This interface is sent by the debug engine (DE) to indicate that the debugging symbols for a module being debugged have been loaded.
IDebugSymbolSearchEvent2 : IUnknown
The DE implements this interface to report that a module's symbols have been loaded. The IDebugEvent2 interface must be implemented on the same object as this interface. The SDM uses QueryInterface to access the IDebugEvent2 interface.
The DE creates and sends this event object to report that a module's symbols have been loaded. The event is sent by using the IDebugEventCallback2 callback function that is supplied by the SDM when it attached to the program being debugged.
The IDebugSymbolSearchEvent2 interface exposes the following method.
Method |
Description |
Retrieves information about the results of a symbol search. |
This event will be sent even if the symbols failed to load. Calling IDebugSymbolSearchEvent2::GetSymbolSearchInfo allows the handler of this event to determine if the module actually has any symbols.
Visual Studio typically uses this event to update the status of loaded symbols in the Modules window.
Header: msdbg.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll