View email security reports in the Microsoft Defender portal


Did you know you can try the features in Microsoft Defender XDR for Office 365 Plan 2 for free? Use the 90-day Defender for Office 365 trial at the Microsoft Defender portal trials hub. Learn about who can sign up and trial terms on Try Microsoft Defender for Office 365.

In all Microsoft 365 organizations, a variety of reports are available to help you see how email security features are protecting your organization. If you have the necessary permissions, you can view and download these reports as described in this article.

The reports are available in the Microsoft Defender portal at on the Email & collaboration reports page at Reports > Email & collaboration > Email & collaboration reports. Or, to go directly to the Email & collaboration reports page, use

Summary information for each report is available on the page. Identify the report you want to view, and then select View details for that report.

The rest of this article describes the reports that are exclusive to Defender for Office 365.


Email security report changes in the Microsoft Defender portal

The Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 reports in the Microsoft Defender portal that have been replaced, moved, or deprecated are described in the following table.

Deprecated report and cmdlets New report and cmdlets Message Center ID Date
URL trace

URL protection report

MC239999 June 2021
Sent and received email report

Threat protection status report
Mailflow status report

MC236025 June 2021
Forwarding report

no cmdlets
Auto-forwarded messages report in the EAC

no cmdlets
MC250533 June 2021
Safe Attachments file types report

Threat protection status report: View data by Email > Malware

MC250532 June 2021
Safe Attachments message disposition report

Threat protection status report: View data by Email > Malware

MC250531 June 2021
Malware detected in email report

Threat protection status report: View data by Email > Malware

MC250530 June 2021
Spam detection report

Threat protection status report: View data by Email > Spam

MC250529 October 2021


MC343433 May 2022
Exchange transport rule report

Exchange transport rule report in the EAC

MC316157 April 2022
Get-MailTrafficTopReport Top senders and recipient report


Note: There's no replacement for the encryption reporting capabilities in Get-MailTrafficTopReport.
MC315742 April 2022

Compromised users report

The Compromised users report shows the number of user accounts that were marked as Suspicious or Restricted within the last 7 days. Accounts in either of these states are problematic or even compromised. With frequent use, you can use the report to spot spikes, and even trends, in suspicious or restricted accounts. For more information about compromised users, see Responding to a compromised email account.

The Compromised users widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

The aggregate view shows data for the last 90 days and the detail view shows data for the last 30 days.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Compromised users, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use

On the Compromised users page, the chart shows the following information for the specified date range:

  • Restricted: The user account has been restricted from sending email due to highly suspicious patterns.
  • Suspicious: The user account has sent suspicious email and is at risk of being restricted from sending email.

The Report view in the Compromised users report.

The details table below the graph shows the following information:

  • Creation time
  • User ID
  • Action
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC): Start date and End date.
  • Activity: Restricted or Suspicious
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Compromised users page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

Exchange transport rule report


The Exchange transport rule report is now available in the EAC. For more information, see Exchange transport rule report in the new EAC.

Forwarding report


This report is now available in the EAC. For more information, see Auto forwarded messages report in the new EAC.

Mailflow status report

The Mailflow status report is a smart report that shows information about incoming and outgoing email, spam detections, malware, email identified as "good", and information about email allowed or blocked on the edge. This is the only report that contains edge protection information. The report shows how much email is blocked before entering the service for examination by Exchange Online Protection (EOP) or Defender for Microsoft 365.


If a message is sent to five recipients, we count it as five different messages, not one message.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Mailflow status summary, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use

The Mailflow status summary widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

The available views in the Mailflow status report are described in the following subsections.

Type view for the Mailflow status report

The Type view in the Mailflow status report.

On the Mailflow status report page, the Type tab is selected by default. The chart shows the following information for the specified date range:

  • Malware: Email that's blocked as malware by various filters.
  • Total
  • Good mail: Email that's determined not to be spam or that's allowed by user or organizational policies.
  • Phishing email: Email that's blocked as phishing by various filters.
  • Spam: Email that's blocked as spam by various filters.
  • Edge protection: Email that's rejected at the edge/perimeter before examination by EOP or Defender for Office 365.
  • Rule messages: Email messages that were quarantined by mail flow rules (also known as transport rules).
  • Data loss prevention: Email messages that were quarantined by data loss prevention (DLP) policies.

