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ToolStripManager.Merge Método


Combina controles ToolStrip.


Merge(ToolStrip, String)

Combina dois objetos ToolStrip do mesmo tipo.

Merge(ToolStrip, ToolStrip)

Combina dois objetos ToolStrip de tipos diferentes.

Merge(ToolStrip, String)

Combina dois objetos ToolStrip do mesmo tipo.

 static bool Merge(System::Windows::Forms::ToolStrip ^ sourceToolStrip, System::String ^ targetName);
public static bool Merge (System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, string targetName);
static member Merge : System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip * string -> bool
Public Shared Function Merge (sourceToolStrip As ToolStrip, targetName As String) As Boolean



O ToolStrip a ser combinado com o ToolStrip referido pelo parâmetro targetName.


O nome do ToolStrip que recebe o ToolStrip referido pelo parâmetro sourceToolStrip.



true se a mesclagem for bem-sucedida; caso contrário, false.


sourceToolStrip ou targetName é null.

sourceToolStrip ou targetName se referem ao mesmo ToolStrip.


Use o ToolStripManager.Merge método para combinar ToolStrip objetos de tipo idêntico, como ToolStrip objetos com outros ToolStrip objetos, MenuStrip objetos com outros MenuStrip objetos e assim por diante.

Use o ToolStripManager.Merge método para combinar ToolStrip objetos de diferentes tipos.

A ToolStrip.AllowMerge propriedade deve ser definida true para ambos os ToolStrip objetos, e os tipos de origem e de destino devem ser idênticos ou esse método retorna false.


Se houver dois MenuStrip controles em um formulário filho MDI, a configuração IsMdiContainer para true o formulário pai mescla o conteúdo de apenas um dos MenuStrip controles. Use Merge para mesclar o conteúdo de controles filho MenuStrip adicionais no formulário pai do MDI.

Confira também

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Merge(ToolStrip, ToolStrip)

Combina dois objetos ToolStrip de tipos diferentes.

 static bool Merge(System::Windows::Forms::ToolStrip ^ sourceToolStrip, System::Windows::Forms::ToolStrip ^ targetToolStrip);
public static bool Merge (System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip targetToolStrip);
static member Merge : System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip * System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip -> bool
Public Shared Function Merge (sourceToolStrip As ToolStrip, targetToolStrip As ToolStrip) As Boolean



O ToolStrip a ser combinado com o ToolStrip referido pelo parâmetro targetToolStrip.


O ToolStrip que recebe o ToolStrip referido pelo parâmetro sourceToolStrip.



true se a mesclagem for bem-sucedida; caso contrário, false.


O exemplo de código a seguir mescla itens de menu com base nas escolhas especificadas. Este exemplo faz parte de um exemplo maior disponível na visão geral da ToolStripManager classe.

private MergeSample CurrentSample
    get { return currentSample; }
        if (currentSample != value)
            bool resetRequired = false;

            if (currentSample == MergeSample.MatchOnly)
                resetRequired = true;
            currentSample = value;
            // Undo previous merge, if any.
            ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge);
            if (resetRequired)

            switch (currentSample)
                case MergeSample.None:
                case MergeSample.Append:
                    ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the end of the list using MergeAction.Append.\r\n\r\nThis is the default setting for MergeAction. A typical scenario is adding menu items to the end of the menu when some part of the program is activated.";
                case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation:
                    ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the middle of the list using MergeAction.Insert.\r\n\r\nNotice here how the items are added in reverse order: four, three, two, one. This is because they all have the same merge index.\r\n\r\nA typical scenario is adding menu items to the middle or beginning of the menu when some part of the program is activated. ";
                case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder:
                    ScenarioText = "This sample is the same as InsertInSameLocation, except the items are added in normal order by increasing the MergeIndex of \"two merged items\" to be 3, \"three merged items\" to be 5, and so on.\r\n  You could also add the original items backwards to the source ContextMenuStrip.";
                case MergeSample.ReplacingItems:
                    ScenarioText = "This sample replaces a menu item using MergeAction.Replace. Use this for the MDI scenario where saving does something completely different.\r\n\r\nMatching is based on the Text property. If there is no text match, merging reverts to MergeIndex.";
                case MergeSample.MatchOnly:
                    ScenarioText = "This sample adds only the subitems from the child to the target ContextMenuStrip.";
            // Reapply with the new settings.
            ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase);

Private Property CurrentSample() As MergeSample
      Return currentSample1
   End Get
      If currentSample1 <> value Then
         Dim resetRequired As Boolean = False
         If currentSample1 = MergeSample.MatchOnly Then
            resetRequired = True
         End If
         currentSample1 = value
         ' Undo previous merge, if any.
         ToolStripManager.RevertMerge(cmsBase, cmsItemsToMerge)
         If resetRequired Then
         End If
         Select Case currentSample1
            Case MergeSample.None
            Case MergeSample.Append
               ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the end of the list using MergeAction.Append." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "This is the default setting for MergeAction. A typical scenario is adding menu items to the end of the menu when some part of the program is activated."
            Case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocation
               ScenarioText = "This sample adds items to the middle of the list using MergeAction.Insert." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Notice here how the items are added in reverse order: four, three, two, one. This is because they all have the same merge index." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "A typical scenario is adding menu items to the middle or beginning of the menu when some part of the program is activated. "
            Case MergeSample.InsertInSameLocationPreservingOrder
               ScenarioText = "This sample is the same as InsertInSameLocation, except the items are added in normal order by increasing the MergeIndex of ""two merged items"" to be 3, ""three merged items"" to be 5, and so on." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "  You could also add the original items backwards to the source ContextMenuStrip."
            Case MergeSample.ReplacingItems
               ScenarioText = "This sample replaces a menu item using MergeAction.Replace. Use this for the MDI scenario where saving does something completely different." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Matching is based on the Text property. If there is no text match, merging reverts to MergeIndex."
            Case MergeSample.MatchOnly
               ScenarioText = "This sample adds only the subitems from the child to the target ContextMenuStrip."
         End Select
         ' Reapply with the new settings.
         ToolStripManager.Merge(cmsItemsToMerge, cmsBase)
      End If
   End Set
End Property


Use o ToolStripManager.Merge método para combinar ToolStrip objetos de diferentes tipos.

Use o ToolStripManager.Merge método para combinar ToolStrip objetos de tipo idêntico, como ToolStrip objetos com outros ToolStrip objetos, MenuStrip objetos com outros MenuStrip objetos e assim por diante.

A ToolStrip.AllowMerge propriedade deve ser definida true para ambos os ToolStrip objetos ou esse método retorna false.


Se houver dois MenuStrip controles em um formulário filho MDI, a configuração IsMdiContainer para true o formulário pai mescla o conteúdo de apenas um dos MenuStrip controles. Use Merge para mesclar o conteúdo de controles filho MenuStrip adicionais no formulário pai do MDI.

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