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Decimal Construtores


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal.



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor do número de ponto flutuante especificado de precisão dupla.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro com sinal de 32 bits especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para um valor decimal representado no binário e contido em uma matriz especificada.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro com sinal de 64 bits especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para um valor decimal representado em binário e contido no intervalo especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor do número de ponto flutuante especificado de precisão simples.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro sem sinal de 32 bits especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro sem sinal de 64 bits especificado.

Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte)

Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal de parâmetros que especificam as partes constituintes da instância.



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor do número de ponto flutuante especificado de precisão dupla.

 Decimal(double value);
public Decimal (double value);
new decimal : double -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Double)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.


value é maior que Decimal.MaxValue ou menor que Decimal.MinValue.

- ou -

value é NaN, PositiveInfinity ou NegativeInfinity.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um Double valor.

// Example of the Decimal( double ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( double value, String^ valToStr )
   // Format and display the constructor.
   Console::Write( "{0,-34}", String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
      // Display the value if it was created successfully.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( double ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from double values.
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25, "1.2345678901234567E+25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35, "1.2345678901234567E+35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25, "1.2345678901234567E-25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35, "1.2345678901234567E-35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the Decimal( double ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                    Value or Exception
-----------                                    ------------------
Decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
Decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
Decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
Decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143
// Example of the decimal( double ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorDoDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' )+1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( double value, string valToStr )
        // Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-34}",
            String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

            // Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( double ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from double values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25,
            "1.2345678901234567E+25" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35,
            "1.2345678901234567E+35" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25,
            "1.2345678901234567E-25" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35,
            "1.2345678901234567E-35" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the decimal( double ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                    Value or Exception
-----------                                    ------------------
decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143
// Example of the decimal( double ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: double) valToStr =
    // Format and display the constructor.
    printf "%-34s" $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

        // Construct the decimal value.
        let decimalNum = Decimal value

        // Display the value if it was created successfully.
        printfn $"{decimalNum,31}"
    with ex ->
        // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex,31}"

printfn $"This example of the decimal( double ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-34s%31s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-34s%31s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from double values.
createDecimal 1.23456789E+5 "1.23456789E+5"
createDecimal 1.234567890123E+15 "1.234567890123E+15"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E+25 "1.2345678901234567E+25"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E+35 "1.2345678901234567E+35"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-5 "1.23456789E-5"
createDecimal 1.234567890123E-15 "1.234567890123E-15"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E-25 "1.2345678901234567E-25"
createDecimal 1.2345678901234567E-35 "1.2345678901234567E-35"
createDecimal (1. / 7.) "1. / 7."

// This example of the decimal( double ) constructor
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                    Value or Exception     
// -----------                                    ------------------     
// decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789     
// decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException     
// decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789     
// decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235     
// decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
' Example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorDoDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Double, valToStr As String )

        ' Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-34}", _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) )

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

            ' Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum )

        ' Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-34}{1,31}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Double values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+5, "1.23456789E+5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E+15, "1.234567890123E+15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25, _
            "1.2345678901234567E+25" )
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35, _
            "1.2345678901234567E+35" )
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-5, "1.23456789E-5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567890123E-15, "1.234567890123E-15" )      
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25, _
            "1.2345678901234567E-25" ) 
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35, _
            "1.2345678901234567E-35" ) 
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" ) 
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Double ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                    Value or Exception
' -----------                                    ------------------
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+5 )                               123456.789
' Decimal( 1.234567890123E+15 )                    1234567890123000
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+25 )      12345678901234600000000000
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E+35 )               OverflowException
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-5 )                          0.0000123456789
' Decimal( 1.234567890123E-15 )       0.000000000000001234567890123
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-25 )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
' Decimal( 1.2345678901234567E-35 )                               0
' Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                            0.142857142857143


Esse construtor arredonda value para 15 dígitos significativos usando o arredondamento para o mais próximo. Isso é feito mesmo se o número tiver mais de 15 dígitos e os dígitos menos significativos forem zero.

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro com sinal de 32 bits especificado.

 Decimal(int value);
public Decimal (int value);
new decimal : int -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Integer)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um Int32 valor.

// Example of the Decimal( int ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( int value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from int values.
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MinValue, "Int32::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, "Int32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
   CreateDecimal( (int)0xC0000000, "(int)0xC0000000" );

This example of the Decimal( int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
Decimal( Int32::MinValue )         -2147483648
Decimal( Int32::MaxValue )          2147483647
Decimal( 0 )                                 0
Decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
Decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
Decimal( (int)0xC0000000 )         -1073741824
// Example of the decimal( int ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( int ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from int values.
        CreateDecimal( int.MinValue, "int.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, "int.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
        CreateDecimal( unchecked( (int)0xC0000000 ),
            "(int)0xC0000000" );

This example of the decimal( int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
decimal( int.MinValue )            -2147483648
decimal( int.MaxValue )             2147483647
decimal( 0 )                                 0
decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
decimal( (int)0xC0000000 )         -1073741824
// Example of the decimal(int) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: int) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = new decimal(value)

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-30}{decimalNum,16}"

printfn "This example of the decimal(int) constructor\ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-30s%16s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-30s%16s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from int values.
createDecimal Int32.MinValue "Int32.MinValue"
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue "int.MaxValue"
createDecimal 0 "0"
createDecimal 999999999 "999999999"
createDecimal 0x40000000 "0x40000000"
createDecimal (int 0xC0000000) "int 0xC0000000"

// This example of the decimal(int) constructor
// generates the following output.

