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BitConverter.GetBytes Método


Converte os dados especificados em uma matriz de bytes.



Retorna o valor booliano especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor de caractere Unicode especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de precisão dupla especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de meia precisão especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 128 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 16 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 32 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 64 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de precisão única especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 128 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 16 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 32 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.


Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 64 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.



Retorna o valor booliano especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(bool value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (bool value);
static member GetBytes : bool -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Boolean) As Byte()



O valor a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 1.


O exemplo a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Boolean em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

using namespace System;

int main()
    // Define Boolean true and false values.
    array<bool>^ values = { true, false };

    // Display the value and its corresponding byte array.
    Console::WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}\n", "Boolean", "Bytes");
    for each (Byte value in values) {
       array<Byte>^ bytes = BitConverter::GetBytes(value); 
       Console::WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}", value, 
// This example displays the following output:
//        Boolean           Bytes
//           True              01
//          False              00
using System;

class Example
   public static void Main( )
      // Define Boolean true and false values.
      bool[] values = { true, false };

      // Display the value and its corresponding byte array.
      Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}\n", "Boolean", "Bytes");
      foreach (var value in values) {
         byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
         Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}", value,
// The example displays the following output:
//        Boolean           Bytes
//           True              01
//          False              00
open System

// Define Boolean true and false values.
let values = [ true; false ]

// Display the value and its corresponding byte array.
printfn "%10s%16s\n" "Boolean" "Bytes"

for value in values do
    let bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes value
    BitConverter.ToString bytes
    |> printfn "%10b%16s" value

// The example displays the following output:
//        Boolean           Bytes
//           true              01
//          false              00
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Define Boolean true and false values.
      Dim values() As Boolean = { true, false }

      ' Display the value and its corresponding byte array.
      Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}", "Boolean", "Bytes")
      For Each value In values
         Dim bytes() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(value) 
         Console.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,16}", value, 
    End Sub 
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'        Boolean           Bytes
'           True              01
'          False              00


Você pode converter uma matriz de bytes de volta em um valor Boolean chamando o método ToBoolean.

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Retorna o valor de caractere Unicode especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(char value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (char value);
static member GetBytes : char -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Char) As Byte()



O caractere a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 2.


O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Char (caracteres Unicode) em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( __wchar_t ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert a __wchar_t argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesChar( __wchar_t argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,10}{1,16}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( __wchar_t ) "
   "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,10}{1,16}", "__wchar_t", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,10}{1,16}", "---------", "----------" );
   // Convert __wchar_t values and display the results.
   GetBytesChar( L'\0' );
   GetBytesChar( L' ' );
   GetBytesChar( L'*' );
   GetBytesChar( L'3' );
   GetBytesChar( L'A' );
   GetBytesChar( L'[' );
   GetBytesChar( L'a' );
   GetBytesChar( L'{' );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( __wchar_t )
method generates the following output.

 __wchar_t      byte array
 ---------      ----------
         *           2A-00
         3           33-00
         A           41-00
         [           5B-00
         a           61-00
         {           7B-00
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( char ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesCharDemo
    const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,16}";

    // Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesChar( char argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( char ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\r\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "char", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "----", "----------" );

        // Convert char values and display the results.
        GetBytesChar( '\0' );
        GetBytesChar( ' ' );
        GetBytesChar( '*' );
        GetBytesChar( '3' );
        GetBytesChar( 'A' );
        GetBytesChar( '[' );
        GetBytesChar( 'a' );
        GetBytesChar( '{' );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( char )
method generates the following output.

      char      byte array
      ----      ----------
         *           2A-00
         3           33-00
         A           41-00
         [           5B-00
         a           61-00
         {           7B-00
open System

let print obj1 obj2 =
    printfn $"{obj1,10}{obj2,16}"

// Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesChar (argument: char) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(char) \nmethod generates the following output.\r\n"
print "char" "byte array"
print "----" "----------"

// Convert char values and display the results.
getBytesChar '\000'
getBytesChar ' '
getBytesChar '*'
getBytesChar '3'
getBytesChar 'A'
getBytesChar '['
getBytesChar 'a'
getBytesChar '{'

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(char)
// method generates the following output.
//       char      byte array
//       ----      ----------
//                      00-00
//                      20-00
//          *           2A-00
//          3           33-00
//          A           41-00
//          [           5B-00
//          a           61-00
//          {           7B-00
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Char ) method.
Module GetBytesCharDemo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,10}{1,16}"
    ' Convert a Char argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesChar( argument As Char )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Char ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "Char", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "----", "----------" )
        ' Convert Char values and display the results.
        GetBytesChar( Chr( 0 ) )
        GetBytesChar( " "c )
        GetBytesChar( "*"c )
        GetBytesChar( "3"c )
        GetBytesChar( "A"c )
        GetBytesChar( "["c )
        GetBytesChar( "a"c )
        GetBytesChar( "{"c )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Char )
' method generates the following output.
'       Char      Byte array
'       ----      ----------
'                      00-00
'                      20-00
'          *           2A-00
'          3           33-00
'          A           41-00
'          [           5B-00
'          a           61-00
'          {           7B-00


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

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Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de precisão dupla especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(double value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (double value);
static member GetBytes : double -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Double) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 8.


