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CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider Construtores


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.



Inicializa uma nova instância da classe CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider usando o CurrentCulture do thread atual.


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider usando o CultureInfo especificado.



Inicializa uma nova instância da classe CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider usando o CurrentCulture do thread atual.

public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider ();
Public Sub New ()


O exemplo de código a seguir cria uma tabela de hash que diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas e uma tabela de hash que não diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas e demonstra a diferença em seu comportamento, mesmo que ambos contenham os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable;
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the culture of the current thread.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider,gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer );
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider::DefaultInvariant,CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant );
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ),gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hashtable.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesHashtable  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable();
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the culture of the current thread.
      Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new CaseInsensitiveComparer() );
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the InvariantCulture.
      Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant );
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
      Hashtable myHT4 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ), new CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesHashtable

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the culture of the current thread.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), New CaseInsensitiveComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant)
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(myCul), New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCul))
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


Quando a CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider instância é criada usando esse construtor, o Thread.CurrentCulture do thread atual é salvo. Os procedimentos de comparação usam a cultura salva para determinar as regras de uso de maiúsculas e minúsculas; portanto, as comparações de código hash podem ter resultados diferentes dependendo da cultura. Para obter mais informações sobre comparações específicas da cultura, consulte o System.Globalization namespace e Globalização e Localização.

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Inicializa uma nova instância da classe CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider usando o CultureInfo especificado.

 CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(System::Globalization::CultureInfo ^ culture);
public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
new System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider : System.Globalization.CultureInfo -> System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider
Public Sub New (culture As CultureInfo)



O CultureInfo a ser usado para o novo CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.


culture é null.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria uma tabela de hash que diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas e uma tabela de hash que não diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas e demonstra a diferença em seu comportamento, mesmo que ambos contenham os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable;
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the culture of the current thread.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider,gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer );
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider::DefaultInvariant,CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant );
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ),gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hashtable.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesHashtable  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable();
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the culture of the current thread.
      Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new CaseInsensitiveComparer() );
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the InvariantCulture.
      Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant );
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
      Hashtable myHT4 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ), new CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesHashtable

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the culture of the current thread.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), New CaseInsensitiveComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant)
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(myCul), New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCul))
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


Os procedimentos de comparação usam o especificado System.Globalization.CultureInfo para determinar as regras de uso de maiúsculas e minúsculas. As comparações de código de hash podem ter resultados diferentes dependendo da cultura. Para obter mais informações sobre comparações específicas da cultura, consulte o System.Globalization namespace e Globalização e Localização.

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