The details table below the graph shows the following information:

  • Direction
  • Type
  • 24 hours
  • 3 days
  • 7 days
  • 15 days
  • 30 days

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC): Start date and End date.
  • Mail direction: Select Inbound, Outbound, and Intra-org.
  • Type: Select one or more of the following values:
    • Good mail
    • Malware
    • Spam
    • Edge protection
    • Rule messages
    • Phishing email
    • Data loss prevention
  • Domain: Select All or an accepted domain.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Type tab, select Choose a category for more details to see more information:

On the Type tab, the Create schedule and Export actions are available.

Direction view for the Mailflow status report

The Direction view in the Mailflow status report.

On the Direction tab, the chart shows the following information for the specified date range:

  • Inbound
  • Intra-org
  • Outbound

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC): Start date and End date.


    To see data for a specific date, use the day after. For example, to see January 10 data, use January 11 in the filter. Today's data is available for filtering tomorrow.

  • Mail direction: Select Inbound, Outbound, and Intra-org.

  • Type: Select one or more of the following values:

  • Domain: Select All or an accepted domain.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Direction tab, select Choose a category for more details to see more information:

On the Direction tab, the Create schedule and Export actions are available.

Mailflow view for the Mailflow status report

The Mailflow tab shows you how Microsoft's email threat protection features filter incoming and outgoing email in your organization. This view uses a horizontal flow diagram (known as a Sankey diagram) to provide details on the total email count, and how threat protection features affect this count.

The Mailflow view in the Mailflow status report.

The aggregate view and details table view allow for 90 days of filtering.

The information in the diagram is color-coded by EOP and Defender for Office 365 technologies.

The diagram is organized into the following horizontal bands:

  • Total email band: This value is always shown first.
  • Edge block and Processed band:
    • Edge block: Messages that were filtered at the edge and identified as Edge Protection.
    • Processed: Messages that were handled by the filtering stack.
  • Outcomes band:
    • Data loss prevention block
    • Rule Block: Messages that were quarantined by Exchange mail flow rules (transport rules).
    • Malware block: Messages that were identified as malware.*
    • Phishing block: Messages that were identified as phishing.*
    • Spam block: Messages that were identified as spam.*
    • Impersonation block: Messages that were detected as user impersonation or domain impersonation in Defender for Office 365.*
    • Detonation block: Messages that were detected during file or URL detonation by Safe Attachments policies or Safe Links policies in Defender for Office 365.*
    • ZAP removed: Messages that were removed by zero-hour auto purge (ZAP).*
    • Delivered: Messages that were delivered to users due to an allow.*

If you hover over a horizontal band in the diagram, you see the number of related messages.

* If you select this element, the diagram expands to show further details. For a description of each element in the expanded nodes, see Detection technologies.

The Phishing block details in Mailflow view in the Mailflow status report.

The details table below the diagram shows the following information:

  • Date (UTC)
  • Total email
  • Edge filtered
  • Rule messages
  • Anti-malware engine, Safe Attachments, rule filtered
  • DMARC impersonation, spoof, phish filtered
  • Detonation detection
  • Anti-spam filtered
  • ZAP removed
  • Messages where no threats were detected

Select a row in the details table to see a further breakdown of the email counts in the details flyout that opens.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date.
  • Mail direction: Select Inbound, Outbound, and Intra-org.
  • Domain: Select All or an accepted domain.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Mailflow tab, select Show trends to see trend graphs in the Mailflow trends flyout that opens.

The Mailflow trends flyout in Mailflow view in the Mailflow status report.

On the Mailflow tab, the Export action is available.

Malware detections report


This report has been deprecated. The same information is available in the Threat protection status report.

Mail latency report

The Mail latency report in Defender for Office 365 contains information on the mail delivery and detonation latency experienced within your organization. For more information, see Mail latency report.

