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WebPartManagerInternals Class


Isolates into a separate class methods that are used by the WebPartManager control and can be overridden by developers who extend the control, but are rarely needed by page developers.

public ref class WebPartManagerInternals sealed
public sealed class WebPartManagerInternals
type WebPartManagerInternals = class
Public NotInheritable Class WebPartManagerInternals


The WebPartManager class is the largest class in the Web Parts control set. It is also among the most important Web Parts classes because it is used on every Web page that contains Web Parts controls, and it coordinates and manages all Web Parts controls on a page.

Because the WebPartManager class is used so frequently, and because it contains so many exposed methods, some methods needed mostly by control developers who are extending the WebPartManager control are contained in the WebPartManagerInternals class. This isolation of less-used methods into the WebPartManagerInternals class simplifies the API of the WebPartManager class, and the isolated methods do not appear on the WebPartManager object in IntelliSense.

Developers who use the WebPartManagerInternals class are likely to have scenarios where they need to inherit from the WebPartManager control and customize it extensively. For example, if you are building a Web portal application or a packaged set of Web Parts controls with custom display modes, custom zones, custom verbs, custom WebPart controls, and other extensions of the base Web Parts user interface (UI), in many cases (not all) you will need to override and extend some of the WebPartManager members. And although the WebPartManagerInternals class is sealed so you cannot inherit from it, your custom WebPartManager class will likely need to call a number of the WebPartManagerInternals methods in order to manage Web Parts controls on a page.


Like the WebPartManager class, the WebPartManagerInternals class provides a server control that has no UI and is never visible on a page. Unlike WebPartManager, the WebPartManagerInternals class is never declared in the markup of a page; it is strictly a worker object that performs background tasks. The typical way of using it is demonstrated by the WebPartManager class, which references it by means of the protected Internals property, and uses the referenced object to call the WebPartManagerInternals methods.

The WebPartManagerInternals class contains only methods; there are no properties or events. All the methods in the class involve managing WebPart controls, or connections between controls.

To handle WebPart controls, WebPartManagerInternals includes methods for adding them (AddWebPart), removing them RemoveWebPart), handling events CallOnDeleting), getting or setting details about their relationship to their zone (for example, GetZoneID and SetZoneIndex), or setting basic WebPart control properties (for example, SetIsClosed and SetHasSharedData).

To handle connections, WebPartManagerInternals includes methods for deleting them (DeleteConnection), setting which transformer object to use (SetTransformer), setting whether a connection is shared and whether it is static (SetIsShared(WebPartConnection, Boolean) and SetIsStatic(WebPartConnection, Boolean)), and setting a connection error message to use (SetConnectErrorMessage).



Adds a WebPart or server control to the WebPartManager control's collection of WebPart controls on a Web page.


Calls the OnClosing(EventArgs) method of the specified control.


Calls the OnConnectModeChanged(EventArgs) method of the specified control.


Calls the OnDeleting(EventArgs) method of the specified control.


Calls the OnEditModeChanged(EventArgs) method of the specified control.


Indicates whether the specified WebPartConnection object has been deleted.


Creates an object based on the parameter passed to the method.


Sets a property to indicate that the specified connection object has been deleted.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the ID of a zone that contains the specified WebPart or server control.

LoadConfigurationState(WebPartTransformer, Object)

Loads previously saved state data for a WebPartTransformer object that participates in a connection between controls.


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Removes a WebPart or other server control from the WebPartManager control's collection of controls.


Saves state data for a WebPartTransformer object that participates in a connection between controls.

SetConnectErrorMessage(WebPart, String)

Establishes an errors message, and causes the WebPartChrome object that is responsible for rendering a WebPart control to render that message rather than the contents of the control.

SetHasSharedData(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets a property on a WebPart or other server control indicating whether the control has shared personalization data.

SetHasUserData(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets a property on a WebPart or other server control indicating whether the control has user personalization data.

SetIsClosed(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets the IsClosed property of a WebPart control.

SetIsShared(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets the IsShared property of a WebPart control.

SetIsShared(WebPartConnection, Boolean)

Sets the IsShared property of a WebPartConnection object.

SetIsStandalone(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets the IsStandalone property of a WebPart control.

SetIsStatic(WebPart, Boolean)

Sets the IsStatic property of a WebPart control.

SetIsStatic(WebPartConnection, Boolean)

Sets the IsStatic property of a WebPartConnection object.

SetTransformer(WebPartConnection, WebPartTransformer)

Assigns a WebPartTransformer object to be used in a connection between two server controls.

SetZoneID(WebPart, String)

Sets a property that enables a WebPart or server control to keep the ID of the containing zone.

SetZoneIndex(WebPart, Int32)

Sets the index of the specified control within its zone relative to the other WebPart controls within the zone.


Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Applies to

See also