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Hashtable Construtores


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable.



Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial, o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

Hashtable(Int32, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial, o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

Hashtable(Int32, Single, IEqualityComparer)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada, o fator de carga e o objeto IEqualityComparer.

Hashtable(Int32, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada, o provedor de código hash, o comparador e o fator de carga padrão.

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IEqualityComparer)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga especificado e o objeto IEqualityComparer.

Hashtable(IDictionary, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga padrão e o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados. Esta API está obsoleta. Para obter uma alternativa, consulte Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer).

Hashtable(Int32, Single)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga especificados, bem como o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

Hashtable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Inicializa uma nova instância vazia da classe Hashtable que pode ser serializada usando os objetos SerializationInfo e StreamingContext especificados.

Hashtable(IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga padrão, bem como o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga especificado e o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para um novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga padrão e o objeto IEqualityComparer especificado.


Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada e o fator de carga padrão, o provedor de código hash e o comparador.


Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga padrão e o objeto IEqualityComparer especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

Hashtable(Int32, IEqualityComparer)

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada e IEqualityComparer, bem como o fator de carga padrão.



Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial, o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

public Hashtable ();
Public Sub New ()


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        return x->Equals(y);

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

ref class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

int main()
   // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable((IEqualityComparer^)nullptr);
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
   // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(gcnew myComparer());
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
   // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
   // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
   // version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hash table.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return x.Equals(y);

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable();
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(new myComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT4 = new Hashtable(new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer
    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return x.Equals(y)
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode

        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function

End Class

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New myComparer())
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        ' case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable( _
            CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, _
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New myCultureComparer(myCul))
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}")

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: False
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


A capacidade de uma tabela de hash é usada para calcular o número ideal de buckets de tabela de hash com base no fator de carga. A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Esse construtor é uma O(1) operação.

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(Int32, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)



Please use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial, o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

 Hashtable(int capacity, float loadFactor, System::Collections::IHashCodeProvider ^ hcp, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
[<System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer, loadFactor As Single, hcp As IHashCodeProvider, comparer As IComparer)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


O objeto IHashCodeProvider que fornece os códigos hash de todas as chaves no Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode().


O objeto IComparer a ser usado para determinar se duas chaves são iguais.

- ou -

null para usar o comparador padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).



capacity é menor que zero.

- ou -

loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer())

        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer(myCul))

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash dispensa códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O provedor de código hash personalizado e o comparador personalizado habilitam cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o capacity parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)



Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d, float loadFactor, System::Collections::IHashCodeProvider ^ hcp, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
[<System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, float, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * single * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary, loadFactor As Single, hcp As IHashCodeProvider, comparer As IComparer)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


O objeto IHashCodeProvider que fornece os códigos hash de todas as chaves no Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode().


O objeto IComparer a ser usado para determinar se duas chaves são iguais.

- ou -

null para usar o comparador padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).



loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
       // Create the dictionary.
       SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
       mySL->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
       mySL->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
       mySL->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
       // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f );
       // Create a hash table using the specified case-insensitive hash code provider and case-insensitive comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer() );
       // Create a hash table using the specified KeyComparer.
       // The KeyComparer uses a case-insensitive hash code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
       // which are based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
       CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
       Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer( myCul ) );
       // Search for a key in each hash table.
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f,
            new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O provedor de código hash personalizado e o comparador personalizado habilitam cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(Int32, Single, IEqualityComparer)


Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada, o fator de carga e o objeto IEqualityComparer.

 Hashtable(int capacity, float loadFactor, System::Collections::IEqualityComparer ^ equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer? equalityComparer);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * single * System.Collections.IEqualityComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer, loadFactor As Single, equalityComparer As IEqualityComparer)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


O objeto IEqualityComparer que define o provedor de código hash e o comparador a serem usados com o Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão e o comparador padrão. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode() e o comparador padrão é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).


capacity é menor que zero.

- ou -

loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer())

        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer(myCul))

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O IEqualityComparer objeto inclui o provedor de código hash e o comparador. Se um IEqualityComparer for usado no Hashtable construtor, os objetos usados como chaves no Hashtable não serão necessários para substituir os Object.GetHashCode métodos e Object.Equals .

O provedor de código hash dispensa códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O IEqualityComparer permite cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o capacity parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(Int32, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)



Please use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada, o provedor de código hash, o comparador e o fator de carga padrão.

 Hashtable(int capacity, System::Collections::IHashCodeProvider ^ hcp, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
[<System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(int, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer, hcp As IHashCodeProvider, comparer As IComparer)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


O objeto IHashCodeProvider que fornece os códigos hash de todas as chaves no Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode().


O objeto IComparer a ser usado para determinar se duas chaves são iguais.

- ou -

null para usar o comparador padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).



capacity é menor que zero.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3)
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer(myCul))
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash dispensa códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O provedor de código hash personalizado e o comparador personalizado habilitam cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o capacity parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IEqualityComparer)


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga especificado e o objeto IEqualityComparer.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d, float loadFactor, System::Collections::IEqualityComparer ^ equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer? equalityComparer);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * single * System.Collections.IEqualityComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary, loadFactor As Single, equalityComparer As IEqualityComparer)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


O objeto IEqualityComparer que define o provedor de código hash e o comparador a serem usados com o Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão e o comparador padrão. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode() e o comparador padrão é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).


loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
       // Create the dictionary.
       SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
       mySL->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
       mySL->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
       mySL->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
       // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f );
       // Create a hash table using the specified case-insensitive hash code provider and case-insensitive comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer() );
       // Create a hash table using the specified KeyComparer.
       // The KeyComparer uses a case-insensitive hash code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
       // which are based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
       CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
       Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer( myCul ) );
       // Search for a key in each hash table.
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f,
            new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é automaticamente aumentada conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O IEqualityComparer objeto inclui o provedor de código hash e o comparador. Se um IEqualityComparer for usado no Hashtable construtor, os objetos usados como chaves no Hashtable objeto não serão necessários para substituir os Object.GetHashCode métodos e Object.Equals .

O provedor de código hash dispensa códigos de hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O IEqualityComparer permite cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em n que é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IDictionary, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)



Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga padrão e o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados. Esta API está obsoleta. Para obter uma alternativa, consulte Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer).

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d, System::Collections::IHashCodeProvider ^ hcp, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
[<System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary, hcp As IHashCodeProvider, comparer As IComparer)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.


O objeto IHashCodeProvider que fornece os códigos hash de todas as chaves no Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode().


O objeto IComparer a ser usado para determinar se duas chaves são iguais.

- ou -

null para usar o comparador padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).




O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList();
        mySL->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL->Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));

int main()

This code produces the following output. 
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        var mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL)

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O provedor de código hash personalizado e o comparador personalizado habilitam cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em n que é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(Int32, Single)


Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga especificados, bem como o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

 Hashtable(int capacity, float loadFactor);
public Hashtable (int capacity, float loadFactor);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * single -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer, loadFactor As Single)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


capacity é menor que zero.

- ou -

loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.

capacity está causando um estouro.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3, .8f);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer())

        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
            New myCultureComparer(myCul))

        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o capacity parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)



This API supports obsolete formatter-based serialization. It should not be called or extended by application code.

Inicializa uma nova instância vazia da classe Hashtable que pode ser serializada usando os objetos SerializationInfo e StreamingContext especificados.

 Hashtable(System::Runtime::Serialization::SerializationInfo ^ info, System::Runtime::Serialization::StreamingContext context);
protected Hashtable (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context);
[System.Obsolete("This API supports obsolete formatter-based serialization. It should not be called or extended by application code.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0051", UrlFormat="{0}")]
protected Hashtable (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo * System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This API supports obsolete formatter-based serialization. It should not be called or extended by application code.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0051", UrlFormat="{0}")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo * System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Protected Sub New (info As SerializationInfo, context As StreamingContext)



Um objeto SerializationInfo que contém as informações necessárias para serializar o objeto Hashtable.


