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Keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

You can access a variety of commands and windows in Visual Studio by choosing the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This page lists the default command shortcuts for the General profile, which you might have chosen when you installed Visual Studio. No matter which profile you chose, you can identify the shortcut for a command by opening the Options dialog box, expanding the Environment node, and then choosing Keyboard. You can also customize your shortcuts by assigning a different shortcut to any given command.

For a list of common keyboard shortcuts and other productivity information, see:

For more information about accessibility in Visual Studio, see Accessibility tips and tricks and How to: Use the keyboard exclusively.

Printable shortcut cheatsheet

Click to get our printable keyboard shortcut cheatsheet for Visual Studio.

Printable cheatsheet for keyboard shortcuts.

All shortcuts in this section apply globally unless otherwise specified. The Global context means that the shortcut is applicable in any tool window in Visual Studio.


You can look up the shortcut for any command by opening the Options dialog box, expanding the Environment node, and then choosing Keyboard.

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Build solution Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution
Cancel Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel
Compile Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile
Run code analysis on solution Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Break at function Ctrl+B Debug.BreakatFunction
Break all Ctrl+Alt+Break Debug.BreakAll
Delete all breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F9 Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints
Exceptions Ctrl+Alt+E Debug.Exceptions
Quick watch Ctrl+Alt+Q

or Shift+F9
Restart Ctrl+Shift+F5 Debug.Restart
Run to cursor Ctrl+F10 Debug.RunToCursor
Set next statement Ctrl+Shift+F10 Debug.SetNextStatement
Start F5 Debug.Start
Start without debugging Ctrl+F5 Debug.StartWithoutDebugging
Step into F11 Debug.StepInto
Step out Shift+F11 Debug.StepOut
Step over F10 Debug.StepOver
Stop debugging Shift+F5 Debug.StopDebugging
Toggle breakpoint F9 Debug.ToggleBreakpoint
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Break line Enter [Text Editor, Report Designer, Windows Forms Designer]

or Shift+Enter [Text Editor]
Collapse to definitions Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O [Text Editor] Edit.CollapseToDefinitions
Comment selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C [Text Editor] Edit.CommentSelection
Complete word Alt+Right Arrow [Text Editor, Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+Spacebar [Text Editor, Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, W [Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W [Workflow Designer]
Copy Ctrl+C

or Ctrl+Insert
Cut Ctrl+X

or Shift+Delete
Delete Delete [Team Explorer]

or Shift+Delete [Sequence Diagram, UML Activity Diagram, Layer Diagram]

or Ctrl+Delete [Class Diagram]
Find Ctrl+F Edit.Find
Find all references Shift+F12 Edit.FindAllReferences
Find in files Ctrl+Shift+F Edit.FindinFiles
Find next F3 Edit.FindNext
Find next selected Ctrl+F3 Edit.FindNextSelected
Format document Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D [Text Editor] Edit.FormatDocument
Format selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F [Text Editor] Edit.FormatSelection
Go to Ctrl+G Edit.GoTo
Go to declaration Ctrl+F12 Edit.GoToDeclaration
Go to definition F12 Edit.GoToDefinition
Go to find combo Ctrl+D Edit.GoToFindCombo
Go to next location F8 Edit.GoToNextLocation
Insert snippet Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X Edit.InsertSnippet
Insert tab Tab [Report Designer, Windows Forms Designer, Text Editor] Edit.InsertTab
Line cut Ctrl+L [Text Editor] Edit.LineCut
Line down extend column Shift+Alt+Down Arrow [Text Editor] Edit.LineDownExtendColumn
Line open above Ctrl+Enter [Text Editor] Edit.LineOpenAbove
List members Ctrl+J [Text Editor, Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L [Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, L [Workflow Designer]
Navigate to Ctrl+, Edit.NavigateTo
Open file Ctrl+Shift+G Edit.OpenFile
Overtype mode Insert [Text Editor] Edit.OvertypeMode
Parameter info Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar [Text Editor, Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P [Workflow Designer]

or Ctrl+K, P [Workflow Designer]
Paste Ctrl+V

or Shift+Insert
Peek definition Alt+F12 [Text Editor] Edit.PeekDefinition
Redo Ctrl+Y

or Shift+Alt+Backspace

or Ctrl+Shift+Z
Replace Ctrl+H Edit.Replace
Select all Ctrl+A Edit.SelectAll
Select current word Ctrl+W [Text Editor] Edit.SelectCurrentWord
Selection cancel Esc [Text Editor, Report Designer, Settings Designer, Windows Forms Designer, Managed Resources Editor] Edit.SelectionCancel
Surround with Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S
(available only in Visual Studio 2019 and earlier)
Tab left Shift+Tab [Text Editor, Report Designer, Windows Forms Editor] Edit.TabLeft
Toggle all outlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L [Text Editor] Edit.ToggleAllOutlining
Toggle bookmark Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K [Text Editor] Edit.ToggleBookmark
Toggle completion mode Ctrl+Alt+Space [Text Editor] Edit.ToggleCompletionMode
Toggle outlining expansion Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M [Text Editor] Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion
Uncomment selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U [Text Editor] Edit.UncommentSelection
Undo Ctrl+Z

or Alt+Backspace
Word delete to end Ctrl+Delete [Text Editor] Edit.WordDeleteToEnd
Word delete to start Ctrl+Backspace [Text Editor] Edit.WordDeleteToStart
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Exit Alt+F4 File.Exit
New file Ctrl+N File.NewFile
New project Ctrl+Shift+N File.NewProject
New web site Shift+Alt+N File.NewWebSite
Open file Ctrl+O File.OpenFile
Open project Ctrl+Shift+O File.OpenProject
Open web site Shift+Alt+O File.OpenWebSite
Rename F2 [Team Explorer] File.Rename
Save all Ctrl+Shift+S File.SaveAll
Save selected items Ctrl+S File.SaveSelectedItems
View in browser Ctrl+Shift+W File.ViewinBrowser
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Add existing item Shift+Alt+A Project.AddExistingItem
Add new item Ctrl+Shift+A Project.AddNewItem
Command Keyboard shortcut [Special contexts] Command ID
Extract method Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M Refactor.ExtractMethod
Command Keyboard shortcut [Special contexts] Command ID
Attach to process Ctrl+Alt+P Tools.AttachtoProcess
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Class view Ctrl+Shift+C View.ClassView
Edit label F2 View.EditLabel
Error list Ctrl+\, Ctrl+E

or Ctrl+\, E
Navigate backward Ctrl+- View.NavigateBackward
Navigate forward Ctrl+Shift+- View.NavigateForward
Object browser Ctrl+Alt+J View.ObjectBrowser
Output Ctrl+Alt+O View.Output
Properties window F4 View.PropertiesWindow
Refresh F5 [Team Explorer] View.Refresh
Server explorer Ctrl+Alt+S View.ServerExplorer
Show smart tag Ctrl+.

or Shift+Alt+F10 [HTML Editor Design View]
Solution explorer Ctrl+Alt+L View.SolutionExplorer
TFS Team Explorer Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M View.TfsTeamExplorer
Toolbox Ctrl+Alt+X View.Toolbox
View code Enter [Class Diagram]

or F7 [Settings Designer]
View designer Shift+F7 [HTML Editor Source View] View.ViewDesigner
Commands Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] Command ID
Activate document window Esc Window.ActivateDocumentWindow
Close document window Ctrl+F4 Window.CloseDocumentWindow
Next document window Ctrl+F6 Window.NextDocumentWindow
Next document window nav Ctrl+Tab Window.NextDocumentWindowNav
Next split pane F6 Window.NextSplitPane

Global shortcuts

These keyboard shortcuts are global, which means that you can use them when any Visual Studio window has focus.

