Compartilhar via

Decimal.Equals Método


Retorna um valor que indica se duas instâncias de Decimal representam o mesmo valor.


Equals(Decimal, Decimal)

Retorna um valor que indica se duas instâncias especificadas de Decimal representam o mesmo valor.


Retorna um valor que indica se essa instância e um objeto Decimal especificado representam o mesmo valor.


Retorna um valor que indica se essa instância e um Object especificados representam o mesmo tipo e valor.

Equals(Decimal, Decimal)


Retorna um valor que indica se duas instâncias especificadas de Decimal representam o mesmo valor.

 static bool Equals(System::Decimal d1, System::Decimal d2);
public static bool Equals (decimal d1, decimal d2);
static member Equals : decimal * decimal -> bool
Public Shared Function Equals (d1 As Decimal, d2 As Decimal) As Boolean



O primeiro valor a ser comparado.


O segundo valor a ser comparado.


true se d1 e d2 forem iguais; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo de código a seguir compara vários valores de Decimal a um valor Decimal de referência usando o método Equals estático.

// Example of the Decimal::Compare and static Decimal::Equals methods.
using namespace System;
const __wchar_t * protoFmt = L"{0,-45}{1}";

// Compare Decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
void CompareDecimals( Decimal Left, Decimal Right, String^ RightText )
   String^ dataFmt = gcnew String( protoFmt );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, String::Concat( "Right: ", RightText ), Right );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )", Decimal::Equals( Left, Right ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )", Decimal::Compare( Left, Right ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal::Equals( Decimal, Decimal "
   ") and \nDecimal::Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) "
   "methods generates the \nfollowing output. It creates "
   "several different Decimal \nvalues and compares them "
   "with the following reference value.\n" );
   // Create a reference Decimal value.
   Decimal Left = Decimal(123.456);
   Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "Left: Decimal( 123.456 )", Left );
   // Create Decimal values to compare with the reference.
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal(1.2345600E+2), "Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.4561" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.4561\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.4559" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.4559\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.456000" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.456000\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal(123456000,0,0,false,6), "Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );

This example of the Decimal::Equals( Decimal, Decimal ) and
Decimal::Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different Decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: Decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456

Right: Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.4561" )          123.4561
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               False
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              -1

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.4559" )          123.4559
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               False
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              1

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.456000" )        123.456000
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0

Right: Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0
// Example of the decimal.Compare and static decimal.Equals methods.
using System;

class DecCompareEqualsDemo
    const string dataFmt = "{0,-45}{1}";

    // Compare decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
    public static void CompareDecimals( decimal Left, decimal Right,
        string RightText )
        Console.WriteLine( );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Right: "+RightText, Right );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Equals( Left, Right )",
            Decimal.Equals( Left, Right ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Compare( Left, Right )",
            Decimal.Compare( Left, Right ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " +
            "decimal.Equals( decimal, decimal ) and \n" +
            "decimal.Compare( decimal, decimal ) methods " +
            "generates the \nfollowing output. It creates several " +
            "different decimal \nvalues and compares them with " +
            "the following reference value.\n" );

        // Create a reference decimal value.
        decimal Left = new decimal( 123.456 );

        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Left: decimal( 123.456 )",
            Left );

        // Create decimal values to compare with the reference.
        CompareDecimals( Left, new decimal( 1.2345600E+2 ),
            "decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4561M, "123.4561M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4559M, "123.4559M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.456000M, "123.456000M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left,
            new decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 ),
            "decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );

This example of the decimal.Equals( decimal, decimal ) and
decimal.Compare( decimal, decimal ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456

Right: decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0

Right: 123.4561M                             123.4561
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               -1

Right: 123.4559M                             123.4559
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               1

Right: 123.456000M                           123.456000
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0

Right: decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
// Example of the decimal.Compare and static decimal.Equals methods.
open System

let print message obj = printfn $"%-45s{message}{obj}"

// Compare decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
let compareDecimals (left: decimal) (right: decimal) (rightText: string) =
    printfn ""
    print $"right: {rightText}" right
    print "decimal.Equals(left, right)  " (Decimal.Equals(left, right))
    print "decimal.Compare(left, right)  " (Decimal.Compare(left, right))

Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " +
    "decimal.Equals(decimal, decimal) and \n" +
    "decimal.Compare(decimal, decimal) methods " +
    "generates the \nfollowing output. It creates several " +
    "different decimal \nvalues and compares them with " +
    "the following reference value.\n" )

// Create a reference decimal value.
let left = decimal 123.456

print "left: decimal( 123.456 )" left

// Create decimal values to compare with the reference.
compareDecimals left (decimal 1.2345600E+2 ) "decimal(1.2345600E+2)"
compareDecimals left 123.4561M "123.4561M"
compareDecimals left 123.4559M "123.4559M"
compareDecimals left 123.456000M "123.456000M"
compareDecimals left (Decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6uy)) "Decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6)"

// This example of the decimal.Equals(decimal, decimal) and
// decimal.Compare(decimal, decimal) methods generates the
// following output. It creates several different decimal
// values and compares them with the following reference value.

// left: decimal(123.456)                       123.456

// right: decimal(1.2345600E+2)                 123.456
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0

// right: 123.4561M                             123.4561
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  False
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 -1

// right: 123.4559M                             123.4559
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  False
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 1

// right: 123.456000M                           123.456000
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0

// right: decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6)    123.456000
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0
' Example of the Decimal.Compare and static Decimal.Equals methods.
Module DecCompareEqualsDemo
    Const dataFmt As String = "{0,-45}{1}"

    ' Compare Decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
    Sub CompareDecimals( Left as Decimal, Right as Decimal, _
        RightText as String )

        Console.WriteLine( )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Right: " & RightText, Right )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )", _
            Decimal.Equals( Left, Right ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )", _
            Decimal.Compare( Left, Right ) )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal.Equals( Decimal, " & _
            "Decimal ) and " & vbCrLf & "Decimal.Compare( " & _
            "Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the " & vbCrLf & _
            "following output. It creates several different " & _
            "Decimal " & vbCrLf & "values and compares them " & _
            "with the following reference value." & vbCrLf )

        ' Create a reference Decimal value.
        Dim Left as New Decimal( 123.456 )

        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Left: Decimal( 123.456 )", Left )

        ' Create Decimal values to compare with the reference.
        CompareDecimals( Left, New Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 ), _
            "Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4561D, "123.4561D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4559D, "123.4559D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.456000D, "123.456000D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, _
            New Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 ), _
            "Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal.Equals( Decimal, Decimal ) and
' Decimal.Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the
' following output. It creates several different Decimal
' values and compares them with the following reference value.
' Left: Decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456
' Right: Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
' Right: 123.4561D                             123.4561
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               -1
' Right: 123.4559D                             123.4559
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               1
' Right: 123.456000D                           123.456
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
' Right: Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0

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Retorna um valor que indica se essa instância e um objeto Decimal especificado representam o mesmo valor.

 virtual bool Equals(System::Decimal value);
public bool Equals (decimal value);
override this.Equals : decimal -> bool
Public Function Equals (value As Decimal) As Boolean



Um objeto a ser comparado a essa instância.


true se value for igual a essa instância; caso contrário, false.



Esse método implementa a interface System.IEquatable<T> e executa um pouco melhor do que Equals porque não precisa converter o parâmetro value em um objeto.

Se value tiver menos bits (é mais estreito) do que o tipo de instância, algumas linguagens de programação executarão uma conversão de ampliação implícita que transforma o valor do parâmetro em um valor com mais bits.

Por exemplo, suponha que o tipo de instância seja Int32 e o tipo de parâmetro seja Byte. O compilador do Microsoft C# gera instruções para representar o valor do parâmetro como um objeto Int32 e, em seguida, gera um método Int32.CompareTo para comparar a instância Int32 e a representação de parâmetro.

Consulte a documentação da linguagem de programação para determinar se o compilador executa conversões de ampliação implícitas em tipos numéricos.

