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ValidatorCollection.SyncRoot Propriedade


Obtém um objeto que pode ser usado para sincronizar a coleção ValidatorCollection.

 property System::Object ^ SyncRoot { System::Object ^ get(); };
public object SyncRoot { get; }
member this.SyncRoot : obj
Public ReadOnly Property SyncRoot As Object

Valor da propriedade

O Object com o qual sincronizar a coleção.



O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra o uso da SyncRoot propriedade .

// Get 'Validators' of the page to myCollection.
ValidatorCollection myCollection1 = Page.Validators;

// Get 'IsReadOnly' property of 'ValidatorCollection'.
bool readOnly_bool = myCollection1.IsReadOnly;

// Get 'IsSynchronized' property of 'ValidatorCollection'.
bool synchronized_bool = myCollection1.IsSynchronized;

// Get a synchronized object of the 'ValidatorCollection'.
ValidatorCollection myCollection2 = (ValidatorCollection)myCollection1.SyncRoot;
' Get 'Validators' of the page to myCollection.
Dim myCollection1 As ValidatorCollection = Page.Validators
' Get 'IsReadOnly' property of 'ValidatorCollection'.
Dim readOnly_bool As Boolean = myCollection1.IsReadOnly

' Get 'IsSynchronized' property of 'ValidatorCollection'.
Dim synchronized_bool As Boolean = myCollection1.IsSynchronized

' Get a synchronized object of the 'ValidatorCollection'.
Dim myCollection2 As ValidatorCollection = CType(myCollection1.SyncRoot, ValidatorCollection)

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