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Common Data Model metadata: Introducing manifest

In a data lake, a Common Data Model folder is a collection, spread over sub-folders or accounts, of the data files and schema description files that constitute a set of related entities that have been organized together for some purpose, such as to back an application or perform analysis. This collection of related data is sometimes called a solution. A Common Data Model manifest object and the document that contains one (*.manifest.cdm.json) is an organizing document that acts as an entry point directory that points to the items in the Common Data Model folder. The manifest object describes the list of entities in the solution, giving a detailed schema description for each entity, a collection of data partition files for each entity, a list of the known relationships between entities, and potentially other sub-manifest objects that are nested solutions.

Those familiar with the model.json file and the format that describes a Common Data Model folder will recognize the manifest as a similar but expanded concept. In fact, the Common Data Model object model offers backward compatibility with the model.json format.

You can also use a manifest to organize purely abstract entity definitions as a way of sharing standard schemas. In this form (a Common Data Model domain), the manifest lists the entities with schema documents, known relationships, and sub-manifests, but doesn't give the data partition file locations for the entities.

A folder may contain multiple manifest documents, each presenting an alternate view or organization of the entities. You can use these views to hide, simplify, or focus the entities in a solution for different personas, or to show different business perspectives. By convention, if there are multiple manifest documents in a folder, the document named default.manifest.cdm.json should be used when there is no specific manifest name.

A manifest document has this structure:

  • Version information

  • Imports

  • Manifest definition

    • Entity list

      • Local entity declaration

        • Data partition list

        • Data partition pattern list

      • Referenced entity declaration

    • Relationship list

    • Sub-manifest list


Use imports to specify the schema documents that need to be imported first.

Because a manifest uses Common Data Model traits to provide the details about data partitions, attributes, and so on, most of the time, a single import of cdm:/foundations.cdm.json is sufficient to get the standard definitions for these traits.

Shared concepts inside the manifest

The manifest object and the Common Data Model objects it contains, share some properties and methods.

Property/Method Description
***Name The name of the object where *** is the type of the object (for example, ManifestName).
Explanation A string that documents the use or meaning of the object or reference.
ExhibitsTraits A collection of Common Data Model trait references that provides detailed meanings, semantics, usage parameters, or other application specific metadata.
FileStatusCheckAsync() A method that updates the information about the modified times for the files that the model references.
File status times See file status check and modified times.


The list of entities in a manifest represents a joint context or purpose, such as the entities used for an application or a data analysis project. Some of these entities are owned by the manifest—that is, the manifest knows the location of the schema definition files and all of the data partition files. The owner of the manifest document is responsible for managing that set of data. It's also possible for a manifest to simply borrow an entity that a different manifest owns. The application that owns the main manifest can write and maintain the data for the entities it owns but it can only act as a reader for the borrowed entities. An entity listing can be one of two types: a local entity declaration or a referenced entity declaration.

Local entity declaration

For an entity that the manifest owns, the entity declaration describes the location of the schema document where details about the entity metadata, the set of data partition files that contains the data records for the entity, and the file location hints that can be used to discover new data partitions, can all be found. The declaration also has the shared features described earlier in the shared concepts inside the manifest section.

Property Description
EntityName The name of the local (owned) entity.
EntityPath A corpus path to the entity definition in its containing document.

For example, “local:/MyEntity.cdm.json/MyEntity”. By convention, this entity definition should be the "resolved" form of a definition, meaning that any layers of abstraction that would make the definition difficult to interpret has been removed. This is the "default" schema that should be used for any partition file that doesn't offer a specialized alternate schema.
DataPartitions A collection of data partition objects that each describes the location, format, and perhaps specific details about one file that contains the data records for the local entity.
DataPartitionPatterns A pattern that describes a search space over a set of files that can be used to infer or discover and then list new data partition files. These patterns are used when many partition files are being regularly added in a structured way and finding or listing them individually is impractical.

Data partition

A data partition object describes and points to an entity's data file. Common Data Model traits on this object give detailed information about the file format and the options for parsing them. By default, the data should be interpreted using the schema description that the associated local entity declaration indicates. However, as schemas can change over time and older files may have different content than newer files, an override of the default entity schema can be used for a specific partition file.

Data partitions may be generated at runtime by the object model using a data partition pattern. A property indicates if the partition description was generated in-memory or if the description was explicitly created and stored with the folder.

Property Description
DataPartitionName An optional name for the data partition.
Location The corpus path to the data file location.
Inferred A boolean that denotes if the data partition object was created through the use of a data partition pattern and only exists in-memory in the object model. If Inferred is false, the partition information will be saved with the folder and it will override any identical partitions that are inferred in the future.
SpecializedSchema An optional corpus path that points to an entity definition within a containing document that describes this partition as an override of the default shape of data. This normally comes from the EntitySchema property of the entity declaration that contains this partition.
RefreshTime A place for the application that owns the manifest to store a “refresh” time for the data in the file.
Arguments A mapping of argument names to one or more values that are associated with that argument. An array of data partition argument objects that holds a set of name/value pairs. If the data partition is generated from a data partition pattern, then these argument names will match the parameters specified on the pattern object, and the values will be those discovered from the regular expression of the pattern.

