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Char.IsPunctuation Method


Indicates whether a Unicode character is categorized as a punctuation mark.



Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a punctuation mark.

IsPunctuation(String, Int32)

Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a punctuation mark.


The following code example demonstrates IsPunctuation.

using namespace System;
int main()
   char ch = '.';
   Console::WriteLine( Char::IsPunctuation( ch ) ); // Output: "True"
   Console::WriteLine( Char::IsPunctuation(  "no punctuation", 3 ) ); // Output: "False"
using System;

public class IsPunctuationSample {
    public static void Main() {
        char ch = '.';

        Console.WriteLine(Char.IsPunctuation(ch));						// Output: "True"
        Console.WriteLine(Char.IsPunctuation("no punctuation", 3));		// Output: "False"
open System

let ch = '.'

printfn $"{Char.IsPunctuation ch}"                       // Output: "True"
printfn $"""{Char.IsPunctuation("no punctuation", 3)}""" // Output: "False"
Module IsPunctuationSample

    Sub Main()

        Dim ch As Char
        ch = "."c

        Console.WriteLine(Char.IsPunctuation(ch))                   ' Output: "True"
        Console.WriteLine(Char.IsPunctuation("no punctuation", 3))  ' Output: "False"

    End Sub

End Module


Valid punctuation marks are members of the following categories in UnicodeCategory: ConnectorPunctuation, DashPunctuation, OpenPunctuation, ClosePunctuation, InitialQuotePunctuation, FinalQuotePunctuation, or OtherPunctuation. They include characters with the Unicode code points listed in the following table.

U+0021 to U+0023 U+060C and U+060D U+1800 to U+180A U+3014 to U+301F
U+0025 to U+002A U+061B U+1944 and U+1945 U+3030
U+002C to U+002F U+061E and U+061F U+19DE and U+19DF U+303D
U+003A and U+003B U+066A to U+066D U+1A1E and U+1A1F U+30A0
U+003F and U+0040 U+06D4 U+1B5A to U+1B60 U+30FB
U+005B to U+005D U+0700 to U+070D U+2010 to U+2027 U+A874 to U+A877
U+005F U+07F7 to U+07F9 U+2030 to U+2043 U+FD3E and U+FD3F
U+007B U+0964 and U+0965 U+2045 to U+2051 U+FE10 to U+FE19
U+007D U+0970 U+2053 to U+205E U+FE30 to U+FE52
U+00A1 U+0DF4 U+207D and U+207E U+FE54 to U+FE61
U+00AB U+0E4F to U+0E5B U+208D and U+208E U+FE63
U+00AD U+0F04 to U+0F12 U+2329 and U+232A U+FE68
U+00B7 U+0F3A to U+0F3D U+2768 to U+2775 U+FE6A and U+FE6B
U+00BB U+0F85 U+27C5 to U+27C6 U+FF01 to U+FF03
U+00BF U+0FD0 and U+0FD1 U+27E6 to U+27EB U+FF05 to U+FF0A
U+037E U+104A to U+104F U+2983 to U+2998 U+FF0C to U+FF0F
U+0387 U+10FB U+29D8 to U+29DB U+FF1A and U+FF1B
U+055A to U+055F U+1361 to U+1368 U+29FC and U+29FD U+FF1F and U+FF20
U+0589 and U+058A U+166D and U+166E U+2CF9 to U+2CFC U+FF3B to U+FF3D
U+05BE U+169B and U+169C U+2CFE and U+2CFF U+FF3F
U+05C0 U+16EB to U+16ED U+2E00 to U+2E17 U+FF5B
U+05C3 U+1735 and U+1736 U+2E1C and U+2E1D U+FF5D
U+05C6 U+17D4 to U+17D6 U+3001 to U+3003 U+FF5F to U+FF65
U+05F3 and U+05F4 U+17D8 to U+17DA U+3008 to U+3011



Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a punctuation mark.

 static bool IsPunctuation(char c);
public static bool IsPunctuation (char c);
static member IsPunctuation : char -> bool
Public Shared Function IsPunctuation (c As Char) As Boolean



The Unicode character to evaluate.


true if c is a punctuation mark; otherwise, false.


Valid punctuation marks are members of the following categories in UnicodeCategory: ConnectorPunctuation, DashPunctuation, OpenPunctuation, ClosePunctuation, InitialQuotePunctuation, FinalQuotePunctuation, or OtherPunctuation. They include characters with the Unicode code points listed in the following table.

U+0021 to U+0023 U+060C and U+060D U+1800 to U+180A U+3014 to U+301F
U+0025 to U+002A U+061B U+1944 and U+1945 U+3030
U+002C to U+002F U+061E and U+061F U+19DE and U+19DF U+303D
U+003A and U+003B U+066A to U+066D U+1A1E and U+1A1F U+30A0
U+003F and U+0040 U+06D4 U+1B5A to U+1B60 U+30FB
U+005B to U+005D U+0700 to U+070D U+2010 to U+2027 U+A874 to U+A877
U+005F U+07F7 to U+07F9 U+2030 to U+2043 U+FD3E and U+FD3F
U+007B U+0964 and U+0965 U+2045 to U+2051 U+FE10 to U+FE19
U+007D U+0970 U+2053 to U+205E U+FE30 to U+FE52
U+00A1 U+0DF4 U+207D and U+207E U+FE54 to U+FE61
U+00AB U+0E4F to U+0E5B U+208D and U+208E U+FE63
U+00AD U+0F04 to U+0F12 U+2329 and U+232A U+FE68
U+00B7 U+0F3A to U+0F3D U+2768 to U+2775 U+FE6A and U+FE6B
U+00BB U+0F85 U+27C5 to U+27C6 U+FF01 to U+FF03
U+00BF U+0FD0 and U+0FD1 U+27E6 to U+27EB U+FF05 to U+FF0A
U+037E U+104A to U+104F U+2983 to U+2998 U+FF0C to U+FF0F
U+0387 U+10FB U+29D8 to U+29DB U+FF1A and U+FF1B
U+055A to U+055F U+1361 to U+1368 U+29FC and U+29FD U+FF1F and U+FF20
U+0589 and U+058A U+166D and U+166E U+2CF9 to U+2CFC U+FF3B to U+FF3D
U+05BE U+169B and U+169C U+2CFE and U+2CFF U+FF3F
U+05C0 U+16EB to U+16ED U+2E00 to U+2E17 U+FF5B
U+05C3 U+1735 and U+1736 U+2E1C and U+2E1D U+FF5D
U+05C6 U+17D4 to U+17D6 U+3001 to U+3003 U+FF5F to U+FF65
U+05F3 and U+05F4 U+17D8 to U+17DA U+3008 to U+3011

See also

Applies to

IsPunctuation(String, Int32)


Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a punctuation mark.

 static bool IsPunctuation(System::String ^ s, int index);
public static bool IsPunctuation (string s, int index);
static member IsPunctuation : string * int -> bool
Public Shared Function IsPunctuation (s As String, index As Integer) As Boolean



A string.


The position of the character to evaluate in s.


true if the character at position index in s is a punctuation mark; otherwise, false.


index is less than zero or greater than the last position in s.


Character positions in a string are indexed starting from zero.

Valid punctuation marks are members of the following categories in UnicodeCategory: ConnectorPunctuation, DashPunctuation, OpenPunctuation, ClosePunctuation, InitialQuotePunctuation, FinalQuotePunctuation, or OtherPunctuation. They include characters with the Unicode code points listed in the following table.

U+0021 to U+0023 U+060C and U+060D U+1800 to U+180A U+3014 to U+301F
U+0025 to U+002A U+061B U+1944 and U+1945 U+3030
U+002C to U+002F U+061E and U+061F U+19DE and U+19DF U+303D
U+003A and U+003B U+066A to U+066D U+1A1E and U+1A1F U+30A0
U+003F and U+0040 U+06D4 U+1B5A to U+1B60 U+30FB
U+005B to U+005D U+0700 to U+070D U+2010 to U+2027 U+A874 to U+A877
U+005F U+07F7 to U+07F9 U+2030 to U+2043 U+FD3E and U+FD3F
U+007B U+0964 and U+0965 U+2045 to U+2051 U+FE10 to U+FE19
U+007D U+0970 U+2053 to U+205E U+FE30 to U+FE52
U+00A1 U+0DF4 U+207D and U+207E U+FE54 to U+FE61
U+00AB U+0E4F to U+0E5B U+208D and U+208E U+FE63
U+00AD U+0F04 to U+0F12 U+2329 and U+232A U+FE68
U+00B7 U+0F3A to U+0F3D U+2768 to U+2775 U+FE6A and U+FE6B
U+00BB U+0F85 U+27C5 to U+27C6 U+FF01 to U+FF03
U+00BF U+0FD0 and U+0FD1 U+27E6 to U+27EB U+FF05 to U+FF0A
U+037E U+104A to U+104F U+2983 to U+2998 U+FF0C to U+FF0F
U+0387 U+10FB U+29D8 to U+29DB U+FF1A and U+FF1B
U+055A to U+055F U+1361 to U+1368 U+29FC and U+29FD U+FF1F and U+FF20
U+0589 and U+058A U+166D and U+166E U+2CF9 to U+2CFC U+FF3B to U+FF3D
U+05BE U+169B and U+169C U+2CFE and U+2CFF U+FF3F
U+05C0 U+16EB to U+16ED U+2E00 to U+2E17 U+FF5B
U+05C3 U+1735 and U+1736 U+2E1C and U+2E1D U+FF5D
U+05C6 U+17D4 to U+17D6 U+3001 to U+3003 U+FF5F to U+FF65
U+05F3 and U+05F4 U+17D8 to U+17DA U+3008 to U+3011

See also

Applies to