Um objeto StreamingContext que contém a origem e o destino do fluxo serializado associado a Hashtable.



info é null.


A capacidade de uma tabela de hash é usada para calcular o número ideal de buckets de tabela de hash com base no fator de carga. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é Count.

Como serializar e desserializar um enumerador para um Hashtable pode fazer com que os elementos sejam reordenados, não é possível continuar a enumeração sem chamar o Reset método .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IHashCodeProvider, IComparer)



Please use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer).


This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.

Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga padrão, bem como o provedor de código hash e o comparador especificados.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IHashCodeProvider ^ hcp, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer).")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider? hcp, System.Collections.IComparer? comparer);
[System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.")]
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider hcp, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
[<System.Obsolete("Please use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer).")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
[<System.Obsolete("This constructor has been deprecated. Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.")>]
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider * System.Collections.IComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (hcp As IHashCodeProvider, comparer As IComparer)



O objeto IHashCodeProvider que fornece os códigos hash de todas as chaves no objeto Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode().


O objeto IComparer a ser usado para determinar se duas chaves são iguais.

- ou -

null para usar o comparador padrão, que é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).



O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        return x->Equals(y);

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

ref class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

int main()
   // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable((IEqualityComparer^)nullptr);
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
   // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(gcnew myComparer());
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
   // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
   // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
   // version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hash table.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return x.Equals(y);

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable();
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(new myComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT4 = new Hashtable(new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer
    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return x.Equals(y)
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode

        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function

End Class

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New myComparer())
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        ' case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable( _
            CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, _
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New myCultureComparer(myCul))
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}")

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: False
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


A capacidade de uma tabela de hash é usada para calcular o número ideal de buckets de tabela de hash com base no fator de carga. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O provedor de código hash personalizado e o comparador personalizado habilitam cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(1) operação.

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IDictionary, Single)


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga especificado e o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d, float loadFactor);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, float loadFactor);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * single -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary, loadFactor As Single)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.


Um número no intervalo entre 0.1 e 1.0 é multiplicado pelo valor padrão que fornece o melhor desempenho. O resultado é a proporção máxima de elementos para buckets.


loadFactor é menor que 0.1.

- ou -

loadFactor é maior que 1.0.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
       // Create the dictionary.
       SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
       mySL->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
       mySL->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
       mySL->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
       // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f );
       // Create a hash table using the specified case-insensitive hash code provider and case-insensitive comparer.
       Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer() );
       // Create a hash table using the specified KeyComparer.
       // The KeyComparer uses a case-insensitive hash code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
       // which are based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
       CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
       Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( mySL, .8f, gcnew myCultureComparer( myCul ) );
       // Search for a key in each hash table.
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
       Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f,
            new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, .8f, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8))

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, System.Convert.ToSingle(0.8), _
        New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória. Um fator de carga de 1,0 é o melhor equilíbrio entre velocidade e tamanho.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em n que é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer)


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para um novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga padrão e o objeto IEqualityComparer especificado.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d, System::Collections::IEqualityComparer ^ equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer? equalityComparer);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary * System.Collections.IEqualityComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary, equalityComparer As IEqualityComparer)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.


O objeto IEqualityComparer que define o provedor de código hash e o comparador a serem usados com o Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão e o comparador padrão. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode() e o comparador padrão é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).



O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList();
        mySL->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL->Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));

int main()

This code produces the following output. 
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        var mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL)

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O IEqualityComparer objeto inclui o provedor de código hash e o comparador. Se um IEqualityComparer for usado no Hashtable construtor, os objetos usados como chaves no Hashtable objeto não serão necessários para substituir os Object.GetHashCode métodos e Object.Equals .

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O IEqualityComparer permite cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em n que é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada e o fator de carga padrão, o provedor de código hash e o comparador.

