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RegisteredWaitHandle.Unregister(WaitHandle) Método


Cancela uma operação de espera registrada emitida pelo método RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle, WaitOrTimerCallback, Object, UInt32, Boolean).

 bool Unregister(System::Threading::WaitHandle ^ waitObject);
public bool Unregister (System.Threading.WaitHandle? waitObject);
public bool Unregister (System.Threading.WaitHandle waitObject);
public bool Unregister (System.Threading.WaitHandle waitObject);
member this.Unregister : System.Threading.WaitHandle -> bool
member this.Unregister : System.Threading.WaitHandle -> bool
Public Function Unregister (waitObject As WaitHandle) As Boolean



O WaitHandle a ser sinalizado.


true se a função for bem-sucedida; caso contrário, false.



O exemplo a seguir mostra como usar o método para cancelar o Unregister registro de uma tarefa se ocorreu um retorno de chamada porque o identificador de espera foi sinalizado.

O exemplo também mostra como usar o RegisterWaitForSingleObject método para executar um método de retorno de chamada especificado quando um identificador de espera especificado é sinalizado. Neste exemplo, o método de retorno de chamada é WaitProce o identificador de espera é um AutoResetEvent.

O exemplo define uma TaskInfo classe para manter as informações passadas para o retorno de chamada quando ela é executada. O exemplo cria um TaskInfo objeto e atribui a ele alguns dados de cadeia de caracteres. O RegisteredWaitHandle retornado pelo RegisterWaitForSingleObject método é atribuído ao Handle campo do objeto para que o método de TaskInfo retorno de chamada tenha acesso ao RegisteredWaitHandle.

Além de TaskInfo especificar como o objeto a ser passado para o método de retorno de chamada, a chamada para o RegisterWaitForSingleObject método especifica o AutoResetEvent pelo qual a tarefa aguardará, um WaitOrTimerCallback delegado que representa o WaitProc método de retorno de chamada, um intervalo de tempo limite de um segundo e vários retornos de chamada.

Quando o thread principal sinaliza o AutoResetEvent chamando seu Set método , o WaitOrTimerCallback delegado é invocado. O WaitProc método testa RegisteredWaitHandle para determinar se ocorreu um tempo limite. Se o retorno de chamada foi invocado porque o identificador de espera foi sinalizado, o WaitProc método cancela o registro de RegisteredWaitHandle, interrompendo retornos de chamada adicionais. No caso de um tempo limite, a tarefa continua aguardando. O WaitProc método termina imprimindo uma mensagem no console.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;

// TaskInfo contains data that will be passed to the callback
// method.
public ref class TaskInfo
      Handle = nullptr;
      OtherInfo = "default";

   RegisteredWaitHandle^ Handle;
   String^ OtherInfo;

ref class Example

   // The callback method executes when the registered wait times out,
   // or when the WaitHandle (in this case AutoResetEvent) is signaled.
   // WaitProc unregisters the WaitHandle the first time the event is 
   // signaled.
   static void WaitProc( Object^ state, bool timedOut )
      // The state Object must be cast to the correct type, because the
      // signature of the WaitOrTimerCallback delegate specifies type
      // Object.
      TaskInfo^ ti = static_cast<TaskInfo^>(state);
      String^ cause = "TIMED OUT";
      if (  !timedOut )
         cause = "SIGNALED";
         // If the callback method executes because the WaitHandle is
         // signaled, stop future execution of the callback method
         // by unregistering the WaitHandle.
         if ( ti->Handle != nullptr )
                  ti->Handle->Unregister( nullptr );

      Console::WriteLine( "WaitProc( {0}) executes on thread {1}; cause = {2}.", ti->OtherInfo, Thread::CurrentThread->GetHashCode(), cause );


int main()
   // The main thread uses AutoResetEvent to signal the
   // registered wait handle, which executes the callback
   // method.
   AutoResetEvent^ ev = gcnew AutoResetEvent( false );
   TaskInfo^ ti = gcnew TaskInfo;
   ti->OtherInfo = "First task";
   // The TaskInfo for the task includes the registered wait
   // handle returned by RegisterWaitForSingleObject.  This
   // allows the wait to be terminated when the object has
   // been signaled once (see WaitProc).
   ti->Handle = ThreadPool::RegisterWaitForSingleObject( ev, gcnew WaitOrTimerCallback( Example::WaitProc ), ti, 1000, false );
   // The main thread waits three seconds, to demonstrate the
   // time-outs on the queued thread, and then signals.
   Thread::Sleep( 3100 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Main thread signals." );
   // The main thread sleeps, which should give the callback
   // method time to execute.  If you comment out this line, the
   // program usually ends before the ThreadPool thread can execute.
   Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
   // If you start a thread yourself, you can wait for it to end
   // by calling Thread::Join.  This option is not available with 
   // thread pool threads.
   return 0;
using System;
using System.Threading;

