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Repadmin Syntax

Repadmin.exe Syntax

Repadmin uses the following general syntax:

Imagemrepadmin Operation Parameters [/rpc] [/ldap][/u:Domain\User] [/pw:{Password | *}]

  • /rpc
    This parameter forces Repadmin to use an RPC session for network communications.
  • /ldap
    This parameter forces Repadmin to use an LDAP session for network communications if posable. If the LDAP connection fails then Repadmin attempts to connect using an RPC session. This is the default behavior for Repadmin.
  • /u
    Specifies the user name that has permissions to perform operations in Active Directory.
  • /pw
    Specifies the password for the user name entered with the /u parameter.

The DC_LIST Parameter

This section explains the syntax of the semi-global dc_list parameter

Imagem{dc_name dc_name.. | * |partial_server_name***| site:**site_name **|gc: |fsmo_**type:[name]}

  • dc_name dc_name ...
    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space.
  • *
    Standard wildcard character. When this is used it returns all domain controllers in the enterprise. Improper use can cause a significant increase in network traffic.
  • partial_server_name*
    Partial wildcard character matching. For example, if given the partial domain controller name "woodgrovebank*", the wildcard character would pick up woodgrovebank-dc1 and woodgrovebank-dc2.
  • site:site_name
    The site: parameter takes the name of an Active Directory site (site_name), and returns all domain controllers in that site.
  • gc:
    Queries all Global Catalog Servers in the enterprise.
  • fsmo_type:[name]
    Specifies a group of domain controllers to query by operations master (also know as flexible single master operations or FSMO) type. Valid operations master types follow.
Operations Master Type Description


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the PDC Emulator. The name parameter takes a naming context.


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the RID operations master. The name parameter takes a naming context.


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the IM operations master. The name parameter takes a naming context.


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the ISTG operations master. The name parameter takes a site DN.


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the DNM operations master.


Runs the repadmin.exe command against the Schema operations master.


Repadmin bind

Repadmin bridgeheads

Repadmin checkprop

Repadmin dsaguid

Repadmin failcache

Repadmin istg

Repadmin kcc

Repadmin latency

Repadmin notifyopt

Repadmin options

Repadmin queue

Repadmin querysites

Repadmin regkey

Repadmin removelingeringobjects

Repadmin replicate

Repadmin replsingleobj

Repadmin replsummary

Repadmin showattr

Repadmin showcert

Repadmin showchanges

Repadmin showconn

Repadmin showctx

Repadmin showism

Repadmin showmsg

Repadmin showncsig

Repadmin showobjmeta

Repadmin showoutcalls

Repadmin showproxy

Repadmin showrepl

Repadmin showsig

Repadmin showtime

Repadmin showtrust

Repadmin showutdvec

Repadmin showvalue

Repadmin siteoptions

Repadmin syncall

Repadmin viewlist

Repadmin oldhelp

Repadmin bind

Connects to, and displays the replication features for, a directory partition on a domain controller.

Imagemrepadmin /bind [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin bridgeheads

Lists the bridgehead servers for a specified site.

Imagemrepadmin /bridgeheads [DC_LIST] [/verbose]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.

Repadmin checkprop

Compares properties of specified domain controllers to determine if they are up-to-date with each other. The source domain controller contains the original information that needs to be checked. The destination domain controller data is compared to the source domain controller data.

Imagemrepadmin /checkprop [DC_LIST] NamingContext OriginatingDCInvocationID OriginatingUSN


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition on the source domain controller.
  • OriginatingDCInvocationID
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies an object on a source domain controller. The InvocationID can be retrieved by using the showrepl operation.
  • OriginatingUSN
    Specifies the USN for the object on the source domain controller. The USN is for the object whose InvocationID is already listed.

Repadmin dsaguid

Returns a server name when given a GUID.

Imagemrepadmin /dsaguid [DC_LIST] [GUID]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • GUID
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the domain controller. The GUID can be retrieved by using the showrepl operation.

Repadmin failcache

Displays a list of failed replication events detected by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).

Imagemrepadmin /failcache [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin istg

Returns the server name of the ISTG server for a specified site.

Imagemrepadmin /istg [DC_LIST] [/verbose]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.