Notas aos Chamadores

A resolução de sobrecarga do compilador pode levar em conta uma diferença aparente no comportamento das duas sobrecargas de método Equals(Object). Se uma conversão implícita entre o argumento value e um Decimal for definida e o argumento não for digitado como um Object, os compiladores poderão executar uma conversão implícita e chamar o método Equals(Decimal). Caso contrário, eles chamam o método Equals(Object), que sempre retorna false se seu argumento value não for um valor Decimal. O exemplo a seguir ilustra a diferença de comportamento entre as duas sobrecargas de método. No caso de todos os tipos integrais primitivos, incluindo tipos assinados e não assinados, a primeira comparação retorna true porque o compilador executa automaticamente uma conversão de ampliação e chama o método Equals(Decimal), enquanto a segunda comparação retorna false porque o compilador chama o método Equals(Object).

using System;

public class Example
   static decimal value = 112m;

   public static void Main()
      byte byte1= 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1));

      short short1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1));

      int int1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1));

      long long1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1));

      sbyte sbyte1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1));

      ushort ushort1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1));

      uint uint1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1));

      ulong ulong1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1));

      float sng1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1));

      double dbl1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1));

   private static void TestObjectForEquality(Object obj)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}\n",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
let value = 112m

let testObjectForEquality (obj: obj) =
    printfn $"{value} ({value.GetType().Name}) = {obj} ({obj.GetType().Name}): {value.Equals obj}\n"

let byte1 = 112uy
printfn $"value = byte1: {value.Equals byte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality byte1

let short1 = 112s
printfn $"value = short1: {value.Equals short1,17}"
testObjectForEquality short1

let int1 = 112
printfn $"value = int1: {value.Equals int1,19}"
testObjectForEquality int1

let long1 = 112L
printfn $"value = long1: {value.Equals long1,18}"
testObjectForEquality long1

let sbyte1 = 112y
printfn $"value = sbyte1: {value.Equals sbyte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality sbyte1

let ushort1 = 112us
printfn $"value = ushort1: {value.Equals ushort1,17}"
testObjectForEquality ushort1

let uint1 = 112u
printfn $"value = uint1: {value.Equals uint1,19}"
testObjectForEquality uint1

let ulong1 = 112uL
printfn $"value = ulong1: {value.Equals ulong1,18}"
testObjectForEquality ulong1

let sng1 = 112f
printfn $"value = sng1: {value.Equals sng1,21}"
testObjectForEquality sng1

let dbl1 = 112.
printfn $"value = dbl1: {value.Equals dbl1,21}"
testObjectForEquality dbl1

// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
Module Example
   Dim value As Decimal = 112d
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim byte1 As Byte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1))
      Dim short1 As Short = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1))

      Dim int1 As Integer = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1))

      Dim long1 As Long = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1))

      Dim sbyte1 As SByte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1))
      Dim ushort1 As UShort = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1))

      Dim uint1 As UInteger = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1))

      Dim ulong1 As ULong = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1))

      Dim sng1 As Single = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1))

      Dim dbl1 As Double = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1))
   End Sub
   Private Sub TestObjectForEquality(obj As Object)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       value = byte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
'       value = short1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
'       value = int1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
'       value = long1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
'       value = sbyte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
'       value = ushort1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
'       value = uint1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
'       value = ulong1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
'       value = sng1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
'       value = dbl1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False

Confira também

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Retorna um valor que indica se essa instância e um Object especificados representam o mesmo tipo e valor.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ value);
public override bool Equals (object value);
public override bool Equals (object? value);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (value As Object) As Boolean



O objeto a ser comparado com essa instância.


true se value for um Decimal e igual a essa instância; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo de código a seguir compara vários Decimal e outros objetos a um valor de Decimal de referência usando o método Equals.

// Example of the Decimal::CompareTo and Decimal::Equals instance 
// methods.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Compare the Decimal to the Object parameters, 
// and display the Object parameters with the results.
void CompDecimalToObject( Decimal Left, Object^ Right, String^ RightText )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", String::Concat( "Object: ", RightText ), Right );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( Object )", Left.Equals( Right ) );
   Console::Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( Object )" );
      // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}\n", Left.CompareTo( Right ) );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}\n", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal::Equals( Object* ) and \n"
   "Decimal::CompareTo( Object* ) methods generates the \n"
   "following output. It creates several different "
   "Decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following "
   "reference value.\n" );
   // Create a reference Decimal value.
   Decimal Left = Decimal(987.654);
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}\n", "Left: Decimal( 987.654 )", Left );
   // Create objects to compare with the reference.
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal(9.8765400E+2), "Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal::Parse( "987.6541" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"987.6541\" )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal::Parse( "987.6539" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"987.6539\" )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal(987654000,0,0,false,6), "Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2, "Double 9.8765400E+2" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", "String \"987.654\"" );

