Partilhar via

InstanceData Classe


Mantém os dados da instância associados a uma amostra do contador.

public ref class InstanceData
public class InstanceData
type InstanceData = class
Public Class InstanceData


O exemplo de código a seguir exibe o conteúdo dos InstanceData objetos que existem em um determinado PerformanceCounterCategory no computador local. Primeiro, ele exibe uma lista numerada de PerformanceCounter categorias. Depois que o usuário insere o número de uma das categorias, o exemplo exibe, para cada PerformanceCounter uma no PerformanceCounterCategory, os dados de instância associados a cada instância do PerformanceCounter.

// InstanceData_CopyTo.cpp : main project file.
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;


// Console Utility Functions:
void InitConsole();                          // Init console size
void TitleBlock();                           // Write the title block
void CW(String^strText ,                    // Write a colored string
        String^ C = "", int LF = 1);

// InstanceData subroutines
// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
void ProcessInstanceDataObject(String^ name, CounterSample CSRef);

// Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection^ idCol);


void main()

    String^ categoryName;
    String^ catNumStr;
    int      categoryNum;

    array<PerformanceCounterCategory^>^ categories =

    // Create and sort an array of category names.
    array<String^>^ categoryNames = gcnew array<String^>(categories->Length);
    int catX;
    for(catX=0; catX < categories->Length; catX++)
            categoryNames[catX] = categories[catX]->CategoryName;

    CW("These PerformanceCounterCategory categories are registered \n"
      +"on this computer:","Red");

    for(catX=0; catX < categories->Length; catX++)
            Console::WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX+1, categoryNames[catX]);

    // Ask the user to choose a category.
    Console::Write("\nEnter a category number from the above list: ");
    catNumStr = Console::ReadLine();

    // Validate the entered category number.
    try {
        categoryNum = int::Parse(catNumStr);
        if (categoryNum < 1 || categoryNum > categories->Length)
            throw gcnew Exception(String::Format("The category number "+
                  " must be in the range 1..{0}.", categories->Length));
        categoryName = categoryNames[(categoryNum-1)];

        // Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        PerformanceCounterCategory^ pcc =
             gcnew PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
        InstanceDataCollectionCollection^ idColCol = pcc->ReadCategory();
        array<InstanceDataCollection^>^ idColArray =
             gcnew array<InstanceDataCollection^>(idColCol->Count);

        CW("\nInstanceDataCollectionCollection for \"" +categoryName+"\" "
           +"has "+idColCol->Count+" elements.","Blue");

        idColCol->CopyTo(idColArray, 0);

        for each ( InstanceDataCollection ^ idCol in idColArray )
    catch(Exception^ ex)
        Console::WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not a valid category number." +
            "\n{1}", catNumStr, ex->Message);

    CW("\n\nRun again (Y,N)?","Yellow");
    catNumStr = Console::ReadLine();
    if ("Y" != catNumStr && "y" != catNumStr) break;


void InitConsole() 
  Console::BufferHeight = 4000;
  Console::WindowHeight = 40;

void TitleBlock()
Console::Title = "InstDataCopyTo.cpp Sample";

+"//  PROGRAM   instdatacopyto.cpp\n"
+"//  PURPOSE   Show how to use InstanceData objects\n"
+"//  OUTPUT    1) Displays a numbered list of PerformanceCounter\n"
+"//               categories that exist on the local computer.\n"
+"//            2) Prompts the user to select a category.\n"
+"//            3) Displays the instance data associated with each\n"
+"//               instance of the PerformanceCounter in the\n"
+"//               selected PerformanceCounterCategory\n"
+ "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"

// Utility function:  ConsoleWrite:  Write a colored string
void CW(String^ strText , String^ C, int LF)
   if (C != "") Console::ForegroundColor =  *dynamic_cast<ConsoleColor^>
                               (Enum::Parse(ConsoleColor::typeid, C));

// Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection ^ idCol)
    array<InstanceData^>^ instDataArray = gcnew array<InstanceData^>(idCol->Count);

    CW("\n  InstanceDataCollection for \""
       + idCol->CounterName + "\" has " + idCol->Count + " elements.", "Red");

    // Copy and process the InstanceData array.
    idCol->CopyTo(instDataArray, 0);

    int idX;
    for(idX=0; idX < instDataArray->Length; idX++)

// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
void ProcessInstanceDataObject(String ^ name, CounterSample CSRef)
    InstanceData ^ instData = gcnew InstanceData(name, CSRef);
    CW("    Data from InstanceData object:","Red",0);

    CW("      InstanceName:     "+instData->InstanceName,"Green",0);
    CW("      RawValue:         " + instData->RawValue);

    CounterSample sample = instData->Sample;
    Console::Write("    Data from CounterSample object:\n" +
        "      CounterType:      {0,-27} SystemFrequency:  {1}\n" +
        "      BaseValue:        {2,-27} RawValue:         {3}\n" +
        "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\n" +
        "      TimeStamp:        {6,-27} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}\n\n",
        sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue,
        sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp,
        sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

class InstDataCopyToMod

    private static string categoryName;

    public static void Main()
        string catNumStr;
        int categoryNum;

        PerformanceCounterCategory[] categories = PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories();

        // Create and sort an array of category names.
        string[] categoryNames = new string[categories.Length];
        int catX;
        for(catX=0; catX<categories.Length; catX++)
            categoryNames[catX] = categories[catX].CategoryName;

        Console.WriteLine("These categories are registered on this computer:");

        for(catX=0; catX<categories.Length; catX++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX+1, categoryNames[catX]);

        // Ask the user to choose a category.
        Console.Write("Enter the category number from the above list: ");
        catNumStr = Console.ReadLine();

        // Validate the entered category number.
            categoryNum = int.Parse(catNumStr);
            if (categoryNum<1||categoryNum>categories.Length)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("The category number must be in the " +
                    "range 1..{0}.", categories.Length));
            categoryName = categoryNames[(categoryNum-1)];
        catch(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not a valid category number." +
                "\r\n{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message);

        // Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
        InstanceDataCollectionCollection idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory();
        InstanceDataCollection[] idColArray = new InstanceDataCollection[idColCol.Count];

        Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for \"{0}\" " +
            "has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count);

        // Copy and process the InstanceDataCollection array.
        idColCol.CopyTo(idColArray, 0);

        foreach ( InstanceDataCollection idCol in idColArray )

    // Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
    public static void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection idCol)

        InstanceData[] instDataArray = new InstanceData[idCol.Count];

        Console.WriteLine("  InstanceDataCollection for \"{0}\" " +
            "has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count);

        // Copy and process the InstanceData array.
        idCol.CopyTo(instDataArray, 0);

        int idX;
        for(idX=0; idX<instDataArray.Length; idX++)
            ProcessInstanceDataObject(instDataArray[idX].InstanceName, instDataArray[idX].Sample);

    // Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
    public static void ProcessInstanceDataObject(string name, CounterSample CSRef)

        InstanceData instData = new InstanceData(name, CSRef);
        Console.WriteLine("    Data from InstanceData object:\r\n" +
            "      InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue);

        CounterSample sample = instData.Sample;
        Console.WriteLine("    Data from CounterSample object:\r\n" +
            "      CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}\r\n" +
            "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}\r\n" +
            "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\r\n" +
            "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Diagnostics

Module InstDataCopyToMod

    Private categoryName As String

    Sub Main()
        Dim catNumStr As String
        Dim categoryNum As Integer

        Dim categories() As PerformanceCounterCategory = _

        ' Create and sort an array of category names.
        Dim categoryNames(categories.Length - 1) As String
        Dim catX As Integer
        For catX = 0 To categories.Length - 1
            categoryNames(catX) = categories(catX).CategoryName

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "These categories are registered on this computer:")

        For catX = 0 To categories.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX + 1, _
        Next catX

        ' Ask the user to choose a category.
        Console.Write( _
            "Enter the category number from the above list: ")
        catNumStr = Console.ReadLine()

        ' Validate the entered category number.
            categoryNum = Integer.Parse(catNumStr)
            If categoryNum < 1 Or categoryNum > categories.Length Then
                Throw New Exception( _
                    String.Format("The category number must be in the " & _
                        "range 1..{0}.", categories.Length))
            End If
            categoryName = categoryNames((categoryNum - 1))

        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("""{0}"" is not a valid category number." & _
                vbCrLf & "{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message)
        End Try

        ' Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        Dim pcc As New PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName)
        Dim idColCol As InstanceDataCollectionCollection = pcc.ReadCategory()
        Dim idColArray(idColCol.Count - 1) As InstanceDataCollection

        Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
            "has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count)

        ' Copy and process the InstanceDataCollection array.
        idColCol.CopyTo(idColArray, 0)

        Dim idCol As InstanceDataCollection
        For Each idCol In idColArray
        Next idCol
    End Sub

    ' Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
    Sub ProcessInstanceDataCollection(ByVal idCol As InstanceDataCollection)

        Dim instDataArray(idCol.Count - 1) As InstanceData

        Console.WriteLine("  InstanceDataCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
            "has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count)

        ' Copy and process the InstanceData array.
        idCol.CopyTo(instDataArray, 0)

        Dim idX As Integer
        For idX = 0 To instDataArray.Length - 1
            ProcessInstanceDataObject(instDataArray(idX).InstanceName, _
        Next idX
    End Sub

    ' Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
    Sub ProcessInstanceDataObject(ByVal name As String, _
                                  ByVal CSRef As CounterSample)

        Dim instData As New InstanceData(name, CSRef)
        Console.WriteLine("    Data from InstanceData object:" & vbCrLf & _
            "      InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", _
            instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue)

        Dim sample As CounterSample = instData.Sample
        Console.WriteLine("    Data from CounterSample object:" & vbCrLf & _
            "      CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", _
            sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, _
            sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, _
            sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec)
    End Sub
End Module


InstanceData(String, CounterSample)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe InstanceData, usando a instância de contador de desempenho e a amostra especificadas.



Obtém o nome da instância associada a esses dados de instância.


Obtém o valor de dados brutos associado à amostra do contador de desempenho.


Obtém a amostra do contador de desempenho que gerou esses dados.



Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)

Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Aplica-se a