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Monitor Power BI Embedded data reference

See Monitor Power BI Embedded for details on collecting and analyzing monitoring data for Power BI Embedded.


Use the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics app to monitor your capacity.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for Power BI Embedded.

Metric Type Resource Provider / Type Namespace
and link to individual metrics
Capacities Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities


Resource provider and type: Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities

Name Metric Unit Description
CPU cpu_metric Percent CPU utilization.
CPU Per Workload cpu_workload_metric Percent CPU utilization per workload.
Overload overload_metric 0/1 Resource overload, 1 if resource is overloaded, otherwise 0.

Metric dimensions

Power BI Embedded doesn't have any metrics that contain dimensions.

For information about metric dimensions, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for Power BI Embedded.

For reference, see a list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

This section lists all the resource log category types collected for Power BI Embedded.

Resource Log Type Resource Provider / Type Namespace
and link to individual metrics
Capacities Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section refers to all of the Azure Monitor Logs Kusto tables relevant to Power BI Embedded and available for query by Log Analytics.

Resource Type Notes
Power BI Embedded See the following list of tables.

Power BI Embedded

Table Description
AzureActivity Entries from the Azure Activity log that provides insight into any subscription-level or management group level events that have occurred in Azure.
AzureDiagnostics Stores resource logs for Azure services that use Azure Diagnostics mode. Resource logs describe the internal operation of Azure resources.
AzureMetrics Metric data emitted by Azure services that measure their health and performance.

For a reference of all Azure Monitor Logs and log analytics tables, see the Azure Monitor Log table reference.

Activity log

You can select Engine and the AllMetrics categories or either.


The engine category instructs the resource to log the events listed in the following table. For each event, there are properties.

Event Name Event Description
Audit Login Records all new connection to the engine events since the trace started.
Session Initialize Records all session initialization events since the trace started.
Vertipaq Query Begin Records all VertiPaq SE query begin events since the trace started.
Query Begin Records all query begin events since the trace started.
Query End Records all query end events since the trace started.
Vertipaq Query End Records all VertiPaq SE query end events since the trace started.
Audit Logout Records all disconnect from engine events since the trace started.
Error Records all engine error events since the trace started.

Event example

The following table shows an event example.

Property Name Vertipaq Query End Example Property Description
EventClass XM_SEQUERY_END Event Class is used to categorize events.
EventSubclass 0 Event Subclass provides additional information about each event class. (for example, 0: VertiPaq Scan)
RootActivityId ff217fd2-611d-43c0-9c12-19e202a94f70 Root activity ID.
CurrentTime 2018-04-06T18:30:11.9137358Z Time at which the event started when available.
StartTime 2018-04-06T18:30:11.9137358Z Time at which the event started when available.
JobID 0 Job ID for progress.
ObjectID 464 Object ID
ObjectType 802012 ObjectType
EndTime 2018-04-06T18:30:11.9137358Z Time at which the event ended.
Duration 0 Amount of time (in milliseconds) taken by the event.
SessionType User Session type (what entity caused the operation).
ProgressTotal 0 Progress total.
IntegerData 0 Integer data.
Severity 0 Severity level of an exception.
Success 1 1 = success. 0 = failure (for example, a 1 means success of a permissions check and a 0 means a failure of that check).
Error 0 Error number of a given event.
ConnectionID 3 Unique connection ID.
DatasetID 5eaa550e-06ac-4adf-aba9-dbf0e8fd1527 ID of the semantic model in which the statement of the user is running.
SessionID 3D063F66-A111-48EE-B960-141DEBDA8951 Session GUID.
SPID 180 Server process ID. This process ID uniquely identifies a user session. This ID directly corresponds to the session GUID used by XML/A.
ClientProcessID null The process ID of the client application.
ApplicationName null Name of the client application that created the connection to the server.
CapacityName pbi641fb41260f84aa2b778a85891ae2d97 The name of the Power BI Embedded capacity resource.


Checking the AllMetrics option logs the data of all the metrics that you can use with a Power BI Embedded resource.

The following table lists the operations related to Power BI Embedded that might appear in the Activity log.


Power BI Embedded uses the Power BI Dedicated schema.

Example script for scaling a capacity

To scale a capacity resource, you can use the ScaleUp-Automation-RunBook.ps1 PowerShell RunBook script.

The script uses Power BI and ARM REST APIs that are called in Azure Automation and triggered by Azure alert.

You can either copy the script, or download it as part of the PowerBI-Developer-Samples repository, by selecting the green code button, and downloading the ZIP.