 Hashtable(int capacity);
public Hashtable (int capacity);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


capacity é menor que zero.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3)
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer(myCul))
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é capacity.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial e o fator de carga padrão e o objeto IEqualityComparer especificado.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IEqualityComparer ^ equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IEqualityComparer equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IEqualityComparer? equalityComparer);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IEqualityComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (equalityComparer As IEqualityComparer)



O objeto IEqualityComparer que define o provedor de código hash e o comparador para usar com o objeto Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão e o comparador padrão. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode() e o comparador padrão é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        return x->Equals(y);

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

ref class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y) 
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

int main()
   // Create a hash table using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable((IEqualityComparer^)nullptr);
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
   // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(gcnew myComparer());
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
   // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
   // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
   // version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hash table.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return x.Equals(y);

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable();
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(new myComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        // case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT4 = new Hashtable(new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: False
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer
    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return x.Equals(y)
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode

        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function

End Class

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        ' the default Object.Equals to determine equality.
        Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New myComparer())
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using a case-insensitive hash code provider and
        ' case-insensitive comparer based on the InvariantCulture.
        Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable( _
            CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, _
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        ' version of "i".
        Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
        Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New myCultureComparer(myCul))
        myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
        myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
        myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

        ' Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT4: {myHT4.ContainsKey("first")}")

    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: False
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


A capacidade de uma tabela de hash é usada para calcular o número ideal de buckets de tabela de hash com base no fator de carga. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O IEqualityComparer objeto inclui o provedor de código hash e o comparador. Se um IEqualityComparer for usado no Hashtable construtor, os objetos usados como chaves no Hashtable objeto não serão necessários para substituir os Object.GetHashCode métodos e Object.Equals .

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O IEqualityComparer permite cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(1) operação.

Confira também

Aplica-se a



Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Hashtable copiando os elementos do dicionário especificado para o novo objeto Hashtable. O novo objeto Hashtable tem uma capacidade inicial igual ao número de elementos copiados e usa o fator de carga, o provedor de código hash e o comparador padrão.

 Hashtable(System::Collections::IDictionary ^ d);
public Hashtable (System.Collections.IDictionary d);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : System.Collections.IDictionary -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (d As IDictionary)



O objeto IDictionary a ser copiado para um novo objeto Hashtable.



O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create the dictionary.
        SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList();
        mySL->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL->Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(mySL, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));

int main()

This code produces the following output. 
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        return myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create the dictionary.
        var mySL = new SortedList();
        mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        mySL.Add("SECOND", "World");
        mySL.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        var myHT1 = new Hashtable(mySL);

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        var myHT2 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer());

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        var myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        var myHT3 = new Hashtable(mySL, new myCultureComparer(myCul));

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}");

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        Return myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create the dictionary.
      Dim mySL As New SortedList()
      mySL.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      mySL.Add("SECOND", "World")
      mySL.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(mySL)

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer())

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(mySL, New myCultureComparer(myCul))

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT1: {myHT1.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT2: {myHT2.ContainsKey("first")}")
      Console.WriteLine($"first is in myHT3: {myHT3.ContainsKey("first")}")

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


A capacidade inicial é definida como o número de elementos no dicionário de origem. A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable objeto . O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

Os elementos do novo Hashtable são classificados na mesma ordem em que o enumerador itera por meio do IDictionary objeto .

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em n que é o número de elementos no d parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a

Hashtable(Int32, IEqualityComparer)


Inicializa uma instância nova e vazia da classe Hashtable usando a capacidade inicial especificada e IEqualityComparer, bem como o fator de carga padrão.

 Hashtable(int capacity, System::Collections::IEqualityComparer ^ equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer equalityComparer);
public Hashtable (int capacity, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer? equalityComparer);
new System.Collections.Hashtable : int * System.Collections.IEqualityComparer -> System.Collections.Hashtable
Public Sub New (capacity As Integer, equalityComparer As IEqualityComparer)



O número aproximado de elementos que o objeto Hashtable pode conter inicialmente.