// TaskInfo contains data that will be passed to the callback
// method.
public class TaskInfo {
    public RegisteredWaitHandle Handle = null;
    public string OtherInfo = "default";

public class Example {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        // The main thread uses AutoResetEvent to signal the
        // registered wait handle, which executes the callback
        // method.
        AutoResetEvent ev = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        TaskInfo ti = new TaskInfo();
        ti.OtherInfo = "First task";
        // The TaskInfo for the task includes the registered wait
        // handle returned by RegisterWaitForSingleObject.  This
        // allows the wait to be terminated when the object has
        // been signaled once (see WaitProc).
        ti.Handle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(
            new WaitOrTimerCallback(WaitProc),

        // The main thread waits three seconds, to demonstrate the
        // time-outs on the queued thread, and then signals.
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread signals.");

        // The main thread sleeps, which should give the callback
        // method time to execute.  If you comment out this line, the
        // program usually ends before the ThreadPool thread can execute.
        // If you start a thread yourself, you can wait for it to end
        // by calling Thread.Join.  This option is not available with 
        // thread pool threads.
    // The callback method executes when the registered wait times out,
    // or when the WaitHandle (in this case AutoResetEvent) is signaled.
    // WaitProc unregisters the WaitHandle the first time the event is 
    // signaled.
    public static void WaitProc(object state, bool timedOut) {
        // The state object must be cast to the correct type, because the
        // signature of the WaitOrTimerCallback delegate specifies type
        // Object.
        TaskInfo ti = (TaskInfo) state;

        string cause = "TIMED OUT";
        if (!timedOut) {
            cause = "SIGNALED";
            // If the callback method executes because the WaitHandle is
            // signaled, stop future execution of the callback method
            // by unregistering the WaitHandle.
            if (ti.Handle != null)

        Console.WriteLine("WaitProc( {0} ) executes on thread {1}; cause = {2}.",
Imports System.Threading

' TaskInfo contains data that will be passed to the callback
' method.
Public Class TaskInfo
    public Handle As RegisteredWaitHandle = Nothing
    public OtherInfo As String = "default"
End Class

Public Class Example

    <MTAThread> _
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' The main thread uses AutoResetEvent to signal the
        ' registered wait handle, which executes the callback
        ' method.
        Dim ev As New AutoResetEvent(false)

        Dim ti As New TaskInfo()
        ti.OtherInfo = "First task"
        ' The TaskInfo for the task includes the registered wait
        ' handle returned by RegisterWaitForSingleObject.  This
        ' allows the wait to be terminated when the object has
        ' been signaled once (see WaitProc).
        ti.Handle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject( _
            ev, _
            New WaitOrTimerCallback(AddressOf WaitProc), _
            ti, _
            1000, _
            false _

        ' The main thread waits about three seconds, to demonstrate 
        ' the time-outs on the queued task, and then signals.
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread signals.")

        ' The main thread sleeps, which should give the callback
        ' method time to execute.  If you comment out this line, the
        ' program usually ends before the ThreadPool thread can execute.
        ' If you start a thread yourself, you can wait for it to end
        ' by calling Thread.Join.  This option is not available with 
        ' thread pool threads.
    End Sub
    ' The callback method executes when the registered wait times out,
    ' or when the WaitHandle (in this case AutoResetEvent) is signaled.
    ' WaitProc unregisters the WaitHandle the first time the event is 
    ' signaled.
    Public Shared Sub WaitProc(state As Object, timedOut As Boolean)
        ' The state object must be cast to the correct type, because the
        ' signature of the WaitOrTimerCallback delegate specifies type
        ' Object.
        Dim ti As TaskInfo = CType(state, TaskInfo)

        Dim cause As String = "TIMED OUT"
        If Not timedOut Then
            cause = "SIGNALED"
            ' If the callback method executes because the WaitHandle is
            ' signaled, stop future execution of the callback method
            ' by unregistering the WaitHandle.
            If Not ti.Handle Is Nothing Then
            End If
        End If 

        Console.WriteLine("WaitProc( {0} ) executes on thread {1}; cause = {2}.", _
            ti.OtherInfo, _
            Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode().ToString(), _
            cause _
    End Sub
End Class


Se waitObject for especificado, ele será sinalizado somente se o RegisteredWaitHandle não for registrado com êxito. Se um método de retorno de chamada estiver em andamento quando Unregister for executado, waitObject não será sinalizado até que o método de retorno de chamada seja concluído. Em particular, se um método de retorno de chamada executar Unregister, waitObject não será sinalizado até que esse método de retorno de chamada seja concluído.

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