O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Double em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( double ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert a double argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesDouble( double argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,25:E16}{1,30}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( double ) "
   "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,25:E16}{1,30}", "double", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,25:E16}{1,30}", "------", "----------" );
   // Convert double values and display the results.
   GetBytesDouble( 0.0 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.0 );
   GetBytesDouble( 255.0 );
   GetBytesDouble( 4294967295.0 );
   GetBytesDouble( 0.00390625 );
   GetBytesDouble( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345E-300 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234565 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234567 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234569 );
   GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345678E+300 );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::MinValue );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::MaxValue );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::Epsilon );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::NaN );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::NegativeInfinity );
   GetBytesDouble( Double::PositiveInfinity );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( double )
method generates the following output.

                   double                    byte array
                   ------                    ----------
  0.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
  1.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3F
  2.5500000000000000E+002       00-00-00-00-00-E0-6F-40
  4.2949672950000000E+009       00-00-E0-FF-FF-FF-EF-41
  3.9062500000000000E-003       00-00-00-00-00-00-70-3F
  2.3283064365386963E-010       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3D
  1.2345678901234500E-300       DF-88-1E-1C-FE-74-AA-01
  1.2345678901234565E+000       FA-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234567E+000       FB-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234569E+000       FC-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234569E+300       52-D3-BB-BC-E8-7E-3D-7E
 -1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-FF
  1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-7F
  4.9406564584124654E-324       01-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
                      NaN       00-00-00-00-00-00-F8-FF
                -Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-FF
                 Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-7F
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( double ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesDoubleDemo
    const string formatter = "{0,25:E16}{1,30}";

    // Convert a double argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesDouble( double argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( double ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "double", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" );

        // Convert double values and display the results.
        GetBytesDouble( 0.0 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.0 );
        GetBytesDouble( 255.0 );
        GetBytesDouble( 4294967295.0 );
        GetBytesDouble( 0.00390625 );
        GetBytesDouble( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345E-300 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234565 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234567 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234569 );
        GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345678E+300 );
        GetBytesDouble( double.MinValue );
        GetBytesDouble( double.MaxValue );
        GetBytesDouble( double.Epsilon );
        GetBytesDouble( double.NaN );
        GetBytesDouble( double.NegativeInfinity );
        GetBytesDouble( double.PositiveInfinity );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( double )
method generates the following output.

                   double                    byte array
                   ------                    ----------
  0.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
  1.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3F
  2.5500000000000000E+002       00-00-00-00-00-E0-6F-40
  4.2949672950000000E+009       00-00-E0-FF-FF-FF-EF-41
  3.9062500000000000E-003       00-00-00-00-00-00-70-3F
  2.3283064365386963E-010       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3D
  1.2345678901234500E-300       DF-88-1E-1C-FE-74-AA-01
  1.2345678901234565E+000       FA-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234567E+000       FB-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234569E+000       FC-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
  1.2345678901234569E+300       52-D3-BB-BC-E8-7E-3D-7E
 -1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-FF
  1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-7F
  4.9406564584124654E-324       01-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
                      NaN       00-00-00-00-00-00-F8-FF
                -Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-FF
                 Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-7F
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,25:E16}{obj2,30}"

// Convert a double argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesDouble (argument: float) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(double) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "double" "byte array"
print "------" "----------"

// Convert double values and display the results.
getBytesDouble 0.0
getBytesDouble 1.0
getBytesDouble 255.0
getBytesDouble 4294967295.0
getBytesDouble 0.00390625
getBytesDouble 0.00000000023283064365386962890625
getBytesDouble 1.23456789012345E-300
getBytesDouble 1.2345678901234565
getBytesDouble 1.2345678901234567
getBytesDouble 1.2345678901234569
getBytesDouble 1.23456789012345678E+300
getBytesDouble Double.MinValue
getBytesDouble Double.MaxValue
getBytesDouble Double.Epsilon
getBytesDouble Double.NaN
getBytesDouble Double.NegativeInfinity
getBytesDouble Double.PositiveInfinity

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(double)
// method generates the following output.
//                    double                    byte array
//                    ------                    ----------
//   0.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//   1.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3F
//   2.5500000000000000E+002       00-00-00-00-00-E0-6F-40
//   4.2949672950000000E+009       00-00-E0-FF-FF-FF-EF-41
//   3.9062500000000000E-003       00-00-00-00-00-00-70-3F
//   2.3283064365386963E-010       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3D
//   1.2345678901234500E-300       DF-88-1E-1C-FE-74-AA-01
//   1.2345678901234565E+000       FA-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
//   1.2345678901234567E+000       FB-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
//   1.2345678901234569E+000       FC-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
//   1.2345678901234569E+300       52-D3-BB-BC-E8-7E-3D-7E
//  -1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-FF
//   1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-7F
//   4.9406564584124654E-324       01-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//                       NaN       00-00-00-00-00-00-F8-FF
//                 -Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-FF
//                  Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-7F
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Double ) method.
Module GetBytesDoubleDemo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,25:E16}{1,30}"
    ' Convert a Double argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesDouble( argument As Double )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Double ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "Double", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" )
        ' Convert Double values and display the results.
        GetBytesDouble( 0.0 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.0 )
        GetBytesDouble( 255.0 )
        GetBytesDouble( 4294967295.0 )
        GetBytesDouble( 0.00390625 )
        GetBytesDouble( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345E-300 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234565 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234567 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.2345678901234569 )
        GetBytesDouble( 1.23456789012345678E+300 )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.MinValue )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.MaxValue )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.Epsilon )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.NaN )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.NegativeInfinity )
        GetBytesDouble( Double.PositiveInfinity )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Double )
' method generates the following output.
'                    Double                    Byte array
'                    ------                    ----------
'   0.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
'   1.0000000000000000E+000       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3F
'   2.5500000000000000E+002       00-00-00-00-00-E0-6F-40
'   4.2949672950000000E+009       00-00-E0-FF-FF-FF-EF-41
'   3.9062500000000000E-003       00-00-00-00-00-00-70-3F
'   2.3283064365386963E-010       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-3D
'   1.2345678901234500E-300       DF-88-1E-1C-FE-74-AA-01
'   1.2345678901234565E+000       FA-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
'   1.2345678901234567E+000       FB-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
'   1.2345678901234569E+000       FC-59-8C-42-CA-C0-F3-3F
'   1.2345678901234569E+300       52-D3-BB-BC-E8-7E-3D-7E
'  -1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-FF
'   1.7976931348623157E+308       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-EF-7F
'   4.9406564584124654E-324       01-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
'                       NaN       00-00-00-00-00-00-F8-FF
'                 -Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-FF
'                  Infinity       00-00-00-00-00-00-F0-7F