O objeto IEqualityComparer que define o provedor de código hash e o comparador a serem usados com o Hashtable.

- ou -

null para usar o provedor de código hash padrão e o comparador padrão. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação de cada chave de GetHashCode() e o comparador padrão é a implementação de cada chave de Equals(Object).


capacity é menor que zero.


O exemplo de código a seguir cria tabelas de hash usando construtores diferentes Hashtable e demonstra as diferenças no comportamento das tabelas de hash, mesmo que cada uma contenha os mesmos elementos.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;

ref class myCultureComparer : public IEqualityComparer
    CaseInsensitiveComparer^ myComparer;

        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant;

    myCultureComparer(CultureInfo^ myCulture)
        myComparer = gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    virtual bool Equals(Object^ x, Object^ y)
        if (myComparer->Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    virtual int GetHashCode(Object^ obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj->ToString()->ToLower()->GetHashCode();

public ref class SamplesHashtable

    static void Main()
        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable(3);
        myHT1->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer());
        myHT2->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable(3, gcnew myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3->Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3->Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3->Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey("first"));
        Console::WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey("first"));


int main()

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

class myCultureComparer : IEqualityComparer
    public CaseInsensitiveComparer myComparer;

    public myCultureComparer()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant;

    public myCultureComparer(CultureInfo myCulture)
        myComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture);

    public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
        if (myComparer.Compare(x, y) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int GetHashCode(object obj)
        // Compare the hash code for the lowercase versions of the strings.
        return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();

public class SamplesHashtable

    public static void Main()

        // Create a hash table using the default comparer.
        Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable(3);
        myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
        // the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
        Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer());
        myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
        // the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
        // version of "i".
        CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
        Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable(3, new myCultureComparer(myCul));
        myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
        myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
        myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

        // Search for a key in each hash table.
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"));
        Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"));

This code produces the following output.
Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class myCultureComparer
    Implements IEqualityComparer

    Dim myComparer As CaseInsensitiveComparer

    Public Sub New()
        myComparer = CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal myCulture As CultureInfo)
        myComparer = New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCulture)
    End Sub

    Public Function Equals1(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) _
        As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer.Equals

        If (myComparer.Compare(x, y) = 0) Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetHashCode1(ByVal obj As Object) _
        As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
        Return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Public Class SamplesHashtable   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a hash table using the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable(3)
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using the specified IEqualityComparer that uses
      ' the CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant to determine equality.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a hash table using an IEqualityComparer that is based on
      ' the Turkish culture (tr-TR) where "I" is not the uppercase
      ' version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(3, New myCultureComparer(myCul))
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hash table.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: False


Especificar a capacidade inicial elimina a necessidade de executar várias operações de redimensionamento ao adicionar elementos ao Hashtable objeto . A capacidade é aumentada automaticamente conforme necessário com base no fator de carga.

O fator de carga é a taxa máxima de elementos para buckets. Um fator de carga menor significa uma pesquisa mais rápida ao custo do aumento do consumo de memória.

Quando o fator de carga real atinge o fator de carga especificado, o número de buckets é automaticamente aumentado para o menor número primo que é maior que o dobro do número atual de buckets.

O IEqualityComparer objeto inclui o provedor de código hash e o comparador. Se um IEqualityComparer for usado no Hashtable construtor, os objetos usados como chaves no Hashtable não serão necessários para substituir os Object.GetHashCode métodos e Object.Equals .

O provedor de código hash distribui códigos hash para chaves no Hashtable. O provedor de código hash padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.GetHashCode.

O comparador determina se duas chaves são iguais. Cada chave em um Hashtable deve ser exclusiva. O comparador padrão é a implementação da chave de Object.Equals.

O IEqualityComparer permite cenários como fazer pesquisas com cadeias de caracteres que não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas.

Esse construtor é uma O(n) operação, em que n é o capacity parâmetro .

Confira também

Aplica-se a