Data partition specific traits

A data partition's trait collection is used to hold data partition specific settings and behaviors.

Trait/Parameter Description
is.partition.format.CSV Indicates a text file with a fixed set of columns with column separators, text qualifiers, etc.
columnHeaders True if the first row of the file contains names for columns.
csvStyle The CSV style, which is always either CsvStyle.QuoteAlways or CsvStyle.QuoteAfterDelimiter. The default is CsvStyle.QuoteAlways.
delimiter The delimiter type in the .csv file.
quoteStyle The quote style, which is always either QuoteStyle.Csv or QuoteStyle.None. The default is QuoteStyle.Csv, meaning that text values are quote delimited.
is.partition.format.parquet The file format settings of a partition parquet file.
is.partition.culture The culture for data formats in the file.
culture The default is “us-en”.

Data partition patterns

An entity declaration can specify one or more data partition pattern objects, one for each search pattern that can be used to discover and describe partition files. The use of a pattern (using the Common Data Model object model) may result in dynamically discovered data partition objects in the collection.

Property Description
RootLocation A corpus path that acts as the starting location from which the patterns mentioned in the RegularExpression property should be matched, or from which the object model should start when searching for inferred data partitions.
RegularExpression A regular expression that may contain (capture) sub-expressions for the folders and files to seek. This regular expression should describe locations relative to the location given in the RootLocation property. Any captured values should have corresponding (in order) names supplied in the parameters list.
Parameters An array of strings that give names for the replacement values extracted from the regular expression. The order of the strings corresponds to the order of the (replacement) capture expressions in the RegularExpression property. If a data partition pattern is used to generate inferred partitions, the resulting inferred partition will have a collection of arguments corresponding to these parameter names and the value(s) discovered.
SpecializedSchema An optional corpus path that points to an entity definition. The path will be used for the SpecializedSchema property for any partitions that are generated from this pattern. It is used when the data partition has a different schema than the default schema for the containing entity.

Here are a few examples that show the interplay of RootLocation, RegularExpression, and Parameters.

All .csv files in a folder

Make a partition for each ‘Customer’ CSV data file that's located in the Customer/dataFiles/folder (relative to the folder in which the manifest document exists). Assume there are no sub-directories.



Customer/dataFiles/last-year.csv.backup (not matched)

RootLocation RegularExpression RegularExpression explanation Parameters
Customer/dataFiles/ .+\.csv$ One or more of any character followed by only ‘.csv’. None needed

All .csv files in structured folders with information in the file name

Extract the year, month, and cohort number from the file paths and make them arguments.





RootLocation RegularExpression RegularExpression explanation Parameters
dataFiles/ (\d{4})/(\w+)/ cohort(\d+)\.csv$ Capture 4 digits/capture a word/capture one or more digits after the word 'cohort' but before '.csv'. Year, month, cohort number

All files in any sub-folder

Extract the file extension.





RootLocation RegularExpression RegularExpression explanation Parameters
dataFiles/ .+\.(\w+)$ One or more characters followed by only a ‘.’ and a captured word. Extension

Order of processing and conflicts

Since one entity can have many partition patterns that use different root locations and different regular expressions, it's possible for the multiple partition patterns to find the same files. It's also possible for a "found" partition to conflict with one of the non-inferred (explicitly listed) partitions for the entity. When a conflict happens, the following rules determine which argument values and specialized schema apply to a new inferred partition:

  1. Inferred partitions never overwrite existing, non-inferred partitions on the same entity.

  2. The last pattern processed takes precedence.

Referenced entity declaration

The reference to an entity owned by a different manifest is simply a name and a location.

Property Description
EntityName The name of the referenced entity.
EntityPath A corpus path to the entity declaration in the referenced manifest document.

For example, “remote:/otherSolution/default.manifest.cdm.json/ThatEntity".


When a set of related manifests form a logical hierarchy, the hierarchy can be described using sub-manifests. A manifest object can indicate a list of sub-manifests. A sub-manifest may be an independent solution but often the entities in a sub-manifest are "aware of", "extensions of", or "built upon" the entities in the manifest(s) that are the "parent" of the sub-manifest.

A manifest has a collection of manifest declarations called SubManifests.

Property Description
Definition The corpus path to the sub-manifest’s *.manifest.cdm.json document.

Entity relationships

A manifest may contain a list of the known entity-to-entity relationships. When you store relational data in a lake, you store the different entities in separate sets of data partitions. these relationships are expressed in the data through foreign key references in one entity’s partitions. These foreign key references align with the primary key values from another entity.

These entity-to-entity relationship descriptions can be extracted from an external metadata repository and stored in the manifest through automation, or simply listed in the document through other means. Alternatively, the Common Data Model object model offers functionality to analyze the logical metadata of the entities in the corpus and populate the discovered relationships for a manifest.

Currently, only single-attribute relationships are supported. All relationships are modeled from the "many side" to the "one side", that is, from the referencing entity to the one referenced record in another entity. A “many-to-many” relationship is modeled from the intersection entity, which correlates two “many-to-one” relationships.

Property Description
FromEntity A corpus path to the document or entity on the many side of the relationship.
FromEntityAttribute The name of the referencing entity attribute (a foreign key).
ToEntity A corpus path to the document or entity on the one side of the relationship.
ToEntityAttribute The name of the referenced entity attribute, often the primary key of that entity.

Method Description
CdmCorpusDefinition.CalculateEntityGraphAsync(...) Causes the corpus to calculate and cache knowledge about all entity-to-entity relationships found in the logical entity descriptions for the given manifest, and all of the sub-manifests that it indicates.
CdmManifestDefinition.PopulateManifestRelationshipsAsync(...) The manifest uses the graph of relationships held in the corpus to create the set of relationship descriptions for any entity that is on either the one side or the many side of a known relationship.

File status check and modified times

The manifest object and the objects it contains, collect and report information about the modification times for the files being referenced. The following properties are shared:

Property Description
LastFileStatusCheckTime The last time that the status of files and sub-objects was checked. Set directly using application logic or indirectly by the FileStatusCheckAsync() method.
LastFileModifiedTime The last time reported from the file system about modifications, saving of the files, or objects tracked.
LastChildFileModifiedTime The greatest last time reported by any of the child objects about their file status check times. Since the FileStatusCheckAsync() method can be called on individual objects, or individual files can be updated at different times, this property will help locate the latest changed child.

The meanings of these times and the scope of the FileStatusCheckAsync() method depend upon the specific object.

Object FileStatusCheckAsync()
Manifest Checks manifest, all entity declarations, and sub-manifests.
Local entity Checks the schema documents and all data partitions and patterns for the entity.
Referenced entity Checks the remote manifest document.
Data partition Checks the file indicated by the partitions and the optional AlternateSchema document.
Data partition pattern Invokes the evaluation of the data partition pattern and creation of new partitions.
Sub-manifest Checks the sub-manifest file.

Example manifest document

This sample manifest document demonstrates each of the above-mentioned capabilities for the manifest object:

    "manifestName": "MySolution",
    "jsonSchemaSemanticVersion": "0.9.0",
    "imports": [{
        "corpusPath": "cdm:/foundations.cdm.json"
    "lastFileStatusCheckTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
    "lastFileModifiedTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
    "lastChildFileModifiedTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
    "entities": [{
        "entityName": "Person",
        "entitySchema": "PersonData/Person.cdm.json/Person",
        "dataPartitions": [{
            "location": "PersonData/all-people.csv",
            "exhibitsTraits": [{
                "traitReference": "is.partition.format.CSV",
                "arguments": [{
                    "name": "columnHeaders",
                    "value": "true"
                }, {
                    "name": "delimiter",
                    "value": ","
    }, {
        "entityName": "EmailMessage",
        "entityPath": "EmailMessageData/EmailMessage.cdm.json/EmailMessage",
        "dataPartitions": [{
            "location": "EmailMessageData/Sep/emails.csv",
            "exhibitsTraits": [],
            "arguments": [{
                "month": [
            "lastFileStatusCheckTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
            "lastFileModifiedTime": "2019-09-01T02:19:06Z"
        }, {
            "location": "EmailMessageData/Oct/emails.csv",
            "exhibitsTraits": [],
            "arguments": [{
                "month": [
            "lastFileStatusCheckTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
            "lastFileModifiedTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z"
        "dataPartitionPatterns": [{
            "name": "EmailByMonth",
            "rootLocation": "EmailMessageData/",
            // This pattern is what describes the partitions found above 
            "regularExpression": "(\\\\w{3})/emails.csv)",
            "parameters": [
        "lastFileStatusCheckTime": "2019-10-01T02:09:08Z",
        "lastFileModifiedTime": "2019-09-27T02:09:08.149Z",
        "lastChildFileModifiedTime": "2019-09-27T02:09:08.149Z"
    }, {
        // This is a referenced entity declaration. 
        // We are just pointing at another manifest and entity.
        "entityName": "FrequentPairs",
        "explanation": "Borrow the analysis of frequent email pairs from that project",
        "entityPath": "networkProject/NetworkAnalysis.manifest.cdm.json/FrequentPairs"
    "relationships": [
        // A relationship between the entities.
            "fromEntity": "EmailMessageData/EmailMessage.cdm.json/EmailMessage",
            "fromEntityAttribute": "ownerId",
            "toEntity": "PersonData/Person.cdm.json/Person",
            "toEntityAttribute": "personId"
    "submanifests": [
        // This sub-manifest is independent but described here so we know it's related
            "name": "NetworkAnalysis",
            "definition": "networkProject/NetworkAnalysis.manifest.cdm.json"