Compartilhar via

Exemplos do PowerShell e do Microsoft Graph para o licenciamento baseado em grupo na ID do Microsoft Entra

A funcionalidade completa do licenciamento baseado em grupo no Microsoft Entra ID, parte do Microsoft Entra, está disponível por meio do portal do Azure e, atualmente, existem algumas tarefas úteis que podem ser executadas usando o Microsoft Graph e o Microsoft Graph PowerShell. Este documento fornece exemplos do que é possível.


Antes de começar a executar os cmdlets, certifique-se de se conectar a sua organização primeiro, executando o cmdlet Connect-MgGraph.


Este código é fornecido como um exemplo para fins de demonstração. Se você pretende utilizá-lo em seu ambiente, primeiro considere testá-lo em uma escala pequena ou em uma organização de teste separada. Talvez seja necessário ajustar o código para atender às necessidades específicas do ambiente.

Atribuir licenças a um grupo

Use o exemplo a seguir para atribuir licenças a um grupo usando o Microsoft Graph:

Content-type: application/json
  "addLicenses": [
      "disabledPlans": [ "11b0131d-43c8-4bbb-b2c8-e80f9a50834a" ],
      "skuId": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df"
      "disabledPlans": [ "a571ebcc-fqe0-4ca2-8c8c-7a284fd6c235" ],
      "skuId": "sb05e124f-c7cc-45a0-a6aa-8cf78c946968"
  "removeLicenses": []


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-type: application/json

  "id": "1ad75eeb-7e5a-4367-a493-9214d90d54d0",
  "deletedDateTime": null,
  "classification": null,
  "createdDateTime": "2018-04-18T22:05:03Z",
  "securityEnabled": true,


Exibir as licenças de produto atribuídas a um grupo

O cmdlet Get-MgGroup pode ser usado para recuperar o objeto de grupo e verificar a propriedade AssignedLicenses: lista todas as licenças de produto atribuídas ao grupo no momento.

# Define the group ID
$groupId = "99c4216a-56de-42c4-a4ac-e411cd8c7c41"

# Get the group with the specified ID and its assigned licenses
$group = Get-MgGroup -GroupId $groupId -Property "AssignedLicenses"

# Extract the assigned licenses
$assignedLicenses = $group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AssignedLicenses

# Extract the SKU IDs from the assigned licenses
$skuIds = $assignedLicenses | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SkuId

# For each SKU ID, get the corresponding SKU part number
$skuPartNumbers = $skuIds | ForEach-Object {
    $skuId = $_
    $subscribedSku = Get-MgSubscribedSku | Where-Object { $_.SkuId -eq $skuId }
    $skuPartNumber = $subscribedSku | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SkuPartNumber

# Output the SKU part numbers

Este é o resultado:



Os dados retornados aqui são limitados às informações do produto (SKU). Para gerar uma lista de planos de serviço desabilitados na licença, veja Exemplos de licenciamento baseado em grupo no PowerShell do Microsoft Graph.

Use o seguinte exemplo para obter os mesmos dados do Microsoft Graph.



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "value": [
  "assignedLicenses": [
          "skuId":" b05e124f-c7cc-45a0-a6aa-8cf78c946968",

Obter todos os grupos com licenças

É possível localizar todos os grupos com qualquer licença atribuída executando o seguinte comando:

Get-MgGroup -All -Property Id, MailNickname, DisplayName, GroupTypes, Description, AssignedLicenses | Where-Object {$_.AssignedLicenses -ne $null }

Mais detalhes podem ser exibidos sobre quais produtos foram atribuídos:

# Get all groups with assigned licenses
$groups = Get-MgGroup -All -Property Id, MailNickname, DisplayName, GroupTypes, Description, AssignedLicenses | Where-Object {$_.AssignedLicenses -ne $null }

# Process each group
$groupInfo = foreach ($group in $groups) {
    # For each group, get the SKU part numbers of the assigned licenses
    $skuPartNumbers = foreach ($skuId in $group.AssignedLicenses.SkuId) {
        $subscribedSku = Get-MgSubscribedSku | Where-Object { $_.SkuId -eq $skuId }

