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mobileofflineprofileitem EntityType

Information on entity availability to mobile devices in offline mode for a mobile offline profile item.

Entity set path: 
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/mobileofflineprofileitems
Base type: 
Table type: 
Display name: 
Mobile Offline Profile Item
Primary key: 
Primary key attribute: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.

Name Type Details
componentstate Edm.Int32

For internal use only.

Display name: Component State

Read only
Default options
Values Label
0 Published
1 Unpublished
2 Deleted
3 Deleted Unpublished
createdon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.

Display name: Created On

Read only
entityobjecttypecode Edm.Int32

Internal Use Only

Display name: Internal Use Only

Read only
introducedversion Edm.String

Version in which the Mobile offline Profile Item is introduced.

Display name: Introduced Version

ismanaged Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

Display name: Is Managed

Read only
Default options
Values Label
1 Managed
0 Unmanaged
isvalidated Edm.Boolean

Information about whether profile item is validated or not

Display name: Is Valid For Mobile Offline

Read only
Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isvisibleingrid Edm.Boolean

Information about whether the mobile offline profile item is visible in the Profile Item subgrid.

Display name: Is Visible In Grid

Default options
Values Label
1 True
0 False
mobileofflineprofileitemid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the mobile offline profile item.

Display name: Mobile Offline Profile Item

mobileofflineprofileitemidunique Edm.Guid

For Internal Use Only

Display name: Unique Id

Read only
modifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.

Display name: Modified On

Read only
name Edm.String

Enter the name of the mobile offline profile item.

Display name: Name

overwritetime Edm.DateTimeOffset

For internal use only.

Display name: Record Overwrite Time

Read only
processid Edm.Guid

Shows the ID of the process.

Display name: Process

profileitementityfilter Edm.String

Profile item entity filter criteria

Display name: Profile item entity filter

publishedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Displays the last published date time.

Display name: Published On

Read only
recorddistributioncriteria Edm.Int32

Specify data download filter for selected entity

Display name: Data Download Filter

Default options
Values Label
0 Download related data only
1 All records
2 Other data filter
3 Custom data filter
recordsownedbyme Edm.Boolean

Download my records

Display name: Download my records

Default options
Values Label
1 True
0 False
recordsownedbymybusinessunit Edm.Boolean

Download my business unit's records

Display name: Download my business unit's records

Default options
Values Label
1 True
0 False
recordsownedbymyteam Edm.Boolean

Download my team's records

Display name: Download my team's records

Default options
Values Label
1 True
0 False
relationshipdata Edm.String

Internal Use Only

Display name: Internal Use Only

selectedcolumns Edm.String

Selected attributes of an entity to enable for offline sync

Display name: SelectedColumns

selectedentitymetadata Edm.String

Internal Use Only

Display name: Internal Use Only

Read only
selectedentitytypecode Edm.String

Mobile offline enabled entity

Display name: Entity

solutionid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Display name: Solution

Read only
stageid Edm.Guid

Shows the ID of the stage.

Display name: (Deprecated) Process Stage

syncintervalinminutes Edm.Int32

How often to sync data offline.

Display name: SyncIntervalInMinutes

traversedpath Edm.String

For internal use only.

Display name: (Deprecated) Traversed Path

versionnumber Edm.Int64

Version number of the Mobile Offline Profile Item.

Display name: Version Number

Read only

Lookup properties

Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.

Name Single-valued navigation property Description
_createdby_value createdby

Shows who created the record.

_createdonbehalfby_value createdonbehalfby

Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.

_modifiedby_value modifiedby

Shows who last updated the record.

_modifiedonbehalfby_value modifiedonbehalfby

Shows who updated the record on behalf of another user.

_organizationid_value organizationid

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the Mobile Offline Profile Item.

_regardingobjectid_value regardingobjectid

Items contained with a particular Profile.

Single-valued navigation properties

Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.

Name Type Partner
createdby systemuser lk_MobileOfflineProfileItem_createdby
createdonbehalfby systemuser lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_createdonbehalfby
modifiedby systemuser lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_modifiedby
modifiedonbehalfby systemuser lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_modifiedonbehalfby
organizationid organization MobileOfflineProfileItem_organization
profileitemrule savedquery lk_mobileofflineprofileitem_savedquery
regardingobjectid mobileofflineprofile MobileOfflineProfile_MobileOfflineProfileItem

Collection-valued navigation properties

Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.

Name Type Partner
MobileOfflineProfileItem_MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation mobileofflineprofileitemassociation regardingobjectid


The following operations can be used with the mobileofflineprofileitem entity type.

Name Binding
RetrieveUnpublished Bound to Entity
RetrieveUnpublishedMultiple Bound to Collection

See also