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PolyLineSegment.Points Propriedade


Obtém ou define a coleção de estruturas Point que define este objeto PolyLineSegment.

 property System::Windows::Media::PointCollection ^ Points { System::Windows::Media::PointCollection ^ get(); void set(System::Windows::Media::PointCollection ^ value); };
public System.Windows.Media.PointCollection Points { get; set; }
member this.Points : System.Windows.Media.PointCollection with get, set
Public Property Points As PointCollection

Valor da propriedade

A forma deste PolyLineSegment objeto.


O exemplo a seguir mostra como usar a Points propriedade para definir os pontos de segmento de um PolyLineSegment.

PathGeometry myPathGeometry = new PathGeometry();

// Create a figure.
PathFigure pathFigure1 = new PathFigure();
pathFigure1.StartPoint = new Point(10, 50);
    new BezierSegment(
        new Point(100, 0),
        new Point(200, 200),
        new Point(300, 100),
        true /* IsStroked */ ));
    new LineSegment(
        new Point(400, 100),
        true /* IsStroked */ ));
    new ArcSegment(
        new Point(200, 100),
        new Size(50, 50),
        true, /* IsLargeArc */
        true /* IsStroked */ ));

// Create another figure.
PathFigure pathFigure2 = new PathFigure();
pathFigure2.StartPoint = new Point(10, 100);
Point[] polyLinePointArray =
    new Point[] { new Point(50, 100), new Point(50, 150) };
PolyLineSegment myPolyLineSegment = new PolyLineSegment();
myPolyLineSegment.Points =
    new PointCollection(polyLinePointArray);
    new QuadraticBezierSegment(
        new Point(200, 200),
        new Point(300, 100),
        true /* IsStroked */ ));

// Display the PathGeometry. 
Path myPath = new Path();
myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
myPath.StrokeThickness = 1;
myPath.Data = myPathGeometry;

Dim myPathGeometry As New PathGeometry()

' Create a figure.
Dim pathFigure1 As New PathFigure()
pathFigure1.StartPoint = New Point(10,50)
pathFigure1.Segments.Add(New BezierSegment(New Point(100,0), New Point(200,200), New Point(300,100), True)) ' IsStroked 
pathFigure1.Segments.Add(New LineSegment(New Point(400,100), True)) ' IsStroked 
pathFigure1.Segments.Add(New ArcSegment(New Point(200,100), New Size(50,50), 45, True, SweepDirection.Clockwise, True)) ' IsStroked  -  IsLargeArc 

' Create another figure.
Dim pathFigure2 As New PathFigure()
pathFigure2.StartPoint = New Point(10,100)
Dim polyLinePointArray() As Point = { New Point(50, 100), New Point(50, 150)}
Dim myPolyLineSegment As New PolyLineSegment()
myPolyLineSegment.Points = New PointCollection(polyLinePointArray)
pathFigure2.Segments.Add(New QuadraticBezierSegment(New Point(200,200), New Point(300,100), True)) ' IsStroked 

' Display the PathGeometry. 
Dim myPath As New Path()
myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black
myPath.StrokeThickness = 1
myPath.Data = myPathGeometry


Uma linha é desenhada do ponto final do segmento anterior ou, se esse for o primeiro segmento, do StartPoint do PathFigure ao primeiro ponto desta coleção. As linhas são então desenhadas entre cada ponto subsequente especificado nesta coleção.

Informações da propriedade de dependência

Campo Identificador PointsProperty
Propriedades de metadados definidas como true Nenhum

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