This example of the Decimal::Equals( Object* ) and
Decimal::CompareTo( Object* ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different Decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: Decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654

Object: Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0

Object: Decimal::Parse( "987.6541" )          987.6541
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      -1

Object: Decimal::Parse( "987.6539" )          987.6539
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      1

Object: Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
Left.Equals( Object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0

Object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException

Object: String "987.654"                      987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException
// Example of the decimal.CompareTo and decimal.Equals instance
// methods.
using System;

class DecCompToEqualsObjDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Compare the decimal to the object parameters,
    // and display the object parameters with the results.
    public static void CompDecimalToObject( decimal Left,
        object Right, string RightText )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "object: "+RightText,
            Right );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( object )",
            Left.Equals( Right ) );
        Console.Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( object )" );

            // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n", Left.CompareTo( Right ) );
        catch( Exception ex )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and \n" +
            "decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the \n" +
            "following output. It creates several different " +
            "decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following " +
            "reference value.\n" );

        // Create a reference decimal value.
        decimal Left = new decimal( 987.654 );

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}\n",
            "Left: decimal( 987.654 )", Left );

        // Create objects to compare with the reference.
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, new decimal( 9.8765400E+2 ),
            "decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6541M, "987.6541D" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6539M, "987.6539D" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left,
            new decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 ),
            "decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2,
            "Double 9.8765400E+2" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", "String \"987.654\"" );

This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and
decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654

object: decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( object )                      0

object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      -1

object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      1

object: decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
Left.Equals( object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( object )                      0

object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      ArgumentException

object: String "987.654"                      987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      ArgumentException
// Example of the decimal.CompareTo and decimal.Equals instance
// methods.
open System

// Get the exception type name remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.'  + 1)

// Compare the decimal to the object parameters,
// and display the object parameters with the results.
let compDecimalToObject (left: decimal) (right: obj) (rightText: string) =
    printfn $"object: %-38s{rightText}{right}"
    printfn $"""%-46s{"left.Equals(object)"}{left.Equals right}"""       
    printf $"""%-46s{"left.CompareTo(object)"}"""

        // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
        printfn $"{left.CompareTo right}\n"
    with ex ->
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex}\n"

    "This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and \n" +
    "decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the \n" +
    "following output. It creates several different " +
    "decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following " +
    "reference value.\n" )

// Create a reference decimal value.
let left = decimal 987.654

printfn $"""{"Left: decimal(987.654)",-46}{left}\n"""

// Create objects to compare with the reference.
compDecimalToObject left (decimal 9.8765400E+2 ) "decimal(9.8765400E+2)"
compDecimalToObject left 987.6541M "987.6541D"
compDecimalToObject left 987.6539M "987.6539D"
compDecimalToObject left (Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6uy)) "Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6)"
compDecimalToObject left 9.8765400E+2 "Double 9.8765400E+2"
compDecimalToObject left "987.654" "String \"987.654\""

// This example of the Decimal.Equals(object) and
// Decimal.CompareTo(object) methods generates the
// following output. It creates several different decimal
// values and compares them with the following reference value.
// Left: decimal(987.654)                        987.654
// object: decimal(9.8765400E+2)                 987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           True
// left.CompareTo(object)                        0
// object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        -1
// object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        1
// object: Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6)    987.654000
// left.Equals(object)                           True
// left.CompareTo(object)                        0
// object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        ArgumentException
// object: String "987.654"                      987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        ArgumentException
' Example of the Decimal.CompareTo and Decimal.Equals instance methods.
Module DecCompToEqualsObjDemo
    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Compare the Decimal to the Object parameters, 
    ' and display the Object parameters with the results.
    Sub CompDecimalToObject( Left as Decimal, Right as Object, _
        RightText as String )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Object: " & RightText, _
            Right )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( Object )", _
            Left.Equals( Right ) )
        Console.Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( Object )" )

        ' Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}" & vbCrLf, _
                Left.CompareTo( Right ) )
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}" & vbCrLf, _
                GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal.Equals( Object ) " & _
            "and " & vbCrLf & "Decimal.CompareTo( Object ) " & _
            "methods generates the " & vbCrLf & _
            "following output. It creates several different " & _
            "Decimal " & vbCrLf & "values and compares them " & _
            "with the following reference value." & vbCrLf )