// Constructor                              Value
// -----------                              -----
// decimal( Int32.MinValue )          -2147483648
// decimal( Int32.MaxValue )           2147483647
// decimal( 0 )                                 0
// decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
// decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
// decimal( int 0xC0000000 )          -1073741824
' Example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Integer, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Integer values.
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MinValue, "Integer.MinValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, "Integer.MaxValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, "0" )                
        CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( &H40000000, "&H40000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( &HC0000000, "&HC0000000" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                 Value
' -----------                                 -----
' Decimal( Integer.MinValue )           -2147483648
' Decimal( Integer.MaxValue )            2147483647
' Decimal( 0 )                                    0
' Decimal( 999999999 )                    999999999
' Decimal( &H40000000 )                  1073741824
' Decimal( &HC0000000 )                 -1073741824

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para um valor decimal representado no binário e contido em uma matriz especificada.

 Decimal(cli::array <int> ^ bits);
public Decimal (int[] bits);
new decimal : int[] -> decimal
Public Sub New (bits As Integer())



Uma matriz de inteiros com sinal de 32 bits que contém uma representação de um valor decimal.


bits é null.

O tamanho de bits não é 4.

- ou -

A representação do valor decimal em bits não é válida.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com uma matriz de quatro Int32 valores.

// Example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( array<int>^bits )
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[ 0 ] );
   String^ valOrExc;
   for ( int index = 1; index < bits->Length; index++ )
      ctor = String::Concat( ctor, String::Format( ", 0x{0:X}", bits[ index ] ) );
   ctor = String::Concat( ctor, " } )" );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(bits);
      // Format the Decimal value for display.
      valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString();
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

   // Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
   int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc->Length;
   // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
   if ( ctorLen > ctor->Length )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor->PadRight( ctorLen ), valOrExc );
   // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from integer arrays.
   array<Int32>^zero = {0,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( zero );
   array<Int32>^arrayShort = {0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( arrayShort );
   array<Int32>^arrayLong = {0,0,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( arrayLong );
   array<Int32>^word0Data = {1000000000,0,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( word0Data );
   array<Int32>^word1Data = {0,1000000000,0,0};
   CreateDecimal( word1Data );
   array<Int32>^word2Data = {0,0,1000000000,0};
   CreateDecimal( word2Data );
   array<Int32>^word3Data = {0,0,0,1000000000};
   CreateDecimal( word3Data );
   array<Int32>^decMax = { -1,-1,-1,0};
   CreateDecimal( decMax );
   array<Int32>^decMin = { -1,-1,-1,0x80000000};
   CreateDecimal( decMin );
   array<Int32>^fracDig16 = { -1,0,0,0x100000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig16 );
   array<Int32>^fracDig28 = { -1,0,0,0x1C0000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig28 );
   array<Int32>^fracDig29 = { -1,0,0,0x1D0000};
   CreateDecimal( fracDig29 );
   array<Int32>^reserved = { -1,0,0,0x1C0001};
   CreateDecimal( reserved );
   array<Int32>^Same4Words = {0xF0000,0xF0000,0xF0000,0xF0000};
   CreateDecimal( Same4Words );

This example of the Decimal( int __gc [ ] ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
Decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
Decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
// Example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIArrDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int[ ] bits )
        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format(
            "decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[ 0 ] );
        string valOrExc;

        for( int index = 1; index < bits.Length; index++ )
            ctor += String.Format( ", 0x{0:X}", bits[ index ] );
        ctor += " } )";

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( bits );

            // Format the decimal value for display.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

        // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
        int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

        // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
        if( ctorLen > ctor.Length )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ),
                valOrExc );

        // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor " +
            "\ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from integer arrays.
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 1000000000, 0, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 1000000000, 0, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 1000000000, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { 0, 0, 0, 1000000000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, -1, -1, 0 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ]
            { -1, -1, -1, unchecked( (int)0x80000000 ) } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x100000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1C0000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1D0000 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ] { -1, 0, 0, 0x1C0001 } );
        CreateDecimal( new int[ ]
            { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } );

This example of the decimal( int[ ] ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
// Example of the decimal(int[]) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (bits: int[]) =
    // Format the constructor for display.
    let mutable ctor = String.Format("decimal( {{ 0x{0:X}", bits[0])

    for i = 1 to bits.Length - 1 do
        ctor <- $"{ctor}, 0x{bits[i]:X}"
    ctor <- ctor + " } )"

    let valOrExc =
            // Construct the decimal value.
            let decimalNum = new decimal(bits)

            // Format the decimal value for display.
            string decimalNum
        with ex ->
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            getExceptionType ex

    // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
    let ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

    // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
    if ctorLen > ctor.Length then
        printfn $"{ctor.PadRight ctorLen}{valOrExc}"

    // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
        printfn $"{ctor}"
        printfn $"{valOrExc,76}"

    """This example of the decimal(int[]) constructor
generates the following output.
printfn "%-38s%38s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-38s%38s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from integer arrays.
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 1000000000; 0; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 1000000000; 0; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 1000000000; 0 |]
createDecimal [| 0; 0; 0; 1000000000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; -1; -1; 0 |]
createDecimal [| -1; -1; -1; 0x80000000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x100000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1C0000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1D0000 |]
createDecimal [| -1; 0; 0; 0x1C0001 |]
createDecimal [| 0xF0000; 0xF0000; 0xF0000; 0xF0000 |]

// This example of the decimal(int[]) constructor
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                               Value or Exception
// -----------                                               ------------------
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                                          0
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                               ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                     ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } )                          1000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0, 0x0 } )                 4294967296000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00, 0x0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
// decimal( { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0 } )
//                                                79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000 } )
//                                               -79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
// decimal( { 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000, 0xF0000 } )
//                                                  18133887298.441562272235520
' Example of the Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIArrDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( ByVal bits( ) As Integer )

        ' Format and save the constructor.
        Dim ctor As String = String.Format( "Decimal( {{ &H{0:X}", bits( 0 ) )
        Dim valOrExc As String
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 1 to bits.Length - 1
            ctor &= String.Format( ", &H{0:X}", bits( index ) )
        Next index
        ctor &= " } )"

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( bits )

            ' Format the Decimal value for display.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( )

        ' Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            valOrExc =  GetExceptionType( ex ) 
        End Try

        ' Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
        Dim ctorLen As Integer = 76 - valOrExc.Length
        If ctorLen > ctor.Length Then

            ' Display the data on one line if it will fit.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ), _
                valOrExc )

        ' Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc )
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " & _
            "Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Integer arrays.
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 1000000000, 0, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 1000000000, 0, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 1000000000, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { 0, 0, 0, 1000000000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, -1, -1, 0 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, -1, -1, &H80000000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H100000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1C0000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1D0000 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) { -1, 0, 0, &H1C0001 } )
        CreateDecimal( New Integer( ) _
            { &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000 } )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer( ) ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                               Value or Exception
' -----------                                               ------------------
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                                          0
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                               ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                     ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &H3B9ACA00, &H0, &H0, &H0 } )                          1000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H3B9ACA00, &H0, &H0 } )                 4294967296000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H3B9ACA00, &H0 } )       18446744073709551616000000000
' Decimal( { &H0, &H0, &H0, &H3B9ACA00 } )                   ArgumentException
'                                                79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &HFFFFFFFF, &HFFFFFFFF, &H80000000 } )
'                                               -79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H100000 } )             0.0000004294967295
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1C0000 } ) 0.0000000000000000004294967295
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1D0000 } )              ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &HFFFFFFFF, &H0, &H0, &H1C0001 } )              ArgumentException
' Decimal( { &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000, &HF0000 } )
'                                                  18133887298.441562272235520


A representação binária de um Decimal número consiste em um sinal de 1 bit, um número inteiro de 96 bits e um fator de dimensionamento usado para dividir o número inteiro e especificar qual parte dele é uma fração decimal. O fator de dimensionamento é implicitamente o número 10, elevado a um expoente que varia de 0 a 28.

bits é uma matriz longa de quatro elementos de inteiros com sinal de 32 bits.

bits [0], bits [1], e bits [2] contêm os 32 bits baixo, médio e alto do número inteiro de 96 bits.

bits [3] contém o fator de escala e o sinal e consiste nas seguintes partes:

Os bits de 0 a 15, a palavra inferior, não são utilizados e devem ser zero.

Os bits de 16 a 23 devem conter um expoente entre 0 e 28, o que indica a potência de 10 para dividir o número inteiro.

Os bits de 24 a 30 não são utilizados e devem ser zero.

O bit 31 contém o sinal; 0 significa positivo e 1 significa negativo.

Um valor numérico pode ter várias representações binárias possíveis; todos são igualmente válidos e numericamente equivalentes. Observe que a representação de bit diferencia entre zero negativo e positivo. Esses valores são tratados como iguais em todas as operações.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro com sinal de 64 bits especificado.

 Decimal(long value);
public Decimal (long value);
new decimal : int64 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Long)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um Int64 valor.

// Example of the Decimal( __int64 ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( __int64 value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( __int64 ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from __int64 values.
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MinValue, "Int64::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MaxValue, "Int64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 0, "0" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the Decimal( __int64 ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
Decimal( Int64::MinValue )           -9223372036854775808
Decimal( Int64::MaxValue )            9223372036854775807
Decimal( 0 )                                            0
Decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
Decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
Decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )        -2305843009213693952
// Example of the decimal( long ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorLDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( long value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( long ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from long values.
        CreateDecimal( long.MinValue, "long.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( long.MaxValue, "long.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 0L, "0L" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
        CreateDecimal( unchecked( (long)0xE000000000000000 ),
            "(long)0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the decimal( long ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
decimal( long.MinValue )             -9223372036854775808
decimal( long.MaxValue )              9223372036854775807
decimal( 0 )                                            0
decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
decimal( (long)0xE000000000000000 )  -2305843009213693952
// Example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: int64) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-35}{decimalNum,22}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor\ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from long values.
createDecimal Int64.MinValue "Int64.MinValue"
createDecimal Int64.MaxValue "Int64.MaxValue"
createDecimal 0L "0L"
createDecimal 999999999999999999L "999999999999999999L"
createDecimal 0x2000000000000000L "0x2000000000000000L"
createDecimal (int64 0xE000000000000000L) "int64 0xE000000000000000L"

// This example of the decimal( int64 ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                         Value
// -----------                                         -----
// decimal( Int64.MinValue )            -9223372036854775808
// decimal( Int64.MaxValue )             9223372036854775807
// decimal( 0L )                                           0
// decimal( 999999999999999999L )         999999999999999999
// decimal( 0x2000000000000000L )        2305843009213693952
// decimal( int64 0xE000000000000000L )  -2305843009213693952
' Example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorLDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Long, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Long values.
        CreateDecimal( Long.MinValue, "Long.MinValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( Long.MaxValue, "Long.MaxValue" )                
        CreateDecimal( 0L, "0" )                
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( &H2000000000000000, "&H2000000000000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( &HE000000000000000, "&HE000000000000000" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Long ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                    Value
' -----------                                    -----
' Decimal( Long.MinValue )        -9223372036854775808
' Decimal( Long.MaxValue )         9223372036854775807
' Decimal( 0 )                                       0
' Decimal( 999999999999999999 )     999999999999999999
' Decimal( &H2000000000000000 )    2305843009213693952
' Decimal( &HE000000000000000 )   -2305843009213693952

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para um valor decimal representado em binário e contido no intervalo especificado.

 Decimal(ReadOnlySpan<int> bits);
public Decimal (ReadOnlySpan<int> bits);
new decimal : ReadOnlySpan<int> -> decimal
Public Sub New (bits As ReadOnlySpan(Of Integer))



Um intervalo de quatro valores Int32 que contém uma representação binária de um valor decimal.


O tamanho de bits não é 4 ou a representação do valor decimal em bits não é válida.

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor do número de ponto flutuante especificado de precisão simples.

 Decimal(float value);
public Decimal (float value);
new decimal : single -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As Single)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.


value é maior que Decimal.MaxValue ou menor que Decimal.MinValue.

- ou -

value é NaN, PositiveInfinity ou NegativeInfinity.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um Single valor.

// Example of the Decimal( float ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( float value, String^ valToStr )
   // Format and display the constructor.
   Console::Write( "{0,-27}", String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
      // Display the value if it was created successfully.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( float ) "
   "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from float values.
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5, "1.2345E+5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15, "1.234567E+15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25, "1.23456789E+25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35, "1.23456789E+35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5, "1.2345E-5" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15, "1.234567E-15" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25, "1.23456789E-25" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35, "1.23456789E-35" );
   CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" );

This example of the Decimal( float ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                             Value or Exception
-----------                             ------------------
Decimal( 1.2345E+5 )                                123450
Decimal( 1.234567E+15 )                   1234567000000000
Decimal( 1.23456789E+25 )       12345680000000000000000000
Decimal( 1.23456789E+35 )                OverflowException
Decimal( 1.2345E-5 )                           0.000012345
Decimal( 1.234567E-15 )            0.000000000000001234567
Decimal( 1.23456789E-25 )   0.0000000000000000000000001235
Decimal( 1.23456789E-35 )                                0
Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                             0.1428571
// Example of the decimal( float ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorSDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( float value, string valToStr )
        // Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-27}",
            String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) );

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

            // Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( float ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from float values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5F, "1.2345E+5F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15F, "1.234567E+15F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25F, "1.23456789E+25F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35F, "1.23456789E+35F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5F, "1.2345E-5F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15F, "1.234567E-15F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25F, "1.23456789E-25F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35F, "1.23456789E-35F" );
        CreateDecimal( 1.0F / 7.0F, "1.0F / 7.0F" );

This example of the decimal( float ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                             Value or Exception
-----------                             ------------------
decimal( 1.2345E+5F )                               123450
decimal( 1.234567E+15F )                  1234567000000000
decimal( 1.23456789E+25F )      12345680000000000000000000
decimal( 1.23456789E+35F )               OverflowException
decimal( 1.2345E-5F )                          0.000012345
decimal( 1.234567E-15F )           0.000000000000001234567
decimal( 1.23456789E-25F )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
decimal( 1.23456789E-35F )                               0
decimal( 1.0F / 7.0F )                           0.1428571
// Example of the decimal( float ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.'  + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: float32) valToStr =
    // Format and display the constructor.
    printf "%-27s" $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

        // Construct the decimal value.
        let decimalNum = Decimal value

        // Display the value if it was created successfully.
        printfn $"{decimalNum,31}"
    with ex ->
        // Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex,31}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( float ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn $"""{"Constructor",-27}{"Value or Exception",31}"""
printfn $"""{"-----------",-27}{"------------------",31}"""

// Construct decimal objects from float values.
createDecimal 1.2345E+5f "1.2345E+5F"
createDecimal 1.234567E+15f "1.234567E+15F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E+25f "1.23456789E+25F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E+35f "1.23456789E+35F"
createDecimal 1.2345E-5f "1.2345E-5F"
createDecimal 1.234567E-15f "1.234567E-15F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-25f "1.23456789E-25F"
createDecimal 1.23456789E-35f "1.23456789E-35F"
createDecimal (1f / 7f) "1.0F / 7.0F"

// This example of the decimal( float ) constructor
// generates the following output.

// Constructor                             Value or Exception
// -----------                             ------------------
// decimal( 1.2345E+5F )                               123450
// decimal( 1.234567E+15F )                  1234567000000000
// decimal( 1.23456789E+25F )      12345680000000000000000000
// decimal( 1.23456789E+35F )               OverflowException
// decimal( 1.2345E-5F )                          0.000012345
// decimal( 1.234567E-15F )           0.000000000000001234567
// decimal( 1.23456789E-25F )  0.0000000000000000000000001235
// decimal( 1.23456789E-35F )                               0
// decimal( 1.0F / 7.0F )                           0.1428571
' Example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorSDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As Single, valToStr As String )

        ' Format and display the constructor.
        Console.Write( "{0,-27}", _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr ) )

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

            ' Display the value if it was created successfully.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", decimalNum )

        ' Display the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,31}", GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-27}{1,31}", "-----------", "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from Single values.
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E+5, "1.2345E+5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E+15, "1.234567E+15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+25, "1.23456789E+25" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E+35, "1.23456789E+35" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.2345E-5, "1.2345E-5" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.234567E-15, "1.234567E-15" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-25, "1.23456789E-25" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.23456789E-35, "1.23456789E-35" )                
        CreateDecimal( 1.0 / 7.0, "1.0 / 7.0" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Single ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                             Value or Exception
' -----------                             ------------------
' Decimal( 1.2345E+5 )                                123450
' Decimal( 1.234567E+15 )                   1234567000000000
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+25 )       12345680000000000000000000
' Decimal( 1.23456789E+35 )                OverflowException
' Decimal( 1.2345E-5 )                           0.000012345
' Decimal( 1.234567E-15 )            0.000000000000001234567
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-25 )   0.0000000000000000000000001235
' Decimal( 1.23456789E-35 )                                0
' Decimal( 1.0 / 7.0 )                             0.1428571


Esse construtor arredonda value para 7 dígitos significativos usando o arredondamento para o mais próximo. Isso é feito mesmo se o número tiver mais de 7 dígitos e os dígitos menos significativos forem zero.

Aplica-se a




Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro sem sinal de 32 bits especificado.

 Decimal(System::UInt32 value);
public Decimal (uint value);
new decimal : uint32 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As UInteger)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.



O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um UInt32 valor.

// Example of the Decimal( unsigned int ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( unsigned int value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( unsigned "
   "int ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-30}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from unsigned int values.
   CreateDecimal( UInt32::MinValue, "UInt32::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( UInt32::MaxValue, "UInt32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, "Int32::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999, "999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x40000000, "0x40000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xC0000000, "0xC0000000" );

This example of the Decimal( unsigned int ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                              Value
-----------                              -----
Decimal( UInt32::MinValue )                  0
Decimal( UInt32::MaxValue )         4294967295
Decimal( Int32::MaxValue )          2147483647
Decimal( 999999999 )                 999999999
Decimal( 0x40000000 )               1073741824
Decimal( 0xC0000000 )               3221225472
// Example of the decimal( uint ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorUIDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( uint value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( uint ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from uint values.
        CreateDecimal( uint.MinValue, "uint.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( uint.MaxValue, "uint.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( (uint)int.MaxValue, "(uint)int.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999U, "999999999U" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x40000000U, "0x40000000U" );
        CreateDecimal( 0xC0000000, "0xC0000000" );

This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                 Value
-----------                                 -----
decimal( uint.MinValue )                        0
decimal( uint.MaxValue )               4294967295
decimal( (uint)int.MaxValue )          2147483647
decimal( 999999999U )                   999999999
decimal( 0x40000000U )                 1073741824
decimal( 0xC0000000 )                  3221225472
// Example of the decimal( uint ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: uint) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-33}{decimalNum,16}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-33s%16s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-33s%16s" "-----------" "-----" 

// Construct decimal objects from uint values.
createDecimal UInt32.MinValue "UInt32.MinValue"
createDecimal UInt32.MaxValue "UInt32.MaxValue"
createDecimal (uint Int32.MaxValue) "uint Int32.MaxValue"
createDecimal 999999999u "999999999u"
createDecimal 0x40000000u "0x40000000u"
createDecimal 0xC0000000u "0xC0000000u"

// This example of the decimal( uint ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                 Value
// -----------                                 -----
// decimal( UInt32.MinValue )                      0
// decimal( UInt32.MaxValue )             4294967295
// decimal( uint Int32.MaxValue )         2147483647
// decimal( 999999999u )                   999999999
// decimal( 0x40000000u )                 1073741824
// decimal( 0xC0000000u )                 3221225472
' Example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorUIDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As UInt32, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,16}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from UInt32 values.
        ' UInt32.MinValue and UInt32.MaxValue are not defined in VB.
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 0 ), """UInt32.MinValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 4294967295 ), _
            """UInt32.MaxValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( Integer.MaxValue ), _
            "Integer.MaxValue" )              
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( 999999999 ), "999999999" ) 
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( &H40000000 ), "&H40000000" ) 
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt32( &HC0000000L ), "&HC0000000" )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( UInt32 ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                 Value
' -----------                                 -----
' Decimal( "UInt32.MinValue" )                    0
' Decimal( "UInt32.MaxValue" )           4294967295
' Decimal( Integer.MaxValue )            2147483647
' Decimal( 999999999 )                    999999999
' Decimal( &H40000000 )                  1073741824
' Decimal( &HC0000000 )                  3221225472

Aplica-se a




Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal para o valor inteiro sem sinal de 64 bits especificado.

 Decimal(System::UInt64 value);
public Decimal (ulong value);
new decimal : uint64 -> decimal
Public Sub New (value As ULong)



O valor a ser representado como um Decimal.



O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com um UInt64 valor.

// Example of the Decimal( unsigned __int64 ) constructor.
using namespace System;

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( unsigned __int64 value, String^ valToStr )
   Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(value);
   // Format the constructor for display.
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr );
   // Display the constructor and its value.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( unsigned "
   "__int64 ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from unsigned __int64 values.
   CreateDecimal( UInt64::MinValue, "UInt64::MinValue" );
   CreateDecimal( UInt64::MaxValue, "UInt64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( Int64::MaxValue, "Int64::MaxValue" );
   CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
   CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
   CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the Decimal( unsigned __int64 ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                       Value
-----------                                       -----
Decimal( UInt64::MinValue )                           0
Decimal( UInt64::MaxValue )        18446744073709551615
Decimal( Int64::MaxValue )          9223372036854775807
Decimal( 999999999999999999 )        999999999999999999
Decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )       2305843009213693952
Decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )      16140901064495857664
// Example of the decimal( ulong ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorLDemo
    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( ulong value, string valToStr )
        decimal decimalNum = new decimal( value );

        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format( "decimal( {0} )", valToStr );

        // Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( ulong ) " +
            "constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-35}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" );

        // Construct decimal objects from ulong values.
        CreateDecimal( ulong.MinValue, "ulong.MinValue" );
        CreateDecimal( ulong.MaxValue, "ulong.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( long.MaxValue, "long.MaxValue" );
        CreateDecimal( 999999999999999999, "999999999999999999" );
        CreateDecimal( 0x2000000000000000, "0x2000000000000000" );
        CreateDecimal( 0xE000000000000000, "0xE000000000000000" );

This example of the decimal( ulong ) constructor
generates the following output.

Constructor                                         Value
-----------                                         -----
decimal( ulong.MinValue )                               0
decimal( ulong.MaxValue )            18446744073709551615
decimal( long.MaxValue )              9223372036854775807
decimal( 999999999999999999 )          999999999999999999
decimal( 0x2000000000000000 )         2305843009213693952
decimal( 0xE000000000000000 )        16140901064495857664
// Example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor.
open System

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal (value: uint64) valToStr =
    let decimalNum = Decimal value

    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor = $"decimal( {valToStr} )"

    // Display the constructor and its value.
    printfn $"{ctor,-35}{decimalNum,22}"

printfn "This example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor \ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "Constructor" "Value"
printfn "%-35s%22s" "-----------" "-----"

// Construct decimal objects from ulong values.
createDecimal UInt64.MinValue "UInt64.MinValue"
createDecimal UInt64.MaxValue "UInt64.MaxValue"
createDecimal (uint64 Int64.MaxValue) "int64 Int64.MaxValue"
createDecimal 999999999999999999uL "999999999999999999uL"
createDecimal 0x2000000000000000uL "0x2000000000000000uL"
createDecimal 0xE000000000000000uL "0xE000000000000000uL"

// This example of the decimal( uint64 ) constructor 
// generates the following output.
// Constructor                                         Value
// -----------                                         -----
// decimal( UInt64.MinValue )                              0
// decimal( UInt64.MaxValue )           18446744073709551615
// decimal( int64 Int64.MaxValue )       9223372036854775807
// decimal( 999999999999999999uL )        999999999999999999
// decimal( 0x2000000000000000uL )       2305843009213693952
// decimal( 0xE000000000000000uL )      16140901064495857664
' Example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor.
Module DecimalCtorULDemo

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( value As UInt64, valToStr As String )

        Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( value )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = _
            String.Format( "Decimal( {0} )", valToStr )

        ' Display the constructor and its value.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", ctor, decimalNum )
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor " & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "Constructor", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-33}{1,22}", "-----------", "-----" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from UInt64 values.
        ' UInt64.MinValue and UInt64.MaxValue are not defined in VB.
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 0 ), """UInt64.MinValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 18446744073709551615D ), _
            """UInt64.MaxValue""" )
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( Long.MaxValue ), _
            "Long.MaxValue" )              
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 999999999999999999 ), _
            "999999999999999999" )                
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( &H2000000000000000 ), _
            "&H2000000000000000" )                
        CreateDecimal( Convert.ToUInt64( 16140901064495857664.0 ), _
            "16140901064495857664.0" )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( UInt64 ) constructor
' generates the following output.
' Constructor                                       Value
' -----------                                       -----
' Decimal( "UInt64.MinValue" )                          0
' Decimal( "UInt64.MaxValue" )       18446744073709551615
' Decimal( Long.MaxValue )            9223372036854775807
' Decimal( 999999999999999999 )        999999999999999999
' Decimal( &H2000000000000000 )       2305843009213693952
' Decimal( 16140901064495857664.0 )  16140901064495857664

Aplica-se a

Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte)


Inicializa uma nova instância de Decimal de parâmetros que especificam as partes constituintes da instância.

 Decimal(int lo, int mid, int hi, bool isNegative, System::Byte scale);
public Decimal (int lo, int mid, int hi, bool isNegative, byte scale);
new decimal : int * int * int * bool * byte -> decimal
Public Sub New (lo As Integer, mid As Integer, hi As Integer, isNegative As Boolean, scale As Byte)



Os 32 bits inferiores de um inteiro de 96 bits.


Os 32 bits intermediários de um inteiro de 96 bits.


Os 32 bits superiores de um inteiro de 96 bits.


true para indicar um número negativo; false para indicar um número positivo.


Uma potência de 10, variando de 0 a 28.


scale é maior que 28.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria vários Decimal números usando a sobrecarga do construtor que inicializa uma Decimal estrutura com três Int32 palavras de valor, um Boolean sinal e um fator de Byte escala.

// Example of the Decimal( int, int, int, bool, unsigned char ) 
// constructor.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Create a Decimal object and display its value.
void CreateDecimal( int low, int mid, int high, bool isNeg, unsigned char scale )
   // Format the constructor for display.
   array<Object^>^boxedParams = gcnew array<Object^>(5);
   boxedParams[ 0 ] = low;
   boxedParams[ 1 ] = mid;
   boxedParams[ 2 ] = high;
   boxedParams[ 3 ] = isNeg;
   boxedParams[ 4 ] = scale;
   String^ ctor = String::Format( "Decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )", boxedParams );
   String^ valOrExc;
      // Construct the Decimal value.
      Decimal decimalNum = Decimal(low,mid,high,isNeg,scale);
      // Format and save the Decimal value.
      valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString();
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
      valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

   // Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
   int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc->Length;
   // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
   if ( ctorLen > ctor->Length )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor->PadRight( ctorLen ), valOrExc );
   // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal( int, int, "
   "int, bool, unsigned char ) \nconstructor "
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", "Value or Exception" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", "------------------" );
   // Construct Decimal objects from double values.
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 27 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, true, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, true, 0 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 15 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 28 );
   CreateDecimal(  -1, -1, -1, false, 29 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 18 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 28 );
   CreateDecimal( Int32::MaxValue, 0, 0, true, 28 );

This example of the Decimal( int, int, int, bool, unsigned char )
constructor generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
Decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
Decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
Decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
Decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
Decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
// Example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte ) constructor.
using System;

class DecimalCtorIIIBByDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Create a decimal object and display its value.
    public static void CreateDecimal( int low, int mid, int high,
        bool isNeg, byte scale )
        // Format the constructor for display.
        string ctor = String.Format(
            "decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )",
            low, mid, high, isNeg, scale );
        string valOrExc;

            // Construct the decimal value.
            decimal decimalNum = new decimal(
                low, mid, high, isNeg, scale );

            // Format and save the decimal value.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( );
        catch( Exception ex )
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            valOrExc = GetExceptionType( ex );

        // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
        int ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length;

        // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
        if ( ctorLen > ctor.Length )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ),
                valOrExc );

        // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor );
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc );

    public static void Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the decimal( int, int, " +
            "int, bool, byte ) \nconstructor " +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor",
            "Value or Exception" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------",
            "------------------" );

        // Construct decimal objects from the component fields.
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, false, 27 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, true, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, true, 0 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 15 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 28 );
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, false, 29 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 18 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, false, 28 );
        CreateDecimal( int.MaxValue, 0, 0, true, 28 );

This example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte )
constructor generates the following output.

Constructor                                               Value or Exception
-----------                                               ------------------
decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
// Example of the decimal( int, int, int, bool, byte ) constructor.
open System

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)

// Create a decimal object and display its value.
let createDecimal low mid high (isNeg: bool) (scale: byte) =
    // Format the constructor for display.
    let ctor =
        $"decimal( %i{low}, %i{mid}, %i{high}, {isNeg}, {scale} )"

    let valOrExc =
            // Construct the decimal value.
            let decimalNum = new decimal(low, mid, high, isNeg, scale)

            // Format and save the decimal value.
            decimalNum |> string
        with ex ->
            // Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
            getExceptionType ex

    // Display the constructor and decimal value or exception.
    let ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length

    // Display the data on one line if it will fit.
    if ctorLen > ctor.Length then
        printfn $"{ctor.PadRight ctorLen}{valOrExc}"

    // Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
        printfn $"{ctor}"
        printfn $"{valOrExc,76}"

    """This example of the decimal(int, int, int, bool, byte) 
constructor generates the following output.
printfn "%-38s%38s" "Constructor" "Value or Exception"
printfn "%-38s%38s" "-----------" "------------------"

