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CoreWebView2PrintSettings Class

Settings used by the CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfAsync method. Other programmatic printing is not currently supported.


Members Description
FooterUri The URI in the footer if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true.
HeaderTitle The title in the header if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true.
MarginBottom The bottom margin in inches.
MarginLeft The left margin in inches.
MarginRight The right margin in inches.
MarginTop The top margin in inches.
Orientation The orientation can be portrait or landscape.
PageHeight The page height in inches.
PageWidth The page width in inches.
ScaleFactor The scale factor is a value between 0.1 and 2.0.
ShouldPrintBackgrounds true if background colors and images should be printed.
ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter true if header and footer should be printed.
ShouldPrintSelectionOnly true if only the current end user's selection of HTML in the document should be printed.



string FooterUri

The URI in the footer if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true. The default value is the current URI. If an empty string or null value is provided, no URI is shown in the footer.


string HeaderTitle

The title in the header if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true. The default value is the title of the current document. If an empty string or null value is provided, no title is shown in the header.


double MarginBottom

The bottom margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginLeft

The left margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginRight

The right margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginTop

The top margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


CoreWebView2PrintOrientation Orientation

The orientation can be portrait or landscape. The default orientation is portrait. See CoreWebView2PrintOrientation.


double PageHeight

The page height in inches. The default height is 11 inches. If the provided page height is less than or equal to zero, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double PageWidth

The page width in inches. The default width is 8.5 inches. If the provided page width is less than or equal to zero, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double ScaleFactor

The scale factor is a value between 0.1 and 2.0. The default is 1.0. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


bool ShouldPrintBackgrounds

true if background colors and images should be printed. The default value is false.


bool ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter

true if header and footer should be printed. The default value is false. The header consists of the date and time of printing, and the title of the page. The footer consists of the URI and page number. The height of the header and footer is 0.5 cm, or ~0.2 inches.


bool ShouldPrintSelectionOnly

true if only the current end user's selection of HTML in the document should be printed. The default value is false.

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