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UserControl.SaveViewState Método


Salva as alterações de estado de exibição do controle de usuário que ocorreram desde o último postback da página.

 override System::Object ^ SaveViewState();
protected override object SaveViewState ();
override this.SaveViewState : unit -> obj
Protected Overrides Function SaveViewState () As Object



Retorna o estado de exibição atual do controle de usuário. Se não houver nenhum estado de exibição associado ao controle, ele retornará null.


O exemplo a seguir demonstra um controle de usuário que gerencia seu estado de exibição usando os métodos e SaveViewState os LoadViewState métodos.

public string UserText
        return (string)ViewState["usertext"];
        ViewState["usertext"] = value;
public string PasswordText
        return (string)ViewState["passwordtext"];
        ViewState["passwordtext"] = value;

[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")] 
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) 
    object[] totalState = null;	   
    if (savedState != null)
        totalState = (object[])savedState;
        if (totalState.Length != 3)
            // Throw an appropriate exception.
        // Load base state.
        // Load extra information specific to this control.
        if (totalState != null && totalState[1] != null && totalState[2] != null)
            UserText = (string)totalState[1];
            PasswordText = (string)totalState[2];

[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")] 
protected override object SaveViewState()
    object baseState = base.SaveViewState();
    object[] totalState = new object[3];
    totalState[0] = baseState;
    totalState[1] = user.Text;
    totalState[2] = password.Text;
    return totalState;
    Public Property UserText() As String

            Return CStr(ViewState("usertext"))
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            ViewState("usertext") = value
        End Set

    End Property
    Public Property PasswordText() As String

            Return CStr(ViewState("passwordtext"))
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            ViewState("passwordtext") = value
        End Set

    End Property
    <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
    Protected Overrides Sub LoadViewState(ByVal savedState As Object)

        Dim totalState As Object() = Nothing
        If Not (savedState Is Nothing) Then
            totalState = CType(savedState, Object())
            If totalState.Length <> 3 Then
                ' Throw an appropriate exception.
            End If
            ' Load base state.
            ' Load extra information specific to this control.
            If Not (totalState Is Nothing) AndAlso Not (totalState(1) Is Nothing) AndAlso Not (totalState(2) Is Nothing) Then
                UserText = CStr(totalState(1))
                PasswordText = CStr(totalState(2))
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
    <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
    Protected Overrides Function SaveViewState() As Object

        Dim baseState As Object = MyBase.SaveViewState()
        Dim totalState(2) As Object
        totalState(0) = baseState
        totalState(1) = user.Text
        totalState(2) = password.Text
        Return totalState

    End Function
End Class 


Em geral, você não precisa chamar esse método. No entanto, se você armazenar informações personalizadas no estado de exibição, poderá substituir esse método para fazer isso.

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