Repadmin kcc

Forces the KCC to recalculate replication topology for a specified domain controller. By default this recalculation occurs every 15 minutes.

Imagemrepadmin /kcc [DC_LIST] [/async]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /async
    Specifies that replication will be asynchronous. This means that Repadmin starts the replication event, but it does not expect an immediate response from the destination domain controller. Use this parameter to start kcc and not wait for it to finish.

Repadmin latency

Displays the amount of time between replications using the ISTG Keep Alive timestamp.


  • These time stamps are not used in Windows Server 2003 Native Mode, and results are inaccurate.
  • In Windows Server 2003 Native Mode, the repadmin /showutdvec /latency is used in place of the operation.

Imagemrepadmin /latency [DC_LIST] [/verbose]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.

Repadmin notifyopt

Displays and sets the notification timing settings for replication of a specified directory partition.

Imagemrepadmin /notifyopt [DC_LIST] NamingContext [**/first:Value] [/subs:**Value]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition on the source domain controller.
  • first
    The number of seconds after a change is made before the domain controller notifies its first replication partner that there is a change.
  • subs
    Once the first replication partner is notified of a change, the subs parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait before notifying the next replication partner.

Repadmin options

Changes default Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) behavior on the NTDS Settings object of a domain controller.

Syntax for /options is available by typing:

repadmin /experthelp


Setting these options might impair or disable the ability of the KCC to calculate the topology automatically. These options are intended for use by advanced administrators for special situations. If you set these options, document the settings carefully to ensure that the KCC functions as expected and can be restored to default functionality if necessary.

repadmin /options [DC] [{+|-}IS_GC] [{+|-}DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL]



  • DC
    Specifies the host name of the domain controller on which to set the NTDS Settings options.
  • {+|-}IS_GC
    Adds or removes the global catalog.
    Stops (+) or restarts (-) inbound replication.
    Stops (+) or restarts (-) outbound replication.
    Prevents connections from forming replication partnerships.

Repadmin queue

Displays tasks waiting in the replication queue.

Imagemrepadmin /queue [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin querysites

Uses routing information to determine cost of a route from a specified site to another specified site or sites.

Imagemrepadmin /querysitesFromSiteRDNToSite1RDN [ToSite2RDN...



  • The Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs) used in this command are case-sensitive.
  • FromSiteRDN
    Specifies the RDN of the site from which the cost is calculated.
  • ToSiteRDN
    Specifies the RDN of the site to which the cost is calculated.


  • The querysites parameter does not allow the use of alternate credentials.

Repadmin regkey

Changes the value of an entry in a registry key. This command is available only in the version of Repadmin that is included with Windows Support Tools in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). This command can be applied only on domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 with SP1.

Imagemrepadmin /regkey [DC_LIST]{+|-}value]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller, a list of domain controllers separated by a space, or * for all domain controllers in the forest. See above for detailed syntax.
  • {+|-}value]
    Specifies enabling (+) or disabling (-) the registry entry specified in value. The following table describes the value that can be applied on domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 with SP1.

    Value Description


    The Strict Replication Consistency entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\


Repadmin removelingeringobjects

Uses an authoritative domain controller to compare the directory of a domain controller (destination) that is suspected of having lingering objects against the directory of a domain controller (source) that is designated as a reference source for up-to-date values for the domain of the destination. When the advisory mode parameter is used, this command provides a list of found lingering objects. When the advisory mode parameter is not used, this command removes lingering objects from the destination domain controller.

Syntax for /removelingeringobjects is available by typing:

repadmin /experthelp


To use the repadmin /removelingeringobjects command, both source and destination domain controllers must be running Windows Server 2003.

Imagemrepadmin /removelingeringobjectsDestination_DC_ListSourceDCGUID NamingContextDN /advisory_mode



"Destination" in the context of this syntax does not indicate a destination replication partner, but rather a source replication partner that is suspected of having lingering objects. The term "destination" identifies the server as the focus of the lingering object removal process.

  • Destination_DC_List
    Specifies the host name of a destination domain controller, a list of domain controllers separated by a space, or * for all domain controllers in the enterprise. See above for detailed syntax.
  • SourceDCGUID
    Specifies the GUID of the source (reference) domain controller that will be used to identify objects that are outdated (lingering) on the destination. Obtain the GUID by running repadmin /showrepl against the source domain controller that you are using as the reference server.
  • NamingContextDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition from which the lingering objects are to be removed.
  • advisory_mode
    Prints a list of objects that are found in the directory of the destination domain controller that are not found in the directory of the source domain controller. Objects are not removed if this parameter is used.

Repadmin replicate

Starts a replication event for the specified directory partition between the source and destination domain controllers. The source UUID can be determined when viewing the replication partners by using the Repadmin showrepl operation.

Syntax 1

Imagemrepadmin /replicateDestination_DC_LIST Source_DC_NAME [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref]

Syntax 2

Imagemrepadmin /replicateDestination_DC_LIST [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/allsources]


  • Destination_DC_LIST
    Specifies the host name of the destination domain controller (Directory Server Agent) with which you want to replicate. See above for detailed syntax on the DC_LIST parameter. This parameter cannot be used with /allsource.
  • Source_DC_NAME
    Specifies the host name of the source domain controller with which you want to replicate. This parameter accepts a GUID, GUID-based DNS name, or the name of a server object.
  • /force
    This parameter is used to override the Disable Replication option on a server.
  • /async
    Specifies that the replication will be asynchronous. This means that Repadmin starts the replication event, but it does not expect an immediate response from the destination domain controller. Use this parameter when there are slow links between domain controllers.
  • /full
    Forces a full replication of all objects from the destination domain controller.
  • /addref
    Directs the source to check for a notification entry on the source. If the source does not have a notification entry for this destination, one is added.
  • /allsources
    A given destination can have multiple sources for the same naming context. Directs the destination to sync with all sources instead of just one. This parameter cannot be used with Destination_DC_LIST
  • /readonly
    This parameter is ignored by the /replicate operation.

Repadmin replsingleobj

Replicates a single object between any two domain controllers that have partitions in common. The two domain controllers do not have a replication agreement. Replication agreements can be shown by using the Repadmin /showrepl command.

Imagemrepadmin /replsingleobject [DC_LISTDsaSourceGUID ObjectDN


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • DsaSourceGUID
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object that will be replicated. The objectGUID can be retrieved by using the showrepl operation.
  • ObjectDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the object.

Repadmin replsummary

The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest.

Imagemrepadmin /replsummary [DC_LIST] [/bysrc] [/bydest] [/errorsonly] [/sort:{delta | partners | failures | error | percent}]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /bysrc
    This parameter shows the output of the repadmin.exe/repelsummary command, from the perspective of the replication source, in the form of a table. This means that a given source server is "pulled on" by multiple client computers. The table is sorted in order of the source computers that are having the most problems, across all the clients in the forest. This parameter does not display the destination domain controller.
  • /bydest
    This parameter shows the output of the repadmin.exe/repelsummary command, from the perspective of the replication destination, in the form of a table. This means that the "client" is pulling the changes from a replication source or "server", and the table shows the inbound systems, and what problems they are having with their partners. The table is sorted in the order of the inbound systems that are having the most problem with inbound replication, across all the possible partners in the forest. This parameter does not display the source domain controller.
  • /errorsonly
    Shows only the domain controllers where the partner error is non-zero.
  • /sort:{delta| partners| failures| error| percent}
    Sorts the replsummary table by the specified column heading.


  • The /bysrc and /bydest parameters may be specified at the same time. If this is done, then Repadmin displays the /bysrc table first and the /bydest table next.
  • If the parameters /bysrc and /bydest are both absent, Repadmin picks the best one, and displays the one with the least number of partner errors.

Repadmin showattr

The /showattr operation displays the attributes of an object.

Imagemrepadmin /showattr DC_LIST [OBJ_LIST] [OBJ_LIST_OPTIONS] [/atts:attribute,attribute,...] [/allvalues] [/long] [/nolongblob] [/nolongblob] [/nolongfriendly] [/dumpallblob]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax. This is a required parameter.
    This parameter takes a DN or a special keyword that expands into a DN. The keywords are:
    • Ncobj:config:
    • Ncobj:schema:
    • Ncobj:domain: This key word is the domain partition DN of the home server.
    • Dsaobj: This keyword is the NTDS settings object of the home server.
    The OBJ_LIST_OPTION parameter is required to perform a generic LDAP search from the command line. The parameter requires a Base DN, with the ability to use a search modifier option. The valid search modifier options are as follow:
    • /filter:<ldap_filter>
    • /base
    • /subtree
    • /onelevel
      See the LDAP documentation for the LDAP filter syntax.
  • /atts:<attributes,attributes,...
    Returns only the attributes specified. Separate each listed attribute with a comma.
  • /allvalues
    For an attribute, the tool only displays 20 values unless this flag is specified, in which case it shows all values.
  • /long
    Displays one value per line.
  • /nolongblob
    This parameter is ignored by the /showattr operation.
  • /nolongfriendly
    This parameter is ignored by the /showattr operation.
  • /friendlyblob[:attributeattribute...]
    If any attributes are specified, only those attributes named are displayed in friendly format. Otherwise all known blobs are formatted.
  • /nolongfriendly
    Does not format blobs.
  • /dumpallblob
    Dumps the blob in a default byte-by-byte format if there is not a friendly formatted interpretation available for it.
  • /nodumpallblob
    Does not show the blob if there is not a formatted interpretation available.


  • A blob in this context means an attribute that is not a simple type, like a string or an integer. A blob is a complex structured type that is stored as binary bytes. In order to make sense of the blob, a program must interpret it and format it. A friendly blob is a blob that the program knows about and can format in an understandable way. The program has a list of blobs that it understands.

Repadmin showcert

Displays the server certificates loaded on a specified domain controller.

Imagemrepadmin /showcertDC_LIST


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax. This is a required parameter.

Repadmin showchanges

Displays changes from a specified directory partition or changes to a specified object. Syntax 1 saves changes to a directory partition. If this information is saved to a file the getchanges operation can be run again for comparison. Syntax 2 lists changes to a specified object.


Imagemrepadmin/showchangesSourceDC NamingContext [**/cookie:File] [/atts:**attribute,attribute,...]


Imagemrepadmin /showchangesDestDC SourceDCObjectGUID NamingContext [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts: attribute1,attribute2,...] [/filter: ldap filter]


  • DestDC
    Specifies the host name of the destination domain controller from which to enumerate the host domain controllers.
  • SourceDC
    Specifies the host name of the domain controller that hosts the directory partition whose changes you want to view.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
  • /cookie: File
    Specifies a name for the file to which list changes are saved.
  • /atts:attribute1attributes...
    Returns only the attributes specified. Separate each listed attribute with a comma.
  • SourceDCObjectGUID
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object whose changes will be listed. The objectGUID can be retrieved by using the showrepl operation.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.
  • /statistics
    Displays a summary of information about changes instead of a list of individual changes.
  • /noincremental
    Returns changes in value change format, which lists current values for attributes as well what attributes have been added or deleted. If not specified, changes are returned in attribute change format, which shows only the current value of the attribute.
  • /objectsecurity
    Overrides the need for the Get Changes right to the directory partition. By default this right is needed to run the GetChanges parameter. However, only changes that the currently logged on user has the rights to view are displayed.
  • /ancestors
    Returns changes in USN order.
  • /filter:ldap filter
    Returns only those changes that meet the filter requirements.


  • The information from Syntax 1 can be saved to a file for later comparison.

Repadmin showconn

Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. Default is local site.

Imagemrepadmin /showconn [DC_LIST] [ServerRDN | ContainerDN | DC_GUID] [/From:ServerRDN] [/intersite]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • ServerRDN
    Specifies the RDN of a server.
  • ContainerDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of a container.
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the domain controller. The GUID can be retrieved by using the showrepl operation.
  • /From:ServerRDN
    Displays only the connection objects that exist to the specified server. By default all connection objects are displayed.
  • /intersite
    Displays only those connection objects that are between sites.

Repadmin showctx

Displays a list of computers that have opened sessions with a specified domain controller.

Imagemrepadmin /showctx [DC_LIST] [/nocache]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • /nocache
    Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default, GUIDs are translated into strings.

Repadmin showism

Displays intersite messaging routes calculated by the Intersite Messaging Service. This operation cannot be executed remotely.

Imagemrepadmin /showism [TransportDN] [/verbose]


  • TransportDN
    Specifies whether the mail server is using SMTP or RPC to send messages.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.


  • The repadmin.exe/showism cannot be executed against a remote server.

Repadmin showmsg

Displays the error message for a given error number.

Imagemrepadmin /showmsg {Win32Error | DSEventID /NTDSMSG}


  • Win32Error
    Returns a short description of the given Win32 error code.
    Returns the actual event log text for the specified event ID.

Repadmin showncsig

Each domain controller has a naming context signature list. repadmin.exe/showncsig displays a list of the removed application partition GUIDs. An application partition can be configured to be held or not held on a particular domain controller using ntdsutil.

Imagemrepadmin /showncsig [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin showobjmeta

Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local Update Sequence Number (USN), and originating server's GUID and Date and Time stamp. By comparing the replication metadata for the same object on different domain controllers, an administrator can determine whether replication has taken place.

Imagemrepadmin /showobjmeta [DC_LIST] ObjectDN [/nocache] [/linked]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • ObjectDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the object.
  • /nocache
    Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default, GUIDs are translated into strings.
  • /linked
    Displays metadata associated with, but not stored with, the specified object.

Repadmin showoutcalls

Displays calls that have not yet been answered, made by the specified server to other servers.

Imagemrepadmin /showoutcalls [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin showproxy

Lists cross domain move proxy objects. When an object is moved to another domain, a marker is left in the old domain indicating that the object used to be there. This is called the proxy.


Imagemrepadmin /showproxy [DC_LIST] [NamingContext] [matchstring]


Imagemrepadmin /showproxy [DC_LIST] [ObjectDN] [matchstring] /movedobject


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition on the source domain controller.
  • ObjectDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the object.
  • matchstring
    Specifies a filter for the output. Type a string of characters that must be present in the distinguished name in order to display the object.
  • movedobject
    Displays a history of information from the original domain on a moved object after it has reached the new domain.

Repadmin showrepl

Displays the replication partners for each directory partition on the specified domain controller. Helps the administrator build a visual representation of the replication topology and see the role of each domain controller in the replication process.

Imagemrepadmin /showrepl [DC_LIST] [SourceDCObjectGUID] [NamingContext] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/csv] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • SourceDCObjectGUID
    Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object whose replication events will be listed.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
  • /verbose
    Lists detailed information.
  • /nocache
    Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default, GUIDs are translated into strings.
  • /repsto
    Lists the domain controllers that pull replication information from the specified directory partition. To see the outbound neighbors, specify /repsto or /all.
  • /conn
    Displays the connection objects associated with each link.
  • /csv
    Displays the output of the repadmin showrepl operation in a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format for viewing and analysis in Microsoft Excel. Repadmin supports redirection of screen output to a file.
  • /all
    Displays all replication partners.
  • /errorsonly
    Only shows the partnership if it has an error associated with it.
  • /intersite
    Only shows this partnership if the source server is in a different site than our own.

Repadmin showsig

Displays the retired invocation IDs on a domain controller. A domain controller changes its invocation ID on being restored or when re-hosting an application partition.

Imagemrepadmin /showsig [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin showtime

Converts a directory service time value to string format for both the local and the UTC time zones.

Imagemrepadmin /showtime [DSTimeValue]


  • DSTimeValue
    Specifies the time value that needs to be converted.


  • With parameters omitted, repadmin /showtime displays the current system time in both the directory service format and string format.

Repadmin showtrust

Lists all domains trusted by a specified domain.

Imagemrepadmin /showtrust [DC_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.

Repadmin showutdvec

Displays the highest Update Sequence Number (USN) for the specified domain controller. This information shows how up-to-date a replica is with its replication partners.

Imagemrepadmin /showutdvecDC_LIST NamingContext [/nocache] [/latency]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
  • /nocache
    Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default GUIDs are translated into strings.
  • /latency
    Sorts the information by the time required to complete the replication. By default the information is sorted by USN.

Repadmin showvalue

Displays the values of the type, last modified time, originating DC, and distinguished name of a specified object.

Imagemrepadmin /showvalue [DC_LIST] ObjectDN [AttributeName] [ValueDN] [/nocache]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
  • ObjectDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the object.
  • AttributeName
    Specifies a single attribute whose value you want to display.
  • ValueDN
    Specifies the distinguished name of the attribute that is displayed.
  • /nocache
    Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default, GUIDs are translated into strings.