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

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Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de meia precisão especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(Half value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (Half value);
static member GetBytes : Half -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Half) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 2.

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Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 128 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(Int128 value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (Int128 value);
static member GetBytes : Int128 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Int128) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 16.

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Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 16 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(short value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (short value);
static member GetBytes : int16 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Short) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 2.


O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Int16 em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

using namespace System;

void main()
    // Define an array of integers.
    array<Int16>^ values = { 0, 15, -15, 10000,  -10000, 
                             Int16::MinValue, Int16::MaxValue};
    // Convert each integer to a byte array.
    Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "Integer", 
                       "Endian", "Byte Array");
    Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "---", "------", 
    for each (int value in values) {
      array<Byte>^ byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes(value);
      Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", value, 
                        BitConverter::IsLittleEndian ? "Little" : " Big", 
// This example displays output like the following:
//              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
//                  ---    ------       ----------
//                    0    Little            00-00
//                   15    Little            0F-00
//                  -15    Little            F1-FF
//                10000    Little            10-27
//               -10000    Little            F0-D8
//               -32768    Little            00-80
//                32767    Little            FF-7F
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( short ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesInt16Demo
    const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,13}";

    // Convert a short argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesInt16( short argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( short ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "short", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "-----", "----------" );

        // Convert short values and display the results.
        GetBytesInt16( 0 );
        GetBytesInt16( 15 );
        GetBytesInt16( -15 );
        GetBytesInt16( 10000 );
        GetBytesInt16( -10000 );
        GetBytesInt16( short.MinValue );
        GetBytesInt16( short.MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( short )
method generates the following output.

     short   byte array
     -----   ----------
         0        00-00
        15        0F-00
       -15        F1-FF
     10000        10-27
    -10000        F0-D8
    -32768        00-80
     32767        FF-7F
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,10}{obj2,13}"

// Convert a short argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesInt16 (argument: int16) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument

    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument 

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(int16) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "short" "byte array"
print "-----" "----------"

// Convert short values and display the results.
getBytesInt16 0s
getBytesInt16 15s
getBytesInt16 -15s
getBytesInt16 10000s
getBytesInt16 -10000s
getBytesInt16 Int16.MinValue
getBytesInt16 Int16.MaxValue

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(int16)
// method generates the following output.
//      short   byte array
//      -----   ----------
//          0        00-00
//         15        0F-00
//        -15        F1-FF
//      10000        10-27
//     -10000        F0-D8
//     -32768        00-80
//      32767        FF-7F
Module Example
    Public Sub Main( )
        ' Define an array of integers.
        Dim values() As Integer  = { 0, 15, -15, 10000,  -10000, 
                                     Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue }
        ' Convert each integer to a byte array.
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "Integer", 
                          "Endian", "Byte Array")
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "---", "------", 
                          "----------" )
        For Each value In values
          Dim byteArray() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(value)
          Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", value, 
                            If(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, "Little", " Big"), 
    End Sub
End Module
' This example displays output like the following:
'              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
'                  ---    ------       ----------
'                    0    Little            00-00
'                   15    Little            0F-00
'                  -15    Little            F1-FF
'                10000    Little            10-27
'               -10000    Little            F0-D8
'               -32768    Little            00-80
'                32767    Little            FF-7F


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 32 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(int value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (int value);
static member GetBytes : int -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Integer) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 4.


O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Int32 em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

using namespace System;

void main()
    // Define an array of integers.
    array<int>^ values = { 0, 15, -15, 0x100000,  -0x100000, 1000000000,
                          -1000000000, Int32::MinValue, Int32::MaxValue };
    // Convert each integer to a byte array.
    Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "Integer", 
                       "Endian", "Byte Array");
    Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "---", "------", 
                       "----------" );
    for each (int value in values) {
      array<Byte>^ byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes(value);
      Console::WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", value, 
                        BitConverter::IsLittleEndian ? "Little" : " Big", 
// This example displays output like the following:
//              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
//                  ---    ------       ----------
//                    0    Little      00-00-00-00
//                   15    Little      0F-00-00-00
//                  -15    Little      F1-FF-FF-FF
//              1048576    Little      00-00-10-00
//             -1048576    Little      00-00-F0-FF
//           1000000000    Little      00-CA-9A-3B
//          -1000000000    Little      00-36-65-C4
//          -2147483648    Little      00-00-00-80
//           2147483647    Little      FF-FF-FF-7F
using System;

class Example
    public static void Main( )
        // Define an array of integers.
        int[] values = { 0, 15, -15, 0x100000,  -0x100000, 1000000000,
                         -1000000000, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue };

        // Convert each integer to a byte array.
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "Integer",
                          "Endian", "Byte Array");
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "---", "------",
                          "----------" );
        foreach (var value in values) {
          byte[] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
          Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", value,
                            BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? "Little" : " Big",
// This example displays output like the following:
//              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
//                  ---    ------       ----------
//                    0    Little      00-00-00-00
//                   15    Little      0F-00-00-00
//                  -15    Little      F1-FF-FF-FF
//              1048576    Little      00-00-10-00
//             -1048576    Little      00-00-F0-FF
//           1000000000    Little      00-CA-9A-3B
//          -1000000000    Little      00-36-65-C4
//          -2147483648    Little      00-00-00-80
//           2147483647    Little      FF-FF-FF-7F
open System

// Define a list of integers.
let values = 
    [ 0; 15; -15; 0x100000;  -0x100000; 1000000000
      -1000000000; Int32.MinValue; Int32.MaxValue ]

// Convert each integer to a byte array.
printfn "%16s%10s%17s" "Integer" "Endian" "Byte Array"
printfn "%16s%10s%17s" "---" "------" "----------"
for value in values do
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes value
    printfn $"""%16i{value}%10s{if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then "Little" else " Big"}%17s{BitConverter.ToString byteArray}"""

// This example displays output like the following:
//              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
//                  ---    ------       ----------
//                    0    Little      00-00-00-00
//                   15    Little      0F-00-00-00
//                  -15    Little      F1-FF-FF-FF
//              1048576    Little      00-00-10-00
//             -1048576    Little      00-00-F0-FF
//           1000000000    Little      00-CA-9A-3B
//          -1000000000    Little      00-36-65-C4
//          -2147483648    Little      00-00-00-80
//           2147483647    Little      FF-FF-FF-7F
Module Example
    Public Sub Main( )
        ' Define an array of integers.
        Dim values() As Integer  = { 0, 15, -15, &h100000,  -&h100000, 1000000000,
                                     -1000000000, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue }
        ' Convert each integer to a byte array.
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "Integer", 
                          "Endian", "Byte Array")
        Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", "---", "------", 
                          "----------" )
        For Each value In values
          Dim byteArray() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(value)
          Console.WriteLine("{0,16}{1,10}{2,17}", value, 
                            If(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, "Little", " Big"), 
    End Sub
End Module
' This example displays output like the following:
'              Integer    Endian       Byte Array
'                  ---    ------       ----------
'                    0    Little      00-00-00-00
'                   15    Little      0F-00-00-00
'                  -15    Little      F1-FF-FF-FF
'              1048576    Little      00-00-10-00
'             -1048576    Little      00-00-F0-FF
'           1000000000    Little      00-CA-9A-3B
'          -1000000000    Little      00-36-65-C4
'          -2147483648    Little      00-00-00-80
'           2147483647    Little      FF-FF-FF-7F


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Retorna o valor inteiro com sinal de 64 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(long value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (long value);
static member GetBytes : int64 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Long) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 8.


O exemplo a seguir chama o método GetBytes para converter cada elemento em uma matriz de Int64 em uma Byte matrizes.

using namespace System;

void main()
    // Define an array of Int64 values.
    array<Int64>^ values = { 0, 0xFFFFFF, -0xFFFFFF, 1000000000, -1000000000,
                            0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0xAAAAAAAAAAAA, 
                            -0xAAAAAAAAAAAA, 1000000000000000000, 
                            -1000000000000000000, Int64::MinValue, 
    Console::WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", "Int64", "Endian", "Byte Array");
    Console::WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", "----", "------", "----------");
    for each (Int64 value in values) {
        // Convert each Int64 value to a byte array.
        array<Byte>^ byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes(value);
        // Display the result.
        Console::WriteLine("{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", value, 
                           BitConverter::IsLittleEndian ? "Little" : " Big",
// The example displays output like the following:
//                      Int64    Endian                    Byte Array
//                       ----    ------                    ----------
//                          0    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//                   16777215    Little       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
//                  -16777215    Little       01-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
//                 1000000000    Little       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
//                -1000000000    Little       00-36-65-C4-FF-FF-FF-FF
//                 4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
//                -4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF
//            187649984473770    Little       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
//           -187649984473770    Little       56-55-55-55-55-55-FF-FF
//        1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
//       -1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-9C-58-4C-49-1F-F2
//       -9223372036854775808    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-80
//        9223372036854775807    Little       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
using System;

class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Define an array of Int64 values.
        long[] values = { 0, 0xFFFFFF, -0xFFFFFF, 1000000000, -1000000000,
                          0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0xAAAAAAAAAAAA,
                          -0xAAAAAAAAAAAA, 1000000000000000000,
                          -1000000000000000000, long.MinValue,
                          long.MaxValue };

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10} {2,30}", "Int64", "Endian", "Byte Array");
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10} {2,30}", "----", "------", "----------" );

        foreach (var value in values) {
            // Convert each Int64 value to a byte array.
            byte[] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
            // Display the result.
            Console.WriteLine("{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", value,
                              BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? "Little" : "Big",
// The example displays output like the following:
//                    Int64    Endian                     Byte Array
//                     ----    ------                     ----------
//                        0    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//                 16777215    Little       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
//                -16777215    Little       01-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
//               1000000000    Little       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
//              -1000000000    Little       00-36-65-C4-FF-FF-FF-FF
//               4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
//              -4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF
//          187649984473770    Little       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
//         -187649984473770    Little       56-55-55-55-55-55-FF-FF
//      1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
//     -1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-9C-58-4C-49-1F-F2
//     -9223372036854775808    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-80
//      9223372036854775807    Little       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
open System

