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IXpsFixedPageWriter.AddImage Metoda


Dodaje nowy XpsImage element do bieżącej strony.



Dodaje nowy XpsImage z określonym typem MIME do bieżącej strony.


Dodaje nowy XpsImage element z określonym XpsImageType elementem do bieżącej strony.


AddImage dodaje nowy XpsImage pakiet dokumentu i kojarzy go z bieżącym FixedPageelementem .


Dodaje nowy XpsImage z określonym typem MIME do bieżącej strony.

 System::Windows::Xps::Packaging::XpsImage ^ AddImage(System::String ^ mimeType);
public System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImage AddImage (string mimeType);
abstract member AddImage : string -> System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImage
Public Function AddImage (mimeType As String) As XpsImage



Typ MIME obrazu do dodania.



Nowy zasób obrazu, który został dodany do strony.


Dispose() został wywołany.

mimeType to null.

mimeType jest pustym ciągiem.


W poniższym przykładzie pokazano, jak za pomocą AddImage metody dodać zasób obrazu do strony.

// -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>^ AddPageResources (IXpsFixedPageWriter^ fixedPageWriter)
   // Collection of all resources for this page.
   //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
   //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
   Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>^ resources = gcnew Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>();

   // Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
   List<XpsResource^>^ xpsImages = gcnew List<XpsResource^>();
   List<XpsResource^>^ xpsFonts = gcnew List<XpsResource^>();

      XpsImage^ xpsImage;
      XpsFont^ xpsFont;

      // Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
      xpsImage = fixedPageWriter->AddImage(XpsImageType::JpegImageType);
      WriteToStream(xpsImage->GetStream(), image1);
      xpsImages->Add(xpsImage);    // Add image1 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
      xpsFont = fixedPageWriter->AddFont();
      WriteObfuscatedStream(xpsFont->Uri->ToString(), xpsFont->GetStream(), font1);
      xpsFonts->Add(xpsFont);      // Add font1 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
      xpsImage = fixedPageWriter->AddImage(XpsImageType::TiffImageType);
      WriteToStream(xpsImage->GetStream(), image2);
      xpsImages->Add(xpsImage);    // Add image2 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
      xpsFont = fixedPageWriter->AddFont(false);
      WriteToStream(xpsFont->GetStream(), font2);
      xpsFonts->Add(xpsFont);      // Add font2 as a required resource.

      // Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
      resources->Add("XpsImage", xpsImages);
      resources->Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts);
      return resources;
   } catch (XpsPackagingException^ xpsException)
      throw xpsException;

};// end:AddPageResources()
// -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
private Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>>
        AddPageResources(IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter)
    // Collection of all resources for this page.
    //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
    Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>> resources =
        new Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>>();

    // Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
    List<XpsResource> xpsImages = new List<XpsResource>();
    List<XpsResource> xpsFonts  = new List<XpsResource>();

        XpsImage xpsImage;
        XpsFont  xpsFont;

        // Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.JpegImageType);
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image1);
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage);    // Add image1 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont();
            xpsFont.Uri.ToString(), xpsFont.GetStream(), font1);
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont);      // Add font1 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.TiffImageType);
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image2);
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage);    // Add image2 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont(false);
        WriteToStream(xpsFont.GetStream(), font2);
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont);      // Add font2 as a required resource.

        // Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
        resources.Add("XpsImage", xpsImages);
        resources.Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts);
        return resources;
    catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException)
        throw xpsException;
}// end:AddPageResources()
' -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
Private Function AddPageResources(ByVal fixedPageWriter As IXpsFixedPageWriter) As Dictionary(Of String, List(Of XpsResource))
    ' Collection of all resources for this page.
    '   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    '   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
    Dim resources As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of XpsResource))()

    ' Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
    Dim xpsImages As New List(Of XpsResource)()
    Dim xpsFonts As New List(Of XpsResource)()

        Dim xpsImage As XpsImage
        Dim xpsFont As XpsFont

        ' Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.JpegImageType)
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image1)
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage) ' Add image1 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont()
        WriteObfuscatedStream(xpsFont.Uri.ToString(), xpsFont.GetStream(), font1)
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont) ' Add font1 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.TiffImageType)
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image2)
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage) ' Add image2 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont(False)
        WriteToStream(xpsFont.GetStream(), font2)
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont) ' Add font2 as a required resource.

        ' Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
        resources.Add("XpsImage", xpsImages)
        resources.Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts)
        Return resources
    Catch xpsException As XpsPackagingException
        Throw xpsException
    End Try
End Function ' end:AddPageResources()


AddImage Dodaje nowy XpsImage element z określonym mimeType pakietem dokumentu i kojarzy go z bieżącym FixedPageelementem .

Zobacz też



Dodaje nowy XpsImage element z określonym XpsImageType elementem do bieżącej strony.

