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NSLayoutFormatOptions Enum


An enumeration of values used by FromVisualFormat(String, NSLayoutFormatOptions, NSDictionary, NSDictionary)

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

[ObjCRuntime.Unavailable(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum NSLayoutFormatOptions
type NSLayoutFormatOptions = 


AlignAllBaseline 2048

Aligns all elements using their Baselines.

AlignAllBottom 16

Aligns all elements using their Bottoms.

AlignAllCenterX 512

Aligns all elements using their CenterXs.

AlignAllCenterY 1024

Aligns all elements using their CenterYs.

AlignAllFirstBaseline 4096

Align all elements by using their first baselines.

AlignAllLastBaseline 2048

Align all elements by using their last baselines.

AlignAllLeading 32

Aligns all elements using their Leadings.

AlignAllLeft 2

Aligns all elements using their Left properties.

AlignAllRight 4

Aligns all elements using their Right properties.

AlignAllTop 8

Aligns all attributes using their Tops.

AlignAllTrailing 64

Aligns all attributes using their Trailings.

AlignmentMask 65535

Mask that can be applied to return only the alignment portion of the format options.

DirectionLeadingToTrailing 0

Arranges objects in the normal direction of text. In most languages this is left-to-right.

DirectionLeftToRight 65536

Arranges objects so that the first object is left-most.

DirectionMask 196608

Mask that can be applied to return only the directional component of the format options.

DirectionRightToLeft 131072

Arranges objects so that the first object is right-most.

SpacingBaselineToBaseline 524288

Arrange objects to that their baselines align.

SpacingEdgeToEdge 0

Arrange objects edge to edge.

SpacingMask 524288

A mask that selects only spacing bits of the format options.


The method FromVisualFormat(String, NSLayoutFormatOptions, NSDictionary, NSDictionary) takes as a parameter a NSLayoutFormatOptions value. This specifies which alignment instruction (e.g., AlignAllLeft) is to be used with the visual format string. For more on the visual format syntax, refer to the Apple document "Visual Format Language" (https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/Articles/formatLanguage.html).

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