// Define a list of Int64 values.
let values = 
    [ 0L; 0xFFFFFFL; -0xFFFFFFL; 1000000000L; -1000000000L
      0x100000000L; -0x100000000L; 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAL
      -0xAAAAAAAAAAAAL; 1000000000000000000L
      -1000000000000000000L; Int64.MinValue; Int64.MaxValue ]

printfn "%22s%10s %30s" "Int64" "Endian" "Byte Array"
printfn "%22s%10s %30s" "----" "------" "----------"

for value in values do
    // Convert each Int64 value to a byte array.
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes value
    // Display the result.
    printfn $"""%22i{value}%10s{if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then "Little" else "Big"} %30s{BitConverter.ToString byteArray}"""

// The example displays output like the following:
//                    Int64    Endian                     Byte Array
//                     ----    ------                     ----------
//                        0    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//                 16777215    Little       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
//                -16777215    Little       01-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
//               1000000000    Little       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
//              -1000000000    Little       00-36-65-C4-FF-FF-FF-FF
//               4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
//              -4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF
//          187649984473770    Little       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
//         -187649984473770    Little       56-55-55-55-55-55-FF-FF
//      1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
//     -1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-9C-58-4C-49-1F-F2
//     -9223372036854775808    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-80
//      9223372036854775807    Little       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
Public Module Example
    Public Sub Main()
        ' Define an array of Int64 values.
        Dim values() As Long = { 0, &hFFFFFF, -&hFFFFFF, 1000000000, -1000000000,
                                 &h100000000, -&h100000000, &hAAAAAAAAAAAA, 
                                 -&hAAAAAAAAAAAA, 1000000000000000000, 
                                 -1000000000000000000, Long.MinValue, 
                                 Long.MaxValue }
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", "Int64", "Endian", "Byte Array" )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", "----", "------", "----------" )
        For Each value in values
            ' Convert each Int64 value to a byte array.
            Dim byteArray() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(value)
            ' Display the result.
            Console.WriteLine("{0,22}{1,10}{2,30}", value, 
                              If(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, "Little", "Big"),
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'                      Int64    Endian                    Byte Array
'                       ----    ------                    ----------
'                          0    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
'                   16777215    Little       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
'                  -16777215    Little       01-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
'                 1000000000    Little       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
'                -1000000000    Little       00-36-65-C4-FF-FF-FF-FF
'                 4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
'                -4294967296    Little       00-00-00-00-FF-FF-FF-FF
'            187649984473770    Little       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
'           -187649984473770    Little       56-55-55-55-55-55-FF-FF
'        1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
'       -1000000000000000000    Little       00-00-9C-58-4C-49-1F-F2
'       -9223372036854775808    Little       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-80
'        9223372036854775807    Little       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Retorna o valor de ponto flutuante de precisão única especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(float value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (float value);
static member GetBytes : single -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As Single) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 4.


O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores Single em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( float ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert a float argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesSingle( float argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16:E7}{1,20}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( float ) "
   "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16:E7}{1,20}", "float", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16:E7}{1,20}", "-----", "----------" );
   // Convert float values and display the results.
   GetBytesSingle( 0.0F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.0F );
   GetBytesSingle( 15.0F );
   GetBytesSingle( 65535.0F );
   GetBytesSingle( 0.00390625F );
   GetBytesSingle( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.2345E-35F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.2345671F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.2345673F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.2345677F );
   GetBytesSingle( 1.23456789E+35F );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::MinValue );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::MaxValue );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::Epsilon );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::NaN );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::NegativeInfinity );
   GetBytesSingle( Single::PositiveInfinity );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( float )
method generates the following output.

           float          byte array
           -----          ----------
  0.0000000E+000         00-00-00-00
  1.0000000E+000         00-00-80-3F
  1.5000000E+001         00-00-70-41
  6.5535000E+004         00-FF-7F-47
  3.9062500E-003         00-00-80-3B
  2.3283064E-010         00-00-80-2F
  1.2345000E-035         49-46-83-05
  1.2345671E+000         4B-06-9E-3F
  1.2345673E+000         4D-06-9E-3F
  1.2345676E+000         50-06-9E-3F
  1.2345679E+035         1E-37-BE-79
 -3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-FF
  3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-7F
  1.4012985E-045         01-00-00-00
             NaN         00-00-C0-FF
       -Infinity         00-00-80-FF
        Infinity         00-00-80-7F
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( float ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesSingleDemo
    const string formatter = "{0,16:E7}{1,20}";

    // Convert a float argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesSingle( float argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( float ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "float", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "-----", "----------" );

        // Convert float values and display the results.
        GetBytesSingle( 0.0F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.0F );
        GetBytesSingle( 15.0F );
        GetBytesSingle( 65535.0F );
        GetBytesSingle( 0.00390625F );
        GetBytesSingle( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345E-35F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345671F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345673F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345677F );
        GetBytesSingle( 1.23456789E+35F );
        GetBytesSingle( float.MinValue );
        GetBytesSingle( float.MaxValue );
        GetBytesSingle( float.Epsilon );
        GetBytesSingle( float.NaN );
        GetBytesSingle( float.NegativeInfinity );
        GetBytesSingle( float.PositiveInfinity );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( float )
method generates the following output.

           float          byte array
           -----          ----------
  0.0000000E+000         00-00-00-00
  1.0000000E+000         00-00-80-3F
  1.5000000E+001         00-00-70-41
  6.5535000E+004         00-FF-7F-47
  3.9062500E-003         00-00-80-3B
  2.3283064E-010         00-00-80-2F
  1.2345000E-035         49-46-83-05
  1.2345671E+000         4B-06-9E-3F
  1.2345673E+000         4D-06-9E-3F
  1.2345676E+000         50-06-9E-3F
  1.2345679E+035         1E-37-BE-79
 -3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-FF
  3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-7F
  1.4012985E-045         01-00-00-00
             NaN         00-00-C0-FF
       -Infinity         00-00-80-FF
        Infinity         00-00-80-7F
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,16:E7}{obj2,20}"

// Convert a float argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesSingle (argument: float32) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(float32) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "float32" "byte array"
print "-----" "----------"

// Convert float values and display the results.
getBytesSingle 0.0F
getBytesSingle 1.0F
getBytesSingle 15.0F
getBytesSingle 65535.0F
getBytesSingle 0.00390625F
getBytesSingle 0.00000000023283064365386962890625F
getBytesSingle 1.2345E-35F
getBytesSingle 1.2345671F
getBytesSingle 1.2345673F
getBytesSingle 1.2345677F
getBytesSingle 1.23456789E+35F
getBytesSingle Single.MinValue
getBytesSingle Single.MaxValue
getBytesSingle Single.Epsilon
getBytesSingle Single.NaN
getBytesSingle Single.NegativeInfinity
getBytesSingle Single.PositiveInfinity

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(float32)
// method generates the following output.
//          float32          byte array
//            -----          ----------
//   0.0000000E+000         00-00-00-00
//   1.0000000E+000         00-00-80-3F
//   1.5000000E+001         00-00-70-41
//   6.5535000E+004         00-FF-7F-47
//   3.9062500E-003         00-00-80-3B
//   2.3283064E-010         00-00-80-2F
//   1.2345000E-035         49-46-83-05
//   1.2345671E+000         4B-06-9E-3F
//   1.2345673E+000         4D-06-9E-3F
//   1.2345676E+000         50-06-9E-3F
//   1.2345679E+035         1E-37-BE-79
//  -3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-FF
//   3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-7F
//   1.4012985E-045         01-00-00-00
//              NaN         00-00-C0-FF
//        -Infinity         00-00-80-FF
//         Infinity         00-00-80-7F
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Single ) method.
Module GetBytesSingleDemo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,16:E7}{1,20}"
    ' Convert a Single argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesSingle( argument As Single )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Single ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "Single", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" )
        ' Convert Single values and display the results.
        GetBytesSingle( 0.0F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.0F )
        GetBytesSingle( 15.0F )
        GetBytesSingle( 65535.0F )
        GetBytesSingle( 0.00390625F )
        GetBytesSingle( 0.00000000023283064365386962890625F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345E-35F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345671F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345673F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.2345677F )
        GetBytesSingle( 1.23456789E+35F )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.MinValue )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.MaxValue )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.Epsilon )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.NaN )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.NegativeInfinity )
        GetBytesSingle( Single.PositiveInfinity )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( Single )
' method generates the following output.
'           Single          Byte array
'           ------          ----------
'   0.0000000E+000         00-00-00-00
'   1.0000000E+000         00-00-80-3F
'   1.5000000E+001         00-00-70-41
'   6.5535000E+004         00-FF-7F-47
'   3.9062500E-003         00-00-80-3B
'   2.3283064E-010         00-00-80-2F
'   1.2345000E-035         49-46-83-05
'   1.2345671E+000         4B-06-9E-3F
'   1.2345673E+000         4D-06-9E-3F
'   1.2345676E+000         50-06-9E-3F
'   1.2345679E+035         1E-37-BE-79
'  -3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-FF
'   3.4028235E+038         FF-FF-7F-7F
'   1.4012985E-045         01-00-00-00
'              NaN         00-00-C0-FF
'        -Infinity         00-00-80-FF
'         Infinity         00-00-80-7F


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

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Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 128 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(UInt128 value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (UInt128 value);
static member GetBytes : UInt128 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As UInt128) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 16.


Aplica-se a




Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 16 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(System::UInt16 value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (ushort value);
static member GetBytes : uint16 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As UShort) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 2.



O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores UInt16 em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned short ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert an unsigned short argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesUInt16( unsigned short argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,14}{1,13}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned "
   "short ) \nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,14}{1,13}", "unsigned short", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,14}{1,13}", "--------------", "----------" );
   // Convert unsigned short values and display the results.
   GetBytesUInt16( 15 );
   GetBytesUInt16( 1023 );
   GetBytesUInt16( 10000 );
   GetBytesUInt16( UInt16::MinValue );
   GetBytesUInt16( Int16::MaxValue );
   GetBytesUInt16( UInt16::MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned short )
method generates the following output.

unsigned short   byte array
--------------   ----------
            15        0F-00
          1023        FF-03
         10000        10-27
             0        00-00
         32767        FF-7F
         65535        FF-FF
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ushort ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesUInt16Demo
    const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,13}";