Analyze: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Navigate backward Shift+Alt+3 Analyze.NavigateBackward
Navigate forward Shift+Alt+4 Analyze.NavigateForward

Architecture: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
New diagram Ctrl+\, Ctrl+N Architecture.NewDiagram

Azure: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Retry mobile service script operation Ctrl+Num *, Ctrl+R WindowsAzure.RetryMobileServiceScriptOperation
Show mobile service script error details Ctrl+Num *, Ctrl+D WindowsAzure.ShowMobileServiceScriptErrorDetails

Build: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Build selection Ctrl+B (Visual Studio 2019) Build.BuildSelection
Build solution Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution
Cancel Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel
Compile Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile
Run code analysis on solution Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution

Class View context menus: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Properties Alt+Enter ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewMultiselectProjectreferencesItems.Properties

Debug: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Apply code changes Alt+F10 Debug.ApplyCodeChanges
Attach to process Ctrl+Alt+P Debug.AttachtoProcess
Autos Ctrl+Alt+V, A Debug.Autos
Break all Ctrl+Alt+Break Debug.BreakAll
Breakpoints Ctrl+Alt+B Debug.Breakpoints
Call stack Ctrl+Alt+C Debug.CallStack
Delete all breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F9 Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints
Launch Alt+F2 Debug.DiagnosticsHub.Launch
Disassembly Ctrl+Alt+D Debug.Disassembly
Dom explorer Ctrl+Alt+V, D Debug.DOMExplorer
Enable breakpoint Ctrl+F9 Debug.EnableBreakpoint
Exceptions Ctrl+Alt+E Debug.Exceptions
Function breakpoint Ctrl+K, B (Visual Studio 2019)
Ctrl+B (Visual Studio 2017)
Go to previous call or IntelliTrace event Ctrl+Shift+F11 Debug.GoToPreviousCallorIntelliTraceEvent
Start diagnostics Alt+F5 Debug.Graphics.StartDiagnostics
Immediate Ctrl+Alt+I Debug.Immediate
IntelliTrace calls Ctrl+Alt+Y, T Debug.IntelliTraceCalls
IntelliTrace events Ctrl+Alt+Y, F Debug.IntelliTraceEvents
JavaScript console Ctrl+Alt+V, C Debug.JavaScriptConsole
Locals Ctrl+Alt+V, L Debug.Locals
Process combo Ctrl+5 Debug.LocationToolbar.ProcessCombo
Stack frame combo Ctrl+7 Debug.LocationToolbar.StackFrameCombo
Thread combo Ctrl+6 Debug.LocationToolbar.ThreadCombo
Toggle current thread flagged state Ctrl+8 Debug.LocationToolbar.ToggleCurrentThreadFlaggedState
Toggle flagged threads Ctrl+9 Debug.LocationToolbar.ToggleFlaggedThreads
Memory 1 Ctrl+Alt+M, 1 Debug.Memory1
Memory 2 Ctrl+Alt+M, 2 Debug.Memory2
Memory 3 Ctrl+Alt+M, 3 Debug.Memory3
Memory 4 Ctrl+Alt+M, 4 Debug.Memory4
Modules Ctrl+Alt+U Debug.Modules
Parallel stacks Ctrl+Shift+D, S Debug.ParallelStacks
Parallel watch 1 Ctrl+Shift+D, 1 Debug.ParallelWatch1
Parallel watch 2 Ctrl+Shift+D, 2 Debug.ParallelWatch2
Parallel watch 3 Ctrl+Shift+D, 3 Debug.ParallelWatch3
Parallel watch 4 Ctrl+Shift+D, 4 Debug.ParallelWatch4
Processes Ctrl+Alt+Z Debug.Processes
Quick watch Shift+F9 or Ctrl+Alt+Q Debug.QuickWatch
Re attach to process Shift+Alt+P Debug.ReattachtoProcess
Refresh windowsapp Ctrl+Shift+R Debug.RefreshWindowsapp
Registers Ctrl+Alt+G Debug.Registers
Restart Ctrl+Shift+F5 Debug.Restart
Run to cursor Ctrl+F10 Debug.RunToCursor
Set next statement Ctrl+Shift+F10 Debug.SetNextStatement
Show call stack on code map Ctrl+Shift+` Debug.ShowCallStackonCodeMap
Show next statement Alt+Num * Debug.ShowNextStatement
Start F5 Debug.Start
Start windows phone application analysis Alt+F1 Debug.StartWindowsPhoneApplicationAnalysis
Start without debugging Ctrl+F5 Debug.StartWithoutDebugging
Step into F11 Debug.StepInto
Step into current process Ctrl+Alt+F11 Debug.StepIntoCurrentProcess
Step into specific Shift+Alt+F11 Debug.StepIntoSpecific
Step out Shift+F11 Debug.StepOut
Step out current process Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F11 Debug.StepOutCurrentProcess
Step over F10 (When debugging: Performs a step over action) Debug.StepOver
Step over F10 (When not debugging: Starts debugging and stops on the first line of user code) Debug.StepOver
Step over current process Ctrl+Alt+F10 Debug.StepOverCurrentProcess
Stop debugging Shift+F5 Debug.StopDebugging
Stop performance analysis Shift+Alt+F2 Debug.StopPerformanceAnalysis
Tasks Ctrl+Shift+D, K Debug.Tasks
Threads Ctrl+Alt+H Debug.Threads
Toggle breakpoint F9 Debug.ToggleBreakpoint
Toggle disassembly Ctrl+F11 Debug.ToggleDisassembly
Watch 1 Ctrl+Alt+W, 1 Debug.Watch1
Watch 2 Ctrl+Alt+W, 2 Debug.Watch2
Watch 3 Ctrl+Alt+W, 3 Debug.Watch3
Watch 4 Ctrl+Alt+W, 4 Debug.Watch4

Debugger context menus: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Delete Alt+F9, D DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.Delete
Go to disassembly Alt+F9, A DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToDisassembly
Go to source code Alt+F9, S DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToSourceCode

Diagnostics Hub: global shortcuts

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Stop collection Ctrl+Alt+F2 DiagnosticsHub.StopCollection

Edit: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Copy Ctrl+C


Cut Ctrl+X


Cycle clipboard ring Ctrl+Shift+V


Delete Delete Edit.Delete
Duplicate Ctrl+D Edit.Duplicate
Find Ctrl+F Edit.Find
Find all references Shift+F12 Edit.FindAllReferences
Find in files Ctrl+Shift+F Edit.FindinFiles
Find next F3 Edit.FindNext
Find next selected Ctrl+F3 Edit.FindNextSelected
Find previous Shift+F3 Edit.FindPrevious
Find previous selected Ctrl+Shift+F3 Edit.FindPreviousSelected
Generate method Ctrl+K, Ctrl+M Edit.GenerateMethod
Go to Ctrl+G Edit.GoTo
Go to all Ctrl+, or Ctrl+T Edit.GoToAll
Go to declaration Ctrl+F12 Edit.GoToDeclaration
Go to definition F12 Edit.GoToDefinition
Go to member Ctrl+1, Ctrl+M or Ctrl+1, M or Alt+\ Edit.GoToMember
Go to next location F8 (Next error in Error List or Output window) Edit.GoToNextLocation
Go to prev location Shift+F8 (Previous error in Error List or Output window) Edit.GoToPrevLocation
Insert snippet Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X Edit.InsertSnippet
Move control down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDown
Move control down grid Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDownGrid
Move control left Ctrl+Left Arrow Edit.MoveControlLeft
Move control left grid Left Arrow Edit.MoveControlLeftGrid
Move control right Ctrl+Right Arrow Edit.MoveControlRight
Move control right grid Right Arrow Edit.MoveControlRightGrid
Move control up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUp
Move control up grid Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUpGrid
Next bookmark Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N Edit.NextBookmark
Next bookmark in folder Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+N Edit.NextBookmarkInFolder
Open file Ctrl+Shift+G (Opens the file name under the cursor) Edit.OpenFile
Paste Ctrl+V


Previous bookmark Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P Edit.PreviousBookmark
Previous bookmark in folder Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+P Edit.PreviousBookmarkInFolder
Quick find symbol Shift+Alt+F12 Edit.QuickFindSymbol
Redo Ctrl+Y




Refresh remote references Ctrl+Shift+J Edit.RefreshRemoteReferences
Replace Ctrl+H Edit.Replace
Replace in files Ctrl+Shift+H Edit.ReplaceinFiles
Select all Ctrl+A Edit.SelectAll
Select next control Tab Edit.SelectNextControl
Select previous control Shift+Tab Edit.SelectPreviousControl
Show tile grid Enter Edit.ShowTileGrid
Size control down Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Edit.SizeControlDown
Size control down grid Shift+Down Arrow Edit.SizeControlDownGrid
Size control left Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Edit.SizeControlLeft
Size control left grid Shift+Left Arrow Edit.SizeControlLeftGrid
Size control right Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Edit.SizeControlRight
Size control right grid Shift+Right Arrow Edit.SizeControlRightGrid
Size control up Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Edit.SizeControlUp
Size control up grid Shift+Up Arrow Edit.SizeControlUpGrid
Stop search Alt+F3, S Edit.StopSearch
Surround with Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S
(available only in Visual Studio 2019 and earlier)
Undo Ctrl+Z



Editor context menus: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Breakpoint conditions Alt+F9, C EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.BreakpointConditions
Breakpoint edit labels Alt+F9, L EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.BreakpointEditlabels
Insert temporary breakpoint Shift+Alt+F9, T EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.InsertTemporaryBreakpoint
Show item Ctrl+` EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.CodeMap.ShowItem
Execute Ctrl+Alt+F5 EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Execute
Go to view Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.GoToView
Toggle header code file Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O (letter 'O') EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ToggleHeaderCodeFile
View call hierarchy Ctrl+K, Ctrl+T


Ctrl+K, T

File: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Exit Alt+F4 File.Exit
New file Ctrl+N File.NewFile
New project Ctrl+Shift+N File.NewProject
New web site Shift+Alt+N File.NewWebSite
Open file Ctrl+O (letter 'O') File.OpenFile
Open project Ctrl+Shift+O (letter 'O') File.OpenProject
Open web site Shift+Alt+O (letter 'O') File.OpenWebSite
Print Ctrl+P File.Print
Save all Ctrl+Shift+S File.SaveAll
Save selected items Ctrl+S File.SaveSelectedItems
View in browser Ctrl+Shift+W File.ViewinBrowser

Help: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Add and remove help content Ctrl+Alt+F1 Help.AddandRemoveHelpContent
F1 help F1 Help.F1Help
View help Ctrl+F1 Help.ViewHelp
Window help Shift+F1 Help.WindowHelp

Load Test: global shortcuts

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Jump to counter pane Ctrl+R, Q LoadTest.JumpToCounterPane

Other context menus: global shortcuts

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Add new diagram Insert OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.AddNewDiagram

Project: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Add existing item Shift+Alt+A Project.AddExistingItem
Add new item Ctrl+Shift+A Project.AddNewItem
Class wizard Ctrl+Shift+X Project.ClassWizard
Override Ctrl+Alt+Ins Project.Override
Preview changes Alt+; then Alt+C Project.Previewchanges
Publish selected files Alt+; then Alt+P Project.Publishselectedfiles
Replace selected files from server Alt+; then Alt+R Project.Replaceselectedfilesfromserver

Project and Solution context menus: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Move down Alt+Down Arrow ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Item.MoveDown
Move up Alt+Up Arrow ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Item.MoveUp

Refactor: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Encapsulate field Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E Refactor.EncapsulateField
Extract interface Ctrl+R, Ctrl+I Refactor.ExtractInterface
Extract method Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M Refactor.ExtractMethod
Remove parameters Ctrl+R, Ctrl+V Refactor.RemoveParameters
Rename Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R Refactor.Rename
Reorder parameters Ctrl+R, Ctrl+O (letter 'O') Refactor.ReorderParameters

Solution Explorer: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Open files filter Ctrl+[, O (letter 'O')


Ctrl+[, Ctrl+O (letter 'O')
Pending changes filter Ctrl+[, P


Ctrl+[, Ctrl+P
Sync with active document Ctrl+[, S


Ctrl+[, Ctrl+S

Team: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Go to git branches Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+N


Ctrl+0, N
Go to git changes Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+G


Ctrl+0, G
Go to git commits Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+O (letter 'O')


Ctrl+0, O
Team explorer search Ctrl+' Team.TeamExplorerSearch

Team Foundation context menus: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Go to builds Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+B


Ctrl+0, B
Go to connect Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+C


Ctrl+0, C
Go to documents Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+D


Ctrl+0, D
Go to home Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+H


Ctrl+0, H
Go to my work Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+M


Ctrl+0, M
Go to pending changes Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+P


Ctrl+0, P
Go to reports Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+R


Ctrl+0, R
Go to settings Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+S


Ctrl+0, S
Go to web access Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+A


Ctrl+0, A
Go to work items Ctrl+0 (zero), Ctrl+W


Ctrl+0, W

Test: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Use coded ui test builder Ctrl+\, Ctrl+C Test.UseCodedUITestBuilder
Use existing action recording Ctrl+\, Ctrl+A Test.UseExistingActionRecording

Test Explorer: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Debug all tests Ctrl+R, Ctrl+A TestExplorer.DebugAllTests
Debug all tests in context Ctrl+R, Ctrl+T TestExplorer.DebugAllTestsInContext
Debug last run Ctrl+R, D TestExplorer.DebugLastRun
Repeat last run Ctrl+R, L TestExplorer.RepeatLastRun
Run all tests Ctrl+R, A TestExplorer.RunAllTests
Run all tests in context Ctrl+R, T TestExplorer.RunAllTestsInContext
Show test explorer Ctrl+E, T TestExplorer.ShowTestExplorer
Open tab Ctrl+E, L LiveUnitTesting.OpenTab
Code coverage results Ctrl+E, C Test.CodeCoverageResults

Tools: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Attach to process Ctrl+Alt+P Tools.AttachtoProcess
Code snippets manager Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B Tools.CodeSnippetsManager
Force gc Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12 Tools.ForceGC

View: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
All windows Shift+Alt+M View.AllWindows
Architecture explorer Ctrl+\, Ctrl+R View.ArchitectureExplorer
Backward Alt+Left Arrow (Functions differently from View.NavigateBackward in Text Editor) View.Backward
Bookmark window Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W View.BookmarkWindow
Browse next Ctrl+Shift+1 View.BrowseNext
Browse previous Ctrl+Shift+2 View.BrowsePrevious
Call hierarchy Ctrl+Alt+K View.CallHierarchy
Class view Ctrl+Shift+C View.ClassView
Class view go to search combo Ctrl+K, Ctrl+V View.ClassViewGoToSearchCombo
Code definition window Ctrl+\, D


Ctrl+\, Ctrl+D
Command window Ctrl+Alt+A View.CommandWindow
Data sources Shift+Alt+D View.DataSources
Document outline Ctrl+Alt+T View.DocumentOutline
Edit label F2 View.EditLabel
Error list Ctrl+\, E


Ctrl+\, Ctrl+E
F# interactive Ctrl+Alt+F View.F#Interactive
Find symbol results Ctrl+Alt+F12 View.FindSymbolResults
Forward Alt+Right Arrow (Functions differently from View.NavigateForward in Text Editor) View.Forward
Forward browse context Ctrl+Shift+7 View.ForwardBrowseContext
Full screen Shift+Alt+Enter View.FullScreen
Navigate backward Ctrl+- View.NavigateBackward
Navigate forward Ctrl+Shift+- View.NavigateForward
Next error Ctrl+Shift+F12 View.NextError
Notifications Ctrl+W, N


Ctrl+W, Ctrl+N
Object browser Ctrl+Alt+J View.ObjectBrowser
Object browser go to search combo Ctrl+K, Ctrl+R View.ObjectBrowserGoToSearchCombo
Output Ctrl+Alt+O (letter 'O') View.Output
Pop browse context Ctrl+Shift+8 (C++ only) View.PopBrowseContext
Properties window F4 View.PropertiesWindow
Property pages Shift+F4 View.PropertyPages
Resource view Ctrl+Shift+E View.ResourceView
Server explorer Ctrl+Alt+S View.ServerExplorer
Show smart tag Shift+Alt+F10


Solution explorer Ctrl+Alt+L View.SolutionExplorer
SQL server object explorer Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S View.SQLServerObjectExplorer
Task list Ctrl+\, T


Ctrl+\, Ctrl+T
TFS team explorer Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M View.TfsTeamExplorer
Toolbox Ctrl+Alt+X View.Toolbox
UML model explorer Ctrl+\, Ctrl+U View.UMLModelExplorer
View code F7 View.ViewCode
View designer Shift+F7 View.ViewDesigner
Web browser Ctrl+Alt+R View.WebBrowser
Zoom in Ctrl+Shift+. View.ZoomIn
Zoom out Ctrl+Shift+, View.ZoomOut
Show Test Explorer Ctrl+E, T TestExplorer.ShowTestExplorer

Window: global shortcuts

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Activate document window Esc Window.ActivateDocumentWindow
Add tab to selection Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Space Window.AddTabtoSelection
Close document window Ctrl+F4 Window.CloseDocumentWindow
Close tool window Shift+Esc Window.CloseToolWindow
Keep tab open Ctrl+Alt+Home Window.KeepTabOpen
Move to navigation bar Ctrl+F2 Window.MovetoNavigationBar
Next document window Ctrl+F6 Window.NextDocumentWindow
Next document window nav Ctrl+Tab Window.NextDocumentWindowNav
Next pane Alt+F6 Window.NextPane
Next split pane F6 Window.NextSplitPane
Next tab Ctrl+Alt+PgDn


Next tab and add to selection Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgDn Window.NextTabandAddtoSelection
Next tool window nav Alt+F7 Window.NextToolWindowNav
Previous document window Ctrl+Shift+F6 Window.PreviousDocumentWindow
Previous document window nav Ctrl+Shift+Tab Window.PreviousDocumentWindowNav
Previous pane Shift+Alt+F6 Window.PreviousPane
Previous split pane Shift+F6 Window.PreviousSplitPane
Previous tab Ctrl+Alt+PgUp


Previous tab and add to selection Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgUp Window.PreviousTabandAddtoSelection
Previous tool window nav Shift+Alt+F7 Window.PreviousToolWindowNav
Quick launch Ctrl+Q Window.QuickLaunch
Quick launch previous category Ctrl+Shift+Q Window.QuickLaunchPreviousCategory
Show dock menu Alt+- Window.ShowDockMenu
Show Ex MDI file list Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow Window.ShowEzMDIFileList
Solution explorer search Ctrl+; Window.SolutionExplorerSearch
Window search Alt+` Window.WindowSearch

Context-specific shortcuts

These keyboard shortcuts are context specific, which means that you can use them with menus and items in Visual Studio that are specific to a project type, programming language, or platform.

ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Down Alt+Down Arrow OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Down
Down 5 Alt+PgDn OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Down5
To bottom Alt+End OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.ToBottom
To top Alt+Home OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.ToTop
Up Alt+Up Arrow OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Up
Up 5 Alt+PgUp OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Up5
Rename Ctrl+R, R OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.Refactor.Rename
Remove from diagram Shift+Del OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.RemovefromDiagram
Entity data model browser Ctrl+1 View.EntityDataModelBrowser
Entity data model mapping details Ctrl+2 View.EntityDataModelMappingDetails

Class diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Collapse Num - ClassDiagram.Collapse
Expand Num + ClassDiagram.Expand
Delete Ctrl+Del Edit.Delete
Expand collapse base type list Shift+Alt+B Edit.ExpandCollapseBaseTypeList
Navigate to lollipop Shift+Alt+L Edit.NavigateToLollipop
Remove from diagram Delete Edit.RemovefromDiagram
View code Enter View.ViewCode

Coded UI Test Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Copy reference to clipboard Ctrl+C OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.CopyReferencetoClipboard
Insert delay before Ctrl+Alt+D OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.InsertDelayBefore
Locate all Shift+Alt+L OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.LocateAll
Locate the ui control Ctrl+Shift+L OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.LocatetheUIControl
Move code Ctrl+Alt+C OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.Movecode
Split into a new method Ctrl+Shift+T OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.Splitintoanewmethod

DataSet Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Insert column Insert OtherContextMenus.ColumnContext.InsertColumn
Column Ctrl+L OtherContextMenus.DbTableContext.Add.Column

Difference Viewer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Ignore trim whitespace Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Spacebar Diff.IgnoreTrimWhitespace
Inline view Ctrl+\, Ctrl+1 Diff.InlineView
Left only view Ctrl+\, Ctrl+3 Diff.LeftOnlyView
Next difference F8 Diff.NextDifference
Previous difference Shift+F8 Diff.PreviousDifference
Right only view Ctrl+\, Ctrl+4 Diff.RightOnlyView
Side by side view Ctrl+\, Ctrl+2 Diff.SideBySideView
Switch between left and right Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Tab Diff.SwitchBetweenLeftAndRight
Synchronize view toggle Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Down Arrow Diff.SynchronizeViewToggle
Add comment Ctrl+Shift+K EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.AddComment
Edit local file Ctrl+Shift+P EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.EditLocalFile

DOM Explorer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Refresh F5 DOMExplorer.Refresh
Select element Ctrl+B DOMExplorer.SelectElement
Show layout Ctrl+Shift+I DOMExplorer.ShowLayout

F# Interactive: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Cancel interactive evaluation Ctrl+Break OtherContextMenus.FSIConsoleContext.CancelInteractiveEvaluation

Graph Document Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Add node Insert ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Add.AddNode
Both dependencies B ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.BothDependencies
Incoming dependencies I ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.IncomingDependencies
Outgoing dependencies O ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.OutgoingDependencies
New comment Ctrl+Shift+K


Ctrl+E, C
Remove Delete ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Remove
Rename F2 ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Rename

Graphics Diagnostics: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Capture frame None Debug.Graphics.CaptureFrame
Move pixel selection down Shift+Alt+Down Arrow Graphics.MovePixelSelectionDown
Move pixel selection left Shift+Alt+Left Arrow Graphics.MovePixelSelectionLeft
Move pixel selection right Shift+Alt+Right Arrow Graphics.MovePixelSelectionRight
Move pixel selection up Shift+Alt+Up Arrow Graphics.MovePixelSelectionUp
Zoom to actual size Shift+Alt+0 (zero) Graphics.ZoomToActualSize
Zoom to fit in window Shift+Alt+9 Graphics.ZoomToFitInWindow
Zoom in Shift+Alt+= Graphics.ZoomIn
Zoom out Shift+Alt+- Graphics.ZoomOut

HTML Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Go to controller Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.GoToController

HTML Editor Design View: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Move control down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDown
Move control up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUp
Bold Ctrl+B Format.Bold
Convert to hyperlink Ctrl+L Format.ConverttoHyperlink
Insert bookmark Ctrl+Shift+L Format.InsertBookmark
Italic Ctrl+I Format.Italic
Underline Ctrl+U Format.Underline
Add content page Ctrl+M, Ctrl+C Project.AddContentPage
Column to the left Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow Table.ColumntotheLeft
Column to the right Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow Table.ColumntotheRight
Row above Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow Table.RowAbove
Row below Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow Table.RowBelow
Net nonvisual controls Ctrl+Shift+N View.ASP.NETNonvisualControls
Edit master Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M View.EditMaster
Next view Ctrl+PgDn View.NextView
Show smart tag Shift+Alt+F10 View.ShowSmartTag
View markup Shift+F7 View.ViewMarkup
Previous tab Ctrl+PgUp Window.PreviousTab

HTML Editor Source View: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Go to controller Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.GoToController
Next view Ctrl+PgDn View.NextView
Synchronize views Ctrl+Shift+Y View.SynchronizeViews
View designer Shift+F7 View.ViewDesigner
Previous tab Ctrl+PgUp Window.PreviousTab

Layer diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Delete Shift+Delete Edit.Delete

Managed Resources Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Edit cell F2 Edit.EditCell
Remove Delete Edit.Remove
Remove row Ctrl+Delete Edit.RemoveRow
Selection cancel Escape Edit.SelectionCancel
Audio Ctrl+4 Resources.Audio
Files Ctrl+5 Resources.Files
Icons Ctrl+3 Resources.Icons
Images Ctrl+2 Resources.Images
Other Ctrl+6 Resources.Other
Strings Ctrl+1 Resources.Strings

Merge Editor Window: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Set focus on left window Alt+1 TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonLeftWindow
Set focus on result window Alt+2 TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonResultWindow
Set focus on right window Alt+3 TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonRightWindow

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, Schema Compare: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
SSDT schema compare compare Shift+Alt+C SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareCompare
SSDT schema compare generate script Shift+Alt+G SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareGenerateScript
SSDT schema compare next change Shift+Alt+. SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareNextChange
SSDT schema compare previous change Shift+Alt+, SQL.SSDTSchemaComparePreviousChange
SSDT schema compare stop Alt+Break SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareStop
SSDT schema compare write updates Shift+Alt+U SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareWriteUpdates

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, Table Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
CommitAllEdits Shift+Alt+U
Expand wildcards Ctrl+R, E


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E
Fully qualify names Ctrl+R, Q


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Q
Move to schema Ctrl+R, M


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M
Rename F2


Ctrl+R, R


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R
ViewFileInScriptPanel Shift+Alt+PgDn

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, T-SQL Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
CommitAllEdits Shift+Alt+U
Execute with debugger Alt+F5 SQL.ExecuteWithDebugger
Expand wildcards Ctrl+R, E


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E
Fully qualify names Ctrl+R, Q


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Q
Move to schema Ctrl+R, M


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M
Rename F2


Ctrl+R, R


Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R
T SQL editor cancel query Alt+Break SQL.TSqlEditorCancelQuery
T SQL editor execute query Ctrl+Shift+E SQL.TSqlEditorExecuteQuery
T SQL editor results as file Ctrl+D, F SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsFile
T SQL editor results as grid Ctrl+D, G SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsGrid
T SQL editor results as text Ctrl+D, T SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsText
T SQL editor show estimated plan Ctrl+D, E SQL.TSqlEditorShowEstimatedPlan
T SQL editor toggle execution plan Ctrl+D, A SQL.TSqlEditorToggleExecutionPlan
T SQL editor toggle results pane Ctrl+D, R SQL.TSqlEditorToggleResultsPane
T SQL editor clone query Ctrl+Alt+N SQL.TSqlEditorCloneQuery
T SQL editor database combo Shift+Alt+PgDn SQL.TSqlEditorDatabaseCombo

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, T-SQL PDW Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
T SQL editor cancel query Alt+Break SQL.TSqlEditorCancelQuery
T SQL editor execute query Ctrl+Shift+E SQL.TSqlEditorExecuteQuery
T SQL editor results as file Ctrl+D, F SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsFile
T SQL editor results as grid Ctrl+D, G SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsGrid
T SQL editor results as text Ctrl+D, T SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsText
T SQL editor show estimated plan Ctrl+D, E SQL.TSqlEditorShowEstimatedPlan
T SQL editor toggle execution plan Ctrl+D, A SQL.TSqlEditorToggleExecutionPlan
T SQL editor toggle results pane Ctrl+D, R SQL.TSqlEditorToggleResultsPane
T SQL editor clone query Ctrl+Alt+N SQL.TSqlEditorCloneQuery
T SQL editor clone query Shift+Alt+PgDn SQL.TSqlEditorCloneQuery

Page Inspector: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Minimize F12 PageInspector.Minimize

Query Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Cancel retrieving data Ctrl+T QueryDesigner.CancelRetrievingData
Criteria Ctrl+2 QueryDesigner.Criteria
Diagram Ctrl+1 QueryDesigner.Diagram
Execute SQL Ctrl+R QueryDesigner.ExecuteSQL
Goto row Ctrl+G QueryDesigner.GotoRow
Join mode Ctrl+Shift+J QueryDesigner.JoinMode
Results Ctrl+4 QueryDesigner.Results
Sql Ctrl+3 QueryDesigner.SQL