 System::Windows::Xps::Packaging::XpsImage ^ AddImage(System::Windows::Xps::Packaging::XpsImageType imageType);
public System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImage AddImage (System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImageType imageType);
abstract member AddImage : System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImageType -> System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.XpsImage
Public Function AddImage (imageType As XpsImageType) As XpsImage



Typ obrazu do dodania do strony.



Nowy zasób obrazu, który został dodany do strony.


Dispose() został wywołany.


W poniższym przykładzie pokazano, jak za pomocą AddImage metody dodać zasób obrazu do strony.

// -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>^ AddPageResources (IXpsFixedPageWriter^ fixedPageWriter)
   // Collection of all resources for this page.
   //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
   //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
   Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>^ resources = gcnew Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>();

   // Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
   List<XpsResource^>^ xpsImages = gcnew List<XpsResource^>();
   List<XpsResource^>^ xpsFonts = gcnew List<XpsResource^>();

      XpsImage^ xpsImage;
      XpsFont^ xpsFont;

      // Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
      xpsImage = fixedPageWriter->AddImage(XpsImageType::JpegImageType);
      WriteToStream(xpsImage->GetStream(), image1);
      xpsImages->Add(xpsImage);    // Add image1 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
      xpsFont = fixedPageWriter->AddFont();
      WriteObfuscatedStream(xpsFont->Uri->ToString(), xpsFont->GetStream(), font1);
      xpsFonts->Add(xpsFont);      // Add font1 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
      xpsImage = fixedPageWriter->AddImage(XpsImageType::TiffImageType);
      WriteToStream(xpsImage->GetStream(), image2);
      xpsImages->Add(xpsImage);    // Add image2 as a required resource.

      // Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
      xpsFont = fixedPageWriter->AddFont(false);
      WriteToStream(xpsFont->GetStream(), font2);
      xpsFonts->Add(xpsFont);      // Add font2 as a required resource.

      // Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
      resources->Add("XpsImage", xpsImages);
      resources->Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts);
      return resources;
   } catch (XpsPackagingException^ xpsException)
      throw xpsException;

};// end:AddPageResources()
// -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
private Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>>
        AddPageResources(IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter)
    // Collection of all resources for this page.
    //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
    Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>> resources =
        new Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>>();

    // Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
    List<XpsResource> xpsImages = new List<XpsResource>();
    List<XpsResource> xpsFonts  = new List<XpsResource>();

        XpsImage xpsImage;
        XpsFont  xpsFont;

        // Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.JpegImageType);
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image1);
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage);    // Add image1 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont();
            xpsFont.Uri.ToString(), xpsFont.GetStream(), font1);
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont);      // Add font1 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.TiffImageType);
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image2);
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage);    // Add image2 as a required resource.

        // Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont(false);
        WriteToStream(xpsFont.GetStream(), font2);
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont);      // Add font2 as a required resource.

        // Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
        resources.Add("XpsImage", xpsImages);
        resources.Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts);
        return resources;
    catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException)
        throw xpsException;
}// end:AddPageResources()
' -------------------------- AddPageResources ----------------------------
Private Function AddPageResources(ByVal fixedPageWriter As IXpsFixedPageWriter) As Dictionary(Of String, List(Of XpsResource))
    ' Collection of all resources for this page.
    '   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    '   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont
    Dim resources As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of XpsResource))()

    ' Collections of images and fonts used in the current page.
    Dim xpsImages As New List(Of XpsResource)()
    Dim xpsFonts As New List(Of XpsResource)()

        Dim xpsImage As XpsImage
        Dim xpsFont As XpsFont

        ' Add, Write, and Commit image1 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.JpegImageType)
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image1)
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage) ' Add image1 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit font 1 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont()
        WriteObfuscatedStream(xpsFont.Uri.ToString(), xpsFont.GetStream(), font1)
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont) ' Add font1 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit image2 to the current page.
        xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.TiffImageType)
        WriteToStream(xpsImage.GetStream(), image2)
        xpsImages.Add(xpsImage) ' Add image2 as a required resource.

        ' Add, Write, and Commit font2 to the current page.
        xpsFont = fixedPageWriter.AddFont(False)
        WriteToStream(xpsFont.GetStream(), font2)
        xpsFonts.Add(xpsFont) ' Add font2 as a required resource.

        ' Return the image and font resources in a combined collection.
        resources.Add("XpsImage", xpsImages)
        resources.Add("XpsFont", xpsFonts)
        Return resources
    Catch xpsException As XpsPackagingException
        Throw xpsException
    End Try
End Function ' end:AddPageResources()


AddImage Dodaje nowy XpsImage element z określonym XpsImageType pakietem dokumentu i kojarzy go z bieżącym FixedPageelementem .

Na przykład imageType może to być JpegImageType lub PngImageType. aby dodać odpowiednio plik JPEG lub PNG XpsImage.

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