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DateTime.Equals Método


Retorna um valor que indica se dois objetos DateTime ou uma instância DateTime e outro objeto ou DateTime, têm o mesmo valor.



Retorna um valor que indica se o valor dessa instância é igual ao valor da instância DateTime especificada.


Retorna um valor que indica se a instância é igual a um objeto especificado.

Equals(DateTime, DateTime)

Retorna um valor que indica se duas DateTime instâncias têm o mesmo valor de data e hora.



Retorna um valor que indica se o valor dessa instância é igual ao valor da instância DateTime especificada.

 virtual bool Equals(DateTime value);
public bool Equals (DateTime value);
override this.Equals : DateTime -> bool
Public Function Equals (value As DateTime) As Boolean



O objeto a ser comparado com essa instância.


true se o parâmetro value for igual ao valor dessa instância; caso contrário, false.



O exemplo a seguir demonstra o Equals método.

using System;

public class Application
    public static void Main()
        // Create some DateTime objects.
        DateTime one = DateTime.UtcNow;

        DateTime two = DateTime.Now;

        DateTime three = one;

        // Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
        bool result = one.Equals(two);

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {0}.", result);

        result = one.Equals(three);

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {0}.", result);

// This code example displays the following:
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.
open System

// Create some DateTime objects.
let one = DateTime.UtcNow

let two = DateTime.Now

let three = one

// Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
let result = one.Equals two

printfn $"The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {result}."

let result2 = one.Equals three

printfn $"The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {result2}."

// This code example displays the following:
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.
Module Application

    Sub Main()
        ' Create some DateTime objects.
        Dim one As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow

        Dim two As DateTime = DateTime.Now

        Dim three As DateTime = one

        ' Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
        Dim result As Boolean = one.Equals(two)

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {0}.", result)

        result = one.Equals(three)

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {0}.", result)

    End Sub
End Module

' This code example displays the following:
' The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
' The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.


A instância atual e value serão iguais se seus Ticks valores de propriedade forem iguais. Seus Kind valores de propriedade não são considerados no teste de igualdade.

Esse método implementa a System.IEquatable<T> interface e executa um pouco melhor do que o Equals método porque o value parâmetro não precisa ser convertido em um objeto .

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Retorna um valor que indica se a instância é igual a um objeto especificado.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ value);
public override bool Equals (object value);
public override bool Equals (object? value);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (value As Object) As Boolean



O objeto a ser comparado com essa instância.


true se value é uma instância de DateTime e é igual ao valor dessa instância; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo a seguir demonstra o Equals método.

using System;

public class Application
    public static void Main()
        // Create some DateTime objects.
        DateTime one = DateTime.UtcNow;

        DateTime two = DateTime.Now;

        DateTime three = one;

        // Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
        bool result = one.Equals(two);

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {0}.", result);

        result = one.Equals(three);

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {0}.", result);

// This code example displays the following:
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.
open System

// Create some DateTime objects.
let one = DateTime.UtcNow

let two = DateTime.Now

let three = one

// Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
let result = one.Equals two

printfn $"The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {result}."

let result2 = one.Equals three

printfn $"The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {result2}."

// This code example displays the following:
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
// The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.
Module Application

    Sub Main()
        ' Create some DateTime objects.
        Dim one As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow

        Dim two As DateTime = DateTime.Now

        Dim three As DateTime = one

        ' Compare the DateTime objects and display the results.
        Dim result As Boolean = one.Equals(two)

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: {0}.", result)

        result = one.Equals(three)

        Console.WriteLine("The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: {0}.", result)

    End Sub
End Module

' This code example displays the following:
' The result of comparing DateTime object one and two is: False.
' The result of comparing DateTime object one and three is: True.


A instância atual e value serão iguais se seus Ticks valores de propriedade forem iguais. Seus Kind valores de propriedade não são considerados no teste de igualdade.

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Equals(DateTime, DateTime)


Retorna um valor que indica se duas DateTime instâncias têm o mesmo valor de data e hora.

 static bool Equals(DateTime t1, DateTime t2);
public static bool Equals (DateTime t1, DateTime t2);
static member Equals : DateTime * DateTime -> bool
Public Shared Function Equals (t1 As DateTime, t2 As DateTime) As Boolean



O primeiro objeto a ser comparado.


O segundo objeto a ser comparado.


true se os dois valores forem iguais; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo a seguir demonstra o Equals método.

System::DateTime today1 = System::DateTime(
   System::DateTime::Today.Ticks );
System::DateTime today2 = System::DateTime(
   System::DateTime::Today.Ticks );
System::DateTime tomorrow = System::DateTime(
   System::DateTime::Today.AddDays( 1 ).Ticks );

// todayEqualsToday gets true.
bool todayEqualsToday = System::DateTime::Equals( today1, today2 );

// todayEqualsTomorrow gets false.
bool todayEqualsTomorrow = System::DateTime::Equals( today1, tomorrow );
let today1 = 
    System.DateTime System.DateTime.Today.Ticks

let today2 =
    System.DateTime System.DateTime.Today.Ticks

let tomorrow =
    |> System.DateTime 

// todayEqualsToday gets true.
let todayEqualsToday = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, today2)

// todayEqualsTomorrow gets false.
let todayEqualsTomorrow = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, tomorrow)
System.DateTime today1 =
        new System.DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Ticks);
System.DateTime today2 =
        new System.DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Ticks);
System.DateTime tomorrow =
        new System.DateTime(

// todayEqualsToday gets true.
bool todayEqualsToday = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, today2);

// todayEqualsTomorrow gets false.
bool todayEqualsTomorrow = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, tomorrow);
Dim today1 As New System.DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Ticks)
Dim today2 As New System.DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Ticks)
Dim tomorrow As New System.DateTime( _

' todayEqualsToday gets true.
Dim todayEqualsToday As Boolean = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, today2)

' todayEqualsTomorrow gets false.
Dim todayEqualsTomorrow As Boolean = System.DateTime.Equals(today1, tomorrow)


t1 e t2 serão iguais se seus Ticks valores de propriedade forem iguais. Seus Kind valores de propriedade não são considerados no teste de igualdade.

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