    // Convert a ushort argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesUInt16( ushort argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ushort ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "ushort", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" );

        // Convert ushort values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt16( 15 );
        GetBytesUInt16( 1023 );
        GetBytesUInt16( 10000 );
        GetBytesUInt16( ushort.MinValue );
        GetBytesUInt16( (ushort)short.MaxValue );
        GetBytesUInt16( ushort.MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ushort )
method generates the following output.

    ushort   byte array
    ------   ----------
        15        0F-00
      1023        FF-03
     10000        10-27
         0        00-00
     32767        FF-7F
     65535        FF-FF
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,10}{obj2,13}"

// Convert a ushort argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesUInt16 (argument: uint16) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(uint16) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "ushort" "byte array"
print "------" "----------"

// Convert ushort values and display the results.
getBytesUInt16 15us
getBytesUInt16 1023us
getBytesUInt16 10000us
getBytesUInt16 UInt16.MinValue
getBytesUInt16 (uint16 Int16.MaxValue)
getBytesUInt16 UInt16.MaxValue

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(uint16)
// method generates the following output.
//     ushort   byte array
//     ------   ----------
//         15        0F-00
//       1023        FF-03
//      10000        10-27
//          0        00-00
//      32767        FF-7F
//      65535        FF-FF
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt16 ) method.
Module GetBytesUInt16Demo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,10}{1,13}"
    ' Convert a UInt16 argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesUInt16( argument As UInt16 )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt16 ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "UInt16", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" )
        ' Convert UInt16 values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( 15 ) )
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( 1023 ) )
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( 10000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( 0 ) )
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( Int16.MaxValue ) )
        GetBytesUInt16( Convert.ToUInt16( 65535 ) )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt16 )
' method generates the following output.
'     UInt16   Byte array
'     ------   ----------
'         15        0F-00
'       1023        FF-03
'      10000        10-27
'          0        00-00
'      32767        FF-7F
'      65535        FF-FF


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

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Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 32 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(System::UInt32 value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (uint value);
static member GetBytes : uint32 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As UInteger) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 4.



O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores UInt32 em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned int ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert an unsigned int argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesUInt32( unsigned int argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16}{1,20}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned "
   "int ) \nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16}{1,20}", "unsigned int", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,16}{1,20}", "------------", "----------" );
   // Convert unsigned int values and display the results.
   GetBytesUInt32( 15 );
   GetBytesUInt32( 1023 );
   GetBytesUInt32( 0x100000 );
   GetBytesUInt32( 1000000000 );
   GetBytesUInt32( UInt32::MinValue );
   GetBytesUInt32( Int32::MaxValue );
   GetBytesUInt32( UInt32::MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned int )
method generates the following output.

    unsigned int          byte array
    ------------          ----------
              15         0F-00-00-00
            1023         FF-03-00-00
         1048576         00-00-10-00
      1000000000         00-CA-9A-3B
               0         00-00-00-00
      2147483647         FF-FF-FF-7F
      4294967295         FF-FF-FF-FF
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( uint ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesUInt32Demo
    const string formatter = "{0,16}{1,20}";

    // Convert a uint argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesUInt32( uint argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( uint ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "uint", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "----", "----------" );

        // Convert uint values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt32( 15 );
        GetBytesUInt32( 1023 );
        GetBytesUInt32( 0x100000 );
        GetBytesUInt32( 1000000000 );
        GetBytesUInt32( uint.MinValue );
        GetBytesUInt32( int.MaxValue );
        GetBytesUInt32( uint.MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( uint )
method generates the following output.

            uint          byte array
            ----          ----------
              15         0F-00-00-00
            1023         FF-03-00-00
         1048576         00-00-10-00
      1000000000         00-CA-9A-3B
               0         00-00-00-00
      2147483647         FF-FF-FF-7F
      4294967295         FF-FF-FF-FF
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,16}{obj2,20}"

// Convert a uint argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesUInt32 (argument: uint) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(uint) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "uint" "byte array"
print "----" "----------"

// Convert uint values and display the results.
getBytesUInt32 15u
getBytesUInt32 1023u
getBytesUInt32 0x100000u
getBytesUInt32 1000000000u
getBytesUInt32 UInt32.MinValue
getBytesUInt32 (uint Int32.MaxValue)
getBytesUInt32 UInt32.MaxValue

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(uint)
// method generates the following output.
//             uint          byte array
//             ----          ----------
//               15         0F-00-00-00
//             1023         FF-03-00-00
//          1048576         00-00-10-00
//       1000000000         00-CA-9A-3B
//                0         00-00-00-00
//       2147483647         FF-FF-FF-7F
//       4294967295         FF-FF-FF-FF
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt32 ) method.
Module GetBytesUInt32Demo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,16}{1,20}"
    ' Convert a UInt32 argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesUInt32( argument As UInt32 )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt32 ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "UInt32", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" )
        ' Convert UInt32 values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( 15 ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( 1023 ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( &H100000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( 1000000000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( 0 ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( Int32.MaxValue ) )
        GetBytesUInt32( Convert.ToUInt32( 4294967295 ) )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt32 )
' method generates the following output.
'           UInt32          Byte array
'           ------          ----------
'               15         0F-00-00-00
'             1023         FF-03-00-00
'          1048576         00-00-10-00
'       1000000000         00-CA-9A-3B
'                0         00-00-00-00
'       2147483647         FF-FF-FF-7F
'       4294967295         FF-FF-FF-FF


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

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Esta API não está em conformidade com CLS.