Post-delivery activities report

The Post-delivery activities report is available only in organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2. For information about the report, see Post-delivery activities report.

Spam detections report


This report has been deprecated. The same information is available in the Threat protection status report.

Spoof detections report

The Spoof detections report shows information about messages that were blocked or allowed due to spoofing. For more information about spoofing, see Anti-spoofing protection in EOP.

The aggregate and detail views of the report allows for 90 days of filtering.


The latest available data in the report is 3 to 4 days old.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Spoof detections, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use

The Spoof detections widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

The chart shows the following information:

  • Pass
  • Fail
  • SoftPass
  • None
  • Other

Hover over a day (data point) in the chart to see how many spoofed messages were detected and why.

The details table below the graph shows the following information:

  • Date

  • Spoofed user

  • Sending infrastructure

  • Spoof type

  • Result

  • Result code

  • SPF

  • DKIM


  • Message count

    To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

    • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
    • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
    • Zoom out in your web browser.

For more information about composite authentication result codes, see Anti-spam message headers in Microsoft 365.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Result:
    • Pass
    • Fail
    • SoftPass
    • None
    • Other
  • Spoof type: Internal and External

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Spoof mail report page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

The Spoof mail report page in the Microsoft Defender portal.

Submissions report

The Submissions report shows information about items that admins have reported to Microsoft for analysis for the last 30 days. For more information about admin submissions, see Use Admin Submission to submit suspected spam, phish, URLs, and files to Microsoft.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Submissions, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use

To go directly to the Submissions page in the Defender portal, select Go to submissions.

The Submissions widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

The chart shows the following information:

  • Pending
  • Completed

The details table below the graph shows the same information and has the same available actions actions as the Emails tab on the Submissions page at

  • Customize columns
  • Group
  • Submit to Microsoft for analysis

For more information, see View email admin submissions to Microsoft.

Select Filter to modify the report and the details table by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date submitted: Start date and End date
  • Submission ID
  • Network Message ID
  • Sender
  • Recipient
  • Submission name
  • Submitted by
  • Reason for submitting:
    • Not junk
    • Appears clean
    • Appears suspicious
    • Phish
    • Malware
    • Spam
  • Rescan status:
    • Pending
    • Completed
  • Tags: All or one or more user tags.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Submissions page, the Export action is available.

The Submissions report page in the Microsoft Defender portal.

Threat protection status report

The Threat protection status report is available in both EOP and Defender for Office 365. However, the reports contain different data. For example, EOP customers can view information about malware detected in email, but not information about malicious files detected by Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams.

The report provides the count of email messages with malicious content. For example:

You can use the information in this report to identify trends or determine whether your organizational policies need adjustment.


if a message is sent to five recipients, we count it as five different messages, not one message.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Submissions, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use one of the following URLS:

The Threat protection status widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

By default, the chart shows data for the past seven days. Select Filter on the Threat protection status report page to select a 90 day date range (trial subscriptions might be limited to 30 days). The details table allows filtering for 30 days.

The available views are described in the following subsections.

View data by Overview

The Overview view in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by Overview view, the following detection information is shown in the chart:

No details table is available below the chart.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date.
  • Detection: The same values as in the chart.
  • Protected by: MDO (Defender for Office 365) and EOP.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

View data by Email > Phish and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology

The Detection technology view for phishing email in the Threat protection status report.


In May 2021, phishing detections in email were updated to include message attachments that contain phishing URLs. This change might shift some of the detection volume out of the View data by Email > Malware view and into the View data by Email > Phish view. In other words, message attachments with phishing URLs that were traditionally identified as malware now might be identified as phishing instead.

In the View data by Email > Phish and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology view, the following information is shown in the chart:

  • Advanced filter: Phishing signals based on machine learning.
  • Campaign*: Messages identified as part of a campaign.
  • File detonation*: Safe Attachments detected a malicious attachment during detonation analysis.
  • File detonation reputation*: File attachments previously detected by Safe Attachments detonations in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • File reputation: The message contains a file that was previously identified as malicious in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • Fingerprint matching: The message closely resembles a previous detected malicious message.
  • General filter: Phishing signals based on analyst rules.
  • Impersonation brand: Sender impersonation of well-known brands.
  • Impersonation domain*: Impersonation of sender domains that you own or specified for protection in anti-phishing policies.
  • Impersonation user*: Impersonation of protected senders that you specified in anti-phishing policies or learned through mailbox intelligence.
  • Mailbox intelligence impersonation*: Impersonation detections from mailbox intelligence in anti-phishing policies.
  • Mixed analysis detection: Multiple filters contributed to the message verdict.
  • Spoof DMARC: The message failed DMARC authentication.
  • Spoof external domain: Sender email address spoofing using a domain that's external to your organization.
  • Spoof intra-org: Sender email address spoofing using a domain that's internal to your organization.
  • URL detonation*: Safe Links detected a malicious URL in the message during detonation analysis.
  • URL detonation reputation*: URLs previously detected by Safe Links detonations in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • URL malicious reputation: The message contains a URL that was previously identified as malicious in other Microsoft 365 organizations.

* Defender for Office 365 only

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date
  • Subject
  • Sender
  • Recipients
  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.
  • Delivery status
  • Sender IP
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

  • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
  • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
  • Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC): Start date and End date
  • Detection: The same values as in the chart.
  • Priority account protection: Yes and No. For more information, see Configure and review priority account protection in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
  • Evaluation: Yes or No.
  • Protected by: MDO (Defender for Office 365) and EOP
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

If you select an entry from the details table by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the first column, an email details flyout opens. This details flyout is known as the Email summary panel and contains summarized information that's also available on the Email entity page in Defender for Office 365 for the message. For details about the information in the Email summary panel, see The Email summary panel.

In Defender for Microsoft 365, the following actions are available at the top of the Email summary panel for the Threat protection status report:

On the Threat protection status page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

View data by Email > Spam and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology

The Detection technology view for spam in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by Email > Spam and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology view, the following information is shown in the chart:

  • Advanced filter: Phishing signals based on machine learning.
  • Bulk: The bulk complaint level (BCL) of the message exceeds the defined threshold for spam.
  • Domain reputation: The message was from a domain that was previously identified as sending spam in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • Fingerprint matching: The message closely resembles a previous detected malicious message.
  • General filter
  • IP reputation: The message was from a source that was previously identified as sending spam in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • Mixed analysis detection: Multiple filters contributed to the verdict for the message.
  • URL malicious reputation: The message contains a URL that was previously identified as malicious in other Microsoft 365 organizations.

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date
  • Subject
  • Sender
  • Recipients
  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.
  • Delivery status
  • Sender IP
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

  • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
  • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
  • Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date

  • Detection: The same values as in the chart.

  • Bulk complaint level: When the Detection value Bulk is selected, the slider is available to filter the report by the selected BCL range. You can use this information to confirm or adjust the BCL threshold in anti-spam policies to allow more or less bulk email into your organization.

    If the Detection value Bulk isn't selected, the slider is grayed-out and bulk detections aren't included in the report.

  • Priority account protection: Yes and No. For more information, see Configure and review priority account protection in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.

  • Direction: All or enter Inbound, Outbound and Intra-org.

  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.

  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.

  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.

  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:

    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.

  • Recipients

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

If you select an entry from the details table by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the first column, an email details flyout opens. This details flyout is known as the Email summary panel and contains summarized information that's also available on the Email entity page in Defender for Office 365 for the message. For details about the information in the Email summary panel, see The Email summary panel.

In Defender for Microsoft 365, the following actions are available at the top of the Email summary panel for the Threat protection status report:

On the Threat protection status page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

View data by Email > Malware and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology

The Detection technology view for malware in the Threat protection status report.


In May 2021, malware detections in email were updated to include harmful URLs in messages attachments. This change might shift some of the detection volume out of the View data by Email > Phish view and into the View data by Email > Malware view. In other words, harmful URLs in message attachments that were traditionally identified as phishing now might be identified as malware instead.

