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sys.query_store_replicas (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Azure SQL Managed Instance

Contains information about Query Store replicas, when Query Store for secondary replicas is enabled. You can use this information to determine what replica_group_id to use when using Query Store to force or un-force a plan on a secondary replica with sys.sp_query_store_set_query_hints.

Column name Data type Description
replica_group_id bigint Identifies the replica set number for this replica.
role_id tinyint 1 = Primary
2= Secondary
replica_name nvarchar(max) Instance name of the replica in the availability group. NULL for replicas in Azure SQL Managed Instance or Azure SQL Database.


This catalog view will return the same row data on all replicas. The catalog view will contain a row per replica for every role_id where it has been observed. For example, a two-replica availability group will initially contain two rows. After a failover, it will contain four rows: one row for each replica in both the primary and secondary roles.


Requires the VIEW DATABASE STATE permission.

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