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PageParserFilter.GetNoCompileUserControlType Method


Returns a Type that should be used for pages or controls that are not dynamically compiled.

 virtual Type ^ GetNoCompileUserControlType();
public virtual Type GetNoCompileUserControlType ();
abstract member GetNoCompileUserControlType : unit -> Type
override this.GetNoCompileUserControlType : unit -> Type
Public Overridable Function GetNoCompileUserControlType () As Type


The return Type that should be used for pages or controls that are not dynamically compiled. The default is null.


You can override the GetNoCompileUserControlType method to specify the return type of pages or controls that are treated as if they are not dynamically compiled. The default is null.

GetNoCompileUserControlType is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see Versions and Dependencies.

Applies to

See also