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TemplateInstanceAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute Metoda


Zwraca wartość wskazującą, czy bieżący TemplateInstanceAttribute obiekt jest taki sam jak obiekt domyślny TemplateInstanceAttribute .

 override bool IsDefaultAttribute();
public override bool IsDefaultAttribute ();
override this.IsDefaultAttribute : unit -> bool
Public Overrides Function IsDefaultAttribute () As Boolean


truejeśli wartość bieżącego wystąpienia jest TemplateInstanceAttribute wartością domyślną; w przeciwnym razie . false


W poniższym przykładzie kodu pokazano, jak używać IsDefaultAttribute metody . Page_Load W przypadku strony MyLoginViewA ASPX klasa kontrolki TemplateInstanceAttribute niestandardowej dla AnonymousTemplate właściwości jest odpytywane.

Aby uzyskać definicję kontrolki MyLoginViewA , zobacz TemplateInstanceAttribute.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // Get the class type for which to access metadata.
  Type clsType = typeof(MyLoginViewA);
  // Get the PropertyInfo object for FirstTemplate.
  PropertyInfo pInfo = clsType.GetProperty("AnonymousTemplate");
  // See if the TemplateInstanceAttribute is defined for this property.
  bool isDef = Attribute.IsDefined(pInfo, typeof(TemplateInstanceAttribute));

  // Display the result if the attribute exists.
  if (isDef)
    TemplateInstanceAttribute tia =
      (TemplateInstanceAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfo, typeof(TemplateInstanceAttribute));
    Response.Write("The <AnonymousTemplate> has the TemplateInstanceAttribute = " + tia.Instances.ToString() + ".<br />");
    if (tia.IsDefaultAttribute())
      Response.Write("The TemplateInstanceAttribute used is the same as the default instance.");
      Response.Write("The TemplateInstanceAttribute used is not the same as the default instance.");

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
  ' Get the class type for which to access metadata.
  Dim clsType As Type = GetType(MyLoginViewA)
  ' Get the PropertyInfo object for FirstTemplate.
  Dim pInfo As PropertyInfo = clsType.GetProperty("AnonymousTemplate")
  ' See if the TemplateInstanceAttribute is defined for this property.
  Dim isDef As Boolean = Attribute.IsDefined(pInfo, GetType(TemplateContainerAttribute))
  ' Display the result if the attribute exists.
  If isDef Then
    Dim tia As TemplateInstanceAttribute = CType(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfo, GetType(TemplateInstanceAttribute)), TemplateInstanceAttribute)
    Response.Write("The <AnonymousTemplate> has the TemplateInstanceAttribute = " & tia.Instances.ToString() & ".<br />")
    If (tia.IsDefaultAttribute()) Then
      Response.Write("The TemplateInstanceAttribute used is the same as the default instance.")
      Response.Write("The TemplateInstanceAttribute used is not the same as the default instance.")
    End If

  End If

End Sub


Wartość domyślna klasy TemplateInstanceAttribute to Multiple pole.


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