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Tutorial: Configure F5 BIG-IP SSL-VPN for Microsoft Entra SSO

In this tutorial, learn how to integrate F5 BIG-IP based secure socket layer virtual private network (SSL-VPN) with Microsoft Entra ID for secure hybrid access (SHA).

Enabling a BIG-IP SSL-VPN for Microsoft Entra single sign-on (SSO) provides many benefits, including:

To learn about more benefits, see

Scenario description

In this scenario, the BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) instance of the SSL-VPN service is configured as a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) service provider (SP) and Microsoft Entra ID is the trusted SAML identity provider (IdP). Single sign-on (SSO) from Microsoft Entra ID is through claims-based authentication to the BIG-IP APM, a seamless virtual private network (VPN) access experience.

Diagram of integration architecture.


Replace example strings or values in this guide with those in your environment.


Prior experience or knowledge of F5 BIG-IP isn't necessary, however, you need:

  • A Microsoft Entra subscription
  • User identities synchronized from their on-premises directory to Microsoft Entra ID
  • One of the following roles: Cloud Application Administrator, or Application Administrator
  • BIG-IP infrastructure with client traffic routing to and from the BIG-IP
  • A record for the BIG-IP published VPN service in a public domain name server (DNS)
    • Or a test client localhost file while testing
  • The BIG-IP provisioned with the needed SSL certificates for publishing services over HTTPS

To improve the tutorial experience, you can learn industry-standard terminology on the F5 BIG-IP Glossary.


Steps in this article might vary slightly based on the portal you start from.

Set up a SAML federation trust between the BIG-IP to allow the Microsoft Entra BIG-IP to hand off the preauthentication and Conditional Access to Microsoft Entra ID, before it grants access to the published VPN service.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.
  2. Browse to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications > All applications, then select New application.
  3. In the gallery, search for F5 and select F5 BIG-IP APM Microsoft Entra ID integration.
  4. Enter a name for the application.
  5. Select Add then Create.
  6. The name, as an icon, appears in the Microsoft Entra admin center and Office 365 portal.

Configure Microsoft Entra SSO

  1. With F5 application properties, go to Manage > Single sign-on.

  2. On the Select a single sign-on method page, select SAML.

  3. Select No, I'll save later.

  4. On the Setup single sign-on with SAML menu, select the pen icon for Basic SAML Configuration.

  5. Replace the Identifier URL with your BIG-IP published service URL. For example, https://ssl-vpn.contoso.com.

  6. Replace the Reply URL, and the SAML endpoint path. For example, https://ssl-vpn.contoso.com/saml/sp/profile/post/acs.


    In this configuration, the application operates in an IdP-initiated mode: Microsoft Entra ID issues a SAML assertion before redirecting to the BIG-IP SAML service.

  7. For apps that don't support IdP-initiated mode, for the BIG-IP SAML service, specify the Sign-on URL, for example, https://ssl-vpn.contoso.com.

  8. For the Logout URL, enter the BIG-IP APM Single logout (SLO) endpoint prepended by the host header of the service being published. For example, https://ssl-vpn.contoso.com/saml/sp/profile/redirect/slr


    An SLO URL ensures a user session terminates, at BIG-IP and Microsoft Entra ID, after the user signs out. BIG-IP APM has an option to terminate all sessions when calling an application URL. Learn more on the F5 article, K12056: Overview of the Logout URI Include option.

Screenshot of basic SAML configuration URLs..


From TMOS v16, the SAML SLO endpoint has changed to /saml/sp/profile/redirect/slo.

  1. Select Save

  2. Skip the SSO test prompt.

  3. In User Attributes & Claims properties, observe the details.

    Screenshot of user attributes and claims properties.

You can add other claims to your BIG-IP published service. Claims defined in addition to the default set are issued if they're in Microsoft Entra ID. Define directory roles or group memberships against a user object in Microsoft Entra ID, before they can be issued as a claim.

SAML signing certificates created by Microsoft Entra ID have a lifespan of three years.

Microsoft Entra authorization

By default, Microsoft Entra ID issues tokens to users with granted access to a service.

  1. In the application configuration view, select Users and groups.

  2. Select + Add user.

  3. In the Add Assignment menu, select Users and groups.

  4. In the Users and groups dialog, add the user groups authorized to access the VPN

  5. Select Select > Assign.

    Screenshot of the Add User option.

You can set up BIG-IP APM to publish the SSL-VPN service. Configure it with corresponding properties to complete the trust for SAML preauthentication.

BIG-IP APM configuration

SAML federation

To complete federating the VPN service with Microsoft Entra ID, create the BIG-IP SAML service provider and corresponding SAML IDP objects.

  1. Go to Access > Federation > SAML Service Provider > Local SP Services.

  2. Select Create.

    Screenshot of the Create option on the Local SP Services page.

  3. Enter a Name and the Entity ID defined in Microsoft Entra ID.

  4. Enter the Host fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to connect to the application.

    Screenshot of Name and Entity entries.


    If the entity ID isn't an exact match of the hostname of the published URL, configure SP Name settings, or perform this action if it isn't in hostname URL format. If entity ID is urn:ssl-vpn:contosoonline, provide the external scheme and hostname of the application being published.

  5. Scroll down to select the new SAML SP object.

  6. Select Bind/UnBind IDP Connectors.

    Screenshot of the Bind Unbind IDP Connections option on the Local SP Services page.

  7. Select Create New IDP Connector.

  8. From the drop-down menu, select From Metadata

    Screenshot of the From Metadata option on the Edit SAML IdPs page.

  9. Browse to the federation metadata XML file you downloaded.

  10. For the APM object, provide an Identity Provider Name that represents the external SAML IdP.

  11. To select the new Microsoft Entra external IdP connector, select Add New Row.

    Screenshot of SAML IdP Connectors option on the Edit SAML IdP page.

  12. Select Update.

  13. Select OK.

    Screenshot of the Common, VPN Azure link on the Edit SAML IdPs page.

Webtop configuration

Enable the SSL-VPN to be offered to users via the BIG-IP web portal.

  1. Go to Access > Webtops > Webtop Lists.

  2. Select Create.

  3. Enter a portal name.

  4. Set the type to Full, for example, Contoso_webtop.

  5. Complete the remaining preferences.

  6. Select Finished.

    Screenshot of name and type entries in General Properties.

VPN configuration

VPN elements control aspects of the overall service.

  1. Go to Access > Connectivity/VPN > Network Access (VPN) > IPV4 Lease Pools

  2. Select Create.

  3. Enter a name for the IP address pool allocated to VPN clients. For example, Contoso_vpn_pool.

  4. Set type to IP Address Range.

  5. Enter a start and end IP.

  6. Select Add.

  7. Select Finished.

    Screenshot of name and member list entries in General Properties.

A Network access list provisions the service with IP and DNS settings from the VPN pool, user routing permissions, and can launch applications.

  1. Go to Access > Connectivity/VPN: Network Access (VPN) > Network Access Lists.

  2. Select Create.

  3. Provide a name for the VPN access list and caption, for example, Contoso-VPN.

  4. Select Finished.

    Screenshot of name entry in General Properties, and caption entry in Customization Settings for English.

  5. From the top ribbon, select Network Settings.

  6. For Supported IP version: IPV4.

  7. For IPV4 Lease Pool, select the VPN pool created, for example, Contoso_vpn_pool

    Screenshot of the IPV4 Lease Pool entry in General Settings.


    Use the Client Settings options to enforce restrictions for how client traffic is routed in an established VPN.

  8. Select Finished.

  9. Go to the DNS/Hosts tab.

  10. For IPV4 Primary Name Server: Your environment DNS IP

  11. For DNS Default Domain Suffix: The domain suffix for this VPN connection. For example, contoso.com

    Screenshot of entries for IPV4 Primary Server Name and DNS Default Domain Suffix.


See the F5 article, Configuring Network Access Resources for other settings.

A BIG-IP connection profile is required to configure VPN client-type settings the VPN service needs to support. For example, Windows, OSX, and Android.

  1. Go to Access > Connectivity/VPN > Connectivity > Profiles

  2. Select Add.

  3. Enter a profile name.

  4. Set the parent profile to /Common/connectivity, for example, Contoso_VPN_Profile.

    Screenshot of Profile Name and Parent Name entries in Create New Connectivity Profile.

Access profile configuration

An access policy enables the service for SAML authentication.

  1. Go to Access > Profiles/Policies > Access Profiles (Per-Session Policies).

  2. Select Create.

  3. Enter a profile name and for the profile type.

  4. Select All, for example, Contoso_network_access.

  5. Scroll down and add at least one language to the Accepted Languages list

  6. Select Finished.

    Screenshot of Name, Profile Type, and Language entries on New Profile.

  7. In the new access profile, on the Per-Session Policy field, select Edit.

  8. The visual policy editor opens in a new tab.

    Screenshot of the Edit option on Access Profiles, presession policies.

  9. Select the + sign.

  10. In the menu, select Authentication > SAML Auth.

  11. Select Add Item.

  12. In the SAML authentication SP configuration, select the VPN SAML SP object you created

  13. Select Save.

    Screenshot of the AAA Server entry under SAML Authentication SP, on the Properties tab.

  14. For the Successful branch of SAML auth, select + .

  15. From the Assignment tab, select Advanced Resource Assign.

  16. Select Add Item.

  17. In the pop-up, select New Entry

  18. Select Add/Delete.

  19. In the window, select Network Access.

  20. Select the Network Access profile you created.

    Screenshot of the Add new entry button on Resource Assignment, on the Properties tab.

  21. Go to the Webtop tab.

  22. Add the Webtop object you created.

    Screenshot of the created webtop on the Webtop tab.

  23. Select Update.

  24. SelectSave.

  25. To change the Successful branch, select the link in the upper Deny box.

  26. The Allow label appears.

  27. Save.

    Screenshot of the Deny option on Access Policy.

  28. Select Apply Access Policy

  29. Close the visual policy editor tab.

    Screenshot of the Apply Access Policy option.

Publish the VPN service

The APM requires a front-end virtual server to listen for clients connecting to the VPN.

  1. Select Local Traffic > Virtual Servers > Virtual Server List.

  2. Select Create.

  3. For the VPN virtual server, enter a Name, for example, VPN_Listener.

  4. Select an unused IP Destination Address with routing to receive client traffic.

  5. Set the Service Port to 443 HTTPS.

  6. For State, ensure Enabled is selected.

    Screenshot of Name and Destination Address or Mask entries on General Properties.

  7. Set the HTTP Profile to http.

  8. Add the SSL Profile (Client) for the public SSL certificate you created.

    Screenshot of HTTP Profile entry for client, and SSL Profile selected entries for client.

  9. To use the created VPN objects, under Access Policy, set the Access Profile and Connectivity Profile.

    Screenshot of Access Profile and Connectivity Profile entries on Access Policy.

  10. Select Finished.

Your SSL-VPN service is published and accessible via SHA, either with its URL or through Microsoft application portals.

Next steps

  1. Open a browser on a remote Windows client.

  2. Browse to the BIG-IP VPN service URL.

  3. The BIG-IP webtop portal and VPN launcher appear.

    Screenshot of the Contoso Network Portal page with network access indicator.


    Select the VPN tile to install the BIG-IP Edge client and establish a VPN connection configured for SHA. The F5 VPN application is visible as a target resource in Microsoft Entra Conditional Access. See Conditional Access policies to enable users for Microsoft Entra ID password-less authentication.
