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Work with Microsoft Entra ID group teams

An Microsoft Entra ID group team, similar to an owner team, can own records and can have security roles assigned to the team. To read more about Microsoft Entra ID group teams see Manage group teams.

Just-in-time updates

Just-in-time updates mean that the actions are taken at run-time to eliminate the need for syncing data from Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Dataverse. These actions include creating Microsoft Entra ID group teams, adding/removing Microsoft Entra ID group members from Microsoft Entra ID group teams, and adding users into Dataverse.

  1. If the Microsoft Entra ID group team doesn't exist and a security role is assigned or a record is assigned to the Microsoft Entra ID group, the Microsoft Entra ID group team is created just-in-time.

  2. When an Microsoft Entra ID group member accesses Dataverse interactively or through a non-interactive process makes a call on behalf of the user, the group member is added into the Microsoft Entra ID group team at run-time. Similarly, when a member who was removed from the Microsoft Entra ID group accesses Dataverse interactively or by a non-interactive process call, the group member is removed from the Microsoft Entra ID group team.

  3. When an Microsoft Entra ID group member accesses Dataverse interactively or through a non-interactive process makes a call on behalf of the user, and the user doesn't exist in Dataverse, the user is added in Dataverse just-in-time.

The following sections describe how to work with Microsoft Entra ID group teams using the Web API.

Impersonate another user

Your service can make calls on behalf of another system user by impersonating the user. If the system user belongs to an Microsoft Entra ID Security group and the Microsoft Entra ID security group is a Dataverse group team, that user is added into Dataverse automatically (if the user doesn't already exist in Dataverse). The user is also automatically added into the Dataverse group team after being added to Dataverse or if the user already exists in Dataverse.

Create an Microsoft Entra ID group team

An Microsoft Entra ID group team can be created in Dataverse by making an API call (programmatically) or by just-in-time when a security role is assigned to the Microsoft Entra ID group, or when a record is assigned to the Microsoft Entra ID group.

Citizen developers wanting to programmatically create a Microsoft Dataverse Microsoft Entra ID group team can do so by providing the object ID of an existing Microsoft Entra ID group as shown in the following command.


POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/teams
Accept: application/json

  "azureactivedirectoryobjectid":"<group object ID>",


  • Membership type is defined in the Team table MembershipType column
  • Name of the team is the name of the Microsoft Entra ID group
  • Team type is based on the Microsoft Entra ID group type - for example "Security" or "Microsoft 365"

Assign a security role to an Microsoft Entra ID group team

An administrator can assign a security role to an Microsoft Entra ID group team after the Microsoft Entra ID group is created in Microsoft Entra ID. The Microsoft Entra ID group team is created into Dataverse automatically if it doesn't exist in Dataverse.


POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/teams(azureactivedirectoryobjectid=<group team ID>,membershiptype=0)/teamroles_association/$ref
Accept: application/json

  "@odata.id":"[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/roles(<role ID>)"

Assign a security role to a user

An administrator can assign a security role to an Microsoft Entra ID group user. The user is added into Dataverse automatically if the user doesn't exist in Dataverse and the role is assigned directly to the user.


POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/systemusers(azureactivedirectoryobjectid=<user object ID>)/systemuserroles_association/$ref
Accept: application/json

  "@odata.id":"[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/roles(<role ID>)"

Assign a record to an Microsoft Entra ID group

An administrator can assign a record to an Microsoft Entra ID group. The Microsoft Entra ID group team is created into Dataverse automatically if it doesn't exist in Dataverse.

The example below shows the syntax for assigning an account record.


PATCH [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/accounts(<account ID>)
Accept: application/json

  "ownerid@odata.bind": "[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/teams(azureactivedirectoryobjectid=<group object ID>,membershiptype:0)"

Assign a record to an Microsoft Entra ID group member

An administrator can assign a record to an Microsoft Entra ID group member. The Microsoft Entra ID group member is added into Dataverse automatically if the user doesn't exist in Dataverse.

The example below shows the syntax for assigning an account record.


PATCH [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/accounts(<account ID>)
Accept: application/json

  "ownerid@odata.bind": "[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/systemusers(azureactivedirectoryobjectid=<user object ID>)"

Retrieve a user

You can retrieve a system user table row using an Azure user object identifier (ID). If the system user doesn't exist in Dataverse, the user is added to Dataverse automatically and added into the Dataverse group team if the user belongs to an Microsoft Entra ID group that exists in Dataverse. If the user exists in Dataverse, the user is not added to the Dataverse group team.

The example below shows the syntax for retrieving a user row.


GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/SystemUser(azureactivedirectoryobjectid=<user object ID>)

Security roles and privileges

Members of an Microsoft Entra ID group can query all the security roles that are directly and indirectly assigned to them using the following command.


GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/RetrieveAadUserRoles(DirectoryObjectId=<user object ID)?$select=_parentrootroleid_value,name


  "@odata.context": "https://contoso.crm2.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/$metadata#roles",
  "value": [
      "@odata.etag": "W/\"1649865\"",
      "name": "System Administrator",
      "roleid": "ae0daa93-e566-eb11-bb2b-000d3ac4c3f6",
      "_parentrootroleid_value": "ae0daa93-e566-eb11-bb2b-000d3ac4c3f6",
      "t_x002e_azureactivedirectoryobjectid": "e1341054-98ed-489b-a522-15e9e277b737",
      "t_x002e_membershiptype": 0,
      "t_x002e_teamid": "26e477f8-3f6a-eb11-bb2b-000d3af6caae",
      "t_x002e_name": "testgroup"

Members of an Microsoft Entra ID group can check their security privileges without being a user of Dataverse using the following command.


GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/RetrieveAadUserPrivileges(DirectoryObjectId=<user object ID>)


  "@odata.context": "https://contoso.crm2.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/$metadata#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.RetrieveAadUserPrivilegesResponse",
  "RolePrivileges": [
      "Depth": "Global",
      "PrivilegeId": "0a620778-3e9f-46ec-9766-000624db57ba",
      "BusinessUnitId": "aa0daa93-e566-eb11-bb2b-000d3ac4c3f6",
      "PrivilegeName": "prvDeleteHierarchyRule"

Checking user or team's access rights on a record

If you have a non-interactive process where your service needs to check if the user has access rights to a record, you can make a RetrievePrincipalAccess function call on behalf of the user by specifying the CallerID.

More information: Impersonate another user

Triggering an event when a team member is added or removed from the group team

Group members are added or removed just-in-time into the Dataverse group team using the associate and disassociate APIs. You can register a plug-in on the event triggered by these team member additions or removals from the group team.

See also

Manage app and resource access using Azure Active Directory groups