In the View data by Email > Malware and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology view, the following information is shown in the chart:

  • File detonation*: Safe Attachments detected a malicious attachment during detonation analysis.
  • File detonation reputation*: File attachments previously detected by Safe Attachments detonations in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • File reputation: The message contains a file that was previously identified as malicious in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • Anti-malware engine*: Detection from anti-malware.
  • URL malicious reputation
  • URL detonation*: Safe Links detected a malicious URL in the message during detonation analysis.
  • URL detonation reputation*: URLs previously detected by Safe Links detonations in other Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • Campaign*: Messages identified as part of a campaign.

* Defender for Office 365 only

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date

  • Subject

  • Sender

  • Recipients

  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.

  • Delivery Status

  • Sender IP

  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

    To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

    • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
    • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
    • Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Detection: The same values as in the chart.
  • Priority account protection: Yes and No. For more information, see Configure and review Priority accounts in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
  • Evaluation: Yes or No.
  • Protected by: MDO (Defender for Office 365) and EOP
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

If you select an entry from the details table by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the first column, an email details flyout opens. This details flyout is known as the Email summary panel and contains summarized information that's also available on the Email entity page in Defender for Office 365 for the message. For details about the information in the Email summary panel, see The Email summary panel.

In Defender for Microsoft 365, the following actions are available at the top of the Email summary panel for the Threat protection status report:

On the Threat protection status page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

Chart breakdown by Policy type

The Policy type view for phishing email, spam email, or malware email in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by Email > Phish, View data by Email > Spam, or View data by Email > Malware views, selecting Chart breakdown by Policy type shows the following information in the chart:

  • Anti-malware
  • Safe Attachments*
  • Anti-phish
  • Anti-spam
  • Mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule)
  • Others

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date

  • Subject

  • Sender

  • Recipients

  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.

  • Delivery status

  • Sender IP

  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

    To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

    • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
    • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
    • Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Detection: Detection technology values as previously described in this article and at Detection technologies.
  • Priority account protection: Yes and No. For more information, see Configure and review Priority accounts in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
  • Evaluation: Yes or No.
  • Protected by: MDO (Defender for Office 365) and EOP
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

* Defender for Office 365 only

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

If you select an entry from the details table by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the first column, an email details flyout opens. This details flyout is known as the Email summary panel and contains summarized information that's also available on the Email entity page in Defender for Office 365 for the message. For details about the information in the Email summary panel, see The Email summary panel.

In Defender for Microsoft 365, the following actions are available at the top of the Email summary panel for the Threat protection status report:

On the Threat protection status page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

Chart breakdown by Delivery status

The Delivery status view for phishing email and malware email in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by Email > Phish, View data by Email > Spam, or View data by Email > Malware views, selecting Chart breakdown by Delivery status shows the following information in the chart:

  • Hosted mailbox: Inbox
  • Hosted mailbox: Junk
  • Hosted mailbox: Custom folder
  • Hosted mailbox: Deleted Items
  • Forwarded
  • On-premises server: Delivered
  • Quarantine
  • Delivery failed
  • Dropped

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date

  • Subject

  • Sender

  • Recipients

  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.

  • Delivery status

  • Sender IP

  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

    To see all columns, you likely need to do one or more of the following steps:

    • Horizontally scroll in your web browser.
    • Narrow the width of appropriate columns.
    • Zoom out in your web browser.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Detection: Detection technology values as previously described in this article and at Detection technologies.
  • Protected by: MDO (Defender for Office 365) and EOP
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

* Defender for Office 365 only

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

If you select an entry from the details table by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the first column, an email details flyout opens. This details flyout is known as the Email summary panel and contains summarized information that's also available on the Email entity page in Defender for Office 365 for the message. For details about the information in the Email summary panel, see The Email summary panel.

In Defender for Microsoft 365, the following actions are available at the top of the Email summary panel for the Threat protection status report:

On the Threat protection status page, the Create schedule, Request report, and Export actions are available.