Retorna o valor inteiro sem sinal de 64 bits especificado como uma matriz de bytes.

 static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ GetBytes(System::UInt64 value);
public static byte[] GetBytes (ulong value);
static member GetBytes : uint64 -> byte[]
Public Shared Function GetBytes (value As ULong) As Byte()



O número a ser convertido.



Uma matriz de bytes com comprimento 8.



O exemplo de código a seguir converte os padrões de bits de valores UInt64 em matrizes Byte com o método GetBytes.

// Example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned __int64 ) method.
using namespace System;

// Convert an unsigned __int64 argument to a byte array and display it.
void GetBytesUInt64( unsigned __int64 argument )
   array<Byte>^byteArray = BitConverter::GetBytes( argument );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,30}", argument, BitConverter::ToString( byteArray ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned "
   "__int64 ) \nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,30}", "unsigned __int64", "byte array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,22}{1,30}", "----------------", "----------" );
   // Convert unsigned __int64 values and display the results.
   GetBytesUInt64( 0xFFFFFF );
   GetBytesUInt64( 1000000000 );
   GetBytesUInt64( 0x100000000 );
   GetBytesUInt64( 0xAAAAAAAAAAAA );
   GetBytesUInt64( 1000000000000000000 );
   GetBytesUInt64( 10000000000000000000 );
   GetBytesUInt64( UInt64::MinValue );
   GetBytesUInt64( Int64::MaxValue );
   GetBytesUInt64( UInt64::MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter::GetBytes( unsigned __int64 )
method generates the following output.

      unsigned __int64                    byte array
      ----------------                    ----------
              16777215       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
            1000000000       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
            4294967296       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
       187649984473770       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
   1000000000000000000       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
  10000000000000000000       00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A
                     0       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
   9223372036854775807       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
  18446744073709551615       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
// Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ulong ) method.
using System;

class GetBytesUInt64Demo
    const string formatter = "{0,22}{1,30}";

    // Convert a ulong argument to a byte array and display it.
    public static void GetBytesUInt64( ulong argument )
        byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument,
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ulong ) " +
            "\nmethod generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "ulong", "byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "-----", "----------" );

        // Convert ulong values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt64( 0xFFFFFF );
        GetBytesUInt64( 1000000000 );
        GetBytesUInt64( 0x100000000 );
        GetBytesUInt64( 0xAAAAAAAAAAAA );
        GetBytesUInt64( 1000000000000000000 );
        GetBytesUInt64( 10000000000000000000 );
        GetBytesUInt64( ulong.MinValue );
        GetBytesUInt64( long.MaxValue );
        GetBytesUInt64( ulong.MaxValue );

This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ulong )
method generates the following output.

                 ulong                    byte array
                 -----                    ----------
              16777215       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
            1000000000       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
            4294967296       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
       187649984473770       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
   1000000000000000000       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
  10000000000000000000       00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A
                     0       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
   9223372036854775807       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
  18446744073709551615       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
open System

let print obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,22}{obj2,30}";

// Convert a ulong argument to a byte array and display it.
let getBytesUInt64 (argument: uint64) =
    let byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes argument
    BitConverter.ToString byteArray
    |> print argument

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes(uint64) \nmethod generates the following output.\n"
print "ulong" "byte array"
print "-----" "----------"

// Convert ulong values and display the results.
getBytesUInt64 0xFFFFFFuL
getBytesUInt64 1000000000uL
getBytesUInt64 0x100000000uL
getBytesUInt64 1000000000000000000uL
getBytesUInt64 10000000000000000000uL
getBytesUInt64 UInt64.MinValue
getBytesUInt64 (uint64 Int64.MaxValue)
getBytesUInt64 UInt64.MaxValue

// This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( ulong )
// method generates the following output.
//                  ulong                    byte array
//                  -----                    ----------
//               16777215       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
//             1000000000       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
//             4294967296       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
//        187649984473770       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
//    1000000000000000000       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
//   10000000000000000000       00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A
//                      0       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
//    9223372036854775807       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
//   18446744073709551615       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
' Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt64 ) method.
Imports System.Globalization

Module GetBytesUInt64Demo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,22}{1,30}"
    ' Convert a UInt64 argument to a Byte array and display it.
    Sub GetBytesUInt64( argument As UInt64 )

        Dim byteArray As Byte( ) = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, _
            BitConverter.ToString( byteArray ) )
    End Sub 
    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt64 ) " & _
            vbCrLf & "method generates the following " & _
            "output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "UInt64", "Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "------", "----------" )
        ' Convert UInt64 values and display the results.
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( &HFFFFFF ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( 1000000000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( &H100000000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( &HAAAAAAAAAAAA ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( 1000000000000000000 ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( UInt64.Parse( "10000000000000000000" ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( 0 ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( Convert.ToUInt64( Int64.MaxValue ) )
        GetBytesUInt64( UInt64.Parse( "18446744073709551615" ) )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( UInt64 )
' method generates the following output.
'                 UInt64                    Byte array
'                 ------                    ----------
'               16777215       FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00
'             1000000000       00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00
'             4294967296       00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00
'        187649984473770       AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00
'    1000000000000000000       00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D
'   10000000000000000000       00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A
'                      0       00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
'    9223372036854775807       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
'   18446744073709551615       FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF


A ordem de bytes na matriz retornada pelo método GetBytes depende se a arquitetura do computador é little-endian ou big-endian.

Confira também

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