Azure permissions for Internet of Things
This article lists the permissions for the Azure resource providers in the Internet of Things category. You can use these permissions in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Permission strings have the following format: {Company}.{ProviderName}/{resourceType}/{action}
Azure service: Azure Sphere
Action | Description |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/register/action | Register the subscription for Microsoft.AzureSphere |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/unregister/action | Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AzureSphere |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/countDevices/action | Counts devices in catalog. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeployments/action | Lists deployments for catalog. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeviceGroups/action | List the device groups for the catalog. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeviceInsights/action | Lists device insights for catalog. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDevices/action | Lists devices for catalog. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/read | List Catalog resources by subscription ID |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/read | List Catalog resources by resource group |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/read | Get a Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/write | Create a Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/delete | Delete a Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/write | Update a Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/uploadImage/action | Creates an image. Use this action when the image ID is unknown. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/read | List Certificate resources by Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/read | Get a Certificate |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/retrieveCertChain/action | Retrieves cert chain. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/retrieveProofOfPossessionNonce/action | Gets the proof of possession nonce. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/read | List Image resources by Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/read | Get a Image |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/write | Create a Image |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/delete | Delete a Image |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/read | List Product resources by Catalog |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/read | Get a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/write | Create a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/delete | Delete a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name' |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/write | Update a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/countDevices/action | Counts devices in product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/generateDefaultDeviceGroups/action | Generates default device groups for the product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/read | List DeviceGroup resources by Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/read | Get a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/write | Create a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/delete | Delete a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/write | Update a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/claimDevices/action | Bulk claims the devices. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names when bulk claiming devices to a catalog only. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/countDevices/action | Counts devices in device group. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/read | List Deployment resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/read | Get a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/write | Create a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/delete | Delete a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/read | List Device resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/read | Get a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names when a device does not belong to a device group and product. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/write | Create a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to claim a device to the catalog only. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/delete | Delete a Device |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/write | Update a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to move a device to the catalog level. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/generateCapabilityImage/action | Generates the capability image for the device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to generate the image for a device that does not belong to a specific device group and product. |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/locations/operationStatuses/read | read operationStatuses |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/locations/operationStatuses/write | write operationStatuses |
Microsoft.AzureSphere/operations/read | read operations |
Ensure that your users are accessing your resources from devices that meet your standards for security and compliance.
Azure service: IoT Hub, IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service
Action | Description |
Microsoft.Devices/register/action | Register the subscription for the IotHub resource provider and enables the creation of IotHub resources |
Microsoft.Devices/checkNameAvailability/Action | Check If IotHub name is available |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Read | Gets the IotHub resource(s) |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Write | Create or update IotHub Resource |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Delete | Delete IotHub Resource |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/listkeys/Action | Get all IotHub Keys |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/exportDevices/Action | Export Devices |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/importDevices/Action | Import Devices |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/Action | Notify RP that an associated NSP has profile updates. |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/Action | Approve or reject a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Action | Reconcile NSP configuration profile from NSP RP |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Read | Gets the Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Write | Create or Update Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Delete | Deletes Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/generateVerificationCode/Action | Generate Verification code |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/verify/Action | Verify Certificate resource |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Write | Create new or Update existing Event Grid filter |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Read | Gets the Event Grid filter |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Delete | Deletes the Event Grid filter |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Write | Create EventHub Consumer Group |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Read | Get EventHub Consumer Group(s) |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Delete | Delete EventHub Consumer Group |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubKeys/listkeys/Action | Get IotHub Key for the given name |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubStats/Read | Get IotHub Statistics |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/jobs/Read | Get Job(s) details submitted on given IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available log definitions for the IotHub Service |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for the IotHub service |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Read | List all NSP association proxies associated with the IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Write | Put an NSP association proxy on the IotHub to associate the resource with the NSP |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Delete | Delete an NSP association proxy to disassociate the IotHub resource from the NSP |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Read | List all NSP configurations associated with the IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/operationresults/Read | Get Operation Result (Obsolete API) |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/Action | Validates private endpoint connection proxy input during create |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Read | Gets properties for specified private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Write | Creates or updates a private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Delete | Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/Read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Read | Gets all the private endpoint connections for the specified iot hub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Delete | Deletes an existing private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Write | Creates or updates a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/Read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateLinkResources/Read | Gets private link resources for IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/quotaMetrics/Read | Get Quota Metrics |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/$testall/Action | Test a message against all existing Routes |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/$testnew/Action | Test a message against a provided test Route |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routingEndpointsHealth/Read | Gets the health of all routing Endpoints for an IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/Write | Update the Azure Security Center settings on Iot Hub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/Read | Get the Azure Security Center settings on Iot Hub |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/operationResults/Read | Get the result of the Async Put operation for Iot Hub SecuritySettings |
Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/skus/Read | Get valid IotHub Skus |
Microsoft.Devices/locations/operationresults/Read | Get Location based Operation Result |
Microsoft.Devices/operationresults/Read | Get Operation Result |
Microsoft.Devices/operations/Read | Get All ResourceProvider Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Read | Get IotDps resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Write | Create IotDps resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Delete | Delete IotDps resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/listkeys/Action | Get all IotDps keys |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/Action | Approve or reject a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Read | Gets the Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Write | Create or Update Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Delete | Deletes Certificate |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/generateVerificationCode/Action | Generate Verification code |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/verify/Action | Verify Certificate resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/keys/listkeys/Action | Get IotDps Keys for key name |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available log definitions for the provisioning Service |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for the provisioning service |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/operationresults/Read | Get DPS Operation Result |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/Action | Validates private endpoint connection proxy input during create |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Read | Gets properties for specified private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Write | Creates or updates a private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Delete | Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/Read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Read | Gets all the private endpoint connections for the specified iot hub |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Delete | Deletes an existing private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Write | Creates or updates a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/Read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateLinkResources/Read | Gets private link resources for IotHub |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/skus/Read | Get valid IotDps Skus |
Microsoft.Devices/usages/Read | Get subscription usage details for this provider. |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/send/action | Send cloud-to-device message to any device |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/feedback/action | Receive, complete, or abandon cloud-to-device message feedback notification |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/queue/purge/action | Deletes all the pending commands for a device |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/read | Read device management configurations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/write | Create or update device management configurations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/delete | Delete any device management configuration |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/applyToEdgeDevice/action | Applies the configuration content to an edge device |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/testQueries/action | Validates target condition and custom metric queries for a configuration |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/read | Read any device or module identity |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/write | Create or update any device or module identity |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/delete | Delete any device or module identity |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/directMethods/invoke/action | Invokes a direct method on a device |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/fileUpload/notifications/action | Receive, complete, or abandon file upload notifications |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/read | Return a list of jobs |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/write | Create or update any job |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/delete | Delete any job |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/statistics/read | Read device and service statistics |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/twins/read | Read any device or module twin |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/twins/write | Write any device or module twin |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/attestationmechanism/details/action | Fetch Attestation Mechanism Details |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/read | Read Enrollment Groups |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/write | Write Enrollment Groups |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/delete | Delete Enrollment Groups |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/read | Read Enrollments |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/write | Write Enrollments |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/delete | Delete Enrollments |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/registrationStates/read | Read Registration States |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/registrationStates/delete | Delete Registration States |
Azure service: Device Update for IoT Hub
Action | Description |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks Name Availability |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/register/action | Registers Device Update |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/unregister/action | Unregisters Device Update |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/read | Returns the list of Device Update Accounts |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/write | Creates or updates a Device Update Account |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/delete | Deletes a Device Update Account |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/read | Returns the list of Device Update Agents |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/write | Creates or updates a Device Update Agent |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/delete | Deletes a Device Update Agent |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/read | Returns the list of Device Update Instances |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/write | Creates or updates a Device Update Instance |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/delete | Deletes a Device Update Instance |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Returns the list of Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxies |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Creates or updates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Deletes a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read | Returns the list of Device Update Private Endpoint Connections |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write | Creates or updates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Deletes a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateLinkResources/read | Returns the list of Device Update Private Link Resources |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/locations/operationStatuses/read | Gets an Operation Status |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/locations/operationStatuses/write | Updates an Operation Status |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/operations/read | Lists Device Update Operations |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/registeredSubscriptions/read | Reads registered subscriptions |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/read | Performs a read operation related to management |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/write | Performs a write operation related to management |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/delete | Performs a delete operation related to management |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/updates/read | Performs a read operation related to updates |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/updates/write | Performs a write operation related to updates |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/updates/delete | Performs a delete operation related to updates |
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/updateAccounts/agents/requestUpdate/action | Perform all operations related to agent updating (i.e. request updates & report update results) |
Azure service: Azure Digital Twins
Action | Description |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/register/action | Register the Subscription for the Digital Twins resource provider and enable the creation of Digital Twins instances. |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/unregister/action | Unregister the subscription for the Digital Twins Resource Provider |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/read | Read any Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/write | Create or update any Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/delete | Delete an Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnection resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic settings for the resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/diagnosticSettings/write | Sets the diagnostic settings for the resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/delete | Delete any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/read | Read any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/write | Create or Update any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/logDefinitions/read | Gets the log settings for the resource's Azure Monitor |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the metric settings for the resource's Azure Monitor |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/operationResults/read | Read any Operation Result |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnection resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnection resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnection resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/read | Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateLinkResources/read | Reads PrivateLinkResources for Digital Twins |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/delete | Delete any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/read | Read any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/write | Create any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/checkNameAvailability/action | Check Name Availability of a resource in the Digital Twins Resource Provider |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/operationResults/read | Read any Operation Result |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/operationsStatuses/read | Read any Operation Status |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/operations/read | Read all Operations |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/query/action | Query any Digital Twins Graph |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/read | Read any Digital Twin |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/write | Create or Update any Digital Twin |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/delete | Delete any Digital Twin |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/commands/action | Invoke any Command on a Digital Twin |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/read | Read any Digital Twin Relationship |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/write | Create or Update any Digital Twin Relationship |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/delete | Delete any Digital Twin Relationship |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/read | Read any Event Route |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/delete | Delete any Event Route |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/write | Create or Update any Event Route |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/delete/read | Read any Bulk Delete Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/delete/write | Create any Bulk Delete Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/deletions/read | Read any Bulk Delete Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/deletions/write | Create any Bulk Delete Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/import/read | Read any Bulk Import Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/read | Read any Bulk Import Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/write | Create any Bulk Import Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/delete | Delete any Bulk Import Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/cancel/action | Cancel any Bulk Import Job |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/read | Read any Model |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/write | Create or Update any Model |
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/delete | Delete any Model |
Experience the simplicity of SaaS for IoT, with no cloud expertise required.
Azure service: IoT Central
Action | Description |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks if a IoTApp resource name is available |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/checkSubdomainAvailability/action | Check if a IoTApp resource subdomain is available |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/appTemplates/action | Lists application templates for IoTApps resources. |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/register/action | Register the subscription for the IoTCentral resource provider |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/read | Read IoTApp resources |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/write | Create or update a IoTApp resource |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/delete | Delete IoTApp resource |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate private endpoint connection proxies during Create/Update/Patch |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create/Update/Patch private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Deletes private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnections/write | Approve/reject/disconnect private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateLinkResources/read | Read private link resources |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Get/List all the diagnostic settings for the resource |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Set diagnostic settings for the resource |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Read all the available metric definitions for IoT Central |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/locations/operationResults/read | Get async operation results for IoT Central |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/locations/operationStatuses/read | Get async operation status for IoT Central |
Microsoft.IoTCentral/operations/read | Get/List all the available operations for IoT Central |
Azure service: Microsoft Defender for IoT
Action | Description |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/register/action | Register the subscription for Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/unregister/action | Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/read | Get firmware group. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/write | The operation to create or update a firmwareGroups resource. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/delete | The operation to delete a firmware group. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/write | The operation to update a firmware groups. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/generateUploadUrl/action | The operation to get a url for file upload. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/read | Lists all of firmwareGroups in the specified subscription. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/read | Get firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/write | The operation to create a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/delete | The operation to delete a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/write | The operation to update firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/read | Lists all of firmwares inside firmware group. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/getUploadUrl/action | The operation to a url for file upload. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateFilesystemDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for tar file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateSummary/action | The operation to get a scan summary. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateComponentList/action | The operation to list all components result for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateComponentDetails/action | The operation to get component details for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningList/action | The operation to list all binary hardening result for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningSummary/action | The operation to list the binary hardening summary percentages for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningDetails/action | The operation to get binary hardening details for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generatePasswordHashList/action | The operation to list all password hashes for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateCveList/action | The operation to list all cve results for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateCveSummary/action | The operation to provide a high level summary of the CVEs reported for the firmware image. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/locations/operationStatuses/read | read operationStatuses |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/locations/operationStatuses/write | write operationStatuses |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/operations/read | read operations |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/read | Lists all of the firmware analysis workspaces in the specified subscription. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/read | Lists all of the firmware analysis workspaces in the specified resource group. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/read | Get firmware analysis workspace. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/write | The operation to create or update a firmware analysis workspace. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/delete | The operation to delete a firmware analysis workspace. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/write | The operation to update a firmware analysis workspaces. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/generateUploadUrl/action | The operation to get a url for file upload. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateFilesystemDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for tar file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateSummary/action | The operation to get a scan summary. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateComponentList/action | The operation to list all components result for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateComponentDetails/action | The operation to get component details for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningList/action | The operation to list all binary hardening result for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningSummary/action | The operation to list the binary hardening summary percentages for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningDetails/action | The operation to get binary hardening details for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generatePasswordHashList/action | The operation to list all password hashes for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCveList/action | The operation to list all cve results for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCveSummary/action | The operation to provide a high level summary of the CVEs reported for the firmware image. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoCertificateSummary/action | The operation to provide a high level summary of the discovered cryptographic certificates reported for the firmware image. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoKeySummary/action | The operation to provide a high level summary of the discovered cryptographic keys reported for the firmware image. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoCertificateList/action | The operation to list all crypto certificates for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoKeyList/action | The operation to list all crypto keys for a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/read | Lists all of firmwares inside a workspace. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/read | Get firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/write | The operation to create a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/delete | The operation to delete a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/write | The operation to update firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateFilesystemDownloadUrl/action | The operation to a url for tar file download. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/binaryHardeningResults/read | Lists binary hardening analysis results of a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cryptoCertificates/read | Lists cryptographic certificate analysis results found in a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cryptoKeys/read | Lists cryptographic key analysis results found in a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cves/read | Lists CVE analysis results of a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/passwordHashes/read | Lists password hash analysis results of a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/sbomComponents/read | Lists SBOM analysis results of a firmware. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/summaries/read | Lists analysis result summary names of a firmware. To fetch the full summary data, get that summary by name. |
Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/summaries/read | Get an analysis result summary of a firmware by name. |
Azure service: IoT security
Action | Description |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/unregister/action | Unregisters the subscription for Azure Defender for IoT |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/register/action | Registers the subscription for Azure Defender for IoT |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/defenderSettings/read | Gets IoT Defender Settings |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/defenderSettings/write | Creates or updates IoT Defender Settings |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/defenderSettings/delete | Deletes IoT Defender Settings |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/defenderSettings/packageDownloads/action | Gets downloadable IoT Defender packages information |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/defenderSettings/downloadManagerActivation/action | Download manager activation file |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/endpoints/read | Download sensor endpoints in location |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/read | Gets location |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/read | Gets alert suppression rule |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/write | Creates alert suppression rule |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/delete | Deletes alert suppression rule |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/read | Gets device group |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/read | Gets IoT Alerts |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/write | Updates IoT Alert properties |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/learn/write | Learn and close the alert |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/pcaps/write | Request related PCAP file for alert |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/read | Get devices |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/write | Updates device properties |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/delete | Deletes device |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/recommendations/read | Gets IoT Recommendations |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/recommendations/write | Updates IoT Recommendation properties |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/vulnerabilities/read | Gets device vulnerabilities |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/remoteConfigurations/read | Gets remote configuration |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/remoteConfigurations/write | Creates remote configuration |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/remoteConfigurations/delete | Deletes remote configuration |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sensors/read | Gets IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/read | Gets IoT site |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/write | Creates IoT site |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/delete | Deletes IoT site |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/read | Gets IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/write | Creates or updates IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/delete | Deletes IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/downloadActivation/action | Downloads activation file for IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/triggerTiPackageUpdate/action | Triggers threat intelligence package update |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/downloadResetPassword/action | Downloads reset password file for IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/updateSoftwareVersion/action | Trigger sensor update |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/backups/read | Gets remote backup |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/backups/delete | Deletes remote backup |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/read | Gets on-premise IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/write | Creates or updates on-premise IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/delete | Deletes on-premise IoT Sensors |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/downloadActivation/action | Gets on-premise IoT Sensor Activation File |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/downloadResetPassword/action | Downloads file for reset password of the on-premise IoT Sensor |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/listDiagnosticsUploadDetails/action | Get details required to upload sensor diagnostics data |
Microsoft.IoTSecurity/sensors/read | Gets IoT Sensors |
Real-time data stream processing from millions of IoT devices.
Azure service: Stream Analytics
Action | Description |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action | Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Cluster |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/ListStreamingJobs/action | List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/Read | Read Stream Analytics Cluster |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/Write | Write Stream Analytics Cluster |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/Read | Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/Write | Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/CompileQuery/action | Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/SampleInput/action | Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/TestInput/action | Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/TestOutput/action | Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/TestQuery/action | Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read | Read Stream Analytics Operation Result |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read | Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read | Read Stream Analytics Operations |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/CompileQuery/action | Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/DownloadDiagram/action | Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/GenerateTopologies/action | Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/PublishEdgePackage/action | Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Scale/action | Scale Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Start/action | Start Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Stop/action | Stop Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/TestQuery/action | Test Query for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Write | Write Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/RetrieveDefaultDefinition/action | Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/Test/action | Test Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/Write | Write Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/Sample/action | Sample Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/Test/action | Test Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/Write | Write Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read | Read Metric Definitions |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Job Output |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job Output |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/Test/action | Test Stream Analytics Job Output |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/Write | Write Stream Analytics Job Output |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read | Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Read diagnostic setting. |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Write diagnostic setting. |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for streamingjobs |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/transformations/Delete | Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/transformations/Read | Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/transformations/Write | Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation |