
Dela via

<iomanip> functions



Extracts a monetary value from a stream using the specified format, and returns the value in a parameter.

template <class Money>
T7 get_money(Money& amount, bool use_intl);


The extracted monetary value.

If true, use international format. The default value is false.


The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from the stream str, behaves as a formatted input function that calls the member function get for the locale facet money_get associated with str, using use_intl to indicate international format. If successful, the call stores in amount the extracted monetary value. The manipulator then returns str.

Money must be of type long double or an instantiation of basic_string with the same element and traits parameters as str.


Extracts a time value from a stream using the specified format. Returns the value in a parameter as a time structure.

template <class Elem>
T10 get_time(struct tm *time_ptr, const Elem *time_format);


The time in the form of a time structure.

The format to use to get the time value.


The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from the stream str, behaves as a formatted input function that calls the member function get for the locale facet time_get associated with str, using tptr to indicate the time structure and fmt to indicate the beginning of a null-terminated format string. If successful, the call stores in the time structure the values associated with any extracted time fields. The manipulator then returns str.


#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "Enter a time, for example 15:24 for 3:24pm: ";
    struct std::tm when;
    std::cin >> std::get_time(&when, "%R");
    if (!
        std::cout << "Entered: " << when.tm_hour << " hours, " << when.tm_min << " minutes\n";

    return (int);


Inserts a monetary amount using the specified format into a stream.

template <class Money>
T8 put_money(const Money& amount, bool use_intl);


The monetary amount to insert into the stream.

Set to true if manipulator should use international format, false if it shouldn't.

Return Value

Returns str.


The manipulator returns an object that, when inserted into the stream str, behaves as a formatted output function that calls the member function put for the locale facet money_put associated with str. If successful, the call inserts amount suitably formatted, using use_intl to indicate international format and str.fill(), as the fill element. The manipulator then returns str.

Money must be of type long double or an instantiation of basic_string with the same element and traits parameters as str.


Writes a time value from a time structure to a stream by using a specified format.

template <class Elem>
T10 put_time(struct tm* time_ptr, const Elem* time_format);


The time value to write to the stream, provided in a time structure.

The format to write the time value.


The manipulator returns an object that, when inserted into the stream str, behaves as a formatted output function. The output function calls the member function put for the locale facet time_put associated with str. The output function uses time_ptr to indicate the time structure and time_format to indicate the beginning of a null-terminated format string. If successful, the call inserts literal text from the format string and converted values from the time structure. The manipulator then returns str.


(New in C++14) An iostream manipulator that enables convenient round-tripping of strings into and out of streams using the >> and << operators.

quoted(std::string str) // or wstring
quoted(const char* str) //or wchar_t*
quoted(std::string str, char delimiter, char escape) // or wide versions
quoted(const char* str, char delimiter, char escape) // or wide versions


A std::string, char*, string literal or raw string literal, or a wide version of any of these (for example, std::wstring, wchar_t*).

A user-specified character, or wide character, to use as the delimiter for the beginning and end of the string.

A user-specified character, or wide character, to use as the escape character for escape sequences within the string.


See Using Insertion Operators and Controlling Format.


This example shows how to use quoted with the default delimiter and escape character using narrow strings. Wide strings are equally supported.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

void show_quoted_v_nonquoted()
    // Results are identical regardless of input string type:
    // string inserted { R"(This is a "sentence".)" }; // raw string literal
    // string inserted { "This is a \"sentence\"." };  // regular string literal
    const char* inserted = "This is a \"sentence\".";  // const char*
    stringstream ss, ss_quoted;
    string extracted, extracted_quoted;

    ss << inserted;
    ss_quoted << quoted(inserted);

    cout << "ss.str() is storing       : " << ss.str() << endl;
    cout << "ss_quoted.str() is storing: " << ss_quoted.str() << endl << endl;

    // Round-trip the strings
    ss >> extracted;
    ss_quoted >> quoted(extracted_quoted);

    cout << "After round trip: " << endl;
    cout << "Non-quoted      : " << extracted << endl;
    cout << "Quoted          : " << extracted_quoted << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    // Keep console window open in debug mode.
    cout << endl << "Press Enter to exit" << endl;
    string input{};
    getline(cin, input);

/* Output:
ss.str() is storing       : This is a "sentence".
ss_quoted.str() is storing: "This is a \"sentence\"."

After round trip:
Non-quoted      : This
Quoted          : This is a "sentence".

Press Enter to exit

The following example shows how to provide a custom delimiter or escape character:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

void show_custom_delimiter()
    string inserted{ R"("This" "is" "a" "heavily-quoted" "sentence".)" };
    // string inserted{ "\"This\" \"is\" \"a\" \"heavily-quoted\" \"sentence\"" };
    // const char* inserted{ "\"This\" \"is\" \"a\" \"heavily-quoted\" \"sentence\"" };
    stringstream ss, ss_quoted;
    string extracted;

    ss_quoted << quoted(inserted, '*');
    ss << inserted;
    cout << "ss_quoted.str() is storing: " << ss_quoted.str() << endl;
    cout << "ss.str() is storing       : " << ss.str() << endl << endl;

    // Use the same quoted arguments as on insertion.
    ss_quoted >> quoted(extracted, '*');

    cout << "After round trip: " << endl;
    cout << "Quoted          : " << extracted << endl;

    extracted = {};
    ss >> extracted;
    cout << "Non-quoted      : " << extracted << endl << endl;

void show_custom_escape()
    string inserted{ R"(\\root\trunk\branch\nest\egg\yolk)" };
    // string inserted{ "\\\\root\\trunk\\branch\\nest\\egg\\yolk" };
    stringstream ss, ss_quoted, ss_quoted_custom;
    string extracted;

    // Use '"' as delimiter and '~' as escape character.
    ss_quoted_custom << quoted(inserted, '"', '~');
    ss_quoted << quoted(inserted);
    ss << inserted;
    cout << "ss_quoted_custom.str(): " << ss_quoted_custom.str() << endl;
    cout << "ss_quoted.str()       : " << ss_quoted.str() << endl;
    cout << "ss.str()              : " << ss.str() << endl << endl;

    // No spaces in this string, so non-quoted behaves same as quoted
    // after round-tripping.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    cout << "Custom delimiter:" << endl;
    cout << "Custom escape character:" << endl;

    // Keep console window open in debug mode.
    cout << endl << "Press Enter to exit" << endl;
    string input{};
    getline(cin, input);
/* Output:
Custom delimiter:
ss_quoted.str() is storing: *"This" "is" "a" "heavily-quoted" "sentence".*
ss.str() is storing       : "This" "is" "a" "heavily-quoted" "sentence".

After round trip:
Quoted          : "This" "is" "a" "heavily-quoted" "sentence".
Non-quoted      : "This"

Custom escape character:
ss_quoted_custom.str(): "\\root\trunk\branch\nest\egg\yolk"
ss_quoted.str()       : "\\\\root\\trunk\\branch\\nest\\egg\\yolk"
ss.str()              : \\root\trunk\branch\nest\egg\yolk

Press Enter to exit


Clears the specified flags.

T1 resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask);


The flags to clear.

Return Value

The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.setf(ios_base::fmtflags, mask), and then returns str, see setf and fmtflags.


See setw for an example of using resetiosflags.


Set base for integers.

T3 setbase(int base);


The number base.

Return Value

The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.setf(mask, ios_base::basefield), and then returns str, see ios_base::basefield. Here, mask is determined as follows:


See setw for an example of using setbase.


Sets the character that will be used to fill spaces in a right-justified display.

template <class Elem>
T4 setfill(Elem Ch);


The character that will be used to fill spaces in a right-justified display.

Return Value

The template manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.fill(Ch), and then returns str. The type Elem must be the same as the element type for the stream str.


See setw for an example of using setfill.


Sets the specified flags.

T2 setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask);


The flags to set.

Return Value

The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.setf(mask), and then returns str, see setf.


See setw for an example of using setiosflags.


Sets the precision for floating-point values.

T5 setprecision(streamsize Prec);


The precision for floating-point values.

Return Value

The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.precision(Prec), and then returns str, see precision.


See setw for an example of using setprecision.


Specifies the width of the display field for the next element in the stream.

T6 setw(streamsize Wide);


The width of the display field.

Return Value

The manipulator returns an object that, when extracted from or inserted into the stream str, calls str.width(Wide), then returns str. For more information, see width.


setw sets the width only for the next element in the stream and must be inserted before each element whose width you want to specify.


// iomanip_setw.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Sample use of the following manipulators:
//   resetiosflags
//   setiosflags
//   setbase
//   setfill
//   setprecision
//   setw

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const double   d1 = 1.23456789;
const double   d2 = 12.3456789;
const double   d3 = 123.456789;
const double   d4 = 1234.56789;
const double   d5 = 12345.6789;
const long      l1 = 16;
const long      l2 = 256;
const long      l3 = 1024;
const long      l4 = 4096;
const long      l5 = 65536;
int         base = 10;

void DisplayDefault( )
   cout << endl << "default display" << endl;
   cout << "d1 = " << d1 << endl;
   cout << "d2 = " << d2 << endl;
   cout << "d3 = " << d3 << endl;
   cout << "d4 = " << d4 << endl;
   cout << "d5 = " << d5 << endl;

void DisplayWidth( int n )
   cout << endl << "fixed width display set to " << n << ".\n";
   cout << "d1 = " << setw(n) << d1 << endl;
   cout << "d2 = " << setw(n) << d2 << endl;
   cout << "d3 = " << setw(n) << d3 << endl;
   cout << "d4 = " << setw(n) << d4 << endl;
   cout << "d5 = " << setw(n) << d5 << endl;

void DisplayLongs( )
   cout << setbase(10);
   cout << endl << "setbase(" << base << ")" << endl;
   cout << setbase(base);
   cout << "l1 = " << l1 << endl;
   cout << "l2 = " << l2 << endl;
   cout << "l3 = " << l3 << endl;
   cout << "l4 = " << l4 << endl;
   cout << "l5 = " << l5 << endl;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 3 << ")" << setprecision(3);
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 12 << ")" << setprecision(12);
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << setiosflags(ios_base::scientific);
   cout << endl << "setiosflags(" << ios_base::scientific << ")";
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << resetiosflags(ios_base::scientific);
   cout << endl << "resetiosflags(" << ios_base::scientific << ")";
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << endl << "setfill('" << 'S' << "')" << setfill('S');
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << endl << "setfill('" << ' ' << "')" << setfill(' ');
   DisplayDefault( );

   cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 8 << ")" << setprecision(8);
   DisplayDefault( );

   base = 16;
   DisplayLongs( );

   base = 8;
   DisplayLongs( );

   base = 10;
   DisplayLongs( );

   return   0;
default display
d1 = 1.23457
d2 = 12.3457
d3 = 123.457
d4 = 1234.57
d5 = 12345.7

default display
d1 = 1.23
d2 = 12.3
d3 = 123
d4 = 1.23e+003
d5 = 1.23e+004

default display
d1 = 1.23456789
d2 = 12.3456789
d3 = 123.456789
d4 = 1234.56789
d5 = 12345.6789

default display
d1 = 1.234567890000e+000
d2 = 1.234567890000e+001
d3 = 1.234567890000e+002
d4 = 1.234567890000e+003
d5 = 1.234567890000e+004

default display
d1 = 1.23456789
d2 = 12.3456789
d3 = 123.456789
d4 = 1234.56789
d5 = 12345.6789

fixed width display set to 15.
d1 = SSSSS1.23456789
d2 = SSSSS12.3456789
d3 = SSSSS123.456789
d4 = SSSSS1234.56789
d5 = SSSSS12345.6789

default display
d1 = 1.23456789
d2 = 12.3456789
d3 = 123.456789
d4 = 1234.56789
d5 = 12345.6789

setfill(' ')
fixed width display set to 15.
d1 =      1.23456789
d2 =      12.3456789
d3 =      123.456789
d4 =      1234.56789
d5 =      12345.6789

default display
d1 = 1.23456789
d2 = 12.3456789
d3 = 123.456789
d4 = 1234.56789
d5 = 12345.6789

fixed width display set to 10.
d1 =  1.2345679
d2 =  12.345679
d3 =  123.45679
d4 =  1234.5679
d5 =  12345.679

default display
d1 = 1.2345679
d2 = 12.345679
d3 = 123.45679
d4 = 1234.5679
d5 = 12345.679

l1 = 10
l2 = 100
l3 = 400
l4 = 1000
l5 = 10000

l1 = 20
l2 = 400
l3 = 2000
l4 = 10000
l5 = 200000

l1 = 16
l2 = 256
l3 = 1024
l4 = 4096
l5 = 65536

See also