    # Create a custom object with the group's object ID, display name, and license SKU part numbers
        ObjectId = $group.Id
        DisplayName = $group.DisplayName
        Licenses = $skuPartNumbers -join ', '


Este é o resultado:

Id                                   DisplayName              AssignedLicenses
--                                   -----------              ----------------
7023a314-6148-4d7b-b33f-6c775572879a EMS E5 – Licensed users  EMSPREMIUM
cf41f428-3b45-490b-b69f-a349c8a4c38e PowerBi - Licensed users POWER_BI_STANDARD
962f7189-59d9-4a29-983f-556ae56f19a5 O365 E3 - Licensed users ENTERPRISEPACK
c2652d63-9161-439b-b74e-fcd8228a7074 EMSandOffice             {ENTERPRISEPREMIUM,EMSPREMIUM}

Obter estatísticas para grupos com licenças

É possível relatar as estatísticas básicas para grupos com licenças. No exemplo abaixo, o script lista a contagem total de usuários, a contagem de usuários com licenças já atribuídas pelo grupo e a contagem de usuários aos quais as licenças não puderam ser atribuídas pelo grupo.

# Import User Graph Module
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users
# Authenticate to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All", "Group.ReadWrite.All"
#get all groups with licenses
$groups = Get-MgGroup -All -Property LicenseProcessingState, DisplayName, Id, AssignedLicenses | Select-Object  displayname, Id, LicenseProcessingState, AssignedLicenses | Select-Object DisplayName, Id, AssignedLicenses -ExpandProperty LicenseProcessingState | Select-Object DisplayName, State, Id, AssignedLicenses | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "ProcessingComplete"}
$groupInfoArray = @()
# Filter the groups to only include those that have licenses assigned
$groups = $groups | Where-Object {$_.AssignedLicenses -ne $null}
# For each group, get the group name, license types, total user count, licensed user count, and license error count
foreach ($group in $groups) {
    $groupInfo = New-Object PSObject
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Group Name" -Value $group.DisplayName
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Group ID" -Value $group.Id
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "License Types" -Value ($group.AssignedLicenses | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SkuId)
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total User Count" -Value (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $group.Id -All | Measure-Object).Count
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Licensed User Count" -Value (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $group.Id -All | Where-Object {$_.      LicenseProcessingState -eq "ProcessingComplete"} | Measure-Object).Count
    $groupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "License Error Count" -Value (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $group.Id -All | Where-Object {$_.LicenseProcessingState -eq "ProcessingFailed"} | Measure-Object).Count
    $groupInfoArray += $groupInfo

# Format the output and print it to the console
$groupInfoArray | Format-Table -AutoSize

O resultado é a tabela a seguir:

GroupName         GroupId                              GroupLicenses       TotalUserCount LicensedUserCount LicenseErrorCount
---------         -------                              -------------       -------------- ----------------- -----------------
Dynamics Licen... 9160c903-9f91-4597-8f79-22b6c47eafbf AAD_PREMIUM_P2                   0                 0                 0
O365 E5 - base... 055dcca3-fb75-4398-a1b8-f8c6f4c24e65 ENTERPRISEPREMIUM                2                 2                 0
O365 E5 - extr... 6b14a1fe-c3a9-4786-9ee4-3a2bb54dcb8e ENTERPRISEPREMIUM                3                 3                 0
EMS E5 - all s... 7023a314-6148-4d7b-b33f-6c775572879a EMSPREMIUM                       2                 2                 0
PowerBi - Lice... cf41f428-3b45-490b-b69f-a349c8a4c38e POWER_BI_STANDARD                2                 2                 0
O365 E3 - all ... 962f7189-59d9-4a29-983f-556ae56f19a5 ENTERPRISEPACK                   2                 2                 0
O365 E5 - EXO     102fb8f4-bbe7-462b-83ff-2145e7cdd6ed ENTERPRISEPREMIUM                1                 1                 0
Access to Offi... 11151866-5419-4d93-9141-0603bbf78b42 STANDARDPACK                     4                 3                 1

Obter todos os grupos com erros de licença

Para localizar grupos que contêm alguns usuários aos quais não foi possível atribuir licenças:

# Get all groups that have assigned licenses
$groups = Get-MgGroup -All -Property DisplayName, Id, AssignedLicenses | 
    Where-Object { $_.AssignedLicenses -ne $null } | 
    Select-Object DisplayName, Id, AssignedLicenses