View data by Content > Malware

The Content malware view in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by Content > Malware view, the following information is shown in the chart for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 organizations:

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date
  • Attachment filename
  • Workload
  • Detection technology: The same detection technology values from the chart.
  • File size
  • Last modifying user

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date.
  • Detection: The same values as in the chart.
  • Workload: Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Threat protection status page, the Export action is available.

View data by System override and Chart breakdown by Reason

The Message override and Chart breakdown by Reason view in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by System override and Chart breakdown by Reason view, the following override reason information is shown in the chart:

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date
  • Subject
  • Sender
  • Recipients
  • System override
  • Sender IP
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Reason: The same values as the chart.
  • Delivery Location: Junk Mail folder not enabled and SecOps mailbox.
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Threat protection status page, the Export action is available.

View data by System override and Chart breakdown by Delivery location

The Message override and Chart breakdown by Delivery Location view in the Threat protection status report.

In the View data by System override and Chart breakdown by Delivery location view, the following override reason information is shown in the chart:

In the details table below the chart, the following information is available:

  • Date
  • Subject
  • Sender
  • Recipients
  • System override
  • Sender IP
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Reason: The same values as in Chart breakdown by Policy type
  • Delivery Location: Junk Mail folder not enabled and SecOps mailbox.
  • Direction: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Inbound, Outbound, or Intra-org.
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.
  • Domain: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select an accepted domain.
  • Policy type: Select All or one of the following values:
    • Anti-malware
    • Safe Attachments
    • Anti-phish
    • Anti-spam
    • Mail flow rule (transport rule)
    • Others
  • Policy name (details table view only): Select All or a specific policy.
  • Recipients (separated by commas)

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Threat protection status page, the Export action is available.

Top malware report

The Top malware report shows the various kinds of malware that was detected by anti-malware protection in EOP.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Top malware.

Hover over a wedge in the pie chart to see the malware name and how many messages contained the malware.

The Top malware widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

Select View details to go to the Top malware report page. Or, to go directly to the report, use

On the Top malware report page, a larger version of the pie chart is displayed. The details table below the chart shows the following information:

  • Top malware: The malware name
  • Count: How many messages contained the malware.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting the Start date and End date values in the flyout that opens.

On the Top malware page, the Create schedule and Export actions are available.

The Top malware report view.

Top senders and recipients report

The Top senders and recipients report is available in both EOP and Defender for Office 365; however, the reports contain different data. For example, EOP customers can view information about top malware, spam, and phishing (spoofing) recipients, but not information about malware detected by Safe Attachments or phishing detected by impersonation protection.

The Top senders and recipients report shows the top 20 message senders in the organization, as well as the top 20 recipients for messages that were detected by EOP and Defender for Office 365 protection features. By default, the report shows data for the last week, but data is available for the last 90 days.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find Top senders and recipients.

Hover over a wedge in the pie chart to see the number of messages for the sender or recipient.

The Top senders and recipients widget in the Reports dashboard.

Select View details to go to the Top senders and recipients page. Or, to go directly to the report, use one of the following URLs:

On the Top senders and recipients page, a larger version of the pie chart is displayed. The following charts are available:

  • Show data for Top mail senders (default view)
  • Show data for Top mail recipients
  • Show data for Top spam recipients
  • Show data for Top malware recipients (EOP)
  • Show data for Top phishing recipients
  • Show data for Top malware recipients (MDO)
  • Show data for Top phish recipients (MDO)
  • Show data for Top mail senders
  • Show data for Top mail recipients
  • Show data for Top spam recipients
  • Show data for Top malware recipients
  • Show data for Top phishing recipients
  • Show data for Top phishing recipients (MDO)
  • Show data for Top malware recipients (MDO)

Hover over a wedge in the pie chart to see the message count for that specific sender or recipient.

For each chart, the details table below the chart shows the following information:

  • Email address
  • Item count
  • Tags: For more information about user tags, see User tags.

Select Filter to modify the report by selecting one or more of the following values in the flyout that opens:

  • Date (UTC) Start date and End date
  • Tag: Leave the value All or remove it, double-click in the empty box, and then select Priority account. For more information about user tags, see User tags.

When you're finished configuring the filters, select Apply, Cancel, or Clear filters.

