logical_and (STL/CLR)
The template class describes a functor that, when called, returns true only if both the first argument and the second test as true. You use it specify a function object in terms of its argument type.
template<typename Arg>
ref class logical_and
{ // wrap operator()
typedef Arg first_argument_type;
typedef Arg second_argument_type;
typedef bool result_type;
typedef Microsoft::VisualC::StlClr::BinaryDelegate<
first_argument_type, second_argument_type, result_type>
logical_and(logical_and<Arg>% right);
result_type operator()(first_argument_type left,
second_argument_type right);
operator delegate_type^();
- Arg
The type of the arguments.
Type Definition |
Description |
delegate_type |
The type of the generic delegate. |
first_argument_type |
The type of the functor first argument. |
result_type |
The type of the functor result. |
second_argument_type |
The type of the functor second argument. |
Member |
Description |
logical_and |
Constructs the functor. |
Operator |
Description |
operator() |
Computes the desired function. |
operator delegate_type^ |
Casts the functor to a delegate. |
The template class describes a two-argument functor. It defines the member operator operator() so that, when the object is called as a function, it returns true only if both the first argument and the second test as true.
You can also pass the object as a function argument whose type is delegate_type^ and it will be converted appropriately.
// cliext_logical_and.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include <cliext/algorithm>
#include <cliext/functional>
#include <cliext/vector>
typedef cliext::vector<int> Myvector;
int main()
Myvector c1;
Myvector c2;
Myvector c3(2, 0);
// display initial contents " 1 0" and " 1 0"
for each (int elem in c1)
System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);
for each (int elem in c2)
System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);
// transform and display
cliext::transform(c1.begin(), c1.begin() + 2,
c2.begin(), c3.begin(), cliext::logical_and<int>());
for each (int elem in c3)
System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);
return (0);
2 0 3 0 1 0
Header: <cliext/functional>
Namespace: cliext