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NativeWindow Classe


Fornece um encapsulamento de nível baixo de um identificador de janela e um procedimento de janela.

public ref class NativeWindow : MarshalByRefObject
public ref class NativeWindow : MarshalByRefObject, System::Windows::Forms::IWin32Window
public class NativeWindow : MarshalByRefObject
public class NativeWindow : MarshalByRefObject, System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
type NativeWindow = class
    inherit MarshalByRefObject
type NativeWindow = class
    inherit MarshalByRefObject
    interface IWin32Window
Public Class NativeWindow
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public Class NativeWindow
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Implements IWin32Window


O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra como interceptar mensagens de janela do sistema operacional em um procedimento de janela e criar uma janela com um nome de classe de janela do sistema operacional específico. O exemplo cria duas classes que herdam de NativeWindow que fazem isso.

A MyNativeWindowListener classe se conecta ao procedimento de janela do formulário passado para o construtor e substitui o WndProc método para interceptar a mensagem da WM_ACTIVATEAPP janela. A classe demonstra o uso dos AssignHandle métodos e ReleaseHandle para identificar o identificador de janela que o NativeWindow usará. O identificador é atribuído com base nos Control.HandleCreated eventos e Control.HandleDestroyed . Quando a mensagem da WM_ACTIVATEAPP janela é recebida, a classe chama o form1.ApplicationActivated método .

A MyNativeWindow classe cria uma nova janela com o ClassName definido BUTTONcomo . A classe demonstra como usar o CreateHandle método e substituir o WndProc método para interceptar mensagens de janela recebidas.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
ref class MyNativeWindowListener;
ref class MyNativeWindow;

// Summary description for Form1.
ref class Form1: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
   MyNativeWindowListener^ nwl;
   MyNativeWindow^ nw;

   void ApplicationActived( bool ApplicationActivated )
      // The application has been activated or deactivated
      #if defined(DEBUG)
      System::Diagnostics::Debug::WriteLine( "Application Active = {0}", ApplicationActivated.ToString() );


// NativeWindow class to listen to operating system messages.
ref class MyNativeWindowListener: public NativeWindow

   // Constant value was found in the S"windows.h" header file.
   literal int WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001C;
   Form1^ parent;

   MyNativeWindowListener( Form1^ parent )
      parent->HandleCreated += gcnew EventHandler( this, &MyNativeWindowListener::OnHandleCreated );
      parent->HandleDestroyed += gcnew EventHandler( this, &MyNativeWindowListener::OnHandleDestroyed );
      this->parent = parent;


   // Listen for the control's window creation and then hook into it.
   void OnHandleCreated( Object^ sender, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Window is now created, assign handle to NativeWindow.
      AssignHandle( (dynamic_cast<Form1^>(sender))->Handle );

   void OnHandleDestroyed( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Window was destroyed, release hook.


   virtual void WndProc( Message %m ) override
      // Listen for operating system messages
      switch ( m.Msg )
         case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:

            // Notify the form that this message was received.
            // Application is activated or deactivated,
            // based upon the WParam parameter.
            parent->ApplicationActived( ((int)m.WParam != 0) );
      NativeWindow::WndProc( m );


// MyNativeWindow class to create a window given a class name.
ref class MyNativeWindow: public NativeWindow

   // Constant values were found in the S"windows.h" header file.
   literal int WS_CHILD = 0x40000000,WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000,WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001C;
   int windowHandle;

   MyNativeWindow( Form^ parent )
      CreateParams^ cp = gcnew CreateParams;

      // Fill in the CreateParams details.
      cp->Caption = "Click here";
      cp->ClassName = "Button";

      // Set the position on the form
      cp->X = 100;
      cp->Y = 100;
      cp->Height = 100;
      cp->Width = 100;

      // Specify the form as the parent.
      cp->Parent = parent->Handle;

      // Create as a child of the specified parent
      cp->Style = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE;

      // Create the actual window
      this->CreateHandle( cp );


   // Listen to when the handle changes to keep the variable in sync

   virtual void OnHandleChange() override
      windowHandle = (int)this->Handle;

   virtual void WndProc( Message % m ) override
      // Listen for messages that are sent to the button window. Some messages are sent
      // to the parent window instead of the button's window.
      switch ( m.Msg )
         case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
            // Do something here in response to messages
      NativeWindow::WndProc( m );

   this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 300, 300 );
   this->Text = "Form1";
   nwl = gcnew MyNativeWindowListener( this );
   nw = gcnew MyNativeWindow( this );

// The main entry point for the application.

int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace NativeWindowApplication
    // Summary description for Form1.
    public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        private MyNativeWindowListener nwl;
        private MyNativeWindow nw;

        internal void ApplicationActivated(bool ApplicationActivated)
            // The application has been activated or deactivated
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Application Active = " + ApplicationActivated.ToString());

        private Form1()
            this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 300);
            this.Text = "Form1";

            nwl = new MyNativeWindowListener(this);
            nw = new MyNativeWindow(this);

        // The main entry point for the application.
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Form1());

    // NativeWindow class to listen to operating system messages.
    internal class MyNativeWindowListener : NativeWindow
        // Constant value was found in the "windows.h" header file.
        private const int WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001C;

        private Form1 parent;

        public MyNativeWindowListener(Form1 parent)

            parent.HandleCreated += new EventHandler(this.OnHandleCreated);
            parent.HandleDestroyed += new EventHandler(this.OnHandleDestroyed);
            this.parent = parent;

        // Listen for the control's window creation and then hook into it.
        internal void OnHandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Window is now created, assign handle to NativeWindow.
        internal void OnHandleDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Window was destroyed, release hook.

        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            // Listen for operating system messages

            switch (m.Msg)
                case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:

                    // Notify the form that this message was received.
                    // Application is activated or deactivated, 
                    // based upon the WParam parameter.
                    parent.ApplicationActivated(((int)m.WParam != 0));

            base.WndProc(ref m);

    // MyNativeWindow class to create a window given a class name.
    internal class MyNativeWindow : NativeWindow

        // Constant values were found in the "windows.h" header file.
        private const int WS_CHILD = 0x40000000,
                          WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000,
                          WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001C;

        private int windowHandle;

        public MyNativeWindow(Form parent)

            CreateParams cp = new CreateParams();

            // Fill in the CreateParams details.
            cp.Caption = "Click here";
            cp.ClassName = "Button";

            // Set the position on the form
            cp.X = 100;
            cp.Y = 100;
            cp.Height = 100;
            cp.Width = 100;

            // Specify the form as the parent.
            cp.Parent = parent.Handle;

            // Create as a child of the specified parent
            cp.Style = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE;

            // Create the actual window

        // Listen to when the handle changes to keep the variable in sync
        protected override void OnHandleChange()
            windowHandle = (int)this.Handle;

        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            // Listen for messages that are sent to the button window. Some messages are sent
            // to the parent window instead of the button's window.

            switch (m.Msg)
                case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
                    // Do something here in response to messages
            base.WndProc(ref m);
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

    Private nwl As MyNativeWindowListener
    Private nw As MyNativeWindow

    Friend Sub ApplicationActivated(ByVal ApplicationActivated As Boolean)
        ' The application has been activated or deactivated
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Application Active = " + ApplicationActivated.ToString())
    End Sub

    Private Sub New()

        Me.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(300, 300)
        Me.Text = "Form1"

        nwl = New MyNativeWindowListener(Me)
        nw = New MyNativeWindow(Me)

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New Form1())
    End Sub
End Class

' NativeWindow class to listen to operating system messages.
Friend Class MyNativeWindowListener
    Inherits NativeWindow

    ' Constant value was found in the "windows.h" header file.
    Private Const WM_ACTIVATEAPP As Integer = &H1C

    Private parent As Form1

    Public Sub New(ByVal parent As Form1)

        AddHandler parent.HandleCreated, AddressOf Me.OnHandleCreated
        AddHandler parent.HandleDestroyed, AddressOf Me.OnHandleDestroyed
        Me.parent = parent
    End Sub

    ' Listen for the control's window creation and hook into it.    
    Private Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Window is now created, assign handle to NativeWindow.
        AssignHandle(CType(sender, Form).Handle)
    End Sub

    Private Sub OnHandleDestroyed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Window was destroyed, release hook.
    End Sub

    <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
        Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
        ' Listen for operating system messages

        Select Case (m.Msg)
            Case WM_ACTIVATEAPP

                ' Notify the form that this message was received.
                ' Application is activated or deactivated, 
                ' based upon the WParam parameter.
                parent.ApplicationActivated(m.WParam.ToInt32() <> 0)

        End Select

    End Sub
End Class

' MyNativeWindow class to create a window given a class name.
<System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
Friend Class MyNativeWindow
    Inherits NativeWindow

    ' Constant values were found in the "windows.h" header file.
    Private Const WS_CHILD As Integer = &H40000000, _
                  WS_VISIBLE As Integer = &H10000000, _
                  WM_ACTIVATEAPP As Integer = &H1C

    Private windowHandle As Integer

    Public Sub New(ByVal parent As Form)

        Dim cp As CreateParams = New CreateParams()

        ' Fill in the CreateParams details.
        cp.Caption = "Click here"
        cp.ClassName = "Button"

        ' Set the position on the form
        cp.X = 100
        cp.Y = 100
        cp.Height = 100
        cp.Width = 100

        ' Specify the form as the parent.
        cp.Parent = parent.Handle

        ' Create as a child of the specified parent
        cp.Style = WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE

        ' Create the actual window
    End Sub

    ' Listen to when the handle changes to keep the variable in sync
    <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
    Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleChange()
        windowHandle = Me.Handle.ToInt32()
    End Sub

    <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
        Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
        ' Listen for messages that are sent to the button window. Some messages are sent
        ' to the parent window instead of the button's window.

        Select Case (m.Msg)
            Case WM_ACTIVATEAPP
                ' Do something here in response to messages
        End Select

    End Sub

End Class


Essa classe gerencia automaticamente a criação e o registro da classe de janela.

Uma janela não é qualificada para coleta de lixo quando está associada a um identificador de janela. Para garantir a coleta de lixo adequada, os identificadores devem ser destruídos manualmente usando DestroyHandle ou liberados usando ReleaseHandle.


O ReleaseHandle método é chamado quando a mensagem WM_NCDESTROY é processada. Isso significa que há casos em que quando você não precisa chamar ReleaseHandlemanualmente , mas é uma boa prática fazê-lo.

A NativeWindow classe fornece as seguintes propriedades e métodos para gerenciar identificadores: Handle, CreateHandle, AssignHandle, DestroyHandlee ReleaseHandle.



Inicializa uma instância da classe NativeWindow.



Obtém o identificador para essa janela.



Atribui um identificador a essa janela.


Cria uma janela e sua alça com os parâmetros de criação especificados.


Cria um objeto que contém todas as informações relevantes necessárias para gerar um proxy usado para se comunicar com um objeto remoto.

(Herdado de MarshalByRefObject)

Chama o procedimento de janela padrão associado a esta janela.


Destrói a janela e seu identificador.


Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Libera todos os recursos do sistema operacional associados a esta janela.


Recupera a janela associada ao identificador especificado.


Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)

Recupera o objeto de serviço de tempo de vida atual que controla a política de ciclo de vida para esta instância.

(Herdado de MarshalByRefObject)

Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Obtém um objeto de serviço de tempo de vida para controlar a política de tempo de vida para essa instância.

(Herdado de MarshalByRefObject)

Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Cria uma cópia superficial do objeto MarshalByRefObject atual.

(Herdado de MarshalByRefObject)

Especifica um método de notificação que é chamado quando o identificador de uma janela é alterado.


Quando substituído em uma classe derivada, gerencia uma exceção de thread sem tratamento.


Libera o identificador associado a esta janela.


Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Fornece um encapsulamento de nível baixo de um identificador de janela e um procedimento de janela.


Fornece um encapsulamento de nível baixo de um identificador de janela e um procedimento de janela.


Chama o procedimento de janela padrão associado a esta janela.

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