Upodobitev do treh ravni hierarhije strani z uporabo hibridnega krmarjenja
Od 12. oktobra 2022 najprej je portal Power Apps Power Pages. Več informacij: Microsoft Power Pages je zdaj splošno dostopen (spletni dnevnik)
Dokumentacijo portalov Power Apps bomo kmalu preselili in združili z dokumentacijo za Power Pages.
Ta primer ustvari vrsto hibridnega krmarjenja na podlagi zemljevida mesta portala, ki ustvari do tri ravni hierarhije strani. Pravila te komponente so:
- Nadrejene strani trenutne strani bodo prikazane nazaj do domače strani (ali do največje globine, določene v izbirnem parametru depth_offset).
- Če ima trenutna stran podrejene strani, so te podrejene strani prikazane.
- Če trenutna stran nima podrejenih strani, so prikazane sorodne strani trenutne strani.
{% assign depth_offset = depth_offset | default: 0 %}
{% assign current_page = current_page | default: page %}
{% assign current_depth = 0 %}
{% if current_page.children.size > 0 %}
{% assign leaf_page = false %}
{% else %}
{% assign leaf_page = true %}
{% endif %}
{% capture page_item %}
<li class=active>
<a href={{ current_page.url | h }} title={{ current_page.title | h }}>
{% if leaf_page %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ current_page.title | h }}
{% unless leaf_page %}
{% for child in current_page.children %}
<a href={{ child.url | h }} title={{ child.title | h }}>
{% if child.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ child.title | h }}
{% if child.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif child.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
{% endcapture %}
<ul class=side-nav role=navigation>
{% assign crumb_count = 0 %}
{% assign leaf_mode = false %}
{% for crumb in current_page.breadcrumbs %}
{% unless current_depth < depth_offset %}
{% if forloop.last and leaf_page %}
{% assign leaf_mode = true %}
{% else %}
<a href={{ crumb.url | h }} title={{ crumb.title | h }}>
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{{ crumb.title | h }}
{% endif %}
{% assign crumb_count = crumb_count | plus: 1 %}
{% endunless %}
{% assign current_depth = current_depth | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% if crumb_count < 1 %}
{{ page_item }}
{% elsif crumb_count < 2 and leaf_mode %}
{% for parent_sibling in current_page.parent.parent.children %}
{% if parent_sibling.url == current_page.parent.url %}
<a href={{ current_page.parent.url | h }} title={{ current_page.parent.title | h }}>
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
{{ current_page.parent.title | h }}
{% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
<li {% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}class=active{% endif %}>
<a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
{% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ sibling.title | h }}
{% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<a href={{ parent_sibling.url | h }} title={{ parent_sibling.title | h }}>
{% if parent_sibling.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ parent_sibling.title | h }}
{% if parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if leaf_mode %}
{% for parent_sibling in current_page.parent.parent.children %}
{% if parent_sibling.url == current_page.parent.url %}
<a href={{ current_page.parent.url | h }} title={{ current_page.parent.title | h }}>
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
{{ current_page.parent.title | h }}
{% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
<li {% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}class=active{% endif %}>
<a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
{% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ sibling.title | h }}
{% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<a href={{ parent_sibling.url | h }} title={{ parent_sibling.title | h }}>
{% if parent_sibling.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ parent_sibling.title | h }}
{% if parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
{% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}
{{ page_item }}
{% else %}
<a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
{% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
{{ sibling.title | h }}
{% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
{% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<style type=text/css>
.side-nav {
border-right: solid 1px #eee;
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list-style: none;
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margin-left: 20px;
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Ali nam lahko poveste, kateri je vaš prednostni jezik za dokumentacijo? Izpolnite kratko anketo. (upoštevajte, da je v angleščini)
Z anketo boste porabili približno sedem minut. Ne zbiramo nobenih osebnih podatkov (izjava o zasebnosti).