Query results: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Query results new row Alt+End SQL.QueryResultsNewRow
Query results refresh Shift+Alt+R SQL.QueryResultsRefresh
Query results stop Alt+Break SQL.QueryResultsStop

Report Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Break line Enter Edit.BreakLine
Char left Left Arrow Edit.CharLeft
Char left extend Shift+Left Arrow Edit.CharLeftExtend
Char right Right Arrow Edit.CharRight
Char right extend Shift+Right Arrow Edit.CharRightExtend
Insert tab Tab Edit.InsertTab
Line down Down Arrow Edit.LineDown
Line down extend Shift+Down Arrow Edit.LineDownExtend
Line up Up Arrow Edit.LineUp
Line up extend Shift+Up Arrow Edit.LineUpExtend
Move control down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDown
Move control left Ctrl+Left Arrow Edit.MoveControlLeft
Move control right Ctrl+Right Arrow Edit.MoveControlRight
Move control up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUp
Selection cancel Esc Edit.SelectionCancel
Size control down Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Edit.SizeControlDown
Size control left Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Edit.SizeControlLeft
Size control right Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Edit.SizeControlRight
Size control up Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Edit.SizeControlUp
Tab left Shift+Tab Edit.TabLeft
Report data Ctrl+Alt+D View.ReportData

Sequence diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Navigate to code F12 ArchitectureDesigner.Sequence.NavigateToCode
Delete Shift+Del Edit.Delete

Settings Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Edit cell F2 Edit.EditCell
Remove row Ctrl+Delete Edit.RemoveRow
Selection cancel Esc Edit.SelectionCancel
View code F7 View.ViewCode

Solution Explorer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
View in page inspector Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.View.ViewinPageInspector

Team Explorer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard Shortcut Command ID
Delete Delete Edit.Delete
Rename F2 File.Rename
Go to team explorer navigation Alt+Home TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerNavigation
Go to team explorer next section content Alt+Down Arrow TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerNextSectionContent
Go to team explorer page content Alt+0 (zero) TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerPageContent
Go to team explorer previous section content Alt+Up Arrow TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerPreviousSectionContent
Go to team explorer section 1 content Alt+1 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection1Content
Go to team explorer section 2 content Alt+2 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection2Content
Go to team explorer section 3 content Alt+3 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection3Content
Go to team explorer section 4 content Alt+4 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection4Content
Go to team explorer section 5 content Alt+5 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection5Content
Go to team explorer section 6 content Alt+6 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection6Content
Go to team explorer section 7 content Alt+7 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection7Content
Go to team explorer section 8 content Alt+8 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection8Content
Go to team explorer section 9 content Alt+9 TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection9Content
Team explorer navigate backward Alt+Left Arrow TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.TeamExplorerNavigateBackward
Team explorer navigate forward Alt+Right Arrow TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.TeamExplorerNavigateForward
TFS context my work page create copy wi Shift+Alt+C TeamFoundationContextMenus.MyWorkPageInProgress.TfsContextMyWorkPageCreateCopyWI
TFS context my work page new linked wi Shift+Alt+L TeamFoundationContextMenus.MyWorkPageInProgress.TfsContextMyWorkPageNewLinkedWI
Refresh F5 View.Refresh

Test Explorer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Open test F12 TestExplorer.OpenTest

Text Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Break line Enter


Char left Left Arrow Edit.CharLeft
Char left extend Shift+Left Arrow Edit.CharLeftExtend
Char left extend column Shift+Alt+Left Arrow Edit.CharLeftExtendColumn
Char right Right Arrow Edit.CharRight
Char right extend Shift+Right Arrow Edit.CharRightExtend
Char right extend column Shift+Alt+Right Arrow Edit.CharRightExtendColumn
Clear bookmarks Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L Edit.ClearBookmarks
Collapse all outlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+A Edit.CollapseAllOutlining
Collapse current region Ctrl+M, Ctrl+S Edit.CollapseCurrentRegion
Collapse tag Ctrl+M, Ctrl+T Edit.CollapseTag
Collapse to definitions Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O (letter 'O') Edit.CollapseToDefinitions
Contract selection Shift+Alt+- Edit.ContractSelection
Comment selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C Edit.CommentSelection
Complete word Ctrl+Space


Alt+Right Arrow
Copy parameter tip Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C Edit.CopyParameterTip
Decrease filter level Alt+, Edit.DecreaseFilterLevel
Delete backwards Backspace


Delete horizontal white space Ctrl+K, Ctrl+\ Edit.DeleteHorizontalWhiteSpace
Document end Ctrl+End Edit.DocumentEnd
Document end extend Ctrl+Shift+End Edit.DocumentEndExtend
Document start Ctrl+Home Edit.DocumentStart
Document start extend Ctrl+Shift+Home Edit.DocumentStartExtend
Expand all outlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+X Edit.ExpandAllOutlining
Expand current region Ctrl+M, Ctrl+E Edit.ExpandCurrentRegion
Expand selection Shift+Alt+= Edit.ExpandSelection
Expand selection to containing block Shift+Alt+] Edit.ExpandSelectiontoContainingBlock
Format document Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D Edit.FormatDocument
Format selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F Edit.FormatSelection
Goto all Ctrl+T


Goto brace Ctrl+] Edit.GotoBrace
Goto brace extend Ctrl+Shift+] Edit.GotoBraceExtend
Goto recent Ctrl+T,R Edit.GotoRecent
Goto next issue in file Alt+PgDn Edit.GotoNextIssueinFile
Goto previous issue in file Alt+PgUp Edit.GotoPreviousIssueinFile
Hide selection Ctrl+M, Ctrl+H Edit.HideSelection
Increase filter level Alt+. Edit.IncreaseFilterLevel
Incremental search Ctrl+I Edit.IncrementalSearch
Insert carets at all matching Shift+Alt+; Edit.InsertCaretsatAllMatching
Insert next matching caret Shift+Alt+. Edit.InsertNextMatchingCaret
Insert tab Tab Edit.InsertTab
Line cut Ctrl+L Edit.LineCut
Line delete Ctrl+Shift+L Edit.LineDelete
Line down Down Arrow Edit.LineDown
Line down extend Shift+Down Arrow Edit.LineDownExtend
Line down extend column Shift+Alt+Down Arrow Edit.LineDownExtendColumn
Line end End Edit.LineEnd
Line end extend Shift+End Edit.LineEndExtend
Line end extend column Shift+Alt+End Edit.LineEndExtendColumn
Line open above Ctrl+Enter Edit.LineOpenAbove
Line open below Ctrl+Shift+Enter Edit.LineOpenBelow
Line start Home Edit.LineStart
Line start extend Shift+Home Edit.LineStartExtend
Line start extend column Shift+Alt+Home Edit.LineStartExtendColumn
Line transpose Shift+Alt+T Edit.LineTranspose
Line up Up Arrow Edit.LineUp
Line up extend Shift+Up Arrow Edit.LineUpExtend
Line up extend column Shift+Alt+Up Arrow Edit.LineUpExtendColumn
List members Ctrl+J Edit.ListMembers
Make lowercase Ctrl+U Edit.MakeLowercase
Make uppercase Ctrl+Shift+U Edit.MakeUppercase
Move selected lines down Alt+Down Arrow Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown
Move selected lines up Alt+Up Arrow Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp
Next highlighted reference Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Edit.NextHighlightedReference
Overtype mode Insert Edit.OvertypeMode
Page down PgDn Edit.PageDown
Page down extend Shift+PgDn Edit.PageDownExtend
Page up PgUp Edit.PageUp
Page up extend Shift+PgUp Edit.PageUpExtend
Parameter info Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Edit.ParameterInfo
Paste parameter tip Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Edit.PasteParameterTip
Peek backward Ctrl+Alt+- Edit.PeekBackward
Peek definition Alt+F12 Edit.PeekDefinition
Peek forward Ctrl+Alt+= Edit.PeekForward
Previous highlighted reference Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Edit.PreviousHighlightedReference
Quick info Ctrl+K, Ctrl+I Edit.QuickInfo
Reverse incremental search Ctrl+Shift+I Edit.ReverseIncrementalSearch
Scroll line down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.ScrollLineDown
Scroll line up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.ScrollLineUp
Select current word Ctrl+W Edit.SelectCurrentWord
Selection cancel Escape Edit.SelectionCancel
Select to last go back Ctrl+= Edit.SelectToLastGoBack
Show code lens menu Ctrl+K, Ctrl+` Edit.ShowCodeLensMenu
Show navigate menu Alt+` Edit.ShowNavigateMenu
Stop hiding current Ctrl+M, Ctrl+U Edit.StopHidingCurrent
Stop outlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+P Edit.StopOutlining
Swap anchor Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A Edit.SwapAnchor
Tab left Shift+Tab Edit.TabLeft
Toggle all outlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L Edit.ToggleAllOutlining
Toggle bookmark Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K Edit.ToggleBookmark
Toggle completion mode Ctrl+Alt+Space Edit.ToggleCompletionMode
Toggle outlining expansion Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion
Toggle task list shortcut Ctrl+K, Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut
Toggle word wrap Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap
Uncomment selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection
View bottom Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom
View bottom extend Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend
View top Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop
View top extend Ctrl+Shift+PgUp Edit.ViewTopExtend
View white space Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W Edit.ViewWhiteSpace
Word delete to end Ctrl+Delete Edit.WordDeleteToEnd
Word delete to start Ctrl+Backspace Edit.WordDeleteToStart
Word next Ctrl+Right Arrow Edit.WordNext
Word next extend Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Edit.WordNextExtend
Word next extend column Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right Arrow Edit.WordNextExtendColumn
Word previous Ctrl+Left Arrow Edit.WordPrevious
Word previous extend Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Edit.WordPreviousExtend
Word previous extend column Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left Arrow Edit.WordPreviousExtendColumn
Word transpose Ctrl+Shift+T Edit.WordTranspose
Execute in interactive Alt+Enter EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ExecuteInInteractive
Execute line in interactive Alt+' EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ExecuteLineInInteractive
View in page inspector Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.ViewinPageInspector
TFS annotate move next region Alt+PgDn TeamFoundationContextMenus.Annotate.TfsAnnotateMoveNextRegion
TFS annotate move previous region Alt+PgUp TeamFoundationContextMenus.Annotate.TfsAnnotateMovePreviousRegion

UML activity diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Delete Shift+Del Edit.Delete

UML class diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Delete from model Shift+Del Edit.DeleteFromModel

UML component diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Delete from model Shift+Del Edit.DeleteFromModel

UML use case diagram: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Delete from model Shift+Del Edit.DeleteFromModel

VC Accelerator Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
New accelerator Insert Edit.NewAccelerator
Next key typed Ctrl+W Edit.NextKeyTyped

VC Dialog Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Move control down Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDown
Move control left Left Arrow Edit.MoveControlLeft
Move control right Right Arrow Edit.MoveControlRight
Move control up Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUp
Scroll column left Ctrl+Left Arrow Edit.ScrollColumnLeft
Scroll column right Ctrl+Right Arrow Edit.ScrollColumnRight
Scroll line down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.ScrollLineDown
Scroll line up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.ScrollLineUp
Size control down Shift+Down Arrow Edit.SizeControlDown
Size control left Shift+Left Arrow Edit.SizeControlLeft
Size control right Shift+Right Arrow Edit.SizeControlRight
Size control up Shift+Up Arrow Edit.SizeControlUp
Align bottoms Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Format.AlignBottoms
Align centers Shift+F9 Format.AlignCenters
Align lefts Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Format.AlignLefts
Align middles F9 Format.AlignMiddles
Align rights Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Format.AlignRights
Align tops Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Format.AlignTops
Button bottom Ctrl+B Format.ButtonBottom
Button right Ctrl+R Format.ButtonRight
Center horizontal Ctrl+Shift+F9 Format.CenterHorizontal
Center vertical Ctrl+F9 Format.CenterVertical
Check mnemonics Ctrl+M Format.CheckMnemonics
Size to content Shift+F7 Format.SizetoContent
Space across Alt+Right Arrow


Alt+Left Arrow
Space down Alt+Up Arrow


Alt+Down Arrow
Tab order Ctrl+D Format.TabOrder
Test dialog Ctrl+T Format.TestDialog
Toggle guides Ctrl+G Format.ToggleGuides

VC Image Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Airbrush tool Ctrl+A Image.AirbrushTool
Brush tool Ctrl+B Image.BrushTool
Copy and outline selection Ctrl+Shift+U Image.CopyandOutlineSelection
Draw opaque Ctrl+J Image.DrawOpaque
Ellipse tool Alt+P Image.EllipseTool
Erase tool Ctrl+Shift+I Image.EraseTool
Filled ellipse tool Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Image.FilledEllipseTool
Filled rectangle tool Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R Image.FilledRectangleTool
Filled rounded rectangle tool Ctrl+Shift+Alt+W Image.FilledRoundedRectangleTool
Fill tool Ctrl+F Image.FillTool
Flip horizontal Ctrl+H Image.FlipHorizontal
Flip vertical Shift+Alt+H Image.FlipVertical
Larger brush Ctrl+= Image.LargerBrush
Line tool Ctrl+L Image.LineTool
Magnification tool Ctrl+M Image.MagnificationTool
Magnify Ctrl+Shift+M Image.Magnify
New image type Insert Image.NewImageType
Next color Ctrl+]


Ctrl+Right Arrow
Next right color Ctrl+Shift+]


Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Outlined ellipse tool Shift+Alt+P Image.OutlinedEllipseTool
Outlined rectangle tool Shift+Alt+R Image.OutlinedRectangleTool
Outlined rounded rectangle tool Shift+Alt+W Image.OutlinedRoundedRectangleTool
Pencil tool Ctrl+I Image.PencilTool
Previous color Ctrl+[


Ctrl+Left Arrow
Previous right color Ctrl+Shift+[


Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Rectangle selection tool Shift+Alt+S Image.RectangleSelectionTool
Rectangle tool Alt+R Image.RectangleTool
Rotate 90 degrees Ctrl+Shift+H Image.Rotate90Degrees
Rounded rectangle tool Alt+W Image.RoundedRectangleTool
Show grid Ctrl+Alt+S Image.ShowGrid
Show tile grid Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S Image.ShowTileGrid
Small brush Ctrl+. Image.SmallBrush
Smaller brush Ctrl+- Image.SmallerBrush
Text tool Ctrl+T Image.TextTool
Use selection as brush Ctrl+U Image.UseSelectionasBrush
Zoom in Ctrl+Shift+.


Ctrl+Up Arrow
Zoom out Ctrl+Shift+,


Ctrl+Down Arrow

VC String Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
New string Insert Edit.NewString

View Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Cancel retrieving data Ctrl+T QueryDesigner.CancelRetrievingData
Criteria Ctrl+2 QueryDesigner.Criteria
Diagram Ctrl+1 QueryDesigner.Diagram
Execute SQL Ctrl+R QueryDesigner.ExecuteSQL
Goto row Ctrl+G QueryDesigner.GotoRow
Join mode Ctrl+Shift+J QueryDesigner.JoinMode
Results Ctrl+4 QueryDesigner.Results
Sql Ctrl+3 QueryDesigner.SQL

Visual Studio: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Command Keyboard shortcut Command ID
Hide methods pane Ctrl+1 OtherContextMenus.ORDesignerContext.HideMethodsPane

Windows Forms Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Break line Enter Edit.BreakLine
Char left Left Arrow Edit.CharLeft
Char left extend Shift+Left Arrow Edit.CharLeftExtend
Char right Right Arrow Edit.CharRight
Char right extend Shift+Right Arrow Edit.CharRightExtend
Document end End Edit.DocumentEnd
Document end extend Shift+End Edit.DocumentEndExtend
Document start Home Edit.DocumentStart
Document start extend Shift+Home Edit.DocumentStartExtend
Insert tab Tab Edit.InsertTab
Line down Down Arrow Edit.LineDown
Line down extend Shift+Up Arrow Edit.LineDownExtend
Line up Up Arrow Edit.LineUp
Line up extend Shift+Down Arrow Edit.LineUpExtend
Move control down Ctrl+Down Arrow Edit.MoveControlDown
Move control left Ctrl+Left Arrow Edit.MoveControlLeft
Move control right Ctrl+Right Arrow Edit.MoveControlRight
Move control up Ctrl+Up Arrow Edit.MoveControlUp
Selection cancel Escape Edit.SelectionCancel
Size control down Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Edit.SizeControlDown
Size control left Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Edit.SizeControlLeft
Size control right Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Edit.SizeControlRight
Size control up Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Edit.SizeControlUp
Tab left Shift+Tab Edit.TabLeft

Work Item Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Create copy of work item Shift+Alt+C Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem
Refresh work item F5 Edit.RefreshWorkItem
New linked work item Shift+Alt+L Team.NewLinkedWorkItem

Work Item Query View: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Create copy of work item Shift+Alt+C Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem
Indent Shift+Alt+Right Arrow Edit.Indent
Outdent Shift+Alt+Left Arrow Edit.Outdent
New linked work item Shift+Alt+L Team.NewLinkedWorkItem
Refresh F5 Team.Refresh
Toggle Shift+Alt+V Window.Toggle

Work Item Results View: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Create copy of work item Shift+Alt+C Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem
Indent Shift+Alt+Right Arrow Edit.Indent
Outdent Shift+Alt+Left Arrow Edit.Outdent
Goto next work item Shift+Alt+N Team.GotoNextWorkItem
Goto previous work item Shift+Alt+P Team.GotoPreviousWorkItem
New linked work item Shift+Alt+L Team.NewLinkedWorkItem
Refresh F5 Team.Refresh
Toggle Shift+Alt+V Window.Toggle

Workflow Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Complete word Ctrl+K, W


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W




Alt+Right Arrow
Decrease filter level Alt+, Edit.DecreaseFilterLevel
Increase filter level Alt+. Edit.IncreaseFilterLevel
List members Ctrl+K, L


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L


Parameter info Ctrl+K, P


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P


Quick info Ctrl+K, I


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+I
Collapse Ctrl+E, Ctrl+C


Ctrl+E, C
Collapse all or WorkflowDesigner.CollapseAll
Connect nodes Ctrl+E, Ctrl+F


Ctrl+E, F
Create variable Ctrl+E, Ctrl+N


Ctrl+E, N
Expand all Ctrl+E, Ctrl+X


Ctrl+E, X
Expand in place Ctrl+E, Ctrl+E


Ctrl+E, E
Go to parent Ctrl+E, Ctrl+P


Ctrl+E, P
Move focus Ctrl+E, Ctrl+M


Ctrl+E, M
Navigate through designer Ctrl+Alt+F6 WorkflowDesigner.NavigateThroughDesigner
Restore Ctrl+E, Ctrl+R


Ctrl+E, R
Show hide argument designer Ctrl+E, Ctrl+A


Ctrl+E, A
Show hide imports designer Ctrl+E, Ctrl+I


Ctrl+E, I
Show hide overview map Ctrl+E, Ctrl+O (letter 'O')


Ctrl+E, O
Show hide variable designer Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V


Ctrl+E, V
Toggle selection Ctrl+E, Ctrl+S


Ctrl+E, S
Zoom in Ctrl+Num + WorkflowDesigner.ZoomIn
Zoom out Ctrl+Num - WorkflowDesigner.ZoomOut

XAML UI Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Fit all Ctrl+0 (zero) Design.FitAll
Show handles F9 Design.ShowHandles
Zoom in Ctrl+Alt+= Design.ZoomIn
Zoom out Ctrl+Alt+- Design.ZoomOut
Designer options Ctrl+Shift+;
Edit text F2 Format.EditText
All Ctrl+Shift+R Format.ResetLayout.All
Run project code Ctrl+F9
Hide (Blend only) Ctrl+H Timeline.Hide (Blend only)
Lock (Blend only) Ctrl+L Timeline.Lock (Blend only)
Show (Blend only) Ctrl+Shift+H Timeline.Show (Blend only)
Unlock (Blend only) Ctrl+Shift+L Timeline.Unlock (Blend only)
Edge left move left Ctrl+Shift+, View.EdgeLeftMoveLeft
Edge left move right Ctrl+Shift+. View.EdgeLeftMoveRight
Edge right move left Ctrl+Shift+Alt+, View.EdgeRightMoveLeft
Edge right move right Ctrl+Shift+Alt+. View.EdgeRightMoveRight
Show property marker menu Ctrl+Spacebar View.ShowPropertyMarkerMenu

XML (Text) Editor: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Start XSLT debugging Alt+F5 XML.StartXSLTDebugging
Start XSLT without debugging Ctrl+Alt+F5 XML.StartXSLTWithoutDebugging

XML Schema Designer: context specific shortcuts

The shortcuts specific to this context are:

Commands Keyboard shortcuts Command ID
Bottom to top Alt+Up Arrow GraphView.BottomtoTop
Left to right Alt+Right Arrow GraphView.LefttoRight
Right to left Alt+Left Arrow GraphView.RighttoLeft
Top to bottom Alt+Down Arrow GraphView.ToptoBottom
Remove from workspace Delete OtherContextMenus.GraphView.RemovefromWorkspace
Show content model view Ctrl+2 XsdDesigner.ShowContentModelView
Show graph view Ctrl+3 XsdDesigner.ShowGraphView
Show start view Ctrl+1 XsdDesigner.ShowStartView