// Construct decimal objects from the component fields.
createDecimal 0 0 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 0 0 false 27uy
createDecimal 0 0 0 true 0uy
createDecimal 1000000000 0 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 1000000000 0 false 0uy
createDecimal 0 0 1000000000 false 0uy
createDecimal 1000000000 1000000000 1000000000 false 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 true 0uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 15uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 28uy
createDecimal -1 -1 -1 false 29uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 false 18uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 false 28uy
createDecimal Int32.MaxValue 0 0 true 28uy

// This example of the decimal(int, int, int, bool, byte)
// constructor generates the following output.
// Constructor                                               Value or Exception
// -----------                                               ------------------
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
// decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
// decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
// decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
// decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
// decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
//                                                18446744078004518913000000000
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
// decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
// decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647
' Example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Byte ) 
' constructor.
Module DecimalCtorIIIBByDemo

    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Create a Decimal object and display its value.
    Sub CreateDecimal( low As Integer, mid As Integer, _
        high As Integer, isNeg As Boolean, scale as Byte )

        ' Format the constructor for display.
        Dim ctor As String = String.Format( _
            "Decimal( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )", _
            low, mid, high, isNeg, scale )
        Dim valOrExc As String

        ' Construct the Decimal value.
            Dim decimalNum As New Decimal( _
                low, mid, high, isNeg, scale )

            ' Format and save the Decimal value.
            valOrExc = decimalNum.ToString( )

        ' Save the exception type if an exception was thrown.
        Catch ex As Exception
            valOrExc =  GetExceptionType( ex ) 
        End Try

        ' Display the constructor and Decimal value or exception.
        Dim ctorLen = 76 - valOrExc.Length
        If ctorLen > ctor.Length Then

            ' Display the data on one line if it will fit.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", ctor.PadRight( ctorLen ), _
                valOrExc )

        ' Otherwise, display the data on two lines.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}", ctor )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0,76}", valOrExc )
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, " & _
            "Integer, Boolean, Byte ) " & vbCrLf & "constructor " & _
            "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "Constructor", _
            "Value or Exception" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-38}{1,38}", "-----------", _
            "------------------" )

        ' Construct Decimal objects from the component fields.
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )                
        CreateDecimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, False, 18 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, False, 28 )                
        CreateDecimal( Integer.MaxValue, 0, 0, True, 28 )                
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal( Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Byte )
' constructor generates the following output.
' Constructor                                               Value or Exception
' -----------                                               ------------------
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 0 )                                               0
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, False, 27 )                                              0
' Decimal( 0, 0, 0, True, 0 )                                                0
' Decimal( 1000000000, 0, 0, False, 0 )                             1000000000
' Decimal( 0, 1000000000, 0, False, 0 )                    4294967296000000000
' Decimal( 0, 0, 1000000000, False, 0 )          18446744073709551616000000000
' Decimal( 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000, False, 0 )
'                                                18446744078004518913000000000
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 0 )                79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, True, 0 )                -79228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 15 )              79228162514264.337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 28 )              7.9228162514264337593543950335
' Decimal( -1, -1, -1, False, 29 )                 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 18 )                  0.000000002147483647
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, False, 28 )        0.0000000000000000002147483647
' Decimal( 2147483647, 0, 0, True, 28 )        -0.0000000000000000002147483647

O exemplo a seguir usa o GetBits método para recuperar as partes de componente de uma matriz. Em seguida, ele usa essa matriz na chamada para o Decimal(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Byte) construtor para criar uma instância de um novo Decimal valor.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Decimal[] values = { 1234.96m, -1234.96m };
      foreach (var value in values) {
         int[] parts = Decimal.GetBits(value);
         bool sign = (parts[3] & 0x80000000) != 0;

         byte scale = (byte) ((parts[3] >> 16) & 0x7F);
         Decimal newValue = new Decimal(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], sign, scale);
         Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", value, newValue);
// The example displays the following output:
//       1234.96 --> 1234.96
//       -1234.96 --> -1234.96
open System

let values = [ 1234.96m; -1234.96m ]
for value in values do
    let parts = Decimal.GetBits value
    let sign = (parts[3] &&& 0x80000000) <> 0

    let scale = (parts[3] >>> 16) &&& 0x7F |> byte
    let newValue = Decimal(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], sign, scale)
    printfn $"{value} --> {newValue}"

// The example displays the following output:
//       1234.96 --> 1234.96
//       -1234.96 --> -1234.96
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim values() As Decimal = { 1234.96d, -1234.96d }
      For Each value In values
         Dim parts() = Decimal.GetBits(value)
         Dim sign As Boolean = (parts(3) And &h80000000) <> 0
         Dim scale As Byte = CByte((parts(3) >> 16) And &H7F)
         Dim newValue As New Decimal(parts(0), parts(1), parts(2), sign, scale)    
         Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", value, newValue)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    1234.96 --> 1234.96
'    -1234.96 --> -1234.96


A representação binária de um Decimal número consiste em um sinal de 1 bit, um número inteiro de 96 bits e um fator de dimensionamento usado para dividir o número inteiro e especificar qual parte dele é uma fração decimal. O fator de dimensionamento é implicitamente o número 10 elevado a um expoente que varia de 0 a 28.

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