# Initialize an array to store group information
$groupInfo = @()

# Iterate over each group
foreach ($group in $groups) {
    $groupId = $group.Id
    $groupName = $group.DisplayName

    # Initialize counters for total members and members with license errors
    $totalCount = 0
    $licenseErrorCount = 0

    # Get all members of the group that have license errors
    $members = Get-MgGroupMemberWithLicenseError -GroupId $groupId

    # Process each member
    foreach ($member in $members) {

        # If the member has a license error (indicated by a non-empty Id), increment the error count
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($member.Id)) {

    # Create a custom object with the group's information and counts
    $groupInfo += [PSCustomObject]@{
        GroupName         = $groupName
        GroupId           = $groupId
        TotalUserCount    = $totalCount
        LicenseErrorCount = $licenseErrorCount

# Display the groups with licensing errors
$groupInfo | Where-Object { $_.LicenseErrorCount -gt 0 } | Format-Table -Property GroupName, GroupId, TotalUserCount, LicenseErrorCount

O resultado se parece com o exemplo a seguir:

GroupId                                   GroupName             TotalUserCount LicenseErrorCount
--                                   -----------             --------- -----------
11151866-5419-4d93-9141-0603bbf78b42 Access to Office 365 2  2

Use o seguinte para obter os mesmos dados do Microsoft Graph



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Group",
      "objectType": "Group",
      "id": "11151866-5419-4d93-9141-0603bbf78b42",
      ... # other group properties.
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Group",
      "objectType": "Group",
      "id": "c57cdc98-0dcd-4f90-a82f-c911b288bab9",
    ... # other groups with license errors.
"odata.nextLink":" groups?$filter=hasMembersWithLicenseErrors+eq+true&$skipToken=<encodedPageToken>"

Obter todos os usuários com erros de licença em um grupo

Dado um grupo que contém alguns erros de licença, agora é possível listar todos os usuários afetados por esses erros. Um usuário pode ter erros de outros grupos também. No entanto, neste exemplo, limitamos os resultados apenas a erros relevantes para o grupo em questão marcando a propriedade ReferencedObjectId de cada entrada IndirectLicenseError do usuário.

#a sample group with errors
$groupId = '11151866-5419-4d93-9141-0603bbf78b42'

#get all user members of the group
$Members = Get-MgGroupMember -All -GroupId $groupId 
#get full information about user objects
Foreach ($Member in $Members) {
    Get-MgUser -UserId $Member.Id |
        #filter out users without license errors and users with license errors from other groups
        Where {$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors -and $Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors.ReferencedObjectId -eq $groupId} |
        #display id, name and error detail. Note: we are filtering out license errors from other groups
        Select Id, `
            DisplayName, `
            @{Name="LicenseError";Expression={$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors | 
            Where {$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors.ReferencedObjectId -eq $groupId} | 
            Select -ExpandProperty Error}}

O resultado se parece com o exemplo a seguir:

Id                                   DisplayName      License Error
--                                   -----------      ------------
11bb11bb-cc22-dd33-ee44-55ff55ff55ff Catherine Gibson MutuallyExclusiveViolation

Use o seguinte para obter os mesmos dados do Microsoft Graph:



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User",
      "objectType": "User",
      "id": "11bb11bb-cc22-dd33-ee44-55ff55ff55ff",
      ... # other user properties.
    ... # other users.

Obter todos os usuários com erros de licença em toda a organização

O script a seguir pode ser usado para obter todos os usuários que têm erros de licença de um ou mais grupos. O script imprime uma linha por usuário, por erro de licença que permite identificar claramente a origem de cada erro.


Esse script enumera todos os usuários na organização, que pode não ser ideal para grandes organizações.

Get-MgUser -All | Where {$_.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors } | % {   
    $user = $_;
    $user.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors | % {
        New-Object Object |
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName UserName -NotePropertyValue $user.DisplayName -PassThru |
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName UserId -NotePropertyValue $user.Id -PassThru |
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName GroupId -NotePropertyValue $_.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors.ReferencedObjectId -PassThru |
        Add-Member -NotePropertyName LicenseError -NotePropertyValue $_.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors -PassThru

O resultado se parece com o exemplo a seguir:

UserName         UserId                               GroupId                              LicenseError
--------         ------                               -------                              ------------
Anna Bergman     00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee 7946137d-b00d-4336-975e-b1b81b0666d0 MutuallyExclusiveViolation
Catherine Gibson 11bb11bb-cc22-dd33-ee44-55ff55ff55ff f2503e79-0edc-4253-8bed-3e158366466b CountViolation
Catherine Gibson 22cc22cc-dd33-ee44-ff55-66aa66aa66aa 11151866-5419-4d93-9141-0603bbf78b42 MutuallyExclusiveViolation
Drew Fogarty     33dd33dd-ee44-ff55-aa66-77bb77bb77bb 1ebd5028-6092-41d0-9668-129a3c471332 MutuallyExclusiveViolation

Aqui está outra versão do script que pesquisa apenas por meio dos grupos que contêm erros de licença. Pode ser mais otimizado para cenários em que você espera ter alguns grupos com problemas.

$groupIds = Get-MgGroup -All -Filter "HasMembersWithLicenseErrors eq true"
    foreach ($groupId in $groupIds) {
        $Members = Get-MgGroupMember -All -GroupId $groupId 
        foreach ($Member in $Members) { Get-Get-MgUser -UserId $Member.Id |
            Where {$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors -and $Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors.ReferencedObjectId -eq $groupId.ObjectID} |
            Select DisplayName, `
                   ObjectId, `
                   @{Name="LicenseError";Expression={$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors | Where {$Member.AdditionalProperties.IndirectLicenseErrors.ReferencedObjectId -eq $groupId.Id} | Select -ExpandProperty Error}}

Verifique se a licença de usuário foi atribuída diretamente ou herdada de um grupo

Para um objeto de usuário, é possível verificar se a licença de um produto específico foi atribuída de um grupo ou se ela foi atribuída diretamente.

As duas funções de amostra abaixo podem ser usadas para analisar o tipo de atribuição de um usuário individual:

#Returns TRUE if the user has the license assigned directly
function UserHasLicenseAssignedDirectly
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId)

    foreach($license in $user.Licenses)
        #we look for the specific license SKU in all licenses assigned to the user
        if ($license.AccountSkuId -ieq $skuId)
            #GroupsAssigningLicense contains a collection of IDs of objects assigning the license
            #This could be a group object or a user object (contrary to what the name suggests)
            #If the collection is empty, this means the license is assigned directly - this is the case for users who have never been licensed via groups in the past
            if ($license.GroupsAssigningLicense.Count -eq 0)
                return $true

            #If the collection contains the ID of the user object, this means the license is assigned directly
            #Note: the license may also be assigned through one or more groups in addition to being assigned directly
            foreach ($assignmentSource in $license.GroupsAssigningLicense)
                if ($assignmentSource -ieq $user.ObjectId)
                    return $true
            return $false
    return $false
#Returns TRUE if the user is inheriting the license from a group
function UserHasLicenseAssignedFromGroup
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId)

    foreach($license in $user.Licenses)
        #we look for the specific license SKU in all licenses assigned to the user
        if ($license.AccountSkuId -ieq $skuId)
            #GroupsAssigningLicense contains a collection of IDs of objects assigning the license
            #This could be a group object or a user object (contrary to what the name suggests)
            foreach ($assignmentSource in $license.GroupsAssigningLicense)
                #If the collection contains at least one ID not matching the user ID this means that the license is inherited from a group.
                #Note: the license may also be assigned directly in addition to being inherited
                if ($assignmentSource -ine $user.ObjectId)
                    return $true
            return $false
    return $false

Esse script executa essas funções em cada usuário na organização, usando a ID do SKU como entrada – neste exemplo, estamos interessados na licença do Enterprise Mobility + Security, que, em nossa organização, é representada com a ID contoso:EMS:

#the license SKU we are interested in. use Get-MgSubscribedSku to see a list of all identifiers in your organization
$skuId = "contoso:EMS"

#find all users that have the SKU license assigned
Get-MgUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq $true -and $_.Licenses.AccountSKUID -eq $skuId} | select `
    Id, `
    @{Name="SkuId";Expression={$skuId}}, `
    @{Name="AssignedDirectly";Expression={(UserHasLicenseAssignedDirectly $_ $skuId)}}, `
    @{Name="AssignedFromGroup";Expression={(UserHasLicenseAssignedFromGroup $_ $skuId)}}

O resultado será semelhante a esse exemplo:

Id                                   SkuId       AssignedDirectly AssignedFromGroup
--                                   -----       ---------------- -----------------
157870f6-e050-4b3c-ad5e-0f0a377c8f4d contoso:EMS             True             False
1f3174e2-ee9d-49e9-b917-e8d84650f895 contoso:EMS            False              True
240622ac-b9b8-4d50-94e2-dad19a3bf4b5 contoso:EMS             True              True

O gráfico não tem uma maneira simples de mostrar o resultado, mas pode ser visto nesta API:



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User",
      "objectType": "User",
      "id": "e61ff361-5baf-41f0-b2fd-380a6a5e406a",
          "skuId": "157870f6-e050-4b3c-ad5e-0f0a377c8f4d",
          "assignedByGroup": null, # assigned directly.
          "state": "Active",
          "error": "None"
          "skuId": "1f3174e2-ee9d-49e9-b917-e8d84650f895",
          "assignedByGroup": "e61ff361-5baf-41f0-b2fd-380a6a5e406a", # assigned by this group.
          "state": "Active",
          "error": "None"
          "skuId": "240622ac-b9b8-4d50-94e2-dad19a3bf4b5", 
          "assignedByGroup": "e61ff361-5baf-41f0-b2fd-380a6a5e406a",
          "state": "Active",
          "error": "None"
          "skuId": "240622ac-b9b8-4d50-94e2-dad19a3bf4b5",
          "assignedByGroup": null, # It is the same license as the previous one. It means the license is assigned directly once and inherited from group as well.
          "state": " Active ",
          "error": " None"

Remover licenças diretas para usuários com licenças de grupo

A finalidade deste script é remover licenças diretas desnecessárias de usuários que já herdam a mesma licença de um grupo; por exemplo, como parte de uma transição para o licenciamento baseado em grupo.


É importante validar primeiro que as licenças diretas a serem removidas não habilitem mais funcionalidades de serviço que as licenças herdadas. Caso contrário, remover a licença direta pode desabilitar o acesso aos serviços e a dados de usuários. No momento, não é possível verificar por meio do PowerShell quais serviços são habilitados por meio de licenças herdadas versus diretas. No script, especificamos o nível mínimo de serviços que sabemos que estão sendo herdados de grupos e verificamos isso para garantir que os usuários não percam inesperadamente o acesso aos serviços.

#BEGIN: Helper functions used by the script

#Returns TRUE if the user has the license assigned directly
function UserHasLicenseAssignedDirectly
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId)

    $license = GetUserLicense $user $skuId

    if ($license -ne $null)
        #GroupsAssigningLicense contains a collection of IDs of objects assigning the license
        #This could be a group object or a user object (contrary to what the name suggests)
        #If the collection is empty, this means the license is assigned directly - this is the case for users who have never been licensed via groups in the past
        if ($license.GroupsAssigningLicense.Count -eq 0)
            return $true

        #If the collection contains the ID of the user object, this means the license is assigned directly
        #Note: the license may also be assigned through one or more groups in addition to being assigned directly
        foreach ($assignmentSource in $license.GroupsAssigningLicense)
            if ($assignmentSource -ieq $user.ObjectId)
                return $true
        return $false
    return $false
#Returns TRUE if the user is inheriting the license from a specific group
function UserHasLicenseAssignedFromThisGroup
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId, [Guid]$groupId)

    $license = GetUserLicense $user $skuId

    if ($license -ne $null)
        #GroupsAssigningLicense contains a collection of IDs of objects assigning the license
        #This could be a group object or a user object (contrary to what the name suggests)
        foreach ($assignmentSource in $license.GroupsAssigningLicense)
            #If the collection contains at least one ID not matching the user ID this means that the license is inherited from a group.
            #Note: the license may also be assigned directly in addition to being inherited
            if ($assignmentSource -ieq $groupId)
                return $true
        return $false
    return $false

