Resolve(String) Metoda



Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202


Resolve has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead.


Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202

Rozpoznaje nazwę hosta DNS lub adres IP wystąpienia IPHostEntry .

 static System::Net::IPHostEntry ^ Resolve(System::String ^ hostName);
[System.Obsolete("Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public static System.Net.IPHostEntry Resolve (string hostName);
[System.Obsolete("Resolve has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead.")]
public static System.Net.IPHostEntry Resolve (string hostName);
[System.Obsolete("Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public static System.Net.IPHostEntry Resolve (string hostName);
public static System.Net.IPHostEntry Resolve (string hostName);
[<System.Obsolete("Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
static member Resolve : string -> System.Net.IPHostEntry
[<System.Obsolete("Resolve has been deprecated. Use GetHostEntry instead.")>]
static member Resolve : string -> System.Net.IPHostEntry
[<System.Obsolete("Resolve is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
static member Resolve : string -> System.Net.IPHostEntry
static member Resolve : string -> System.Net.IPHostEntry
Public Shared Function Resolve (hostName As String) As IPHostEntry



Nazwa hosta w stylu DNS lub adres IP.


Wystąpienie IPHostEntry zawierające informacje o adresie hosta określonego w elemecie hostName.



hostName to null.

Długość jest hostName większa niż 255 znaków.

Podczas rozwiązywania problemu hostNamewystępuje błąd .


W poniższym przykładzie Resolve użyto metody rozpoznawania adresu IP do IPHostEntry wystąpienia.

   IPHostEntry^ hostInfo = Dns::Resolve( hostString );
   // Get the IP address list that resolves to the host names contained in the
   // Alias property.
   array<IPAddress^>^address = hostInfo->AddressList;
   // Get the alias names of the addresses in the IP address list.
   array<String^>^alias = hostInfo->Aliases;
   Console::WriteLine( "Host name : {0}", hostInfo->HostName );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nAliases : " );
   for ( int index = 0; index < alias->Length; index++ )
      Console::WriteLine( alias[ index ] );

   Console::WriteLine( "\nIP Address list :" );
   for ( int index = 0; index < address->Length; index++ )
      Console::WriteLine( address[ index ] );

catch ( SocketException^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "SocketException caught!!!" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
   Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
catch ( ArgumentNullException^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentNullException caught!!!" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
   Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
catch ( NullReferenceException^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "NullReferenceException caught!!!" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
   Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
catch ( Exception^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( "Exception caught!!!" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
   Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
try {
    IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.Resolve(hostString);
    // Get the IP address list that resolves to the host names contained in the
    // Alias property.
    IPAddress[] address = hostInfo.AddressList;
    // Get the alias names of the addresses in the IP address list.
    String[] alias = hostInfo.Aliases;

    Console.WriteLine("Host name : " + hostInfo.HostName);
    Console.WriteLine("\nAliases : ");
    for(int index=0; index < alias.Length; index++) {
    Console.WriteLine("\nIP Address list :");
    for(int index=0; index < address.Length; index++) {
 catch(SocketException e)
    Console.WriteLine("SocketException caught!!!");
    Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
    Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
 catch(ArgumentNullException e)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException caught!!!");
    Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
    Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
 catch(NullReferenceException e)
     Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException caught!!!");
     Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
     Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
 catch(Exception e)
     Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!");
     Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
     Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
    ' Call the Resolve method passing a DNS style host name or an IP address in 
    ' dotted-quad notation (for example, "www.contoso.com" or "") to 
    ' obtain an IPHostEntry instance that contains address information for the 
    ' specified host.
    Dim hostInfo As IPHostEntry = Dns.Resolve(hostString)
    ' Get the IP address list that resolves to the host names contained in the Alias 
    ' property.
    Dim address As IPAddress() = hostInfo.AddressList
    ' Get the alias names of the addresses in the IP address list.
    Dim [alias] As [String]() = hostInfo.Aliases

    Console.WriteLine(("Host name : " + hostInfo.HostName))
    Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Aliases : ")
    Dim index As Integer
    For index = 0 To [alias].Length - 1
    Next index
    Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "IP Address list :")

    For index = 0 To address.Length - 1
    Next index
Catch e As SocketException
    Console.WriteLine("SocketException caught!!!")
    Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
    Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As ArgumentNullException
    Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException caught!!!")
    Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
    Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As NullReferenceException
    Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException caught!!!")
    Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
    Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As Exception
    Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!")
    Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
    Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
End Try


Metoda Resolve wysyła zapytanie do serwera DNS dla adresu IP skojarzonego z nazwą hosta lub adresem IP.

Gdy hostName jest nazwą hosta w stylu DNS skojarzonym z wieloma adresami IP, zwracany jest tylko pierwszy adres IP, który rozpoznaje tę nazwę hosta.

Ipv6Element.Enabled Jeśli właściwość jest ustawiona na true, Aliases właściwość zwróconego IPHostEntry wystąpienia nie jest wypełniana przez tę metodę i zawsze będzie pusta.


Ten element członkowski emituje informacje śledzenia podczas włączania śledzenia sieci w aplikacji. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz Śledzenie sieci w .NET Framework.
