Partilhar via

EventsTab Classe


Fornece um PropertyTab que pode exibir eventos de seleção e vinculação.

public ref class EventsTab : System::Windows::Forms::Design::PropertyTab
public class EventsTab : System.Windows.Forms.Design.PropertyTab
type EventsTab = class
    inherit PropertyTab
Public Class EventsTab
Inherits PropertyTab


O exemplo de código a seguir fornece um exemplo EventsTab. Quando selecionado, lista todos os EventsTab eventos em um componente em ordem de tipo delegado.

#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

ref class TypeEventsTab;

// This component adds a TypeEventsTab to the Properties Window.

public ref class TypeEventsTabComponent: public Component


// This example events tab lists events by their delegate type.
      (System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")]
      (System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
public ref class TypeEventsTab: public System::Windows::Forms::Design::EventsTab

   // This string contains a Base-64 encoded and serialized example 
   // property tab image.

   String^ img;
   IServiceProvider^ sp;

   TypeEventsTab( IServiceProvider^ sp )
      : EventsTab( sp )
      this->sp = sp;
      String^ s = "AAEAAAD/////AQAAAAAAAAAMAgAAAFRTeXN0ZW0uRHJhd2luZywgVmVyc2lvbj0xLjAuMzMwMC4w"
      img = s;

   // Returns the properties of the specified component extended with a 
   // CategoryAttribute reflecting the name of the type of the property.
   virtual System::ComponentModel::PropertyDescriptorCollection^ GetProperties( ITypeDescriptorContext^ /*context*/, Object^ component, array<System::Attribute^>^attributes ) override
      // Obtain an instance of the IEventBindingService.
      IEventBindingService^ eventPropertySvc = dynamic_cast<IEventBindingService^>(sp->GetService( IEventBindingService::typeid ));
      // Return if an IEventBindingService could not be obtained.
      if ( eventPropertySvc == nullptr )
            return gcnew PropertyDescriptorCollection( nullptr );

      // Obtain the events on the component.
      EventDescriptorCollection^ events = TypeDescriptor::GetEvents( component, attributes );

      // Create an array of the events, where each event is assigned 
      // a category matching its type.
      array<EventDescriptor^>^newEvents = gcnew array<EventDescriptor^>(events->Count);
      for ( int i = 0; i < events->Count; i++ )
         array<Attribute^>^temp = {gcnew CategoryAttribute( events[ i ]->EventType->FullName )};
         newEvents[ i ] = TypeDescriptor::CreateEvent( events[ i ]->ComponentType, events[ i ], temp );
      events = gcnew EventDescriptorCollection( newEvents );

      // Return event properties for the event descriptors.
      return eventPropertySvc->GetEventProperties( events );

   property String^ TabName 
      // Provides the name for the event property tab.
      virtual String^ get() override
         return "Events by Type";

   property System::Drawing::Bitmap^ Bitmap 
      // Provides an image for the event property tab.
      virtual System::Drawing::Bitmap^ get() override
         System::Drawing::Bitmap^ bmp = gcnew System::Drawing::Bitmap( DeserializeFromBase64Text( img ) );
         return bmp;


   // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block of 
   // Base64-encoded text.
   Image^ DeserializeFromBase64Text( String^ text )
      Image^ img = nullptr;
      array<Byte>^memBytes = Convert::FromBase64String( text );
      IFormatter^ formatter = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
      MemoryStream^ stream = gcnew MemoryStream( memBytes );
      img = dynamic_cast<Image^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
      return img;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace EventsTabExample
    // This component adds a TypeEventsTab to the Properties Window.
    [PropertyTabAttribute(typeof(TypeEventsTab), PropertyTabScope.Document)]
    public class TypeEventsTabComponent : Component
        public TypeEventsTabComponent()

    // This example events tab lists events by their delegate type.
    public class TypeEventsTab : System.Windows.Forms.Design.EventsTab
        // This string contains a Base-64 encoded and serialized example 
        // property tab image.
        private string img = "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";
        private IServiceProvider sp;

        public TypeEventsTab(IServiceProvider sp) : base(sp)
            this.sp = sp;

        // Returns the properties of the specified component extended with a 
        // CategoryAttribute reflecting the name of the type of the property.
        public override System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection
            GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object component,
            System.Attribute[] attributes)
            // Obtain an instance of the IEventBindingService.
            IEventBindingService eventPropertySvc = (IEventBindingService)

            // Return if an IEventBindingService could not be obtained.
            if (eventPropertySvc == null)
                return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);

            // Obtain the events on the component.
            EventDescriptorCollection events =
                TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(component, attributes);

            // Create an array of the events, where each event is assigned 
            // a category matching its type.
            EventDescriptor[] newEvents = new EventDescriptor[events.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
                newEvents[i] = TypeDescriptor.CreateEvent(events[i].ComponentType, events[i],
                    new CategoryAttribute(events[i].EventType.FullName));
            events = new EventDescriptorCollection(newEvents);

            // Return event properties for the event descriptors.
            return eventPropertySvc.GetEventProperties(events);

        // Provides the name for the event property tab.
        public override string TabName
                return "Events by Type";

        // Provides an image for the event property tab.
        public override System.Drawing.Bitmap Bitmap
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(DeserializeFromBase64Text(img));
                return bmp;

        // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block of 
        // Base64-encoded text.
        private Image DeserializeFromBase64Text(string text)
            Image img = null;
            byte[] memBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(text);
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(memBytes);
            img = (Image)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            return img;



Inicializa uma nova instância da classe EventsTab.



Obtém o bitmap que é exibido para o PropertyTab.

(Herdado de PropertyTab)

Obtém ou define a matriz de componentes com os quais a guia de propriedade está associada.

(Herdado de PropertyTab)

Obtém a palavra-chave de Ajuda para o guia.


Obtém o nome da guia.



Obtém um valor que indica se o objeto especificado pode ser estendido.


Libera todos os recursos usados pelo PropertyTab.

(Herdado de PropertyTab)

Libera os recursos não gerenciados usados pelo PropertyTab e opcionalmente libera os recursos gerenciados.

(Herdado de PropertyTab)

Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Obtém a propriedade padrão do objeto especificado.


Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)
GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object, Attribute[])

Obtém todas as propriedades da guia de eventos que correspondem aos atributos e o contexto especificados.


Obtém as propriedades do componente especificado.

(Herdado de PropertyTab)
GetProperties(Object, Attribute[])

Obtém todas as propriedades da guia de eventos que correspondem aos atributos especificados.


Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Aplica-se a