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Keyboard shortcuts in the Azure portal

This article lists the keyboard shortcuts that work throughout the Azure portal.

The letters that appear below represent letter keys on your keyboard. For example, to use G+N, hold down the G key and then press N.


To do this action Press
Create a resource G+N
Search resources, services, and docs G+/
Search resource menu items CTRL+/
Move up the selected left sidebar item ALT+Shift+Up Arrow
Move the selected left sidebar item down ALT+Shift+Down Arrow
To do this navigation Press
Move focus to command bar G+,
Toggle focus between header and left sidebar G+.

Go to

To go to this location Press
Go to Dashboard G+D
Go to All resources G+A
Go to All services G+B
Go to Resource groups G+R
Open the left sidebar item at this position G+number

Keyboard shortcuts for specific areas

Individual services may have their own additional keyboard shortcuts. Examples include:

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