Repadmin siteoptions

Changes default Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) behavior in a site.

Syntax for /siteoptions is available by typing:

repadmin /experthelp


Setting these options might impair or disable the ability of the KCC to calculate the topology automatically. These options are intended for use by advanced administrators for special situations. If you set these options, document the settings carefully to ensure that the KCC functions as expected and can be restored to default functionality if necessary.

repadmin /siteoptions [DC] [**/site:**SiteName]










  • DC
    Specifies the host name of the domain controller on which to set the site options.
  • SiteName
    The site that the option setting affects.
    When enabled, prevents the KCC from generating intrasite connections on all servers in the site. Disable this option if you use manual connections and do not want the KCC to build connections automatically.
    When enabled, prevents the KCC from removing connection objects that it does not need. Disable this option if you want to take responsibility for removing old redundant connections. Alternatively, to control or augment the topology, you can use manual connections, which the KCC does not delete.
    When enabled, prevents the KCC from generating optimizing connections in the ring topology of intrasite replication. Optimizing connections reduce the replication latency in the site and disabling them is not recommended.
    Prevents the KCC from excluding servers that are unreachable from the topology; that is, the KCC does use an alternate server to reroute replication. Use this option only if network communication is very unstable and brief outages are expected.
    Prevents the KCC that functions as the intersite topology generator (ISTG) from generating connections for intersite replication. Use this option when you want to create manual intersite connections (disable the ISTG) but retain the KCC to generate intrasite connections.
    Disables Universal Group Membership Caching in the site.
    Implements KCC operation that is consistent with Windows Server 2003 forest functional level. This option can be set if all domain controllers in the site are running Windows Server 2003.
    Off by default. When enabled, implements the Windows 2000 Server method of ISTG selection.
    Implements the Windows 2000 Server method of selecting a single bridgehead server per directory partition and transport.
    Spreads replication start times randomly across the entire schedule interval rather than just the first quarter of the interval.
    Creates redundant connections between sites before a failure takes place. When enabled, disables KCC failover. Requires that automatic detection of failed connections also be disabled (+IS_TOPL_DETECT_STALE_DISABLED).
    When the forest functional level Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 interim is in effect, provides KCC control of the ability to ignore schedules (replication occurs at the designated intervals and is always available).
    When the forest functional level Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 interim is in effect, provides KCC control of the ability to enable or disable site link bridging.

For more information about using site options, see Planning Chapter 3, "Planning the Physical Structure for a Branch Office Deployment" in the Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Branch Office Guide on the Microsoft Web site (

Repadmin syncall

Synchronizes a specified domain controller with all replication partners.

Imagemrepadmin /syncallDC [NamingContext] [Flags]


  • DC
    Specifies the host name of the domain controller to synchronize with all replication partners.
  • NamingContext
    Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
  • Flags
    Performs specific actions during the replication.

    Flag Description


    Abort if any server is unavailable.


    Sync all naming contexts that are held on the home server.


    Identify servers by distinguished name in messages.


    Enterprise, cross sites.


    Print this help screen.


    Iterate indefinitely.


    Perform showrepl on each server pair in path instead of syncing.


    Synchronize adjacent servers only.


    Pause for possible user abort after every message.


    Push changes outward from home server.


    Run in quiet mode, suppress call back messages.


    Run in very quiet mode, report fatal errors only.


    Do not synchronize.


    Skip initial server response check.

Repadmin viewlist

Displays a list of domain controllers.

Imagemrepadmin /viewlist [DC_LIST] [OBJ_LIST]


    Specifies the host name of a domain controller or a list of domain controllers separated by a space that the object will be replicated to. See above for detailed syntax.
    this parameter takes a DN or a special keyword that expands into a DN. The keywords are:
    • Ncobj:config:
    • Ncobj:schema:
    • Ncobj:domain:, This key word is the domain partition DN of the home server.
    • Dsaobj:, This keyword is the NTDS settings object of the home server

Repadmin oldhelp

This displays a list of the operations that have been deprecated in this version of Repadmin.

Consulte Também

Repadmin Overview
Repadmin Remarks
Repadmin Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Search Overview
Replmon Overview
Ldp Overview
Dsastat Overview
Clonepr Overview
Adsiedit Overview
Acldiag Overview