#Returns the license object corresponding to the skuId. Returns NULL if not found
function GetUserLicense
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId, [Guid]$groupId)
    #we look for the specific license SKU in all licenses assigned to the user
    foreach($license in $user.Licenses)
        if ($license.AccountSkuId -ieq $skuId)
            return $license
    return $null

#produces a list of disabled service plan names for a set of plans we want to leave enabled
function GetDisabledPlansForSKU
    Param([string]$skuId, [string[]]$enabledPlans)

    $allPlans = Get-MgSubscribedSku | where {$_.SkuId -ieq $skuId} | Select -ExpandProperty ServiceStatus | Where {$_.ProvisioningStatus -ine "PendingActivation" -and $_.ServicePlan.TargetClass -ieq "User"} | Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlans | Select -ExpandProperty ServiceName
    $disabledPlans = $allPlans | Where {$enabledPlans -inotcontains $_}

    return $disabledPlans

function GetUnexpectedEnabledPlansForUser
    Param([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphUser]$user, [string]$skuId, [string[]]$expectedDisabledPlans)

    $license = GetUserLicense $user $skuId

    $extraPlans = @();

    if($license -ne $null)
        $userDisabledPlans = $license.ServiceStatus | where {$_.ProvisioningStatus -ieq "Disabled"} | Select -ExpandProperty ServicePlan | Select -ExpandProperty ServiceName

        $extraPlans = $expectedDisabledPlans | where {$userDisabledPlans -notcontains $_}
    return $extraPlans
#END: helper functions

#BEGIN: executing the script
#the group to be processed
$groupId = "48ca647b-7e4d-41e5-aa66-40cab1e19101"

#license to be removed - Office 365 E3
$skuId = "contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK"

#minimum set of service plans we know are inherited from groups - we want to make sure that there aren't any users who have more services enabled
#which could mean that they may lose access after we remove direct licenses

$expectedDisabledPlans = GetDisabledPlansForSKU $skuId $servicePlansFromGroups

#process all members in the group and get full info about each user in the group looping through group members. 
$Members = Get-MgGroupMember -All -GroupId $groupId 
Foreach ($member in $Members) {

    Get-MgUser -UserId $Member.Id | Foreach {
        $user = $_;
        $operationResult = "";

        #check if Direct license exists on the user
        if (UserHasLicenseAssignedDirectly $user $skuId)
            #check if the license is assigned from this group, as expected
            if (UserHasLicenseAssignedFromThisGroup $user $skuId $groupId)
                #check if there are any extra plans we didn't expect - we are being extra careful not to remove unexpected services
                $extraPlans = GetUnexpectedEnabledPlansForUser $user $skuId $expectedDisabledPlans
                if ($extraPlans.Count -gt 0)
                    $operationResult = "User has extra plans that may be lost - license removal was skipped. Extra plans: $extraPlans"
                    #remove the direct license from user
                    Set-MgUserLicense -UserId $user.Id -RemoveLicenses $skuId
                    $operationResult = "Removed direct license from user."   

                $operationResult = "User does not inherit this license from this group. License removal was skipped."
            $operationResult = "User has no direct license to remove. Skipping."

        #format output
        New-Object Object |
                    Add-Member -NotePropertyName UserId -NotePropertyValue $user.Id -PassThru |
                    Add-Member -NotePropertyName OperationResult -NotePropertyValue $operationResult -PassThru
    } | Format-Table

#END: executing the script

O resultado será semelhante a esse exemplo:

UserId                               OperationResult
------                               ---------------
7c7f860f-700a-462a-826c-f50633931362 Removed direct license from user.
0ddacdd5-0364-477d-9e4b-07eb6cdbc8ea User has extra plans that may be lost - license removal was skipped. Extra plans: SHAREPOINTWAC
aadbe4da-c4b5-4d84-800a-9400f31d7371 User has no direct license to remove. Skipping.


Atualize os valores das variáveis $skuId e $groupId que está sendo direcionado para remoção de Licenças Diretas de acordo com seu ambiente de teste antes de executar o script acima.

Próximas etapas

Para saber mais sobre o conjunto de recursos de gerenciamento de licenças por meio de grupos, consulte os artigos a seguir: