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JSError Enum


Specifies the JScript error messages. This class belongs to the compilation and run-time state category.

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public enum class JSError
public enum JSError
public enum JSError
type JSError = 
type JSError = 
Public Enum JSError


NoError 0

No error. This is the default (0) value for the enumeration.

InvalidCall 5

Invalid procedure call or argument.

OutOfMemory 7

Out of memory.

TypeMismatch 13

Type mismatch.

OutOfStack 28

Out of stack space.

InternalError 51

An internal error has been thrown.

FileNotFound 53

File not found.

NeedObject 424

An object is required.

CantCreateObject 429

Cannot create object.

OLENoPropOrMethod 438

Object does not support this property or method.

ActionNotSupported 445

The object does not support this action.

NotCollection 451

This object is not a collection.

SyntaxError 1002

Discovered syntax error.

NoColon 1003

Expected ":".

NoSemicolon 1004

Expected ";".

NoLeftParen 1005

Expected "(".

NoRightParen 1006

Expected ")".

NoRightBracket 1007

Expected "]".

NoLeftCurly 1008

Expected "{".

NoRightCurly 1009

Expected "}".

NoIdentifier 1010

Expected identifier.

NoEqual 1011

Expected "=".

IllegalChar 1014

Invalid character.

UnterminatedString 1015

String constant not terminated.

NoCommentEnd 1016

Comment not terminated.

BadReturn 1018

Return statement cannot appear outside the function.

BadBreak 1019

Cannot have break outside the loop.

BadContinue 1020

Cannot have continue outside the loop.

BadHexDigit 1023

Expected hexadecimal digit.

NoWhile 1024

Expected while.

BadLabel 1025

There is already a label that has that name.

NoLabel 1026

Label not found.

DupDefault 1027

default can appear only once in a switch statement.

NoMemberIdentifier 1028

Expected identifier or string.

NoCcEnd 1029

Expected @end.

CcOff 1030

Conditional compilation is turned off.

NotConst 1031

Expected constant.

NoAt 1032

Expected @.

NoCatch 1033

Expected catch.

InvalidElse 1034

Unmatched else; no if defined.

NoComma 1100

Expected ",".

DupVisibility 1101

Visibility modifier already defined.

IllegalVisibility 1102

Invalid visibility modifier.

BadSwitch 1103

Missing case or default statement.

CcInvalidEnd 1104

Unmatched @end; no @if defined.

CcInvalidElse 1105

Unmatched @else; no @if defined.

CcInvalidElif 1106

Unmatched @elif; no @if defined.

ErrEOF 1107

Expecting more source characters.

IncompatibleVisibility 1108

Incompatible visibility modifier.

ClassNotAllowed 1109

Class definition not allowed in this context.

NeedCompileTimeConstant 1110

An expression must be a compile-time constant.

DuplicateName 1111

Identifier already in use.

NeedType 1112

A type name is expected.

NotInsideClass 1113

Valid only inside a class definition.

InvalidPositionDirective 1114

An unknown position directive was discovered.

MustBeEOL 1115

Directive cannot be followed by other code on the same line.

WrongDirective 1118

Wrong debugger directive or wrong position for the directive.

CannotNestPositionDirective 1119

Position directive must be ended before a new one can be started.

CircularDefinition 1120

Circular definition.

Deprecated 1121

The specified type is deprecated.

IllegalUseOfThis 1122

It is not valid to use this in the current context.

NotAccessible 1123

The object or member is not accessible from this scope.

CannotUseNameOfClass 1124

Only a constructor function can have the same name as the class it appears in.

MustImplementMethod 1128

The class must provide an implementation of the method.

NeedInterface 1129

An interface name is expected.

UnreachableCatch 1133

Catch clause will never be reached.

TypeCannotBeExtended 1134

Type cannot be extended.

UndeclaredVariable 1135

Variable has not been declared.

VariableLeftUninitialized 1136

Uninitialized variables are dangerous and slow to use. Did you intend to leave it uninitialized?

KeywordUsedAsIdentifier 1137

You cannot use a reserved word as an identifier.

NotAllowedInSuperConstructorCall 1140

Object or member is not allowed in a call to the base class constructor.

NotMeantToBeCalledDirectly 1141

You cannot call this method directly. If possible, use property accessors instead.

GetAndSetAreInconsistent 1142

The get and set methods of this property do not match each other.

InvalidCustomAttribute 1143

A custom attribute class must derive from Attribute.

InvalidCustomAttributeArgument 1144

Only primitive types are allowed in a custom attribute constructor arguments list.

InvalidCustomAttributeClassOrCtor 1146

Unknown custom attribute class or constructor.

TooManyParameters 1148

There are too many actual parameters. The excess parameters will be ignored.

AmbiguousBindingBecauseOfWith 1149

The With statement has made the use of this name ambiguous.

AmbiguousBindingBecauseOfEval 1150

The presence of Eval has made the use of this name ambiguous.

NoSuchMember 1151

Objects of this type do not have such a member.

ItemNotAllowedOnExpandoClass 1152

Cannot define the property Item on an Expando class. This Item is reserved for the Expando fields.

MethodNotAllowedOnExpandoClass 1153

Cannot define a property named Item on an Expando class.

MethodClashOnExpandoSuperClass 1155

Cannot create the Expando class because a property named Item is already defined in the class hierarchy.

BaseClassIsExpandoAlready 1156

A base class is already marked Expando; current specification will be ignored.

AbstractCannotBePrivate 1157

An abstract method cannot be private.

NotIndexable 1158

Objects of this type are not indexable.

StaticMissingInStaticInit 1159

Static initializer must specify the static keyword.

MissingConstructForAttributes 1160

The list of attributes does not apply to the current context.

OnlyClassesAllowed 1161

Only classes are allowed inside a package.

ExpandoClassShouldNotImpleEnumerable 1162

Expando classes should not implement IEnumerable. The interface is implicitly defined on Expando classes.

NonCLSCompliantMember 1163

The specified member is not CLS compliant.

NotDeletable 1164

The object or member cannot be deleted.

PackageExpected 1165

Package name expected.

UselessExpression 1169

Expression has no effect.

HidesParentMember 1170

base class already contains a member by this name.

CannotChangeVisibility 1171

Cannot change visibility specification of a base method.

HidesAbstractInBase 1172

Method hides abstract in a base class.

NewNotSpecifiedInMethodDeclaration 1173

A method matches a method in a base class. Must specify override or hide.

MethodInBaseIsNotVirtual 1174

A method in a base class that is final or not virtualoverride is ignored. Specify hide.

NoMethodInBaseToNew 1175

There is no member in a base class to hide.

DifferentReturnTypeFromBase 1176

Method in base has a different return type.

ClashWithProperty 1177

The name of the field conflicts with the name of the property.

OverrideAndHideUsedTogether 1178

Cannot use override and hide together in a member declaration.

InvalidLanguageOption 1179

Must specify either "fast" or "versionSafe" language option.

NoMethodInBaseToOverride 1180

There is no member in a base class to override.

NotValidForConstructor 1181

Not valid for a constructor.

CannotReturnValueFromVoidFunction 1182

Cannot return a value from a void function or constructor.

AmbiguousMatch 1183

More than one method or property matches this parameter list.

AmbiguousConstructorCall 1184

More than one constructor matches this parameter list.

SuperClassConstructorNotAccessible 1185

Base class constructor is not accessible from this scope.

OctalLiteralsAreDeprecated 1186

Octal literals are deprecated.

VariableMightBeUnitialized 1187

Variable might not be initialized.

NotOKToCallSuper 1188

It is not valid to call a base class constructor from this location.

IllegalUseOfSuper 1189

It is not valid to use the base class in this way.

BadWayToLeaveFinally 1190

It is slow and potentially confusing to leave a finally block this way.

NoCommaOrTypeDefinitionError 1191

Expected "," or invalid type declaration; write "<Identifier> : <Type>" not "<Type> <Identifier>".

AbstractWithBody 1192

An abstract function cannot have a body.

NoRightParenOrComma 1193

Expected "," or ")".

NoRightBracketOrComma 1194

Expected "," or "]".

ExpressionExpected 1195

Expected expression.

UnexpectedSemicolon 1196

Unexpected ";".

TooManyTokensSkipped 1197

Too many errors. The file might not be a JScript file.

BadVariableDeclaration 1198

Possible invalid variable declaration, var missing, or unrecognized syntax error.

BadFunctionDeclaration 1199

Possible invalid function declaration, function missing, or unrecognized syntax error.

BadPropertyDeclaration 1200

Invalid property declaration. The get accessor must not have arguments and the set accessor must have one argument.

DoesNotHaveAnAddress 1203

Expression does not have an address.

TooFewParameters 1204

Not all required parameters have been supplied.

UselessAssignment 1205

An assignment creates an Expando property that is immediately thrown away.

SuspectAssignment 1206

If condition cannot contain an assignment.

SuspectSemicolon 1207

Empty statement found in if statement.

ImpossibleConversion 1208

The specified conversion or coercion is not possible.

FinalPrecludesAbstract 1209

final and abstract cannot be used together.

NeedInstance 1210

An instance is expected.

CannotBeAbstract 1212

Cannot be abstract unless class is marked as abstract.

InvalidBaseTypeForEnum 1213

enum base type must be a primitive integral type.

CannotInstantiateAbstractClass 1214

It is not possible to construct an instance of an abstract class.

ArrayMayBeCopied 1215

Assigning a JScript array to a Array may cause the array to be copied.

AbstractCannotBeStatic 1216

Static methods cannot be abstract.

StaticIsAlreadyFinal 1217

Static methods cannot be final.

StaticMethodsCannotOverride 1218

Static methods cannot override base class methods.

StaticMethodsCannotHide 1219

Static methods cannot hide base class methods.

ExpandoPrecludesOverride 1220

Expando methods cannot override base class methods.

IllegalParamArrayAttribute 1221

A variable argument list must be of an array type.

ExpandoPrecludesAbstract 1222

Expando methods cannot be abstract.

ShouldBeAbstract 1223

A function without a body should be abstract.

BadModifierInInterface 1224

This modifier cannot be used on an interface member.

VarIllegalInInterface 1226

Variables cannot be declared in an interface.

InterfaceIllegalInInterface 1227

Interfaces cannot be declared in an interface.

NoVarInEnum 1228

enum member declarations should not use the var keyword.

InvalidImport 1229

The import statement is not valid in this context.

EnumNotAllowed 1230

enum definition not allowed in this context.

InvalidCustomAttributeTarget 1231

This attribute is not valid for this type of declaration.

PackageInWrongContext 1232

Package definition is not allowed in this context.

ConstructorMayNotHaveReturnType 1233

A constructor cannot have a return type.

OnlyClassesAndPackagesAllowed 1234

Only classes and packages are allowed inside a library.

InvalidDebugDirective 1235

Invalid debug directive.

CustomAttributeUsedMoreThanOnce 1236

This type of attribute must be unique.

NestedInstanceTypeCannotBeExtendedByStatic 1237

A non-static nested type can be extended only by a non-static type nested in the same class.

PropertyLevelAttributesMustBeOnGetter 1238

An attribute that targets the property must be specified on the get accessor, if the get accessor is present.

BadThrow 1239

A throw statement must have an argument unless it is inside the catch block of a try statement.

ParamListNotLast 1240

A variable argument list must be the last argument.

NoSuchType 1241

Type could not be found. An assembly reference might be missing.

BadOctalLiteral 1242

Malformed octal literal treated as decimal literal.

InstanceNotAccessibleFromStatic 1243

A non-static member is not accessible from a static scope.

StaticRequiresTypeName 1244

A static member must be accessed by the class name.

NonStaticWithTypeName 1245

A non-static member cannot be accessed with the class name.

NoSuchStaticMember 1246

Type does not have such a static member.

SuspectLoopCondition 1247

Loop condition cannot contain a function call.

ExpectedAssembly 1248

Expected assembly.

AssemblyAttributesMustBeGlobal 1249

Assembly custom attributes cannot be part of another construct.

ExpandoPrecludesStatic 1250

Expando methods cannot be static.

DuplicateMethod 1251

This method has the same name, parameter types, and return type as another method in this class.

NotAnExpandoFunction 1252

Class members used as constructors should be marked as Expando functions.

NotValidVersionString 1253

Not a valid version string.

ExecutablesCannotBeLocalized 1254

Executables cannot be localized; Culture should always be empty.

StringConcatIsSlow 1255

The plus operator is a slow way to concatenate strings. Consider using StringBuilder instead.

CcInvalidInDebugger 1256

Conditional compilation directives and variables cannot be used in the debugger.

ExpandoMustBePublic 1257

Expando methods must be public.

DelegatesShouldNotBeExplicitlyConstructed 1258

Delegates should not be explicitly constructed; simply use the method name.

ImplicitlyReferencedAssemblyNotFound 1259

A referenced assembly depends on another assembly that is not referenced or could not be found.

PossibleBadConversion 1260

This conversion may fail at runtime.

PossibleBadConversionFromString 1261

Converting a string to a number or Boolean is slow and may fail at run time.

InvalidResource 1262

This is not a valid .resources file.