        ' Create a reference Decimal value.
        Dim Left as New Decimal( 987.654 )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}" & vbCrLf, _
            "Left: Decimal( 987.654 )", Left )

        ' Create objects to compare with the reference.
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, New Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 ), _
            "Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6541D, "987.6541D" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6539D, "987.6539D" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, _
            New Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 ), _
            "Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2, _
            "Double 9.8765400E+2" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", _
            "String ""987.654""" )
    End Sub
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal.Equals( Object ) and
' Decimal.CompareTo( Object ) methods generates the
' following output. It creates several different Decimal
' values and compares them with the following reference value.
' Left: Decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654
' Object: Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         True
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0
' Object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      -1
' Object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      1
' Object: Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
' Left.Equals( Object )                         True
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0
' Object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException
' Object: String "987.654"                      987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException

Notas aos Chamadores

A resolução de sobrecarga do compilador pode levar em conta uma diferença aparente no comportamento das duas sobrecargas de método Equals(Object). Se uma conversão implícita entre o argumento value e um Decimal for definida e o argumento não for digitado como um Object, os compiladores poderão executar uma conversão implícita e chamar o método Equals(Decimal). Caso contrário, eles chamam o método Equals(Object), que sempre retorna false se seu argumento value não for um valor Decimal. O exemplo a seguir ilustra a diferença de comportamento entre as duas sobrecargas de método. No caso de todos os tipos integrais primitivos, incluindo tipos assinados e não assinados, a primeira comparação retorna true porque o compilador executa automaticamente uma conversão de ampliação e chama o método Equals(Decimal), enquanto a segunda comparação retorna false porque o compilador chama o método Equals(Object).

using System;

public class Example
   static decimal value = 112m;

   public static void Main()
      byte byte1= 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1));

      short short1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1));

      int int1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1));

      long long1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1));

      sbyte sbyte1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1));

      ushort ushort1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1));

      uint uint1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1));

      ulong ulong1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1));

      float sng1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1));

      double dbl1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1));

   private static void TestObjectForEquality(Object obj)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}\n",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
let value = 112m

let testObjectForEquality (obj: obj) =
    printfn $"{value} ({value.GetType().Name}) = {obj} ({obj.GetType().Name}): {value.Equals obj}\n"

let byte1 = 112uy
printfn $"value = byte1: {value.Equals byte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality byte1

let short1 = 112s
printfn $"value = short1: {value.Equals short1,17}"
testObjectForEquality short1

let int1 = 112
printfn $"value = int1: {value.Equals int1,19}"
testObjectForEquality int1

let long1 = 112L
printfn $"value = long1: {value.Equals long1,18}"
testObjectForEquality long1

let sbyte1 = 112y
printfn $"value = sbyte1: {value.Equals sbyte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality sbyte1

let ushort1 = 112us
printfn $"value = ushort1: {value.Equals ushort1,17}"
testObjectForEquality ushort1

let uint1 = 112u
printfn $"value = uint1: {value.Equals uint1,19}"
testObjectForEquality uint1

let ulong1 = 112uL
printfn $"value = ulong1: {value.Equals ulong1,18}"
testObjectForEquality ulong1

let sng1 = 112f
printfn $"value = sng1: {value.Equals sng1,21}"
testObjectForEquality sng1

let dbl1 = 112.
printfn $"value = dbl1: {value.Equals dbl1,21}"
testObjectForEquality dbl1

// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
Module Example
   Dim value As Decimal = 112d
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim byte1 As Byte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1))
      Dim short1 As Short = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1))

      Dim int1 As Integer = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1))

      Dim long1 As Long = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1))

      Dim sbyte1 As SByte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1))
      Dim ushort1 As UShort = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1))

      Dim uint1 As UInteger = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1))

      Dim ulong1 As ULong = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1))

      Dim sng1 As Single = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1))

      Dim dbl1 As Double = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1))
   End Sub
   Private Sub TestObjectForEquality(obj As Object)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       value = byte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
'       value = short1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
'       value = int1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
'       value = long1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
'       value = sbyte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
'       value = ushort1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
'       value = uint1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
'       value = ulong1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
'       value = sng1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
'       value = dbl1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False

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