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Understanding the Application Compatibility Manager

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

The Application Compatibility Manager (ACM) is a tool that enables you to configure, to collect, and to analyze your data, so that you can fix any issues prior to deploying a new operating system in your organization.

After you configure the Application Compatibility Toolkit, by using the Application Compatibility Toolkit Configuration Wizard, the ACM automatically starts.

ACM Icons

The ACM uses icons for both toolbar buttons and navigational elements throughout several screens. The following table describes all of the icons.

Icon Description Location

Opens the Application Compatibility Manager Overview screen.

  • Collect toolbar

  • Analyze toolbar

Opens the Collect screen.

For more information, see Phase 1: Collecting Your Compatibility Data.

  • Collect toolbar

  • Analyze toolbar

Opens the Analyze screen.


For more information, see Phase 2: Analyzing Your Compatibility Data.

  • Collect toolbar

  • Analyze toolbar

Opens the New Data Collection Package dialog box.


For more information, see Creating a Data Collection Package.

  • Collect toolbar

Imports your data-collection package settings.


For more information, see Exporting and Importing a Data Collection Package.

  • Collect toolbar

Exports your data-collection package settings.


For more information, see Exporting and Importing a Data Collection Package.

  • Collect toolbar

Deletes a data-collection package that has not yet run on your client computers.


For more information, see Deleting a Data Collection Package.

  • Collect toolbar

Imports an existing compatibility report.

  • Analyze toolbar

Saves a compatibility report, including your preferences and settings.

  • Analyze toolbar

Exports your report data to a Microsoft® Office Excel® spreadsheet (.xls) file.

  • Analyze toolbar

Synchronizes your compatibility data with the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange, a Web service that propagates compatibility issues from Microsoft Corporation.


For more information, see Sending and Receiving Compatibility Data.

  • Analyze toolbar

Turns the query builder on or off.


For more information, see Filtering Your Compatibility Data.

  • Analyze toolbar

Opens the Set Assessment dialog box.


For more information, see Selecting Your Assessment Rating.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Set Deployment Status dialog box.


For more information, see Selecting Your Deployment Status.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Set Severity dialog box.


This icon only appears for Update Impact Reports and the related report details dialog boxes. For more information, see Selecting Your Severity Assessment Rating.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Assign Categories dialog box.


For more information, see Categorizing Your Data.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Assign Priorities dialog box.


For more information, see Prioritizing Your Data.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Send and Receive Status dialog box.


For more information, see Selecting Your Send and Receive Status.

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Add Issue dialog box.


For more information, see Adding or Editing an Issue.

  • Report Details toolbar

Opens the Add Solution dialog box.


For more information, see Adding or Editing a Solution.

  • Report Details toolbar

Saves a compatibility issue.

  • Add Issue dialog box

Resolves a compatibility issue.


For more information, see Resolving an Issue.

  • Add Issue dialog box

Reactivates a resolved compatibility issue.


For more information, see Resolving an Issue.

  • Add Issue dialog box

Refreshes the screen. If you are using the query builder, this also updates the screen with your returned results.

  • Collect toolbar

  • Analyze toolbar

  • Data Collection Package - Status toolbar

  • Report Details toolbar

Enables you to scroll up and down the screen or dialog box information, showing the related details.


This button may not be available for all issues or information.

  • Report Details toolbar

  • Add Issue dialog box

  • New Data Collection Package dialog box

  • Data Collection Package - Status toolbar

Opens the online Help system.

  • All screens

Overview Screen

The first time that you start the ACM, you will see the Application Compatibility Manager Overview screen. This screen outlines the high-level steps that you must complete so that you can collect and analyze your data.

ACM High-Level Steps—Overview Screen

Collect Screen

You must use the Collect screen to create and to configure your data-collection packages. This screen also enables you to view your existing data-collection packages, view the status of your data-collection packages, export and to import your data-collection package settings, and to delete existing data-collection packages.


For more information, see Phase 1: Collecting Your Compatibility Data.

ACM Collect Screen

Analyze Screen

You must use the Analyze screen to review and to explore your compatibility data. This includes the following:

  • Viewing quick reports

  • Filtering your data

  • Selecting your application assessment, your severity assessment, your deployment status, and your send and receive status

  • Categorizing and prioritizing your data

  • Saving, opening, and exporting your reports and report data


For more information, see Phase 2: Analyzing Your Compatibility Data.

ACM Analyze Screen

Quick Reports

In the Analyze screen, you can view both reports and the associated report details.

ACM Report Screen

ACM Report Details Dialog Box

Send and Receive Data

You send and receive, or synchronize, data to keep your local ACM updated with the most current issues and information from Microsoft, independent software vendors (ISVs) and, if you are a member, the ACT Community.

The synchronization process uses the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange to:

  • Download new information from authoritative sources, such as Microsoft Corporation and ISVs.

  • Upload your compatibility issues to Microsoft.

  • Upload and download compatibility information from the ACT Community (if you are a member and agree to share your data).


For more information, see Sending and Receiving Compatibility Data.

See Also


Introduction to the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) Version 5.6
Using the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT)