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IChannelSender.CreateMessageSink(String, Object, String) Método


Retorna um coletor de mensagem de canal que entrega mensagens ao objeto de dados de URL ou de canal especificado.

 System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging::IMessageSink ^ CreateMessageSink(System::String ^ url, System::Object ^ remoteChannelData, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String ^ % objectURI);
public System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink CreateMessageSink (string url, object remoteChannelData, out string objectURI);
public System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink CreateMessageSink (string url, object remoteChannelData, out string objectURI);
abstract member CreateMessageSink : string * obj * string -> System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink
abstract member CreateMessageSink : string * obj * string -> System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink
Public Function CreateMessageSink (url As String, remoteChannelData As Object, ByRef objectURI As String) As IMessageSink



A URL à qual o novo coletor entregará mensagens. Pode ser null.


O objeto de dados de canal do host remoto ao qual o novo coletor entregará mensagens. Pode ser null.


Quando este método retorna, contém um URI do novo coletor de mensagem de canal que entrega mensagens ao objeto de dados de URL ou de canal especificado. Este parâmetro é passado não inicializado.



Um coletor de mensagem de canal que envia mensagens à URL ou ao objeto de dados de canal especificado ou null, se o canal não puder se conectar ao ponto de extremidade indicado.



O chamador imediato não tem permissão de infraestrutura.


#using <System.Runtime.Remoting.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <IChannelSender_Share.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels::Http;
int main()
      // Create the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
      IDictionary^ myDictionary = gcnew Hashtable;
      myDictionary->default[ "name" ] = "HttpClientChannel";
      myDictionary->default[ "priority" ] = 2;
      // Set the properties along with the constructor.
      IChannelSender^ myIChannelSender = gcnew HttpClientChannel( myDictionary,gcnew BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider );
      // Register the server channel.
      ChannelServices::RegisterChannel( myIChannelSender, false );
      MyHelloServer ^ myHelloServer1 = dynamic_cast<MyHelloServer^>(Activator::GetObject( MyHelloServer::typeid, "http://localhost:8085/SayHello" ));
      if ( myHelloServer1 == nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "Could not locate server" );
         Console::WriteLine( myHelloServer1->myHelloMethod( "Client" ) );
         // Get the name of the channel.
         Console::WriteLine( "Channel Name :{0}", myIChannelSender->ChannelName );
         // Get the channel priority.
         Console::WriteLine( "ChannelPriority :{0}", myIChannelSender->ChannelPriority );
         String^ myString;
         String^ myObjectURI1;
         Console::WriteLine( "Parse :{0}{1}", myIChannelSender->Parse( "http://localhost:8085/SayHello",  myString ), myString );
         // Get the channel message sink that delivers message to specified url.
         IMessageSink^ myIMessageSink = myIChannelSender->CreateMessageSink( "http://localhost:8085/NewEndPoint", nullptr,  myObjectURI1 );
         Console::WriteLine( "Channel message sink used :{0}", myIMessageSink );
         Console::WriteLine( "URI of new channel message sink :{0}", myObjectURI1 );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Following exception is raised on client side : {0}", ex->Message );

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
using System.Security.Permissions;

public class MyClient
   public static void Main()
         // Create the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
         IDictionary myDictionary = new Hashtable();
         myDictionary["name"] = "HttpClientChannel";
         myDictionary["priority"] = 2;
         // Set the properties along with the constructor.
         IChannelSender myIChannelSender = new HttpClientChannel(myDictionary,
                                    new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider());
         // Register the server channel.
         MyHelloServer myHelloServer1 = (MyHelloServer)Activator.GetObject(
                  typeof(MyHelloServer), "http://localhost:8085/SayHello");
         if (myHelloServer1 == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Could not locate server");
            // Get the name of the channel.
            Console.WriteLine("Channel Name :" + myIChannelSender.ChannelName);
            // Get the channel priority.
            Console.WriteLine("ChannelPriority :" +
            string myString,myObjectURI1;
            Console.WriteLine("Parse :" +
                myIChannelSender.Parse("http://localhost:8085/SayHello",out myString)
                + myString);
            // Get the channel message sink that delivers message to specified url.
            IMessageSink myIMessageSink =
                  "http://localhost:8085/NewEndPoint", null,out myObjectURI1);
            Console.WriteLine("Channel message sink used :" + myIMessageSink.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("URI of new channel message sink :" + myObjectURI1);
      catch(Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine("Following exception is raised on client side : " + ex.Message);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Public Class MyClient
   <PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand)> _
   Public Shared Sub Main()
         ' Create the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
         Dim myDictionary As New Hashtable()
         myDictionary("name") = "HttpClientChannel"
         myDictionary("priority") = 2
         ' Set the properties along with the constructor.
         Dim myIChannelSender As New HttpClientChannel(myDictionary, _
                 New BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider())
         ' Register the server channel.
         Dim myHelloServer1 As MyHelloServer = CType(Activator.GetObject(GetType(MyHelloServer), _
                 "http://localhost:8085/SayHello"), MyHelloServer)
         If myHelloServer1 Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("Could not locate server")
            ' Get the name of the channel.
            Console.WriteLine("Channel Name :" + myIChannelSender.ChannelName)
            ' Get the channel priority.
            Console.WriteLine("ChannelPriority :" + myIChannelSender.ChannelPriority.ToString())
            Dim myString As String = ""
            Dim myObjectURI1 As String = ""
            Console.WriteLine("Parse :" + myIChannelSender.Parse("http://localhost:8085/SayHello", _
                 myString) + myString)
            ' Get the channel message sink that delivers message to specified url.
            Dim myIMessageSink As IMessageSink = _
                 myIChannelSender.CreateMessageSink("http://localhost:8085/NewEndPoint", _
                 Nothing, myObjectURI1)
            Console.WriteLine("Channel message sink used :" + CType(myIMessageSink,Object).ToString())
            Console.WriteLine("URI of new channel message sink :" + myObjectURI1)
         End If
      Catch ex As Exception
         Console.WriteLine("Following exception is raised on client side : " + ex.Message)
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


O CreateMessageSink método retorna um coletor de mensagens de canal que fornece mensagens para a URL especificada ou o objeto de dados do canal. Se o uri parâmetro for null, o remoteChannelData parâmetro será usado como um destino para o coletor. url O parâmetro ou o remoteChannelData parâmetro podem sernull, mas não ambos.

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