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Task.Status Właściwość


TaskStatus Pobiera to zadanie.

 property System::Threading::Tasks::TaskStatus Status { System::Threading::Tasks::TaskStatus get(); };
public System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus Status { get; }
member this.Status : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus
Public ReadOnly Property Status As TaskStatus

Wartość właściwości

Bieżąca TaskStatus wersja tego wystąpienia zadania.


W poniższym przykładzie zostanie utworzonych 20 zadań, które będą wykonywane w pętli, dopóki licznik nie zostanie zwiększony do wartości 2 milionów. Gdy pierwsze 10 zadań osiągnie 2 miliony, token anulowania zostanie anulowany, a wszystkie zadania, których liczniki nie osiągnęły 2 milionów, zostaną anulowane. W tym przykładzie sprawdza Status się właściwość każdego zadania, aby wskazać, czy zostało zakończone pomyślnie, czy zostało anulowane. W przypadku tych, które zostały ukończone, wyświetla wartość zwróconą przez zadanie.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      var tasks = new List<Task<int>>();
      var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
      var token = source.Token;
      int completedIterations = 0;

      for (int n = 0; n <= 19; n++)
         tasks.Add(Task.Run( () => { int iterations = 0;
                                     for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 2000000; ctr++) {
                                     Interlocked.Increment(ref completedIterations);
                                     if (completedIterations >= 10)
                                     return iterations; }, token));

      Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete...\n");
      try  {
      catch (AggregateException) {
         Console.WriteLine("Status of tasks:\n");
         Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1,20} {2,14:N0}", "Task Id",
                           "Status", "Iterations");
         foreach (var t in tasks)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1,20} {2,14}",
                              t.Id, t.Status,
                              t.Status != TaskStatus.Canceled ? t.Result.ToString("N0") : "n/a");
// The example displays output like the following:
//    Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete...
//    Status of tasks:
//       Task Id               Status     Iterations
//             1      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             2      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             3      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             4      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             5      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             6      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             7      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             8      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             9      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//            10             Canceled            n/a
//            11             Canceled            n/a
//            12             Canceled            n/a
//            13             Canceled            n/a
//            14             Canceled            n/a
//            15             Canceled            n/a
//            16      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//            17             Canceled            n/a
//            18             Canceled            n/a
//            19             Canceled            n/a
//            20             Canceled            n/a
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks

let source = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = source.Token
let mutable completedIterations = 0

let tasks =
    [| for _ = 0 to 19 do
               (fun () ->
                   let mutable iterations = 0

                   for _ = 1 to 2000000 do
                       iterations <- iterations + 1

                   Interlocked.Increment &completedIterations |> ignore

                   if completedIterations >= 10 then



printfn "Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete...\n"

    tasks |> Seq.cast |> Array.ofSeq |> Task.WaitAll
with :? AggregateException ->
    printfn "Status of tasks:\n"
    printfn "%10s %20s %14s" "Task Id" "Status" "Iterations"

    for t in tasks do
        if t.Status <> TaskStatus.Canceled then
            t.Result.ToString "N0"
        |> printfn "%10i %20O %14s" t.Id t.Status

// The example displays output like the following:
//    Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete...
//    Status of tasks:
//       Task Id               Status     Iterations
//             1      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             2      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             3      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             4      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             5      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             6      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             7      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             8      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//             9      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//            10             Canceled            n/a
//            11             Canceled            n/a
//            12             Canceled            n/a
//            13             Canceled            n/a
//            14             Canceled            n/a
//            15             Canceled            n/a
//            16      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
//            17             Canceled            n/a
//            18             Canceled            n/a
//            19             Canceled            n/a
//            20             Canceled            n/a
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module Example

   Public Sub Main()
      Dim tasks As New List(Of Task(Of Integer))()
      Dim source As New CancellationTokenSource
      Dim token As CancellationToken = source.Token
      Dim completedIterations As Integer = 0
      For n As Integer = 0 To 19
         tasks.Add(Task.Run( Function()
                                Dim iterations As Integer= 0
                                For ctr As Long = 1 To 2000000
                                   iterations += 1
                                If completedIterations >= 10 Then source.Cancel()
                                Return iterations
                             End Function, token))

      Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete... ")
      Catch e As AggregateException
         Console.WriteLine("Status of tasks:")
         Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1,20} {2,14}", "Task Id",
                           "Status", "Iterations")
         For Each t In tasks
            Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1,20} {2,14}",
                              t.Id, t.Status,
                              If(t.Status <> TaskStatus.Canceled,
                                 t.Result.ToString("N0"), "n/a"))
      End Try
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
'    Waiting for the first 10 tasks to complete...
'    Status of tasks:
'       Task Id               Status     Iterations
'             1      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             2      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             3      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             4      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             5      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             6      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             7      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             8      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'             9      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'            10             Canceled            n/a
'            11             Canceled            n/a
'            12             Canceled            n/a
'            13             Canceled            n/a
'            14             Canceled            n/a
'            15             Canceled            n/a
'            16      RanToCompletion      2,000,000
'            17             Canceled            n/a
'            18             Canceled            n/a
'            19             Canceled            n/a
'            20             Canceled            n/a


Pobieranie wartości Task.Status właściwości nie blokuje wątku wywołującego, dopóki zadanie nie zostanie ukończone.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji i przykład, zobacz Łączenie zadań za pomocą zadań kontynuacji i Instrukcje: Anulowanie zadania i jego elementów podrzędnych.
