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Develop for Azure Files with .NET

Learn the basics of developing .NET applications that use Azure Files to store data. This article shows how to create a simple console application to do the following with .NET and Azure Files:

  • Get the contents of a file.
  • Set the maximum size, or quota, for a file share.
  • Create a shared access signature (SAS) for a file.
  • Copy a file to another file in the same storage account.
  • Copy a file to a blob in the same storage account.
  • Create a snapshot of a file share.
  • Restore a file from a share snapshot.
  • Use Azure Storage Metrics for troubleshooting.

To learn more about Azure Files, see What is Azure Files?


Check out the Azure Storage code samples repository

For easy-to-use end-to-end Azure Storage code samples that you can download and run, please check out our list of Azure Storage Samples.

Applies to

File share type SMB NFS
Standard file shares (GPv2), LRS/ZRS Yes No
Standard file shares (GPv2), GRS/GZRS Yes No
Premium file shares (FileStorage), LRS/ZRS Yes No

Understanding the .NET APIs

Azure Files provides two broad approaches to client applications: Server Message Block (SMB) and REST. Within .NET, the System.IO and Azure.Storage.Files.Shares APIs abstract these approaches.

API When to use Notes
System.IO Your application:
  • Needs to read/write files by using SMB
  • Is running on a device that has access over port 445 to your Azure Files account
  • Doesn't need to manage any of the administrative settings of the file share
File I/O implemented with Azure Files over SMB is generally the same as I/O with any network file share or local storage device. For an introduction to a number of features in .NET, including file I/O, see the Console Application tutorial.
Azure.Storage.Files.Shares Your application:
  • Can't access Azure Files by using SMB on port 445 because of firewall or ISP constraints
  • Requires administrative functionality, such as the ability to set a file share's quota or create a shared access signature
This article demonstrates the use of Azure.Storage.Files.Shares for file I/O using REST instead of SMB and management of the file share.

Create the console application and obtain the assembly

You can use the Azure Files client library in any type of .NET app. These apps include Azure cloud, web, desktop, and mobile apps. In this guide, we create a console application for simplicity.

In Visual Studio, create a new Windows console application. The following steps show you how to create a console application in Visual Studio 2019. The steps are similar in other versions of Visual Studio.

  1. Start Visual Studio and select Create a new project.
  2. In Create a new project, choose Console App (.NET Framework) for C#, and then select Next.
  3. In Configure your new project, enter a name for the app, and select Create.

Add all the code examples in this article to the Program class in the Program.cs file.

Use NuGet to install the required packages

Refer to these packages in your project:

You can use NuGet to obtain the packages. Follow these steps:

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click your project and choose Manage NuGet Packages.

  2. In NuGet Package Manager, select Browse. Then search for and choose Azure.Core, and then select Install.

    This step installs the package and its dependencies.

  3. Search for and install these packages:

    • Azure.Storage.Blobs
    • Azure.Storage.Files.Shares
    • System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager

Save your storage account credentials to the App.config file

Next, save your credentials in your project's App.config file. In Solution Explorer, double-click App.config and edit the file so that it is similar to the following example.

Replace myaccount with your storage account name and mykey with your storage account key.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="StorageConnectionString" 
      value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=mykey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net" />
    <add key="StorageAccountName" value="myaccount" />
    <add key="StorageAccountKey" value="mykey" />


The Azurite storage emulator doesn't currently support Azure Files. Your connection string must target an Azure storage account in the cloud to work with Azure Files.

Add using directives

In Solution Explorer, open the Program.cs file, and add the following using directives to the top of the file.

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure;
using Azure.Storage;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
using Azure.Storage.Files.Shares;
using Azure.Storage.Files.Shares.Models;
using Azure.Storage.Sas;

Access the file share programmatically

In the Program.cs file, add the following code to access the file share programmatically.

The following method creates a file share if it doesn't already exist. The method starts by creating a ShareClient object from a connection string. The sample then attempts to download a file we created earlier. Call this method from Main().

// Create a file share
public async Task CreateShareAsync(string shareName)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instantiate a ShareClient which will be used to create and manipulate the file share
    ShareClient share = new ShareClient(connectionString, shareName);

    // Create the share if it doesn't already exist
    await share.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

    // Ensure that the share exists
    if (await share.ExistsAsync())
        Console.WriteLine($"Share created: {share.Name}");

        // Get a reference to the sample directory
        ShareDirectoryClient directory = share.GetDirectoryClient("CustomLogs");

        // Create the directory if it doesn't already exist
        await directory.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

        // Ensure that the directory exists
        if (await directory.ExistsAsync())
            // Get a reference to a file object
            ShareFileClient file = directory.GetFileClient("Log1.txt");

            // Ensure that the file exists
            if (await file.ExistsAsync())
                Console.WriteLine($"File exists: {file.Name}");

                // Download the file
                ShareFileDownloadInfo download = await file.DownloadAsync();

                // Save the data to a local file, overwrite if the file already exists
                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(@"downloadedLog1.txt"))
                    await download.Content.CopyToAsync(stream);
                    await stream.FlushAsync();

                    // Display where the file was saved
                    Console.WriteLine($"File downloaded: {stream.Name}");
        Console.WriteLine($"CreateShareAsync failed");

Set the maximum size for a file share

Beginning with version 5.x of the Azure Files client library, you can set the quota (maximum size) for a file share. You can also check to see how much data is currently stored on the share.

Setting the quota for a share limits the total size of the files stored on the share. If the total size of files on the share exceeds the quota, clients can't increase the size of existing files. Clients also can't create new files, unless those files are empty.

The example below shows how to check the current usage for a share and how to set the quota for the share.

// Set the maximum size of a share
public async Task SetMaxShareSizeAsync(string shareName, int increaseSizeInGiB)
    const long ONE_GIBIBYTE = 10737420000; // Number of bytes in 1 gibibyte

    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instantiate a ShareClient which will be used to access the file share
    ShareClient share = new ShareClient(connectionString, shareName);

    // Create the share if it doesn't already exist
    await share.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

    // Ensure that the share exists
    if (await share.ExistsAsync())
        // Get and display current share quota
        ShareProperties properties = await share.GetPropertiesAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"Current share quota: {properties.QuotaInGB} GiB");

        // Get and display current usage stats for the share
        ShareStatistics stats = await share.GetStatisticsAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"Current share usage: {stats.ShareUsageInBytes} bytes");

        // Convert current usage from bytes into GiB
        int currentGiB = (int)(stats.ShareUsageInBytes / ONE_GIBIBYTE);

        // This line sets the quota to be the current 
        // usage of the share plus the increase amount
        await share.SetQuotaAsync(currentGiB + increaseSizeInGiB);

        // Get the new quota and display it
        properties = await share.GetPropertiesAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"New share quota: {properties.QuotaInGB} GiB");

Generate a shared access signature for a file or file share

Beginning with version 5.x of the Azure Files client library, you can generate a shared access signature (SAS) for a file share or for an individual file.

The following example method returns a SAS on a file in the specified share.

// Create a SAS URI for a file
public Uri GetFileSasUri(string shareName, string filePath, DateTime expiration, ShareFileSasPermissions permissions)
    // Get the account details from app settings
    string accountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageAccountName"];
    string accountKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageAccountKey"];

    ShareSasBuilder fileSAS = new ShareSasBuilder()
        ShareName = shareName,
        FilePath = filePath,

        // Specify an Azure file resource
        Resource = "f",

        // Expires in 24 hours
        ExpiresOn = expiration

    // Set the permissions for the SAS

    // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token
    StorageSharedKeyCredential credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey);

    // Build a SAS URI
    UriBuilder fileSasUri = new UriBuilder($"https://{accountName}.file.core.windows.net/{fileSAS.ShareName}/{fileSAS.FilePath}");
    fileSasUri.Query = fileSAS.ToSasQueryParameters(credential).ToString();

    // Return the URI
    return fileSasUri.Uri;

For more information about creating and using shared access signatures, see How a shared access signature works.

Copy files

Beginning with version 5.x of the Azure Files client library, you can copy a file to another file, a file to a blob, or a blob to a file.

You can also use AzCopy to copy one file to another or to copy a blob to a file or the other way around. See Get started with AzCopy.


If you're copying a blob to a file, or a file to a blob, you must use a shared access signature (SAS) to authorize access to the source object, even if you are copying within the same storage account.

Copy a file to another file

The following example copies a file to another file in the same share. You can use Shared Key authentication to do the copy because this operation copies files within the same storage account.

// Copy file within a directory
public async Task CopyFileAsync(string shareName, string sourceFilePath, string destFilePath)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Get a reference to the file we created previously
    ShareFileClient sourceFile = new ShareFileClient(connectionString, shareName, sourceFilePath);

    // Ensure that the source file exists
    if (await sourceFile.ExistsAsync())
        // Get a reference to the destination file
        ShareFileClient destFile = new ShareFileClient(connectionString, shareName, destFilePath);

        // Start the copy operation
        await destFile.StartCopyAsync(sourceFile.Uri);

        if (await destFile.ExistsAsync())
            Console.WriteLine($"{sourceFile.Uri} copied to {destFile.Uri}");

Copy a file to a blob

The following example creates a file and copies it to a blob within the same storage account. The example creates a SAS for the source file, which the service uses to authorize access to the source file during the copy operation.

// Copy a file from a share to a blob
public async Task CopyFileToBlobAsync(string shareName, string sourceFilePath, string containerName, string blobName)
    // Get a file SAS from the method created ealier
    Uri fileSasUri = GetFileSasUri(shareName, sourceFilePath, DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24), ShareFileSasPermissions.Read);

    // Get a reference to the file we created previously
    ShareFileClient sourceFile = new ShareFileClient(fileSasUri);

    // Ensure that the source file exists
    if (await sourceFile.ExistsAsync())
        // Get the connection string from app settings
        string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

        // Get a reference to the destination container
        BlobContainerClient container = new BlobContainerClient(connectionString, containerName);

        // Create the container if it doesn't already exist
        await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

        BlobClient destBlob = container.GetBlobClient(blobName);

        await destBlob.StartCopyFromUriAsync(sourceFile.Uri);

        if (await destBlob.ExistsAsync())
            Console.WriteLine($"File {sourceFile.Name} copied to blob {destBlob.Name}");

You can copy a blob to a file in the same way. If the source object is a blob, then create a SAS to authorize access to that blob during the copy operation.

Share snapshots

Beginning with version 8.5 of the Azure Files client library, you can create a share snapshot. You can also list or browse share snapshots and delete share snapshots. Once created, share snapshots are read-only.

Create share snapshots

The following example creates a file share snapshot.

// Create a share snapshot
public async Task CreateShareSnapshotAsync(string shareName)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Instantiate a ShareClient which will be used to access the file share
    ShareClient share = shareServiceClient.GetShareClient(shareName);

    // Ensure that the share exists
    if (await share.ExistsAsync())
        // Create a snapshot
        ShareSnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = await share.CreateSnapshotAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"Snapshot created: {snapshotInfo.Snapshot}");

List share snapshots

The following example lists the snapshots on a share.

// List the snapshots on a share
public void ListShareSnapshots()
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareServiceClient = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Display each share and the snapshots on each share
    foreach (ShareItem item in shareServiceClient.GetShares(ShareTraits.All, ShareStates.Snapshots))
        if (null != item.Snapshot)
            Console.WriteLine($"Share: {item.Name}\tSnapshot: {item.Snapshot}");

List files and directories within share snapshots

The following example browses files and directories within share snapshots.

// List the snapshots on a share
public void ListSnapshotContents(string shareName, string snapshotTime)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareService = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Get a ShareClient
    ShareClient share = shareService.GetShareClient(shareName);

    Console.WriteLine($"Share: {share.Name}");

    // Get as ShareClient that points to a snapshot
    ShareClient snapshot = share.WithSnapshot(snapshotTime);

    // Get the root directory in the snapshot share
    ShareDirectoryClient rootDir = snapshot.GetRootDirectoryClient();

    // Recursively list the directory tree

// Recursively list a directory tree
public void ListDirTree(ShareDirectoryClient dir)
    // List the files and directories in the snapshot
    foreach (ShareFileItem item in dir.GetFilesAndDirectories())
        if (item.IsDirectory)
            Console.WriteLine($"Directory: {item.Name}");
            ShareDirectoryClient subDir = dir.GetSubdirectoryClient(item.Name);
            Console.WriteLine($"File: {dir.Name}\\{item.Name}");

Restore file shares or files from share snapshots

Taking a snapshot of a file share enables you to recover individual files or the entire file share.

You can restore a file from a file share snapshot by querying the share snapshots of a file share. You can then retrieve a file that belongs to a particular share snapshot. Use that version to directly read or to restore the file.

// Restore file from snapshot
public async Task RestoreFileFromSnapshot(string shareName, string directoryName, string fileName, string snapshotTime)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareService = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Get a ShareClient
    ShareClient share = shareService.GetShareClient(shareName);

    // Get as ShareClient that points to a snapshot
    ShareClient snapshot = share.WithSnapshot(snapshotTime);

    // Get a ShareDirectoryClient, then a ShareFileClient to the snapshot file
    ShareDirectoryClient snapshotDir = snapshot.GetDirectoryClient(directoryName);
    ShareFileClient snapshotFile = snapshotDir.GetFileClient(fileName);

    // Get a ShareDirectoryClient, then a ShareFileClient to the live file
    ShareDirectoryClient liveDir = share.GetDirectoryClient(directoryName);
    ShareFileClient liveFile = liveDir.GetFileClient(fileName);

    // Restore the file from the snapshot
    ShareFileCopyInfo copyInfo = await liveFile.StartCopyAsync(snapshotFile.Uri);

    // Display the status of the operation
    Console.WriteLine($"Restore status: {copyInfo.CopyStatus}");

Delete share snapshots

The following example deletes a file share snapshot.

// Delete a snapshot
public async Task DeleteSnapshotAsync(string shareName, string snapshotTime)
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareService = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Get a ShareClient
    ShareClient share = shareService.GetShareClient(shareName);

    // Get a ShareClient that points to a snapshot
    ShareClient snapshotShare = share.WithSnapshot(snapshotTime);

        // Delete the snapshot
        await snapshotShare.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
    catch (RequestFailedException ex)
        Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Error code: {ex.Status}\t{ex.ErrorCode}");

Troubleshoot Azure Files by using metrics

Azure Storage Analytics supports metrics for Azure Files. With metrics data, you can trace requests and diagnose issues.

You can enable metrics for Azure Files from the Azure portal. You can also enable metrics programmatically by calling the Set File Service Properties operation with the REST API or one of its analogs in the Azure Files client library.

The following code example shows how to use the .NET client library to enable metrics for Azure Files.

// Use metrics
public async Task UseMetricsAsync()
    // Get the connection string from app settings
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];

    // Instatiate a ShareServiceClient
    ShareServiceClient shareService = new ShareServiceClient(connectionString);

    // Set metrics properties for File service
    await shareService.SetPropertiesAsync(new ShareServiceProperties()
        // Set hour metrics
        HourMetrics = new ShareMetrics()
            Enabled = true,
            IncludeApis = true,
            Version = "1.0",

            RetentionPolicy = new ShareRetentionPolicy()
                Enabled = true,
                Days = 14

        // Set minute metrics
        MinuteMetrics = new ShareMetrics()
            Enabled = true,
            IncludeApis = true,
            Version = "1.0",

            RetentionPolicy = new ShareRetentionPolicy()
                Enabled = true,
                Days = 7

    // Read the metrics properties we just set
    ShareServiceProperties serviceProperties = await shareService.GetPropertiesAsync();

    // Display the properties
    Console.WriteLine($"HourMetrics.InludeApis: {serviceProperties.HourMetrics.IncludeApis}");
    Console.WriteLine($"HourMetrics.RetentionPolicy.Days: {serviceProperties.HourMetrics.RetentionPolicy.Days}");
    Console.WriteLine($"HourMetrics.Version: {serviceProperties.HourMetrics.Version}");
    Console.WriteLine($"MinuteMetrics.InludeApis: {serviceProperties.MinuteMetrics.IncludeApis}");
    Console.WriteLine($"MinuteMetrics.RetentionPolicy.Days: {serviceProperties.MinuteMetrics.RetentionPolicy.Days}");
    Console.WriteLine($"MinuteMetrics.Version: {serviceProperties.MinuteMetrics.Version}");

If you encounter any problems, refer to Troubleshoot Azure Files.

Next steps

For more information about Azure Files, see the following resources:

For related code samples using deprecated .NET version 11.x SDKs, see Code samples using .NET version 11.x.