31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji učni dogodek Fabric, Power BI in SQL. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
Registrirajte se danesTa brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Datamart tenant settings are configured in the tenant settings section of the Admin portal. For information about how to get to and use tenant settings, see About tenant settings.
When this setting is on, specified users in the organization can create datamarts.
For more information, see Administration of datamarts.
31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji učni dogodek Fabric, Power BI in SQL. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
Registrirajte se danesUsposabljanje
User experience experiments admin settings - Microsoft Fabric
Learn how to configure user experience experiments admin settings in Fabric.
Direct Lake overview - Microsoft Fabric
Learn about Direct Lake storage mode in Microsoft Fabric and when you should use it.
Learn about Microsoft OneLake Delta table integration in Power BI and Microsoft Fabric - Power BI
Describes using Microsoft OneLake integration to automatically write import data into Delta tables.