On the Top senders and recipients page, the Export action is available.

The Show data for Top mail senders view in the Top senders and recipients report.

URL protection report

The URL protection report is available only in Microsoft Defender for Office 365. For more information, see URL protection report.

User reported messages report


In order for the User reported messages report to work correctly, audit logging must be turned on in your Microsoft 365 organization (it's on by default). For more information, see Turn auditing on or off.

The User reported messages report shows information about email messages that users have reported as junk, phishing attempts, or good mail by using the built-in Report button in Outlook or the Microsoft Report Message or Report Phishing add-ins.

On the Email & collaboration reports page at, find User reported messages, and then select View details. Or, to go directly to the report, use

To go directly to the User reported tab on the Submissions page in the Defender portal, select Go to submissions.

The user-reported messages widget on the Email & collaboration reports page.

The chart shows the following information:

  • Not junk
  • Phish
  • Spam

The details table below the graph shows the same information and has the same actions that are available on the User reported tab on the Submissions page at

  • Customize columns
  • Group
  • Filter
  • Mark as and notify
  • Submit to Microsoft for analysis

For more information, see View user reported messages to Microsoft and Admin actions for user reported messages.

The user-reported messages report.

On the report page, the Export action is available.

The user-reported messages report.

What permissions are needed to view these reports?

You need to be assigned permissions before you can view and use the reports that are described in this article. You have the following options:

¹ Membership in the Organization Management role group or in the Global Administrator role is required to use the Create schedule or Request report actions in reports (where available).


² Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.

What if the reports aren't showing data?

If you don't see data in the reports, check the report filters and double-check that your protection policies are configured to detect and take action on messages. For more information, see the following articles:

Download and export report information

Depending on the report and the specific view in the report, one or more of the following actions might be available on the main report page as previously described:

Export report data


  • The exported data is affected by any filters that are configured in the report at the time of export.
  • If the exported data exceeds 150000 entries, the data is split into multiple files.
  1. On the report page, select Export.

  2. In the Export conditions flyout that opens, review and configure the following settings:

    • Select a view to export: Select one of the following values:
      • Summary: Data from the last 90 days is available. This is the default value.
      • Details: Data from the last 30 days is available. A date range of one day is supported.
    • Date (UTC):
      • Start date: The default value is three months ago.
      • End date: The default value is today.

    When you're finished in the Export conditions flyout, select Export.

    The Export button changes to Exporting... and a progress bar is shown.

  3. In the Save as dialog that opens, you see the default name of the .csv file and the download location (the local Downloads folder by default), but you can change those values and then select Save to download the exported data.

    If you see a dialog that wants to download multiple files, select Allow.

Schedule recurring reports

To create scheduled reports, you need to be a member of the Organization management role in Exchange Online or the Global Administrator* role in Microsoft Entra ID.


* Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.

  1. On the report page, select Create schedule to start the new scheduled report wizard.

  2. On the Name scheduled report page, review or customize the Name value, and then select Next.

  3. On the Set preferences page, review or configure the following settings:

    • Frequency: Select one of the following values:
      • Weekly (default)
      • Daily (this value results in no data being shown in charts)
      • Monthly
    • Start date: Enter the date when generation of the report begins. The default value is today.
    • Expiry date: Enter the date when generation of the report ends. The default value is one year from today.

    When you're finished on the Set preferences page, select Next.

  4. On the Select filters page, configure the following settings:

    • Direction: Select one of the following values:
      • All (default)
      • Outbound
      • Inbound
    • Sender address
    • Recipient address

    When you're finished on the Select filters page, select Next.

  5. On the Recipients page, choose recipients for the report in the Send email to box. The default value is your email address, but you can add others by doing either of the following steps:

    • Click in the box, wait for the list of users to resolve, and then select the user from the list below the box.
    • Click in the box, start typing a value, and then select the user from the list below the box.

    To remove an entry from the list, select next to the entry.

    When you're finished on the Recipients page, select Next.

  6. On the Review page, review your settings. You can select Edit in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can select Back or the specific page in the wizard.

