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DataReceivedEventHandler Delegar


Representa o método que manipulará o evento OutputDataReceived ou ErrorDataReceived de um Process.

public delegate void DataReceivedEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, DataReceivedEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void DataReceivedEventHandler(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e);
type DataReceivedEventHandler = delegate of obj * DataReceivedEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub DataReceivedEventHandler(sender As Object, e As DataReceivedEventArgs)



A fonte do evento.


Um DataReceivedEventArgs que contém os dados do evento.


O exemplo de código a seguir ilustra como executar operações de leitura assíncronas no fluxo redirecionado StandardOutput do comando sort . O comando sort é um aplicativo de console que lê e classifica a entrada de texto.

O exemplo cria um DataReceivedEventHandler delegado para o SortOutputHandler manipulador de eventos e associa o delegado ao OutputDataReceived evento . O manipulador de eventos recebe linhas de texto do fluxo redirecionado StandardOutput , formata o texto e grava o texto na tela.

// Define the namespaces used by this sample.
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

ref class SortOutputRedirection
   // Define static variables shared by class methods.
   static StringBuilder^ sortOutput = nullptr;
   static int numOutputLines = 0;

   static void SortInputListText()
      // Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
      // The sort command is a console application that
      // reads and sorts text input.

      Process^ sortProcess;
      sortProcess = gcnew Process;
      sortProcess->StartInfo->FileName = "Sort.exe";
      // Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
      sortProcess->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
      // Redirect the standard output of the sort command.  
      // This stream is read asynchronously using an event handler.
      sortProcess->StartInfo->RedirectStandardOutput = true;
      sortOutput = gcnew StringBuilder;
      // Set our event handler to asynchronously read the sort output.
      sortProcess->OutputDataReceived += gcnew DataReceivedEventHandler( SortOutputHandler );
      // Redirect standard input as well.  This stream
      // is used synchronously.
      sortProcess->StartInfo->RedirectStandardInput = true;
      // Start the process.
      // Use a stream writer to synchronously write the sort input.
      StreamWriter^ sortStreamWriter = sortProcess->StandardInput;
      // Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream.
      // Prompt the user for input text lines.  Write each 
      // line to the redirected input stream of the sort command.
      Console::WriteLine( "Ready to sort up to 50 lines of text" );

      String^ inputText;
      int numInputLines = 0;
         Console::WriteLine( "Enter a text line (or press the Enter key to stop):" );

         inputText = Console::ReadLine();
         if (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( inputText ) )
            sortStreamWriter->WriteLine( inputText );
      while (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( inputText ) && (numInputLines < 50) );

      Console::WriteLine( "<end of input stream>" );
      // End the input stream to the sort command.
      // Wait for the sort process to write the sorted text lines.

      if ( numOutputLines > 0 )
         // Write the formatted and sorted output to the console.
         Console::WriteLine( " Sort results = {0} sorted text line(s) ",
            numOutputLines.ToString() );
         Console::WriteLine( "----------" );
         Console::WriteLine( sortOutput->ToString() );
         Console::WriteLine( " No input lines were sorted." );


   static void SortOutputHandler( Object^ /*sendingProcess*/,
      DataReceivedEventArgs^ outLine )
      // Collect the sort command output.
      if (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( outLine->Data ) )
         // Add the text to the collected output.
         sortOutput->AppendFormat( "\n[{0}] {1}",
            numOutputLines.ToString(), outLine->Data );

/// The main entry point for the application.
void main()
   catch ( InvalidOperationException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception:" );
      Console::WriteLine( e );
// Define the namespaces used by this sample.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples
    class SortOutputRedirection
        // Define static variables shared by class methods.
        private static StringBuilder sortOutput = null;
        private static int numOutputLines = 0;

        public static void SortInputListText()
            // Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
            // The sort command is a console application that
            // reads and sorts text input.

            Process sortProcess = new Process();
            sortProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Sort.exe";

            // Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

            // Redirect the standard output of the sort command.
            // This stream is read asynchronously using an event handler.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            sortOutput = new StringBuilder();

            // Set our event handler to asynchronously read the sort output.
            sortProcess.OutputDataReceived += SortOutputHandler;

            // Redirect standard input as well.  This stream
            // is used synchronously.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

            // Start the process.

            // Use a stream writer to synchronously write the sort input.
            StreamWriter sortStreamWriter = sortProcess.StandardInput;

            // Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream.

            // Prompt the user for input text lines.  Write each
            // line to the redirected input stream of the sort command.
            Console.WriteLine("Ready to sort up to 50 lines of text");

            String inputText;
            int numInputLines = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a text line (or press the Enter key to stop):");

                inputText = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText))
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText) && (numInputLines < 50));
            Console.WriteLine("<end of input stream>");

            // End the input stream to the sort command.

            // Wait for the sort process to write the sorted text lines.

            if (numOutputLines > 0)
                // Write the formatted and sorted output to the console.
                Console.WriteLine($" Sort results = {numOutputLines} sorted text line(s) ");
                Console.WriteLine(" No input lines were sorted.");


        private static void SortOutputHandler(object sendingProcess,
            DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)
            // Collect the sort command output.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data))

                // Add the text to the collected output.
                sortOutput.Append(Environment.NewLine +
                    $"[{numOutputLines}] - {outLine.Data}");

namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples

    class ProcessSampleMain
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        static void Main()
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
' Define the namespaces used by this sample.
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel

Namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples

    Class ProcessAsyncOutputRedirection
        ' Define static variables shared by class methods.
        Private Shared sortOutput As StringBuilder = Nothing
        Private Shared numOutputLines As Integer = 0

        Public Shared Sub SortInputListText()

            ' Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
            ' The sort command is a console application that
            ' reads and sorts text input.
            Dim sortProcess As New Process()
            sortProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Sort.exe"

            ' Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False

            ' Redirect the standard output of the sort command.  
            ' Read the stream asynchronously using an event handler.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
            sortOutput = New StringBuilder()

            ' Set our event handler to asynchronously read the sort output.
            AddHandler sortProcess.OutputDataReceived, AddressOf SortOutputHandler

            ' Redirect standard input as well.  This stream
            ' is used synchronously.
            sortProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True

            ' Start the process.

            ' Use a stream writer to synchronously write the sort input.
            Dim sortStreamWriter As StreamWriter = sortProcess.StandardInput

            ' Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream.

            ' Prompt the user for input text lines.  Write each 
            ' line to the redirected input stream of the sort command.
            Console.WriteLine("Ready to sort up to 50 lines of text")

            Dim inputText As String
            Dim numInputLines As Integer = 0
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a text line (or press the Enter key to stop):")

                inputText = Console.ReadLine()
                If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText) Then
                    numInputLines += 1
                End If
            Loop While Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText) AndAlso numInputLines < 50
            Console.WriteLine("<end of input stream>")

            ' End the input stream to the sort command.

            ' Wait for the sort process to write the sorted text lines.

            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(numOutputLines) Then
                ' Write the formatted and sorted output to the console.
                Console.WriteLine($" Sort results = {numOutputLines} sorted text line(s) ")
                Console.WriteLine(" No input lines were sorted.")
            End If

        End Sub

        Private Shared Sub SortOutputHandler(sendingProcess As Object,
           outLine As DataReceivedEventArgs)

            ' Collect the sort command output.
            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data) Then
                numOutputLines += 1

                ' Add the text to the collected output.
                sortOutput.Append(Environment.NewLine +
                    $"[{numOutputLines}] - {outLine.Data}")
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples

    Class ProcessSampleMain

        ' The main entry point for the application.
        Shared Sub Main()

            Catch e As InvalidOperationException
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class  'ProcessSampleMain
End Namespace 'Process_AsyncStream_Sample


Ao criar um DataReceivedEventHandler delegado, você identifica o método que manipulará o evento. Para associar o evento ao manipulador de eventos, adicione uma instância do delegado ao evento. O manipulador de eventos é chamado sempre que o evento ocorre, a menos que você remova o representante. Para obter mais informações sobre delegados do manipulador de eventos, consulte Manipulando e levantando eventos.

Para coletar de forma assíncrona a saída redirecionada StandardOutput ou StandardError de fluxo de um processo, adicione o manipulador de eventos ao OutputDataReceived evento ou ErrorDataReceived . Esses eventos são gerados sempre que o processo grava uma linha no fluxo redirecionado correspondente. Quando o fluxo redirecionado é fechado, uma linha nula é enviada para o manipulador de eventos. Verifique se o manipulador de eventos verifica essa condição antes de acessar a Data propriedade. Por exemplo, você pode usar o static método String.IsNullOrEmpty para validar a Data propriedade em seu manipulador de eventos.

Métodos de Extensão


Obtém um objeto que representa o método representado pelo delegado especificado.

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