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How to Edit Products and Product Variants

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

This topic describes how to edit product and product variants. You can edit base properties, custom properties, category associations, product relationships between products, and inventory properties for products. You can also view the base and custom properties in the source language.

To edit products

  1. Click Start, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Catalog Manager.

  2. In Commerce Server Catalog Manager, in the Views pane, click Catalogs.

  3. In the Catalogs Tree View pane, select the category that contains the product that you want to edit.

  4. In the Product Details pane, select the product that you want to edit.

  5. In the Tasks pane, click Edit this Product.

To edit the base properties for a product

  1. In the <Product name> screen, on the Base Properties tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Product ID

    View the product ID that uniquely identifies this product in the base product catalog.

    You cannot edit this box.

    Definition name

    View the product definition name.

    You cannot edit this box.

    Display Name

    Type a new display name for the product.

    List Price

    Type a new list price for the product.

    Use Category Pricing

    Select to use the price defined for the primary parent category for this product.

    If you enter a price for the product and also enable category pricing, the product will take the price of the primary parent category. When you reset the category pricing, the product will take the price that you type.


    Type a description for the product.


    Type a name for the product.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the custom properties for a product

  1. On the Custom Properties tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this


    Type the value of the custom property.

    If the custom property is required, a value is displayed.

    The Double type custom property has a range of positive values that is approximately 2.23E –308 through 1.79E 308. The range of negative values is approximately –2.23E –308 through –1.79E 308. In the Custom Properties screen they are rounded off and appear with a precision of eight digits. If they are more than eight digits then Catalog Manager uses the E+ notation. For example, 9875.43216 is displayed as 9875.4321, whereas the number 1234567899 is displayed as 1.2345689e+09.
    The Float (Decimal) type custom property has a range of positive values that is approximately 2.23E –308 through 1.79E 308. The range of negative values is approximately –2.23E –308 through –1.79E 308. In the Custom Properties screen they are rounded off and appear with a precision of seven digits. If they are more than seven digits then Catalog Manager uses the E+ notation. For example, 9875.43216 is displayed as 9875.432, whereas the number 12345678 is displayed as 1.234568e+07.
  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the variant properties for a product

  1. On the Variant Properties tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this


    Click to add a new row to the table.

    Click inside the new row and type the new product variant information.


    Click to remove the selected product variant(s).

    Remove All

    Click to remove all product variants.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the category associations for a product

  1. On the Category Associations tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Primary Category

    Select the primary parent category for the product from the drop-down list.

    Only one of the parent categories for the product can be defined as a primary parent category.
    • In a base catalog if category pricing is set for the product, the product obtains its price from the primary parent category.

    • If you add the base catalog to a virtual catalog and a product contains more than one parent category, the price rule applied to the primary parent category of the product applies to the product.

    • If you set the category pricing for the product then you must select a primary parent category for the product.


    Click to use the Product Picker dialog box to select the additional categories to which you want to assign the product.


    Click to remove the selected category(s) from the product.

    Remove All

    Click to remove all categories from the product.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the product relationships for a product

  1. On the Product Relationships tab, do the following:


    There is no limit to the number of relationships a product may have. The relationship name must be unique for a specified pair of products. Product relationships are optional.

    Use this

    To do this


    Click to open the Product Picker dialog box to select an item, such as products or product variants for which you want to create a relationship.

    If you add multiple relationships, you can sort them by clicking the column header. For example, you click the Relationship header to sort by relationship name.

    To change the order of the relationships, click either Move Up or Move Down.


    Click to remove the selected relationship(s) from the product.

    Remove All

    Click to remove all relationships from the product.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the variant inventory properties for a product

  1. On the Variant Inventory Properties tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Catalog Name

    View the name of the inventory catalog to which the product variant belongs.


    View the variant ID for the product variant.


    Select to let this product variant be back ordered.


    Select to let this product variant be preordered.


    Select a status from the drop-down list:

    • Disabled

    • Enabled

    • Ignored


    Type the number of this product variant that is available.


    Type the number of this product variant that exceeds the target quantity.


    Type the number of products where a re-order is required.


    Type the number of this product variant that you want to keep in stock based on customer's buying patterns. When your inventory is depleted to this number, it is time to reorder this product variant.


    Type the value below the Effective Stockout Threshold beyond which it is not prudent to take back-orders. Back ordering cannot occur beyond this value. This is to restrict overselling and thereby prevent failure to fulfill an order.

    If an item is pre-orderable and also back-orderable, Commerce Server uses the pre-order limit first and then uses the back-order limit.


    Type the value below the Effective Stockout Threshold beyond which it is not prudent to take pre-orders. Pre-ordering cannot occur beyond this value. This is to restrict overselling and thereby prevent failure to fulfill an order.


    Type a value that the SKU quantity must be greater than or equal to for the SKU item to be considered in-stock. For example, the value can be one or zero. Usually the value is low. This value is frequently kept at one so that the item appears to be in-stock.


    Select the earliest date when the pre-ordered SKU will be available for shipping from the drop-down calendar.


    Select the earliest date when the back-ordered SKU will be available for shipping from the drop-down calendar.


    Select the date when the inventory was last restocked from the drop-down calendar.


    Type the quantity in which your business will buy or sell this SKU. For example your business might sell soft drinks in three units of measure - cans, six-packs, and cases.


    Type descriptive information as needed.

    Last Modified

    View the date that the SKU was last changed.


    Type the quantity that can be back ordered.


    Type the quantity that can be pre-ordered.

  2. Click Save and close on the toolbar.

To view the properties in the source language

  1. In the <Product name> screen, click View in source language.

  2. In the Properties<Language> screen, in the Source Language box, select the source language from the drop-down list.

    The properties appear in the source language in the Base and Custom Properties pane.

See Also

Other Resources

What is a Product?

How to Create Products and Product Variants

How to Edit Products and Product Variants

How to Sequence Product Variants

Managing Tasks Common to All Business Management Applications