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Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4>.Item2 Propriedade


Obtém o valor do segundo componente do objeto Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4> atual.

 property T2 Item2 { T2 get(); };
public T2 Item2 { get; }
member this.Item2 : 'T2
Public ReadOnly Property Item2 As T2

Valor da propriedade


O valor do segundo componente do objeto atual Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4> .


O exemplo a seguir define uma matriz de objetos Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4> cujos componentes contêm o nome de uma cidade, um mês do ano e as temperaturas médias máxima e mínima para esse mês. Em seguida, ele recupera e exibe o valor de cada componente.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Tuple<string, int, double, double>[] temperatures = 
            { Tuple.Create("New York, NY", 4, 61.0, 43.0),
              Tuple.Create("Chicago, IL", 2, 34.0, 18.0), 
              Tuple.Create("Newark, NJ", 4, 61.0, 43.0),
              Tuple.Create("Boston, MA", 6, 77.0, 59.0),
              Tuple.Create("Detroit, MI", 9, 74.0, 53.0),
              Tuple.Create("Minneapolis, MN", 8, 81.0, 61.0) }; 
      // Display the array of 4-tuple objects.
      Console.WriteLine("{0,41}", "Temperatures");
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,5}    {2,4}  {3,4}\n", 
                        "City", "Month", "High", "Low");
      foreach (var temperature in temperatures)
         Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,5}    {2,4:N1}  {3,4:N1}", 
                           DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(temperature.Item2 - 1), 
                           temperature.Item3, temperature.Item4);
// The example displays the following output:
//                                    Temperatures
//       City                 Month    High   Low
//       New York, NY           Mar    61.0  43.0
//       Chicago, IL            Jan    34.0  18.0
//       Newark, NJ             Mar    61.0  43.0
//       Boston, MA             May    77.0  59.0
//       Detroit, MI            Aug    74.0  53.0
//       Minneapolis, MN        Jul    81.0  61.0
open System
open System.Globalization

let temperatures = 
    [| Tuple.Create("New York, NY", 4, 61.0, 43.0)
       Tuple.Create("Chicago, IL", 2, 34.0, 18.0) 
       Tuple.Create("Newark, NJ", 4, 61.0, 43.0)
       Tuple.Create("Boston, MA", 6, 77.0, 59.0)
       Tuple.Create("Detroit, MI", 9, 74.0, 53.0)
       Tuple.Create("Minneapolis, MN", 8, 81.0, 61.0) |] 

// Display the array of 4-tuple objects.
printfn "%41s" "Temperatures"
printfn "%-20s %5s    %4s  %4s\n" "City" "Month" "High" "Low"
for temperature in temperatures do
    printfn $"{temperature.Item1,-20} {DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(temperature.Item2 - 1),5}    {temperature.Item3,4:N1}  {temperature.Item4,4:N1}" 
// The example displays the following output:
//                                    Temperatures
//       City                 Month    High   Low
//       New York, NY           Mar    61.0  43.0
//       Chicago, IL            Jan    34.0  18.0
//       Newark, NJ             Mar    61.0  43.0
//       Boston, MA             May    77.0  59.0
//       Detroit, MI            Aug    74.0  53.0
//       Minneapolis, MN        Jul    81.0  61.0
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim temperatures() = 
             { Tuple.Create("New York, NY", 4, 61, 43), _
               Tuple.Create("Chicago, IL", 2, 34, 18), _ 
               Tuple.Create("Newark, NJ", 4, 61, 43), _
               Tuple.Create("Boston, MA", 6, 77, 59), _
               Tuple.Create("Detroit, MI", 9, 74, 53), _
               Tuple.Create("Minneapolis, MN", 8, 81, 61) } 
      ' Display the array of 4-tuples.
      Console.WriteLine("{0,41}", "Temperatures")
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,5}    {2,4}  {3,4}", 
                        "City", "Month", "High", "Low")
      For Each temperature In temperatures
         Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,5}    {2,4:N1}  {3,4:N1}", 
                           DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(temperature.Item2 - 1), 
                           temperature.Item3, temperature.Item4)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'                                    Temperatures
'       City                 Month    High   Low
'       New York, NY           Mar    61.0  43.0
'       Chicago, IL            Jan    34.0  18.0
'       Newark, NJ             Mar    61.0  43.0
'       Boston, MA             May    77.0  59.0
'       Detroit, MI            Aug    74.0  53.0
'       Minneapolis, MN        Jul    81.0  61.0


É possível determinar dinamicamente o tipo do componente Item2 de duas maneiras:

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