WrongUseOfAddressOf 1263

The address of operator can be used only in a list of arguments.

NonCLSCompliantType 1264

The specified type is not CLS compliant.

MemberTypeCLSCompliantMismatch 1265

Class member cannot be marked Common Language Specification (CLS) compliant because the class is not marked CLS compliant.

TypeAssemblyCLSCompliantMismatch 1266

Type cannot be marked CLS compliant because the assembly is not marked as CLS compliant.

IncompatibleAssemblyReference 1267

The assembly referenced is incompatible.

InvalidAssemblyKeyFile 1268

An invalid assembly key file has been used.

TypeNameTooLong 1269

The fully qualified type name is too long. It must be less than 1,024 characters.

MemberInitializerCannotContainFuncExpr 1270

A member initializer cannot contain a function expression.

CantAssignThis 5000

Cannot assign to this.

NumberExpected 5001

Expected a number.

FunctionExpected 5002

A function was expected.

CannotAssignToFunctionResult 5003

Cannot assign to a function result.

StringExpected 5005

String expected.

DateExpected 5006

Date object expected.

ObjectExpected 5007

Expected an object.

IllegalAssignment 5008

Invalid assignment.

UndefinedIdentifier 5009

Undefined identifier.

BooleanExpected 5010

No Boolean value found.

VBArrayExpected 5013

A VBArray is expected.

EnumeratorExpected 5015

Enumerator object expected.

RegExpExpected 5016

RegExpObject object expected.

RegExpSyntax 5017

Syntax error in regular expression.

UncaughtException 5022

Exception thrown and not caught.

InvalidPrototype 5023

This function does not have a valid prototype object.

URIEncodeError 5024

The URI to be encoded contains an invalid character.

URIDecodeError 5025

The URI to be decoded is not a valid encoding.

FractionOutOfRange 5026

The number of fractional digits is out of range.

PrecisionOutOfRange 5027

The precision is out of range.

ArrayLengthConstructIncorrect 5029

Array length must be a finite positive integer.

ArrayLengthAssignIncorrect 5030

Array length must be assigned a finite positive number.

NeedArrayObject 5031

A "|" is not an array object. Array object expected.

NoConstructor 5032

No such constructor.

IllegalEval 5033

An Eval cannot be called by an alias.

NotYetImplemented 5034

Not yet implemented.

MustProvideNameForNamedParameter 5035

Cannot provide null or empty named parameter name.

DuplicateNamedParameter 5036

Duplicate named parameter.

MissingNameParameter 5037

The specified named parameter name is not one of the formal parameters.

MoreNamedParametersThanArguments 5038

Too few arguments specified. The number of named parameter names cannot exceed the number of arguments passed in.

NonSupportedInDebugger 5039

The expression cannot be evaluated in the debugger.

AssignmentToReadOnly 5040

Cannot assign to read-only field or property.

WriteOnlyProperty 5041

The property is write-only.

IncorrectNumberOfIndices 5042

The number of indices does not match the dimension of the array.

RefParamsNonSupportedInDebugger 5043

Methods with ref parameters cannot be called in the debugger.

CannotCallSecurityMethodLateBound 5044

The Deny(), PermitOnly(), and Assert() security methods cannot be called using late binding.

CannotUseStaticSecurityAttribute 5045

JScript does not support static security attributes.

NonClsException 5046

A target threw a non-CLS exception.

FuncEvalAborted 6000

Function evaluation was aborted.

FuncEvalTimedout 6001

Function evaluation timed out.

FuncEvalThreadSuspended 6002

Function evaluation failed. The thread is suspended.

FuncEvalThreadSleepWaitJoin 6003

Function evaluation failed. The thread is sleeping, waiting for an object, or waiting for another thread to finish.

FuncEvalBadThreadState 6004

Function evaluation failed. The thread can contain incorrect data.

FuncEvalBadThreadNotStarted 6005

Function evaluation failed and the thread has not started.

NoFuncEvalAllowed 6006

Function evaluation aborted. To turn on property evaluation, click Options on the Tools menu and then select the Debugging in the tree view.

FuncEvalBadLocation 6007

Function evaluation cannot be done when stopped at this point in the program.

FuncEvalWebMethod 6008

Cannot call a Web method in the debugger.

StaticVarNotAvailable 6009

A static variable is not available.

TypeObjectNotAvailable 6010

The type object for this type is not available.

ExceptionFromHResult 6011

Exception from HRESULT.

SideEffectsDisallowed 6012

The expression causes side effects and will not be evaluated.

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