    When you're finished on the Review page, select Submit.

  7. On the New scheduled report created page, you can select the links to view the scheduled report or create another report.

    When you're finished on the New scheduled report created page, select Done.

The reports are emailed to the specified recipients based on the schedule you configured

The scheduled report entry is available on the Managed schedules page as described in the next subsection.

Manage existing scheduled reports

After you create a scheduled report as described in the previous section, the scheduled report entry is available on the Manage schedules page in the Defender portal.

In the Microsoft Defender portal at, go to Reports > Email & collaboration > select Manage schedules. Or, to go directly to the Manage schedules page, use

On the Manage schedules page, the following information is shown for each scheduled report entry:

  • Schedule start date
  • Schedule name
  • Report type
  • Frequency
  • Last sent

To change the list from normal to compact spacing, select Change list spacing to compact or normal, and then select Compact list.

Use the Search box to find an existing scheduled report entry.

To modify the scheduled report settings, do the following steps:

  1. Select the scheduled report entry by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box.

  2. In the details flyout that opens, do any of the following steps:

    • Select Edit name to change the name of the scheduled report.
    • Select the Edit link in the section to modify the corresponding settings.

    The settings and configuration steps are the same as described in Schedule report.

To delete a scheduled report entry, use either of the following methods:

  • Select the check box next to one, more or all of the scheduled reports, and then select the Delete action that appears on the main page.
  • Select the scheduled report by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box, and then select Delete in the details flyout that opens.

Read the warning dialog that opens, and then select OK.

Back on the Manage schedules page, the deleted scheduled report entry is no longer listed, and previous reports for the scheduled report are deleted and are no longer available for download.

Request on-demand reports for download

To create on-demand reports, you need to be a member of the Organization management role in Exchange Online or the Global Administrator* role in Microsoft Entra ID.


* Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.

  1. On the report page, select Request report to start the new on-demand report wizard.

  2. On the Name on-demand report page, review or customize the Name value, and then select Next.

  3. On the Set preferences page, review or configure the following settings:

    • Start date: Enter the start date for the report data. The default value is one month ago.
    • Expiry date: Enter the end date for the report data. The default value is today.

    When you're finished on the Name on-demand report page, select Next.

  4. On the Recipients page, choose recipients for the report in the Send email to box. The default value is your email address, but you can add others by doing either of the following steps:

    • Click in the box, wait for the list of users to resolve, and then select the user from the list below the box.
    • Click in the box, start typing a value, and then select the user from the list below the box.

    To remove an entry from the list, select next to the entry.

    When you're finished on the Recipients page, select Next.

  5. On the Review page, review your settings. You can select Edit in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can select Back or the specific page in the wizard.

    When you're finished on the Review page, select Submit.

  6. On the New on-demand report created page, you can select the link to create another report.

    When you're finished on the New on-demand report created page, select Done.

The report creation task (and eventually the finished report) is available on the Reports for download page as described in the next subsection.

Download reports

To download on-demand reports, you need to be a member of the Organization management role in Exchange Online or the Global Administrator* role in Microsoft Entra ID.


* Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.

After you request an on-demand report as described in the previous section, you check the status of the report and eventually download the report on the Reports for download page in the Defender portal.

In the Microsoft Defender portal at, go to Reports > Email & collaboration > select Reports for download. Or, to go directly to the Reports for download page, use

On the Reports for download page, the following information is shown for each available report:

  • Start date
  • Name
  • Report type
  • Last sent
  • Status:
    • Pending: The report is still being created, and it isn't available to download yet.
    • Complete - Ready for download: Report generation is complete, and the report is available to download.
    • Complete - No results found: Report generation is complete, but the report contains no data, so you can't download it.

To download the report, select the check box next in the start date of the report, and then select the Download report action that appears.

Use the Search box to find an existing report.

In the Save as dialog that opens, you see the default name of the .csv file and the download location (the local Downloads folder by default), but you can change those values and then select Save to download the report.

Anti-spam protection in EOP

Anti-malware protection in EOP

View mail flow reports in the EAC

View reports for Defender for Office 365